public DataTable GetDataTableCountShiftbyDept(string Dept, int date)
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

                StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                stringBuilder.Append(" select COUNT(e.Code) as CountInDirect from ZlEmployee e  ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" left join Kq_PaiBan p on p.EmpID = e.ID  ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" where State ='0' ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" and  e.Dept = '" + Dept + "' ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" and p.B" + date + " = '04' ");
                stringBuilder.Append(@"  and SessionID =
(select MAX(SessionID) from ZlEmployee e 
left join Kq_PaiBan p on p.EmpID = e.ID ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" where e.Dept = '" + Dept + "' )");

                SqlHR sqlHR = new SqlHR();
                sqlHR.sqlDataAdapterFillDatatable(stringBuilder.ToString(), ref dt);
            catch (Exception)
        public List <SeasonalEmployee> GetSeasonalEmployees(DateTime from, DateTime to)
            List <SeasonalEmployee> seasonalEmployees = new List <SeasonalEmployee>();

                StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                stringBuilder.Append(@"select distinct k.CardNo, ISNULL(z.Name,'') as EmpName
from Kq_Source k
left join ZlEmployee z on k.EmpID = z.ID
where 1=1 ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" and EmpID is null ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" and CAST(FDateTime as date ) >='" + from.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" and CAST(FDateTime as date ) <='" + to.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' ");
                DataTable dt    = new DataTable();
                SqlHR     sqlHR = new SqlHR();
                sqlHR.sqlDataAdapterFillDatatable(stringBuilder.ToString(), ref dt);
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    seasonalEmployees.Add(new SeasonalEmployee
                        FingerCode = dt.Rows[i]["CardNo"].ToString(),
                        Name       = dt.Rows[i]["EmpName"].ToString(),
                        Supplier   = ""
            catch (Exception ex)
                SystemLog.Output(SystemLog.MSG_TYPE.Err, "GetSeasonalEmployees(DateTime from, DateTime to)", ex.Message);
        public DataTable GetDataTableGanCong(string DateTime, string Dept, string Code)
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

                StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                stringBuilder.Append(@"select b.Memo,b.AllDays,e.Code,e.Name,t.LongName,t.Note, a.* from dbo.Kq_PaiBan a
left join S_Session b on a.SessionID = b.ID 
left join ZlEmployee e on a.EmpID = e.ID
left join ZlDept t on e.Dept = t.Code
where 1=1 
                stringBuilder.Append(" and b.Memo like '%" + DateTime + "%'");
                if (Dept != "")
                    stringBuilder.Append(" and t.LongName like '%" + Dept + "%'");
                if (Code != "")
                    stringBuilder.Append(" and e.Code like '%" + Code + "%'");
                stringBuilder.Append(" order by e.Code ");
                SqlHR sqlHR = new SqlHR();
                sqlHR.sqlDataAdapterFillDatatable(stringBuilder.ToString(), ref dt);
            catch (Exception)
        public List <Model.EmployeeData> GetEmployeeDatas(string code, string name, string dept, string sex, DateTime hireDate)
            List <Model.EmployeeData> employeeDatas = new List <Model.EmployeeData>();

                StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                stringBuilder.Append(@"select  eml.ID as EmpID, eml.Code as EmpCode,eml.Name as Name,dept.LongName as Dept, 
when Sex = 0 then 'Male'
when Sex = 1  then 'Female'
else 'Undified'
end as Sex, convert(char(10), PyDate, 103) as HireDate  from ZlEmployee eml
left join ZlDept dept on eml.Dept = dept.Code
where 1 = 1 and  State = 0 ");
                if (code != "")
                    stringBuilder.Append(" and eml.Code like '%" + code + "%'");
                if (name != "")
                    stringBuilder.Append(" and eml.Name like '%" + name + "%'");
                if (dept != "")
                    stringBuilder.Append(" and dept.LongName like '%" + dept + "%'");
                if (sex != "")
                    stringBuilder.Append(" and dept.LongName like '%" + sex + "%'");
                if (hireDate > DateTime.MinValue)
                    stringBuilder.Append(" and PyDate  >= '" + hireDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "'");
                stringBuilder.Append(" order by EmpID ");
                DataTable dt    = new DataTable();
                SqlHR     sqlHR = new SqlHR();
                sqlHR.sqlDataAdapterFillDatatable(stringBuilder.ToString(), ref dt);
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    Model.EmployeeData employee = new Model.EmployeeData();
                    employee.EmpID   = dt.Rows[i]["EmpID"].ToString();
                    employee.EmpCode = dt.Rows[i]["EmpCode"].ToString();
                    employee.Name    = dt.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString();
                    employee.Dept    = dt.Rows[i]["Dept"].ToString();
                    employee.Sex     = dt.Rows[i]["Sex"].ToString();

                    employee.HiredDate = dt.Rows[i]["HireDate"].ToString();
                    employee.Status    = "Working";
            catch (Exception ex)
        public List <Model.InoutData> GetInoutDatasFromDateTime(DateTime from, DateTime to)
            List <Model.InoutData> inoutDatas = new List <Model.InoutData>();

                StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                stringBuilder.Append(@"select isnull(d.Name,'') as Dept,isnull(z.Code,'') as Code, isnull(z.Name,'') as Name,isnull(z.ID,'') as ID, k.CardNo,FDateTime,MachNo,CAST(FDateTime as date ) as DateFinger, convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) as TimeFinger,
when  convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) >='19:00' and convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) <'20:00' then 'In-Night'
when  convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) >='07:00' and convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) <'08:10' then 'In-Day'
when  convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) >='05:00' and convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) <='06:00' then 'Out-Night8'
when  convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) >='08:10' and convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) <='09:00' then 'Out-Night12'
when  convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) >='17:00' and convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) <='18:00' then 'Out-Day8'
when  convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) >='20:00' and convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) <='21:00' then 'Out-Day12'
else 'Undefined'
end as InOut
from Kq_Source k
left join ZlEmployee z on k.EmpID = z.ID
left join ZlDept d on z.Dept = d.Code
where 1=1 
");             stringBuilder.Append("  and (z.Dept like '%999%' ) ");
                //   stringBuilder.Append("  and (z.Dept like '%888%' or EmpID is null) ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" and CAST(FDateTime as date ) >='" + from.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" and CAST(FDateTime as date ) <='" + to.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" order by CAST(FDateTime as datetime )  ");
                DataTable dt    = new DataTable();
                SqlHR     sqlHR = new SqlHR();
                sqlHR.sqlDataAdapterFillDatatable(stringBuilder.ToString(), ref dt);
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    inoutDatas.Add(new Model.InoutData
                        Dept      = dt.Rows[i]["Dept"].ToString(),
                        EmpCode   = dt.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString(),
                        Name      = dt.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString(),
                        EmpID     = dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString(),
                        CardNo    = dt.Rows[i]["CardNo"].ToString(),
                        FDateTime = (DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["FDateTime"],
                        MachNo    = dt.Rows[i]["MachNo"].ToString(),
                        Date      = dt.Rows[i]["DateFinger"].ToString(),
                        Time      = dt.Rows[i]["TimeFinger"].ToString(),
                        InOut     = dt.Rows[i]["InOut"].ToString()
            catch (Exception ex)
                SystemLog.Output(SystemLog.MSG_TYPE.Err, "GetInoutDatasFromDateTime(DateTime from, DateTime to)", ex.Message);
        public DataTable GetDataPaipan(int SessionID, string IDEmp)
            DataTable     dtpainPan     = new DataTable();
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            stringBuilder.Append(" select * from Kq_PaiBan where 1=1 ");
            stringBuilder.Append(" and SessionID = '" + SessionID + "' ");
            stringBuilder.Append(" and  EmpID = '" + IDEmp + "' ");
            SqlHR sqlHR = new SqlHR();

            sqlHR.sqlDataAdapterFillDatatable(stringBuilder.ToString(), ref dtpainPan);
        public void LoadTabPageDataInOut()
            string    strSQl = "select distinct LongName,ISNULL(Note,'') as Note from dbo.ZlDept ";
            DataTable dt     = new DataTable();
            SqlHR     sqlHR  = new SqlHR();

            sqlHR.sqlDataAdapterFillDatatable(strSQl, ref dt);
            GetDeptDescription = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                GetDeptDescription.Add(dt.Rows[i][0].ToString(), dt.Rows[i][1].ToString());
            cb_department.DataSource = GetDeptDescription.Keys.ToList();
        public List <Model.InoutData> GetInoutDatasFromEmpFinger(string EmpFinger, DateTime from, DateTime to)
            List <Model.InoutData> inoutDatas = new List <Model.InoutData>();

                StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                stringBuilder.Append(@"select CardNo,FDateTime,MachNo,CAST(FDateTime as date ) as DateFinger, convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) as TimeFinger,
when  convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) >='19:00' and convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) <'20:00' then 'In-Night'
when  convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) >='07:00' and convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) <'08:10' then 'In-Day'
when  convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) >='05:00' and convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) <='06:00' then 'Out-Night8'
when  convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) >='08:10' and convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) <='09:00' then 'Out-Night12'
when  convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) >='17:00' and convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) <='18:00' then 'Out-Day8'
when  convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) >='20:00' and convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) <='21:00' then 'Out-Day12'
else 'Undefined'
end as InOut
from Kq_Source
where 1=1 and  Dept like '%999%' ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" and CardNo ='" + EmpFinger + "' ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" and CAST(FDateTime as date ) >='" + from.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" and CAST(FDateTime as date ) <='" + to.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" order by CAST(FDateTime as datetime )  ");

                DataTable dt    = new DataTable();
                SqlHR     sqlHR = new SqlHR();
                sqlHR.sqlDataAdapterFillDatatable(stringBuilder.ToString(), ref dt);
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    inoutDatas.Add(new Model.InoutData
                        CardNo    = dt.Rows[i]["CardNo"].ToString(),
                        FDateTime = (DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["FDateTime"],
                        MachNo    = dt.Rows[i]["MachNo"].ToString(),
                        Date      = dt.Rows[i]["DateFinger"].ToString(),
                        Time      = dt.Rows[i]["TimeFinger"].ToString(),
                        InOut     = dt.Rows[i]["InOut"].ToString()
            catch (Exception ex)
                SystemLog.Output(SystemLog.MSG_TYPE.Err, "GetInoutDatasFromEmpFinger ( string EmpFinger, DateTime from, DateTime to)", ex.Message);
        public DataTable GetDataTableCountShiftbyDeptShift(string Dept, int date)

            DataTable dt = new DataTable();


                StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                stringBuilder.Append(" select e.Dept, p.B" + date + ",w.InTime as Intime, w.OutTime as Outtime, count(B" + date + ") as EmpQty from Kq_PaiBan p ");

                stringBuilder.Append(" right join ZlEmployee e on p.EmpID = e.ID ");

                stringBuilder.Append(" right join ZlDept d on e.Dept = d.Code ");

                stringBuilder.Append(" right join WorkingSetting w  on  w.Id = p.B" + date);

                stringBuilder.Append(" where   e.State ='0' and e.Dept not like '%999%'  and SessionID = ( ");

                stringBuilder.Append(@" select max(SessionID) from Kq_PaiBan b right join ZlEmployee a on b.EmpID = a.ID

 where a.Dept = '" + Dept + "' ) ");

                // stringBuilder.Append(" and p.B" + date + " is not null");

                stringBuilder.Append(" and e.Dept ='" + Dept + "' ");

                stringBuilder.Append(" group by e.Dept, w.InTime, w.OutTime, B" + date);

                stringBuilder.Append(" order by e.Dept ");

                SqlHR sqlHR = new SqlHR();

                sqlHR.sqlDataAdapterFillDatatable(stringBuilder.ToString(), ref dt);

            catch (Exception)


        public DataTable  GetUpCodeDept()
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

                StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                stringBuilder.Append(" select * from ZlDept where TreeLevel = 1 and Code not like '%999%' ");
                //  stringBuilder.Append(" select * from ZlDept where TreeLevel = 1 and Code not like '%888%' and Code not like '%666%' ");
                SqlHR sqlHR = new SqlHR();
                sqlHR.sqlDataAdapterFillDatatable(stringBuilder.ToString(), ref dt);
            catch (Exception ex)
                SystemLog.Output(SystemLog.MSG_TYPE.Err, "DataTable  GetUpCodeDept()", ex.Message);
        public List <EmployeeAttendance> GetEmployeeAttendancesNightShift(DateTime date, int SessionID)
            List <EmployeeAttendance> employeeAttendances = new List <EmployeeAttendance>();

                DataTable     dt            = new DataTable();
                StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
 select distinct  e.Code,e.Name, e.Dept, z.Name as DeptName, z.Manager from ZlEmployee e
 left join ZlDept z on e.Dept = z.Code
  left join Kq_Source s on e.ID = s.EmpID
 left join Kq_PaiBan p on e.ID = p.EmpID 
 where  (e.Dept not like '%999%' and e.Dept not like '%888%') and e.State = '0'  and 
e.ID  in (select distinct EmpID from Kq_Source where 1=1 ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" and ((cast(FDateTime as date)  = cast( '" + date.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' as date ) ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" and convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) >='12:00:01'  and convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) < '23:59:00')   ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" or (cast(FDateTime as date)  = cast( '" + date.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' as date ) ");
                stringBuilder.Append("  and convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) >='00:01:00'  and convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) < '12:00:00')) ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" and EmpID is not null ) ");

                stringBuilder.Append(" and p.B" + date.Day + "  in ('03','07') and p.SessionID = '" + SessionID + "' ");
                SqlHR sqlHR = new SqlHR();
                sqlHR.sqlDataAdapterFillDatatable(stringBuilder.ToString(), ref dt);
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    employeeAttendances.Add(new EmployeeAttendance
                        Date     = date.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy"),
                        EmpCode  = dt.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString(),
                        EmpName  = dt.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString(),
                        DeptCode = dt.Rows[i]["Dept"].ToString(),
                        Dept     = dt.Rows[i]["DeptName"].ToString(),
                        Manager  = dt.Rows[i]["Manager"].ToString(),
                        Shift    = "Night"
            catch (Exception ex)
                SystemLog.Output(SystemLog.MSG_TYPE.Err, "GetEmployeeAttendances(DateTime date)", ex.Message);
        public List <EmployeeAttendance> GetEmployeeAttendancesSeasonal(DateTime date)
            List <EmployeeAttendance> employeeAttendances = new List <EmployeeAttendance>();

                DataTable     dt            = new DataTable();
                StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                stringBuilder.Append(@" select distinct  e.Code,e.Name, e.Dept, z.Name as DeptName, z.Manager from ZlEmployee e
 left join ZlDept z on e.Dept = z.Code
 left join Kq_Source s on s.EmpID = e.ID
 where  e.Dept  like '%999%'   and 

 e.ID  in (select EmpID from Kq_Source where 1=1
                stringBuilder.Append(" and cast(FDateTime as date)  = cast( '" + date.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' as date )");
                stringBuilder.Append("  and convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) >='00:00:01'  and convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) < '23:59:00' ) ");
                stringBuilder.Append("  and cast(FDateTime as date)  = cast( '" + date.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' as date )");

                SqlHR sqlHR = new SqlHR();
                sqlHR.sqlDataAdapterFillDatatable(stringBuilder.ToString(), ref dt);
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    employeeAttendances.Add(new EmployeeAttendance
                        Date     = date.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy"),
                        EmpCode  = dt.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString(),
                        EmpName  = dt.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString(),
                        DeptCode = dt.Rows[i]["Dept"].ToString(),
                        Dept     = dt.Rows[i]["DeptName"].ToString(),
                        Manager  = dt.Rows[i]["Manager"].ToString(),
            catch (Exception ex)
                SystemLog.Output(SystemLog.MSG_TYPE.Err, "GetEmployeeAttendances(DateTime date)", ex.Message);
        public DataTable GetCountEmployeeByUpcode(string Upcode)
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

                StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                stringBuilder.Append(@"select  e.Dept, d.DeptDesc, d.LongName, d.UpCode,isnull(d.Note,'') as Note,isnull(d.Manager,'') as Manager, count (e.Code) as countEmployee  
from ZlEmployee e
left join ZlDept d on e.Dept = d.Code 
where   e.State =0 and e.Dept not like '%999%' ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" and  d.UpCode = '" + Upcode + "' ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" group by e.Dept, d.DeptDesc, d.LongName, d.UpCode, d.Note, d.Manager ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" order by e.Dept ");
                SqlHR sqlHR = new SqlHR();
                sqlHR.sqlDataAdapterFillDatatable(stringBuilder.ToString(), ref dt);
            catch (Exception)
예제 #14
        private void EmployeeUpdate_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SqlHR     sqlHR  = new SqlHR();
            string    strSql = "select  distinct LongName , Note from ZlDept ";
            DataTable dt     = new DataTable();

            sqlHR.sqlDataAdapterFillDatatable(strSql, ref dt);
            var           RowCb = dt.Columns[0];
            List <string> depts = dt.AsEnumerable().Select(x => x[0].ToString()).ToList();
            Dictionary <string, string> keyValuesDepts = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            cb_department.DataSource = depts;
            txt_empCode.Text   = _EmployeeData.EmpCode;
            txt_EmpName.Text   = _EmployeeData.Name;
            cb_department.Text = _EmployeeData.Dept;
            cb_Sex.Text        = _EmployeeData.Sex;
            dtpk_HireDate.Text = _EmployeeData.HiredDate;
            cb_Status.Text     = _EmployeeData.Status;
        public DataTable GetDataTablelistAbsenceEmployee(DateTime date)
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

                StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
select distinct  e.Code,e.Name, e.Dept, z.Name as DeptName, z.Manager from ZlEmployee e
 left join ZlDept z on e.Dept = z.Code
  left join Kq_Source s on e.emp_finger = s.CardNo
 where e.State = 0 and e.Dept not like '%999%'   and 
e.emp_finger not in (select CardNo from Kq_Source where 1=1 ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" and cast(FDateTime as date)  = cast( '" + date.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' ");
                stringBuilder.Append(" and convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) >='00:00:01'  and convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) < '23:59:00' ) ");
                SqlHR sqlHR = new SqlHR();
                sqlHR.sqlDataAdapterFillDatatable(stringBuilder.ToString(), ref dt);
            catch (Exception ex)
                SystemLog.Output(SystemLog.MSG_TYPE.Err, "GetDataTablelistAbsenceEmployee (DateTime date)", ex.Message);
        public double WorkingTimeCalculate(string InTime, string OutTime, DateTime workingDay, string GanCong, out string Status)
            double WorkingTime = 0;

            if (InTime == null || InTime == "")
                Status = "[abnormal-In]";
            if (OutTime == null || OutTime == "")
                Status = "[abnormal-Out]";
            TimeSpan  hourIn = TimeSpan.ParseExact(InTime, "h\\:mm", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            TimeSpan  hourOut = TimeSpan.ParseExact(OutTime, "h\\:mm", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            TimeSpan  HourIntarget = new TimeSpan(); DateTime DateInTarget = new DateTime();
            TimeSpan  HourOutTarget = new TimeSpan(); DateTime DateOutTarget = new DateTime();
            DataTable dt       = new DataTable();
            string    sqlQuery = " select * from WorkingSetting where id = '" + GanCong + "'";
            SqlHR     sqlHR    = new SqlHR();

            sqlHR.sqlDataAdapterFillDatatable(sqlQuery, ref dt);
            string tam = "";

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 1)
                if (dt.Rows[0]["InTime"].ToString().Contains("T") == false)
                    HourIntarget = TimeSpan.ParseExact(dt.Rows[0]["InTime"].ToString().Trim(), "h\\:mm", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                    DateInTarget = workingDay;
                    HourIntarget = TimeSpan.ParseExact(dt.Rows[0]["InTime"].ToString().Trim().Substring(1), "h\\:mm", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                    DateInTarget = workingDay.AddDays(1);
                if (dt.Rows[0]["OutTime"].ToString().Contains("T") == false)
                    HourOutTarget = TimeSpan.ParseExact(dt.Rows[0]["OutTime"].ToString().Trim(), "h\\:mm", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                    DateOutTarget = workingDay;
                    HourOutTarget = TimeSpan.ParseExact(dt.Rows[0]["OutTime"].ToString().Trim().Substring(1), "h\\:mm", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                    DateOutTarget = workingDay.AddDays(1);
            string massage = "";

            if (hourIn <= HourIntarget && hourOut >= HourOutTarget)
                massage    += "[Normal]";
                WorkingTime = (HourOutTarget - HourIntarget).Add(-new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0)).TotalHours;
                WorkingTime = Math.Round(WorkingTime, 1);
            if (hourIn > HourIntarget)
                massage += "[In-Late]";
                if (hourIn <= new TimeSpan(12, 0, 0))
                    WorkingTime = (HourOutTarget - hourIn).Add(-new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0)).TotalHours;
                    WorkingTime = (HourOutTarget - hourIn).TotalHours;
                WorkingTime = Math.Round(WorkingTime, 1);
            if (hourOut < HourOutTarget)
                massage    += "[Out-Early]";
                WorkingTime = (hourOut - HourIntarget).Add(-new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0)).TotalHours;
                WorkingTime = Math.Round(WorkingTime, 1);
            if (hourOut < HourOutTarget && hourIn < HourIntarget)
                WorkingTime = (hourOut - hourIn).Add(-new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0)).TotalHours;
                WorkingTime = Math.Round(WorkingTime, 1);
            Status = massage;
        public List <Model.InoutData> GetInoutDatas(string State, string EmpCode, string Dept, DateTime from, DateTime to)
            List <Model.InoutData> inoutDatas = new List <Model.InoutData>();

                StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                stringBuilder.Append(@"select  ISNULL(eml.ID,'') as EmpID, ISNULL(eml.Code,'') as EmpCode,ISNULL(eml.Name,'') as Name,ISNULL(dept.LongName,'') as Dept,ISNULL(InO.CardNo,'') as CardNo,
FDateTime,convert(char(10), FDateTime, 103) as Date,
convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) as Time,
when (convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) >'07:00' and convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) < '15:00' ) then 'In-Time' 
when (convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) > '15:00' and convert(char(5), FDateTime, 108) < '23:99' ) then 'Out-Time'
else 'Undified'
end as 'InOut',
from ZlEmployee eml
right join ZlDept dept on eml.Dept = dept.Code
right join Kq_Source InO on InO.EmpID = eml.ID
where 1=1 and (MachNo != '03'  and MachNo !='10') 
                if (State != "")
                    stringBuilder.Append(" and State = '" + State + "'");
                if (EmpCode != "")
                    stringBuilder.Append(" and eml.Code like '%" + EmpCode + "%'");
                if (Dept != "")
                    stringBuilder.Append(" and dept.LongName = '" + Dept + "'");
                stringBuilder.Append(" and CONVERT(date, FDateTime) >= '" + from.Date.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "'");
                stringBuilder.Append(" and CONVERT(date, FDateTime) <= '" + to.Date.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "'");
                stringBuilder.Append(" order by eml.ID, FDateTime ");
                SqlHR     sqlHR = new SqlHR();
                DataTable dt    = new DataTable();
                sqlHR.sqlDataAdapterFillDatatable(stringBuilder.ToString(), ref dt);
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    Model.InoutData inout = new Model.InoutData();
                    inout.EmpID     = dt.Rows[i]["EmpID"].ToString();
                    inout.EmpCode   = dt.Rows[i]["EmpCode"].ToString();
                    inout.Name      = dt.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString();
                    inout.Dept      = dt.Rows[i]["Dept"].ToString();
                    inout.CardNo    = dt.Rows[i]["CardNo"].ToString();
                    inout.FDateTime = (DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["FDateTime"];
                    inout.Date      = dt.Rows[i]["Date"].ToString();
                    inout.Time      = dt.Rows[i]["Time"].ToString();
                    inout.InOut     = dt.Rows[i]["InOut"].ToString();
                    inout.MachNo    = dt.Rows[i]["MachNo"].ToString();
            catch (Exception)