private static void smethod_23(Session session_0, ClientMessage clientMessage_0) { string str = clientMessage_0.ReadString(); uint num = clientMessage_0.ReadUnsignedInteger(); using (SqlDatabaseClient client = SqlDatabaseManager.GetClient()) { client.SetParameter("name", str); if (client.ExecuteQueryRow("SELECT id FROM islas WHERE nombre = @name AND id_parent = '0' LIMIT 1") != null) { session_0.SendData(CreateIslandComposer.TakenNameComposer(), false); } else { client.SetParameter("name", str); client.SetParameter("model", num); client.SetParameter("userid", session_0.CharacterId); client.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO islas (nombre,modelo_area,id_usuario) VALUES (@name, @model, @userid)"); client.SetParameter("name", str); DataRow row2 = client.ExecuteQueryRow("SELECT id FROM islas WHERE nombre = @name AND id_parent = '0' LIMIT 1"); if (row2 != null) { session_0.SendData(CreateIslandComposer.Compose((uint)row2["id"]), false); } } } }
public WiredData(uint ItemId, int Type) { mItemId = ItemId; mType = Type; using (SqlDatabaseClient MySqlClient = SqlDatabaseManager.GetClient()) { MySqlClient.SetParameter("id", ItemId); DataRow Row = MySqlClient.ExecuteQueryRow("SELECT * FROM wired_items WHERE item_id = @id LIMIT 1"); if (Row != null) { GenerateWiredFromRow(Row); } else { MySqlClient.SetParameter("id", ItemId); MySqlClient.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO wired_items (item_id, data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, time) VALUES (@id, '','0','0', '0','', '0')"); mData1 = ""; mData2 = 0; mData3 = 0; mData4 = 0; mData5 = ""; mTime = 0; } } }
public static CharacterInfo GetCharacterInfo(SqlDatabaseClient MySqlClient, uint CharacterId, uint LinkedClientId, bool IgnoreCache) { if (SessionManager.ContainsCharacterId(CharacterId)) { Session Session = SessionManager.GetSessionByCharacterId(CharacterId); return(Session.CharacterInfo); } if (!IgnoreCache) { CharacterInfo CachedInfo = TryGetInfoFromCache(CharacterId); if (CachedInfo != null) { return(CachedInfo); } } MySqlClient.SetParameter("id", CharacterId); DataRow Row = MySqlClient.ExecuteQueryRow("SELECT * FROM characters WHERE id = @id LIMIT 1"); if (Row != null) { return(GenerateCharacterInfoFromRow(MySqlClient, LinkedClientId, Row)); } return(null); }
public static VoucherValueData GetVoucherValue(string Code) { using (SqlDatabaseClient MySqlClient = SqlDatabaseManager.GetClient()) { MySqlClient.SetParameter("code", Code); DataRow Row = MySqlClient.ExecuteQueryRow("SELECT value_credits,value_pixels,value_furni FROM vouchers WHERE code = @code AND enabled = '1' AND uses > 0 LIMIT 1"); if (Row == null) { return(null); } List <uint> FurniValue = new List <uint>(); foreach (string FurniValueBit in Row["value_furni"].ToString().Split(',')) { uint NewValue = 0; uint.TryParse(FurniValueBit, out NewValue); if (NewValue > 0) { FurniValue.Add(NewValue); } } return(new VoucherValueData((int)Row["value_credits"], (int)Row["value_pixels"], FurniValue)); } }
public static SpaceInfo GetSpaceInfo(uint SpaceId, bool IgnoreCache) { SpaceInstance instanceBySpaceId = SpaceManager.GetInstanceBySpaceId(SpaceId); if (instanceBySpaceId != null) { return(instanceBySpaceId.Info); } if (!IgnoreCache) { SpaceInfo info = smethod_1(SpaceId); if (info != null) { return(info); } } using (SqlDatabaseClient client = SqlDatabaseManager.GetClient()) { client.SetParameter("id", SpaceId); DataRow row = client.ExecuteQueryRow("SELECT * FROM escenarios WHERE id = @id LIMIT 1"); if (row != null) { return(GenerateSpaceInfoFromRow(row)); } } return(null); }
public static int GetAdministratorsCountFromDB() { DataRow row = null; try { using (SqlDatabaseClient client = SqlDatabaseManager.GetClient()) { row = client.ExecuteQueryRow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Administrator;"); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.WriteLine(e.ToString(), Logger.LOG_LEVEL.WARN); } if (row == null) { return(-1); } int count; if (!Int32.TryParse(row[0].ToString(), out count)) { return(-1); } return(count); }
public static uint TryAuthenticate(SqlDatabaseClient MySqlClient, string Username, string Password, string RemoteAddress) { lock (object_0) { if (Password.Length < 4) { int_1++; return(0); } uint num = 0; MySqlClient.SetParameter("Username", Username); MySqlClient.SetParameter("Password", Password); DataRow row = MySqlClient.ExecuteQueryRow("SELECT id FROM usuarios WHERE usuario = @Username AND Password = @Password LIMIT 1"); if (row != null) { num = (uint)row["id"]; smethod_0(MySqlClient, num, RemoteAddress); } if (num <= 0) { int_1++; return(0); } if (SessionManager.ContainsCharacterId(num)) { SessionManager.StopSession(SessionManager.GetSessionByCharacterId(num).UInt32_0); } Output.WriteLine(string.Concat(new object[] { "User ", Username, " (ID ", num, ") has logged in from ", RemoteAddress, "." })); int_0++; return(num); } }
public static bool FriendshipExists(SqlDatabaseClient MySqlClient, uint UserId1, uint UserId2, bool ConfirmedOnly) { MySqlClient.SetParameter("user1", UserId1); MySqlClient.SetParameter("user2", UserId2); MySqlClient.SetParameter("confirmed", ConfirmedOnly ? 0 : 2); return(MySqlClient.ExecuteQueryRow("SELECT null FROM laptop_amigos WHERE id_usuario = @user1 AND id_amigo = @user2 AND aceptado != @confirmed OR id_amigo = @user1 AND id_usuario = @user2 AND aceptado != @confirmed LIMIT 1") != null); }
public static RoomInfo GetRoomInfo(uint RoomId, bool IgnoreCache) { RoomInstance Instance = RoomManager.GetInstanceByRoomId(RoomId); if (Instance != null) { return(Instance.Info); } if (!IgnoreCache) { RoomInfo CachedInfo = TryGetInfoFromCache(RoomId); if (CachedInfo != null) { return(CachedInfo); } } using (SqlDatabaseClient MySqlClient = SqlDatabaseManager.GetClient()) { MySqlClient.SetParameter("id", RoomId); DataRow Row = MySqlClient.ExecuteQueryRow("SELECT * FROM rooms WHERE id = @id LIMIT 1"); if (Row != null) { return(GenerateRoomInfoFromRow(Row)); } } return(null); }
public static uint GetFirstAdministratorAccount() { DataRow row = null; try { using (SqlDatabaseClient client = SqlDatabaseManager.GetClient()) { string sql = "SELECT " + "FROM Administrator AS a " + "INNER JOIN Member AS m ON = a.member_id " + "ORDER BY " + "LIMIT 1;"; row = client.ExecuteQueryRow(sql); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.WriteLine(e.ToString(), Logger.LOG_LEVEL.WARN); } if (row == null) { return(0); } uint id; if (!UInt32.TryParse(row[0].ToString(), out id)) { return(0); } return(id); }
public static bool FriendshipExists(SqlDatabaseClient MySqlClient, uint UserId1, uint UserId2, bool ConfirmedOnly) { MySqlClient.SetParameter("user1", UserId1); MySqlClient.SetParameter("user2", UserId2); MySqlClient.SetParameter("confirmed", (ConfirmedOnly ? 0 : 2)); return(MySqlClient.ExecuteQueryRow("SELECT null FROM messenger_friendships WHERE user_1_id = @user1 AND user_2_id = @user2 AND confirmed != @confirmed OR user_2_id = @user1 AND user_1_id = @user2 AND confirmed != @confirmed LIMIT 1") != null); }
private static void smethod_24(Session session_0, ClientMessage clientMessage_0) { uint num = clientMessage_0.ReadUnsignedInteger(); using (SqlDatabaseClient client = SqlDatabaseManager.GetClient()) { client.SetParameter("islandid", num); DataRow island = client.ExecuteQueryRow("SELECT * FROM islas WHERE id = @islandid LIMIT 1"); if (island != null) { session_0.SendData(PreEnterIslandComposer.Compose(session_0.CharacterInfo, island), false); } } }
public static LocalUser GetAdministratorFromDB(string userName, string password) { DataRow userRow = null; try { using (SqlDatabaseClient client = SqlDatabaseManager.GetClient()) { string sql = "SELECT,, m.role, m.profile_photo_format, a.date_added " + "FROM Administrator AS a " + "INNER JOIN Member AS m ON = a.member_id " + "WHERE = @user_name AND a.password_hash = @password_hash;"; client.SetParameter("@user_name", userName); client.SetParameterByteArray("@password_hash", Convert.FromBase64String(password)); userRow = client.ExecuteQueryRow(sql); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.WriteLine(e.ToString(), Logger.LOG_LEVEL.WARN); } if (userRow == null) { return(null); } uint userId; if (!UInt32.TryParse(userRow["id"].ToString(), out userId)) { return(null); } //uint profilePhoto = UInt32.TryParse(userRow["profile_photo"].ToString(), out profilePhoto) ? profilePhoto : 0; LocalUser newUser = new LocalUser(); newUser.UserID = userId; newUser.IsOwner = true; newUser.Role = userRow["role"].ToString(); newUser.Name = userRow["name"].ToString(); newUser.ProfilePhotoFormat = userRow["profile_photo_format"].ToString() == "2" ? "image/png" : "image/jpeg"; newUser.ProfilePhoto = URL_USER_IMAGE + userId.ToString() + URL_USER_PROFILE_IMAGE; // + userRow["profile_photo_path"]; newUser.TimeRegisteredLocal = DateTime.Parse(userRow["date_added"].ToString()); // DateTime.ParseExact(userRow["date_added"].ToString(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", null, DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal); return(newUser); }
private static uint smethod_1(string string_0) { if (WordFilterManager.ModeratorNames.Contains(string_0.ToLower())) { return(1); } using (SqlDatabaseClient client = SqlDatabaseManager.GetClient()) { client.SetParameter("Username", string_0); if (client.ExecuteQueryRow("SELECT id FROM usuarios WHERE usuario = @Username LIMIT 1") != null) { return(1); } } return(0); }
private static void smethod_3(Session session_0, ClientMessage clientMessage_0) { string str = InputFilter.FilterString(clientMessage_0.ReadString().Replace('%', ' '), false); if (str.Length >= 1) { CharacterInfo characterInfo = null; using (SqlDatabaseClient client = SqlDatabaseManager.GetClient()) { client.SetParameter("query", str); DataRow row = client.ExecuteQueryRow("SELECT id FROM usuarios WHERE usuario = @query LIMIT 1"); if (row != null) { characterInfo = CharacterInfoLoader.GetCharacterInfo(client, (uint)row["id"]); } } session_0.SendData(LaptopSearchResultComposer.Compose(characterInfo), false); } }
private static void ProcessThread() { Int32 user_peak = 0; using (SqlDatabaseClient MySqlClient = SqlDatabaseManager.GetClient()) { DataRow Row = MySqlClient.ExecuteQueryRow("SELECT sval FROM server_statistics WHERE skey = 'online_peak' LIMIT 1"); if (Row != null) { user_peak = Convert.ToInt32(Row[0]); } } while (Program.Alive) { using (SqlDatabaseClient MySqlClient = SqlDatabaseManager.GetClient()) { MySqlClient.SetParameter("skey", "active_connections"); MySqlClient.SetParameter("sval", SessionManager.ActiveConnections); MySqlClient.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE server_statistics SET sval = @sval WHERE skey = @skey LIMIT 1"); MySqlClient.SetParameter("skey", "stamp"); MySqlClient.SetParameter("sval", UnixTimestamp.GetCurrent()); MySqlClient.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE server_statistics SET sval = @sval WHERE skey = @skey LIMIT 1"); if (SessionManager.ActiveConnections > user_peak) { user_peak = SessionManager.ActiveConnections; MySqlClient.SetParameter("skey", "online_peak"); MySqlClient.SetParameter("sval", user_peak); MySqlClient.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE server_statistics SET sval = @sval WHERE skey = @skey LIMIT 1"); MySqlClient.SetParameter("skey", "online_peak_stamp"); MySqlClient.SetParameter("sval", UnixTimestamp.GetCurrent()); MySqlClient.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE server_statistics SET sval = @sval WHERE skey = @skey LIMIT 1"); } } Thread.Sleep(60 * 1000); } }
public static SongData GetSong(uint SongId) { lock (mSyncRoot) { if (mSongCache.ContainsKey(SongId)) { double CacheTime = UnixTimestamp.GetCurrent() - mCacheTimer[SongId]; if (CacheTime >= CACHE_LIFETIME) { mSongCache.Remove(SongId); mCacheTimer.Remove(SongId); } else { return(mSongCache[SongId]); } } } SongData Song = null; using (SqlDatabaseClient MySqlClient = SqlDatabaseManager.GetClient()) { MySqlClient.SetParameter("id", SongId); DataRow Row = MySqlClient.ExecuteQueryRow("SELECT * FROM songs WHERE id = @id LIMIT 1"); if (Row != null) { Song = GetSongFromDataRow(Row); lock (mSyncRoot) { mSongCache.Add(Song.Id, Song); mCacheTimer.Add(Song.Id, UnixTimestamp.GetCurrent()); } } } return(Song); }
public static uint TryAuthenticate(SqlDatabaseClient MySqlClient, string Username, string Password, string RemoteAddress) { try { lock (object_0) { if (Password.Length < 4) { int_1++; return(0); } uint num = 0; MySqlClient.SetParameter("Username", Username); MySqlClient.SetParameter("Password", Password); string query = "SELECT id FROM usuarios WHERE usuario = '" + Username + "' AND password = '******' LIMIT 1"; DataRow row = MySqlClient.ExecuteQueryRow(query); if (row != null) { num = uint.Parse(row["id"].ToString()); UpdateUser(MySqlClient, num, RemoteAddress); } if (num <= 0) { int_1++; return(0); } if (SessionManager.ContainsCharacterId(num)) { SessionManager.StopSession(SessionManager.GetSessionByCharacterId(num).Id); } Output.WriteLine(string.Concat(new object[] { "User ", Username, " (ID ", num, ") has logged in from ", RemoteAddress, "." })); int_0++; return(num); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); return(0); } }
/*public static int GetImagesByUserFromDB(uint userId, out List<String> images) * { * images = new List<String>(); * * DataTable table = null; * try * { * using (SqlDatabaseClient client = SqlDatabaseManager.GetClient()) * { * client.SetParameter("@user_id", userId); * table = client.ExecuteQueryTable("SELECT " + * "FROM Photo AS p " + * "INNER JOIN Member AS m ON = p.member_id " + * "WHERE = @user_id;"); * * } * } * catch (Exception e) * { * Logger.WriteLine(e.ToString(), Logger.LOG_LEVEL.WARN); * } * * if (table == null) * return -1; * * foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) * { * images.Add(URL_TO_IMAGE + row["id"].ToString()); * } * * return 0; * }*/ public static int GetUserFromDB(uint userId, out LocalUser user) { DataRow row = null; user = null; try { using (SqlDatabaseClient client = SqlDatabaseManager.GetClient()) { client.SetParameter("@user_id", userId); row = client.ExecuteQueryRow("SELECT,, m.role, m.profile_photo_format, AS admin_id " + "FROM Member AS m " + "LEFT JOIN Administrator AS a ON = a.member_id " + "WHERE = @user_id;"); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.WriteLine(e.ToString(), Logger.LOG_LEVEL.WARN); } if (row == null) { return(-1); } //uint profilePhoto = UInt32.TryParse(row["profile_photo"].ToString(), out profilePhoto) ? profilePhoto : 0; uint adminID = UInt32.TryParse(row["admin_id"].ToString(), out adminID) ? adminID : 0; user = new LocalUser(); user.UserID = userId; user.Role = row["role"].ToString(); user.IsOwner = adminID > 0; user.Name = row["name"].ToString(); user.ProfilePhoto = URL_USER_IMAGE + userId.ToString() + URL_USER_PROFILE_IMAGE; user.ProfilePhotoFormat = row["profile_photo_format"].ToString() == "2" ? "image/png" : "image/jpeg"; return(0); }
private static void IsNameTaken(Session Session, ClientMessage Message) { String Username = Message.PopString(); using (SqlDatabaseClient MySqlClient = SqlDatabaseManager.GetClient()) { MySqlClient.SetParameter("username", Username); DataRow Taken = MySqlClient.ExecuteQueryRow("SELECT null FROM characters WHERE username = @username LIMIT 1"); if (Taken == null) { ServerMessage awnser = new ServerMessage(571); awnser.AppendInt32(0); awnser.AppendStringWithBreak(Username); awnser.AppendInt32(0); Session.SendData(awnser); } else { Session.SendData(NameTaken.Compose(Username)); } } }
public static CharacterInfo GetCharacterInfo(SqlDatabaseClient MySqlClient, uint CharacterId, uint LinkedClientId, bool IgnoreCache) { if (SessionManager.ContainsCharacterId(CharacterId)) { return(SessionManager.GetSessionByCharacterId(CharacterId).CharacterInfo); } if (!IgnoreCache) { CharacterInfo info = smethod_1(CharacterId); if (info != null) { return(info); } } MySqlClient.SetParameter("id", CharacterId); DataRow row = MySqlClient.ExecuteQueryRow("SELECT * FROM usuarios WHERE id = @id LIMIT 1"); if (row != null) { return(GenerateCharacterInfoFromRow(MySqlClient, LinkedClientId, row)); } return(null); }
public Player LoadPlayer(int id) { Player player = null; try { using (SqlDatabaseClient mySqlClient = SqlDatabaseManager.GetClient()) { var queryRow = mySqlClient.ExecuteQueryRow("SELECT * FROM player_data WHERE player_data.PLAYER_ID=" + id); string name = queryRow["PLAYER_NAME"].ToString(); string sessionId = queryRow["SESSION_ID"].ToString(); int clanId = intConv(queryRow["CLAN_ID"]); var clan = Main.Global.StorageManager.GetClan(clanId); player = new Player(id, name, sessionId, clan); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); //new ExceptionLog("dbmanager", "Failed to load character...", e); } return(player); }
/// <summary> /// Attemps to authenticate an user using an SSO (Single Sign On) ticket. /// </summary> /// <param name="Ticket">The ticket string.</param> /// <returns>Character id on success, 0 on authentication failure.</returns> public static uint TryAuthenticate(SqlDatabaseClient MySqlClient, string Ticket, string RemoteAddress) { lock (mAuthSyncRoot) { // Remove any spacing from single sign on ticket Ticket = Ticket.Trim(); // Ensure the ticket meets the minimum length requirement if (Ticket.Length <= 5) { mFailedLoginCount++; Output.WriteLine("Login from " + RemoteAddress + " rejected: SSO ticket too short."); return(0); } // Debug string DebugTicket = (string)ConfigManager.GetValue("debug.sso"); if (DebugTicket.Length > 0 && Ticket == DebugTicket) { return(1); } // Check the database for a matching single sign on ticket uint UserId = 0; string LogName = string.Empty; MySqlClient.SetParameter("ticket", Ticket); DataRow Row = MySqlClient.ExecuteQueryRow("SELECT id,username FROM characters WHERE auth_ticket = @ticket LIMIT 1"); if (Row != null) { UserId = (uint)Row["id"]; LogName = (string)Row["username"]; RemoveTicket(MySqlClient, (uint)Row["id"], RemoteAddress); } // Check if ticket was OK + Check for user id bans if (UserId <= 0) { mFailedLoginCount++; Output.WriteLine("Login from " + RemoteAddress + " rejected: invalid SSO ticket."); return(0); } if (ModerationBanManager.IsUserIdBlacklisted(UserId)) { mFailedLoginCount++; Output.WriteLine("Login from " + RemoteAddress + " rejected: blacklisted IP address."); return(0); } // Disconnect any previous sessions for this account if (SessionManager.ContainsCharacterId(UserId)) { Session TargetSession = SessionManager.GetSessionByCharacterId(UserId); SessionManager.StopSession(TargetSession.Id); } // Mark as a successful login and continue Output.WriteLine("User " + LogName + " (ID " + UserId + ") has logged in from " + RemoteAddress + "."); MySqlClient.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE characters SET online = '1' WHERE id = " + UserId + " LIMIT 1"); mSuccessfulLoginCount++; return(UserId); } }
public void TryAuthenticate(string Ticket, string RemoteAddress) { using (SqlDatabaseClient MySqlClient = SqlDatabaseManager.GetClient()) { uint AuthedUid = SingleSignOnAuthenticator.TryAuthenticate(MySqlClient, Ticket, RemoteAddress); if (AuthedUid <= 0) { SessionManager.StopSession(mId); return; } CharacterInfo Info = CharacterInfoLoader.GetCharacterInfo(MySqlClient, AuthedUid, mId, true); if (Info == null || !Info.HasLinkedSession) // not marked online = CharacterInfoLoader failed somehow { SessionManager.StopSession(mId); return; } mCharacterInfo = Info; mAchieventCache = new AchievementCache(MySqlClient, CharacterId); mBadgeCache = new BadgeCache(MySqlClient, CharacterId, mAchieventCache); if (!HasRight("login")) { SessionManager.StopSession(mId); return; } mCharacterInfo.TimestampLastOnline = UnixTimestamp.GetCurrent(); CharacterResolverCache.AddToCache(mCharacterInfo.Id, mCharacterInfo.Username, true); mMessengerFriendCache = new SessionMessengerFriendCache(MySqlClient, CharacterId); mFavoriteRoomsCache = new FavoriteRoomsCache(MySqlClient, CharacterId); mRatedRoomsCache = new RatedRoomsCache(); mInventoryCache = new InventoryCache(MySqlClient, CharacterId); mIgnoreCache = new UserIgnoreCache(MySqlClient, CharacterId); mNewItemsCache = new NewItemsCache(MySqlClient, CharacterId); mAvatarEffectCache = new AvatarEffectCache(MySqlClient, CharacterId); mQuestCache = new QuestCache(MySqlClient, CharacterId); mPetCache = new PetInventoryCache(MySqlClient, CharacterId); // Subscription manager MySqlClient.SetParameter("userid", CharacterId); DataRow Row = MySqlClient.ExecuteQueryRow("SELECT * FROM user_subscriptions WHERE user_id = @userid"); mSubscriptionManager = (Row != null ? new ClubSubscription(CharacterId, (ClubSubscriptionLevel)int.Parse((Row["subscription_level"].ToString())), (double)Row["timestamp_created"], (double)Row["timestamp_expire"], (double)Row["past_time_hc"], (double)Row["past_time_vip"]) : new ClubSubscription(CharacterId, ClubSubscriptionLevel.None, 0, 0, 0, 0)); if (mSubscriptionManager.SubscriptionLevel < ClubSubscriptionLevel.VipClub) { mBadgeCache.DisableSubscriptionBadge("ACH_VipClub"); } if (mSubscriptionManager.SubscriptionLevel < ClubSubscriptionLevel.BasicClub) { mBadgeCache.DisableSubscriptionBadge("ACH_BasicClub"); } mAvatarEffectCache.CheckEffectExpiry(this); mAuthProcessed = true; SendData(AuthenticationOkComposer.Compose()); SendData(FuseRightsListComposer.Compose(this)); SendData(UserHomeRoomComposer.Compose(mCharacterInfo.HomeRoom)); SendData(UserEffectListComposer.Compose(AvatarEffectCache.Effects)); SendData(NavigatorFavoriteRoomsComposer.Compose(FavoriteRoomsCache.FavoriteRooms)); SendData(InventoryNewItemsComposer.Compose(NewItemsCache.NewItems)); SendData(AchievementDataListComposer.Compose(AchievementManager.Achievements.Values.ToList())); SendData(AvailabilityStatusMessageComposer.Compose()); SendData(InfoFeedEnableMessageComposer.Compose(1)); SendData(ActivityPointsMessageComposer.Compose()); if (HasRight("moderation_tool")) { SendData(ModerationToolComposer.Compose(this, ModerationPresets.UserMessagePresets, ModerationPresets.UserActionPresets, ModerationPresets.RoomMessagePresets)); foreach (ModerationTicket ModTicket in ModerationTicketManager.ActiveTickets) { SendData(ModerationTicketComposer.Compose(ModTicket)); } } MessengerHandler.MarkUpdateNeeded(this, 0, true); } }
public void TryAuthenticate(string Ticket, string RemoteAddress) { using (SqlDatabaseClient MySqlClient = SqlDatabaseManager.GetClient()) { uint AuthedUid = SingleSignOnAuthenticator.TryAuthenticate(MySqlClient, Ticket, RemoteAddress); if (AuthedUid <= 0) { SessionManager.StopSession(mId); return; } CharacterInfo Info = CharacterInfoLoader.GetCharacterInfo(MySqlClient, AuthedUid, mId, true); if (Info == null || !Info.HasLinkedSession) // not marked online = CharacterInfoLoader failed somehow { SessionManager.StopSession(mId); return; } mCharacterInfo = Info; mAchieventCache = new AchievementCache(MySqlClient, CharacterId); mBadgeCache = new BadgeCache(MySqlClient, CharacterId, mAchieventCache); if (!HasRight("login")) { SessionManager.StopSession(mId); return; } mCharacterInfo.TimestampLastOnline = UnixTimestamp.GetCurrent(); CharacterResolverCache.AddToCache(mCharacterInfo.Id, mCharacterInfo.Username, true); mMessengerFriendCache = new SessionMessengerFriendCache(MySqlClient, CharacterId); mFavoriteRoomsCache = new FavoriteRoomsCache(MySqlClient, CharacterId); mRatedRoomsCache = new RatedRoomsCache(); mInventoryCache = new InventoryCache(MySqlClient, CharacterId); mIgnoreCache = new UserIgnoreCache(MySqlClient, CharacterId); mNewItemsCache = new NewItemsCache(MySqlClient, CharacterId); mAvatarEffectCache = new AvatarEffectCache(MySqlClient, CharacterId); mQuestCache = new QuestCache(MySqlClient, CharacterId); mPetCache = new PetInventoryCache(MySqlClient, CharacterId); // Subscription manager MySqlClient.SetParameter("userid", CharacterId); DataRow Row = MySqlClient.ExecuteQueryRow("SELECT * FROM user_subscriptions WHERE user_id = @userid"); mSubscriptionManager = (Row != null ? new ClubSubscription(CharacterId, (ClubSubscriptionLevel)int.Parse((Row["subscription_level"].ToString())), (double)Row["timestamp_created"], (double)Row["timestamp_expire"], (double)Row["past_time_hc"], (double)Row["past_time_vip"]) : new ClubSubscription(CharacterId, ClubSubscriptionLevel.None, 0, 0, 0, 0)); if (mSubscriptionManager.SubscriptionLevel < ClubSubscriptionLevel.VipClub) { mBadgeCache.DisableSubscriptionBadge("ACH_VipClub"); } if (mSubscriptionManager.SubscriptionLevel < ClubSubscriptionLevel.BasicClub) { mBadgeCache.DisableSubscriptionBadge("ACH_BasicClub"); } mAvatarEffectCache.CheckEffectExpiry(this); mAuthProcessed = true; SendData(AuthenticationOkComposer.Compose()); SendData(FuseRightsListComposer.Compose(this)); SendData(UserHomeRoomComposer.Compose(mCharacterInfo.HomeRoom)); SendData(UserEffectListComposer.Compose(AvatarEffectCache.Effects)); SendData(NavigatorFavoriteRoomsComposer.Compose(FavoriteRoomsCache.FavoriteRooms)); SendData(InventoryNewItemsComposer.Compose(NewItemsCache.NewItems)); SendData(MessageOfTheDayComposer.Compose("Welcome to BETA.\n\n\nThank you for participating in the BETA test. We hope to gather relevant feedback and ideas to help make this hotel into a success.\n\nPlease submit any bugs, feedback, or ideas via:\n\n\n\nHave fun, and thank you for joining us!")); SendData(AchievementDataListComposer.Compose(AchievementManager.Achievements.Values.ToList())); // This is available status packet (AvailabilityStatusMessageComposer) ServerMessage UnkMessage2 = new ServerMessage(290); UnkMessage2.AppendInt32(1); UnkMessage2.AppendInt32(0); SendData(UnkMessage2); // This is info feed packet (InfoFeedEnableMessageComposer) ServerMessage UnkMessage3 = new ServerMessage(517); UnkMessage3.AppendInt32(1); // 1 = enabled 0 = disabled (true/false) SendData(UnkMessage3); // This is activity points message (ActivityPointsMessageComposer) not sure how this is handled... ServerMessage UnkMessage4 = new ServerMessage(628); UnkMessage4.AppendInt32(1); UnkMessage4.AppendInt32(0); UnkMessage4.AppendInt32(2971); SendData(UnkMessage4); SendData(ClientConfigComposer.Compose(CharacterInfo.ConfigVolume, false)); if (HasRight("moderation_tool")) { SendData(ModerationToolComposer.Compose(this, ModerationPresets.UserMessagePresets, ModerationPresets.UserActionPresets, ModerationPresets.RoomMessagePresets)); foreach (ModerationTicket ModTicket in ModerationTicketManager.ActiveTickets) { SendData(ModerationTicketComposer.Compose(ModTicket)); } } MessengerHandler.MarkUpdateNeeded(this, 0, true); } }