예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize datagridview control and associated data table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataGridView"></param>
        /// <param name="dataSet"></param>
        /// <param name="tableName"></param>
        public void InitializeDataGridViewAndDataSet(DataGridView dataGridView, DataSet dataSet, string tableName)
            //get the table filled from the database
            DataTable table = registrationDB.GetDataTable(tableName);

            //set the datasource to the tabel
            dataGridView.DataSource = table;
            //autosize columns mode set to fill
            dataGridView.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill;
            //multiselect set to true
            dataGridView.MultiSelect = true;

            //this is for datagridviewstudent
            if (table.Columns[0].AutoIncrement == true)
                dataGridView.DefaultValuesNeeded += (s, e) => NewRowBeingAdded(s as DataGridView, e);

            //handle insertion
            table.RowChanged += Table_RowChanged;

            //handle any column changes (cells)
            table.ColumnChanged += Table_ColumnChanged;
            //handle deltion
            table.RowDeleted += Table_RowDeleted;

            dataSet.Tables.Add(table); //for backup and restore
예제 #2
        public StudentRegistrationAppForm()

            // form display name

            Text = "Student Registration App";

            // get a new access layer and dataset

            registrationDB = new SqlDataTableAccessLayer();

            registrationDataSet = new DataSet()
                // must be named for backup purposes

                DataSetName = "StudentRegistrationDataSet",

            // YOUR CODE HERE
            // set the connectionString from App.config
            string connectingString = registrationDB.GetConnectionString("StudentRegistrationDB");


            // set the form title
            Text = "Student Registration App";

            // associate the datagridview controls with a database table
            // this also adds each table to the dataset

            // make sure Orders is added to database last or database restore will crash
            InitializeDataGridViewAndDataSet(dataGridViewDepartments, registrationDataSet, "Departments");
            InitializeDataGridViewAndDataSet(dataGridViewStudents, registrationDataSet, "Students");

            // DepartmentMajorCount is a view, do not add it to DataSet.Tables
            dataGridViewDepartmentMajorsCount.ReadOnly            = true;
            dataGridViewDepartmentMajorsCount.AllowUserToAddRows  = false;
            dataGridViewDepartmentMajorsCount.RowHeadersVisible   = false;
            dataGridViewDepartmentMajorsCount.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill;
            dataGridViewDepartmentMajorsCount.DataSource          = registrationDB.GetDataTable("DepartmentMajorCount");

            // Add button event hanlder for database backup to xml
            buttonBackupDatabase.Click            += (s, e) => registrationDB.BackupDataSetToXML(registrationDataSet);
            buttonRestoreDatabaseFromBackup.Click += (s, e) => registrationDB.RestoreDataSetFromBackup(registrationDataSet);

            // Ensure that the connection to the db is closed
            this.FormClosing += (s, e) => registrationDB.CloseConnection();
예제 #3
        public StudentRegistrationAppForm()

            // form display name

            Text = "Student Registration App";

            // get a new access layer and dataset

            registrationDB = new SqlDataTableAccessLayer();

            registrationDataSet = new DataSet()
                // must be named for backup purposes

                DataSetName = "StudentRegistrationDataSet",

            //get the connection string from App.config and openconnection
            string connectionString = registrationDB.GetConnectionString("StudentRegistrationDB");


            InitializeDataGridViewAndDataSet(dataGridViewDepartments, registrationDataSet, "Departments");
            InitializeDataGridViewAndDataSet(dataGridViewStudents, registrationDataSet, "Students");

            //DepartmentMajorsCount is a view
            dataGridViewDepartmentMajorsCount.DataSource          = registrationDB.GetDataTable("DepartmentMajorsCount");
            dataGridViewDepartmentMajorsCount.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill;
            dataGridViewDepartmentMajorsCount.ReadOnly            = true;
            dataGridViewDepartmentMajorsCount.AllowUserToAddRows  = false; //user unable to edit or add rows
            dataGridViewDepartmentMajorsCount.RowHeadersVisible   = false;

            //event handlers to backup and restore the database using DAL methods
            buttonBackupDatabase.Click            += (s, e) => registrationDB.BackupDataSetToXML(registrationDataSet);
            buttonRestoreDatabaseFromBackup.Click += (s, e) => registrationDB.RestoreDataSetFromBackup(registrationDataSet);

            this.FormClosing += (s, e) => registrationDB.CloseConnection();
        /// <summary>
        /// Generic Method to initialize the gridview
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="gridView"></param>
        /// <param name="columnsToHide"></param>
        private void InitializeDataGridView <T>(DataGridView gridView, DataSet dataSet, params string[] columnsToHide) where T : class
            // Set up gridview
            gridView.AllowUserToAddRows    = false;
            gridView.AllowUserToDeleteRows = false;
            gridView.ReadOnly            = true;
            gridView.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill;

            /*            // Set event handler to delete row
             *          gridView.UserDeletingRow += (s, e) => DeletingRow<T>(s as DataGridView, e);*/

            // Binding the data
            gridView.DataSource = Controller <BeautySalonEntities, T> .SetBindingList();

            foreach (string column in columnsToHide)
                gridView.Columns[column].Visible = false;

            string tableName;

            switch (typeof(T).Name)
            case "Inventory":
                tableName = "Inventory";

            case "AppointmentsView":
                tableName = "AppointmentsView";

                EnglishPluralizationService pluralize = new EnglishPluralizationService();
                tableName = pluralize.Pluralize(typeof(T).Name);

            DataTable table = beautySalonDB.GetDataTable(tableName);

예제 #5
        private void InitializeDataGridViewAndDataSet(DataGridView dataGridView, DataSet dataSet, string tableName)
            // Get the table filled with the records from the db
            DataTable table = registrationDB.GetDataTable(tableName);

            // set the datasource to the table
            // when control change, the table will change as well with one of the event below
            // so make sure to handle revelant table change events

            // this auto generates the column name, so no need to set them manually
            dataGridView.DataSource = table;

            // if we have an identity column, anytime a row is added we want the column to be set to -1
            if (table.Columns[0].AutoIncrement == true)
                dataGridView.DefaultValuesNeeded += (s, e) => NewRowBeingAdded(s as DataGridView, e);

            // handle insertion
            table.RowChanged += (s, e) => RegistrationTableRowChanged(e);

            // handle updates
            table.ColumnChanged += (s, e) => RegistrationTableColumnChanged(e);

            // handle deletes
            table.RowDeleted += (s, e) => RegistrationTableRowDelete(e);

            // auto resize the columns to fill out as much as  possible
            dataGridView.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill;

            // allow multiple select to allow for deletion of multiple rows
            dataGridView.MultiSelect = true;

            // Add to table to the table collection
            // This is only use for backup and restore