protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlDataSource2.InsertParameters["datetime"].DefaultValue = DateTime.Now.ToString(); SqlDataSource2.Insert(); SqlDataSource3.Update(); Response.Redirect("SubmitSurvey.aspx"); }
protected void ListView1_ItemCommand(object sender, ListViewCommandEventArgs e) { string id = ((Label)e.Item.FindControl("Label8")).Text; string featurestatus = ((Label)e.Item.FindControl("Label7")).Text; string adminapproval = ((Label)e.Item.FindControl("Label6")).Text; if (e.CommandName == "Auction") { Response.Redirect("~/admin/product-setup/AllAuctions?ID=" + id); } if (e.CommandName == "Feature") { string fs; if (featurestatus == "Yes") { fs = "No"; } else { fs = "Yes"; } SqlDataSource3.UpdateParameters.Add("FeatureStatus", fs.ToString()); SqlDataSource3.UpdateParameters.Add("ID", id); SqlDataSource3.Update(); ListView1.DataBind(); } if (e.CommandName == "Approval") { string AA; if (adminapproval == "Active") { AA = "Reject"; } else { AA = "Active"; } SqlDataSource4.UpdateParameters.Add("Approval", AA.ToString()); SqlDataSource4.UpdateParameters.Add("ID", id); SqlDataSource4.Update(); ListView1.DataBind(); } if (e.CommandName == "Edit") { Response.Redirect("~/Seller/addproduct.aspx?ID=" + id); } }
protected void DaneZBazyDataList_DeleteCommand(object source, DataListCommandEventArgs e) { DaneZBazyDataList.SelectedIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex; int idkomentarz = int.Parse(((Label)(DaneZBazyDataList.SelectedItem.FindControl("LabelofSelectedItem"))).Text); SqlDataSource3.UpdateCommand = "UPDATE Posty SET p_usun = 1 WHERE (Posty.id_posty = " + idkomentarz + "); UPDATE Komentarze SET k_usun=1 WHERE (Posty_id_posty = " + idkomentarz + ")"; SqlDataSource3.Update(); DataBind(); }
protected void GridView1_SelectedIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewSelectEventArgs e) { int flag = 0; int a = e.NewSelectedIndex; int b = Convert.ToInt32(GridView1.Rows[e.NewSelectedIndex].Cells[0].Text); SqlDataSource3.UpdateCommand = "UPDATE comment SET good = good +" + 1 + "where cid =" + b; for (int i = 0; i < aa.k; i++) { if (b == aa.b1[i]) { flag = 1; } } if (flag == 0) { SqlDataSource3.Update(); GridView1.DataBind(); aa.b1[aa.k] = b; aa.k++; } string c = GridView1.Rows[e.NewSelectedIndex].Cells[1].Text; string strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["movieConnection"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strConn); SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "update usertable set uvalue=uvalue+5 where uid=(select uid from usertable where uname=" + c + ")"; try { conn.Open(); int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //if (i == 1 ) // Response.Write("<script language =javascript>alert('发送成功!');location.href='main.aspx';</script>"); } catch (System.Exception ee) { Response.Write(ee.Message.ToString()); } finally { conn.Close(); } }
protected void Button9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TextBox32.Text = DateTime.Parse(TextBox30.Text).AddDays(-1).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); TextBox28.Text = TextBox28.Text.ToUpper(); TextBox29.Text = TextBox29.Text.ToUpper(); if (TextBox26.Text.Length == 0 || TextBox26.Text.Length == 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "alertMessage", "alert('ΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΤΗΣ -- Δεν έχει συμπληρωθεί το πεδίο Επώνυμο !!!!');", true); } else if (TextBox27.Text.Length == 0 || TextBox27.Text.Length == 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "alertMessage", "alert('ΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΤΗΣ -- Δεν έχει συμπληρωθεί το Πεδίο Όνομα !!!!');", true); } else if (DropDownList2.Text.Length == 0 || DropDownList2.Text.Length == 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "alertMessage", "alert('ΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΤΗΣ -- Δεν έχει συμπληρωθεί o Βαθμός !!!!');", true); } else if (TextBox28.Text.Length == 0 || TextBox28.Text.Length == 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "alertMessage", "alert('ΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΤΗΣ -- Δεν έχει συμπληρωθεί το πεδίο ΑΦΜ !!!!');", true); } else if (TextBox29.Text.Length == 0 || TextBox29.Text.Length == 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "alertMessage", "alert('ΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΤΗΣ -- Δεν έχει συμπληρωθεί το πεδίο ΔΟΥ !!!!');", true); } else { SqlDataSource3.Update(); Diaxiristis.Insert(); TextBox26.Text = ""; TextBox27.Text = ""; TextBox28.Text = ""; TextBox29.Text = ""; } }
/* * This page is mainly controlled by the DetailsView. The only changes we had to make * were to add validation on the User editing portion. That was accomplished by changing * the bound fields into template fields, then using the same validators that are used * on the Register page. */ protected void DetailsView1_ItemUpdating(object sender, DetailsViewUpdateEventArgs e) { // In lieu of a Delete operation, we have a User Disable feature. // This checks if the user was set to be disabled. if (e.NewValues["Enabled"].ToString() == "False") { // If the user is going to be disabled, we want to update all user department permissions // that the user has, and set them all to 0. This prevents them from seeing any data // while not deleting their prior contributions. SqlDataSource3.UpdateCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text; // Sets all permissions to 0. SqlDataSource3.UpdateCommand = "UPDATE UserDepartmentPermissions SET Can_Read = 0, Can_Edit = 0, Can_Schedule = 0, Is_Admin = 0 WHERE UserID = " + e.Keys["UserID"].ToString(); SqlDataSource3.Update(); // Updates the permission detail view to show changes. DetailsView2.DataBind(); } }
protected void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String Year = DropDownList1.SelectedValue; foreach (ListItem li in CheckBoxList1.Items) { if (li.Selected == true) { String sql = "update Confirmation set Checked='True' WHERE UnitName='" + li.Text + "' AND Year='" + Year + "'"; SqlDataSource2.UpdateCommand = sql; int n = SqlDataSource2.Update(); if (n == 1) { String sql1 = "update SchoolTable set Checked='True' WHERE UnitName='" + li.Text + "' AND Year='" + Year + "'"; SqlDataSource3.UpdateCommand = sql1; int nm = SqlDataSource3.Update(); } } } Server.Transfer("Confirmation1.aspx"); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label1.Text = ""; DataView view = (DataView)SqlDataSource3.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); if (view.Count > 0) { //Label1.Text = view[0][3].ToString(); if (view[0][3].ToString().ToLower() == "true") { SqlDataSource3.Update(); } else { Label1.Text = "Student #" + view[0][1].ToString() + " is already registered for class " + view[0][2].ToString(); } } else { SqlDataSource3.Insert(); } GridView1.DataBind(); }
protected void GridView3_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { DataView dv3 = (DataView)SqlDataSource3.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); if (e.CommandName == "Update") { index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); string fam = (string)dv3.Table.Rows[index][0]; string name = (string)dv3.Table.Rows[index][1]; string otch = (string)dv3.Table.Rows[index][2]; DropDownList DropDownList2 = GridView3.Rows[index].Cells[index].FindControl("DropDownList2") as DropDownList; string rezult = DropDownList2.SelectedValue; SqlDataSource3.UpdateParameters["fam"].DefaultValue = fam; SqlDataSource3.UpdateParameters["name"].DefaultValue = name; SqlDataSource3.UpdateParameters["otch"].DefaultValue = otch; SqlDataSource3.UpdateParameters["Result"].DefaultValue = rezult; SqlDataSource3.Update(); } }
protected void btnAssignIncident_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataRowView SelectedIncident = GetSelectedIncident(); DataRowView SelectedTech = GetSelectedTech(); if (SelectedIncident != null && SelectedTech != null) { SqlDataSource3.UpdateParameters["IncidentID"].DefaultValue = "" + SelectedIncident["IncidentID"]; SqlDataSource3.UpdateParameters["TechID"].DefaultValue = "" + SelectedTech["TechID"]; try { SqlDataSource3.Update(); grdSelectIncident.SelectedIndex = -1; grdSelectTech.SelectedIndex = -1; grdSelectIncident.DataBind(); grdSelectTech.DataBind(); mvwAssignIncident.ActiveViewIndex = 0; } catch (Exception ex) { //lblSummaryError.Text = "A database error has occurred. <br /><br />" + // "Message: " + ex.Message; Session["Exception"] = ex; Response.Redirect("~/ErrorPages/ErrorMessage.aspx"); } } else { lblSummaryError.Text = "Error reading session data."; } }
protected void btnTerminate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlDataSource3.Update(); }
protected void GridView2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlDataSource3.Update(); }
protected void Button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlDataSource3.Update(); Response.Redirect("~/AdminPage/AdminHome.aspx"); }
protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DropDownList3.Text == "借阅") { string strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["TSGConnectionString1"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strConn); string bookSql = "SELECT * FROM BOOK WHERE CALLNO = \'" + TextBox3.Text + "\'"; string patronSql = "SELECT * FROM PATRON WHERE PATRONID = \'" + TextBox4.Text + "\'"; SqlCommand bookCmd = new SqlCommand(bookSql, conn); SqlCommand patronCmd = new SqlCommand(patronSql, conn); SqlDataAdapter bookDa = new SqlDataAdapter(bookCmd); SqlDataAdapter patronDa = new SqlDataAdapter(patronCmd); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); int bookLeft = 0; bookDa.Fill(ds, "BOOK"); DataTable books = ds.Tables["BOOK"]; try { bookLeft = int.Parse(books.Rows[0]["AVAILABLENUMBER"].ToString()); } catch { Response.Write("<script>alert('输入有误,请重新输入!')</script>"); return; } patronDa.Fill(ds, "PATRON"); DataTable patrons = ds.Tables["PATRON"]; try { patrons.Rows[0]["PATRONID"].ToString(); } catch { Response.Write("<script>alert('输入有误,请重新输入!')</script>"); return; } if (bookLeft == 0) { Response.Write("<script>alert('库存不足,无法借阅!')</script>"); return; } string lendSql = "INSERT LEND VALUES(\'" + TextBox3.Text + "\', \'" + TextBox4.Text + "\', GETDATE(), NULL)"; string decreaseSql = "UPDATE BOOK SET AVAILABLENUMBER = " + (bookLeft - 1) + " WHERE CALLNO = \'" + TextBox3.Text + "\'"; conn.Open(); SqlCommand decreaseCmd = new SqlCommand(decreaseSql, conn); try { decreaseCmd.ExecuteReader(); } catch { Response.Write("<script>alert('系统错误,请检查输入!')</script>"); return; } conn.Close(); conn.Open(); SqlCommand lendCmd = new SqlCommand(lendSql, conn); try { lendCmd.ExecuteReader(); } catch { Response.Write("<script>alert('系统错误,请检查输入!')</script>"); return; } finally { TextBox3.Text = ""; TextBox4.Text = ""; SqlDataSource3.DataBind(); } } else { string strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["TSGConnectionString1"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strConn); string bookSql = "SELECT * FROM BOOK WHERE CALLNO = \'" + TextBox3.Text + "\'"; SqlCommand bookCmd = new SqlCommand(bookSql, conn); SqlDataAdapter bookDa = new SqlDataAdapter(bookCmd); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); int bookLeft = 0; bookDa.Fill(ds, "BOOK"); DataTable books = ds.Tables["BOOK"]; try { bookLeft = int.Parse(books.Rows[0]["AVAILABLENUMBER"].ToString()); } catch { Response.Write("<script>alert('输入有误,请重新输入!')</script>"); return; } string lendSql = "UPDATE (SELECT DISTINCT * FROM LEND) SET RETURNTIME = GETDATE() WHERE CALLNO = \'" + TextBox3.Text + "\' AND PATRONID = \'" + TextBox4.Text + "\'"; string increaseSql = "UPDATE BOOK SET AVAILABLENUMBER = " + (bookLeft + 1) + " WHERE CALLNO = \'" + TextBox3.Text + "\'"; conn.Open(); SqlCommand increaseCmd = new SqlCommand(increaseSql, conn); try { increaseCmd.ExecuteReader(); } catch { Response.Write("<script>alert('系统错误,请检查输入!')</script>"); return; } conn.Close(); conn.Open(); SqlCommand lendCmd = new SqlCommand(lendSql, conn); try { lendCmd.ExecuteReader(); } catch { Response.Write("<script>alert('系统错误,请检查输入!')</script>"); return; } finally { TextBox3.Text = ""; TextBox4.Text = ""; SqlDataSource3.Update(); } } }