예제 #1
        protected void LinkButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // ViewState["Detalles5"] = GridView5;
            string      Subcat, Subcat2, IdProducto = "";
            GridViewRow tabla = (GridViewRow)(((LinkButton)sender).Parent.Parent);

            IdProducto  = ((Label)tabla.FindControl("Label1")).Text.ToString();
            Label8.Text = IdProducto;
            SqlDataSource20.SelectCommand = "SELECT OEM.ID_OEM, OEM.OEM, Marca.ID_Marca, Marca.Marca FROM OEM INNER JOIN Producto ON OEM.ID_Producto = Producto.ID_Producto INNER JOIN Marca ON OEM.ID_Marca = Marca.ID_Marca WHERE Producto.ID_Producto = " + IdProducto;
            SqlDataSource21.SelectCommand = "SELECT CodigoProducto.ID_CodigoProducto, CodigoProducto.Codigo, MarcaProd.ID_MaraProd, MarcaProd.MarcaP FROM CodigoProducto INNER JOIN  Producto ON CodigoProducto.ID_Producto = Producto.ID_Producto INNER JOIN MarcaProd ON CodigoProducto.ID_MaraProd = MarcaProd.ID_MaraProd WHERE Producto.ID_Producto = " + IdProducto;
            SqlDataSource22.SelectCommand = "SELECT AnioProducto.AnioInicio, AnioProducto.AnioFinal, Rubro.ID_Rubro, Rubro.Rubro, Modelo.Modelo, Marca.Marca FROM Modelo INNER JOIN Marca ON Modelo.ID_Marca = Marca.ID_Marca INNER JOIN Rubro ON Modelo.ID_Modelo = Rubro.ID_Modelo INNER JOIN AnioProducto ON Rubro.ID_Rubro = AnioProducto.ID_Rubro  WHERE AnioProducto.ID_Producto = " + IdProducto;
            TextBox3.Text = ((Label)tabla.FindControl("Label2")).Text.ToString();
            TextBox4.Text = ((Label)tabla.FindControl("Label3")).Text.ToString();
            Subcat        = ((Label)tabla.FindControl("Label7")).Text.ToString();
            string[] separar;
            separar = Subcat.Split(',');
            //for(int i = 0; i < separar.Length; i++)

            // separar = Subcat2.Split(',');
            string categoria = separar[1];

            //   Response.Write("<script>alert('"+ categoria +"')</script>");
            DropDownList17.SelectedIndex = DropDownList17.Items.IndexOf(DropDownList17.Items.FindByText(categoria));
            // ddlsample.SelectedIndex =      ddlsample.Items.IndexOf(     ddlsample.Items.FindByText("x"));
            SqlDataSource19.SelectCommand = "SELECT ID_SubCategoria, SubCategoria FROM SubCategoria WHERE SubCategoria like '%" + separar[0] + "%'";

예제 #2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        String y = "select DISTINCT [Year] from SchoolTable";

        SqlDataSource9.SelectCommand = y;
        DataView dv = (DataView)SqlDataSource9.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments());

        for (int i = 0; i < dv.Count; i++)
            if (dv[i][0] != DBNull.Value)
                String year = (String)dv[i][0];

                String sql1 = "select count(UnitName) from SchoolTable where UnitType='Cub' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'";
                SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = sql1;
                DataView dv1 = (DataView)SqlDataSource1.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments());
                int      cub = (int)dv1[0][0];

                String sql2 = "select count(UnitName) from SchoolTable where UnitType='Scout' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'";
                SqlDataSource2.SelectCommand = sql2;
                DataView dv2   = (DataView)SqlDataSource2.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments());
                int      scout = (int)dv2[0][0];

                String sql3 = "select count(UnitName) from SchoolTable where UnitType='Rover' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'";
                SqlDataSource3.SelectCommand = sql3;
                DataView dv3   = (DataView)SqlDataSource3.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments());
                int      rover = (int)dv3[0][0];

                String sql4 = "select count(UnitName) from SchoolTable where UnitType='Bulbul' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'";
                SqlDataSource4.SelectCommand = sql4;
                DataView dv4    = (DataView)SqlDataSource4.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments());
                int      bulbul = (int)dv4[0][0];

                String sql5 = "select count(UnitName) from SchoolTable where UnitType='Guide' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'";
                SqlDataSource5.SelectCommand = sql5;
                DataView dv5   = (DataView)SqlDataSource5.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments());
                int      guide = (int)dv5[0][0];

                String sql6 = "select count(UnitName) from SchoolTable where UnitType='Ranger' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'";
                SqlDataSource6.SelectCommand = sql6;
                DataView dv6    = (DataView)SqlDataSource6.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments());
                int      ranger = (int)dv6[0][0];

                String sql7 = "select count(UnitName) from SchoolTable where UnitType='Bunny' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'";
                SqlDataSource7.SelectCommand = sql7;
                DataView dv7   = (DataView)SqlDataSource7.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments());
                int      bunny = (int)dv7[0][0];

                int total = cub + scout + rover + bulbul + guide + ranger + bunny;

                String sql9 = "select count(StudFullName) from StudentTable where UnitType='Cub' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'";
                SqlDataSource9.SelectCommand = sql9;
                DataView dv9  = (DataView)SqlDataSource9.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments());
                int      cub1 = (int)dv9[0][0];

                String sql10 = "select count(StudFullName) from StudentTable where UnitType='Scout' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'";
                SqlDataSource10.SelectCommand = sql10;
                DataView dv10   = (DataView)SqlDataSource10.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments());
                int      scout1 = (int)dv10[0][0];

                String sql11 = "select count(StudFullName) from StudentTable where UnitType='Rover' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'";
                SqlDataSource11.SelectCommand = sql11;
                DataView dv11   = (DataView)SqlDataSource11.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments());
                int      rover1 = (int)dv11[0][0];

                String sql12 = "select count(StudFullName) from StudentTable where UnitType='Bulbul' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'";
                SqlDataSource12.SelectCommand = sql12;
                DataView dv12    = (DataView)SqlDataSource12.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments());
                int      bulbul1 = (int)dv12[0][0];

                String sql13 = "select count(StudFullName) from StudentTable where UnitType='Guide' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'";
                SqlDataSource13.SelectCommand = sql13;
                DataView dv13   = (DataView)SqlDataSource13.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments());
                int      guide1 = (int)dv13[0][0];

                String sql14 = "select count(StudFullName) from StudentTable where UnitType='Ranger' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'";
                SqlDataSource14.SelectCommand = sql14;
                DataView dv14    = (DataView)SqlDataSource14.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments());
                int      ranger1 = (int)dv14[0][0];

                String sql15 = "select count(StudFullName) from StudentTable where UnitType='Bunny' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'";
                SqlDataSource15.SelectCommand = sql15;
                DataView dv15   = (DataView)SqlDataSource15.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments());
                int      bunny1 = (int)dv7[0][0];

                int total1 = cub1 + scout1 + rover1 + bulbul1 + guide1 + ranger1 + bunny1;

                String sql16 = "select count(UnitName) from SchoolTable where Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'";
                SqlDataSource16.SelectCommand = sql16;
                DataView dv16 = (DataView)SqlDataSource16.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments());
                int      unit = (int)dv16[0][0];

                String sql17 = "select SUM(khTotalContri) from SchoolTable where Year='" + year + "'";
                SqlDataSource17.SelectCommand = sql17;
                DataView dv17 = (DataView)SqlDataSource17.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments());
                int      amt;
                if (dv17[0][0] != DBNull.Value)
                    amt = (int)dv17[0][0];
                    amt = 0;
                String sql18 = "select count(SchoolName) from SchoolTable where Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'";
                SqlDataSource18.SelectCommand = sql18;
                DataView dv18 = (DataView)SqlDataSource18.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments());
                int      sch  = (int)dv18[0][0];

                String sql19 = "select count(SchoolName) from SchoolTable where SchoolType='PrimarySchool' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'";
                SqlDataSource19.SelectCommand = sql19;
                DataView dv19 = (DataView)SqlDataSource19.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments());
                int      sch1 = (int)dv19[0][0];

                String sql20 = "select count(SchoolName) from SchoolTable where SchoolType='SecondarySchool' AND Year='" + year + "' AND Status='Activated'";
                SqlDataSource20.SelectCommand = sql20;
                DataView dv20 = (DataView)SqlDataSource20.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments());
                int      sch2 = (int)dv20[0][0];

                int    total3 = sch1 + sch2;
                String update = "Select * from StatisticalData where Year='" + year + "'";
                SqlDataSource21.SelectCommand = update;
                DataView dv21 = (DataView)SqlDataSource21.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments());
                if (dv21.Count != 0)
                    String query = "update StatisticalData set Cub=" + cub + ", Scout=" + scout + ", Rover=" + rover + ", Bulbul=" + bulbul + ", Guide=" + guide + ", Ranger=" + ranger + ", Bunny=" + bunny + ", Total=" + total + ", Cub1=" + cub1 + ", Scout1=" + scout1 + ", Rover1=" + rover1 + ", Bulbul1=" + bulbul1 + ", Guide1=" + guide1 + ", Ranger1=" + ranger1 + ", Bunny1=" + bunny1 + ", Total1=" + total1 + ", TotalUnits=" + unit + ", CollectedFees=" + amt + ", TotalParticipatedSchools=" + sch + ", PrimarySchool=" + sch1 + ", SecondarySchool=" + sch2 + ", TotalMembers=" + total3 + " where Year='" + year + "'";
                    SqlDataSource22.UpdateCommand = query;
                    int n = SqlDataSource22.Update();
                    String insert1 = "insert into StatisticalData (Year, Cub, Scout, Rover, Bulbul, Guide, Ranger, Bunny, Total, Cub1, Scout1, Rover1, Bulbul1, Guide1, Ranger1, Bunny1, Total1, TotalUnits, CollectedFees, TotalParticipatedSchools, PrimarySchool, SecondarySchool, TotalMembers) Values('" + year + "'," + cub + "," + scout + "," + rover + "," + bulbul + "," + guide + "," + ranger + "," + bunny + "," + total + "," + cub1 + "," + scout1 + "," + rover1 + "," + bulbul1 + "," + guide1 + "," + ranger1 + "," + bunny1 + "," + total1 + "," + unit + "," + amt + "," + sch + "," + sch1 + "," + sch2 + "," + total3 + ")";
                    SqlDataSource8.InsertCommand = insert1;
                    int n1 = SqlDataSource8.Insert();