public void ContainsKeyTest() { builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder("SERVER=localhost;Network=DBMSSOCN"); Assert.AreEqual(true, builder.ContainsKey("NETWORK"), "#CKT1 should say true"); Assert.AreEqual(false, builder.ContainsKey("ABCD"), "#CKT2 should say false"); }
/// <summary> /// Ensures that credentials are provided for the given connection string object. /// </summary> /// <param name="connectionString">Input connection string object.</param> /// <param name="parameterName">Parameter name of the connection string object.</param> internal static void EnsureCredentials(SqlConnectionStringBuilder connectionString, string parameterName) { // Check for integrated authentication if (connectionString.IntegratedSecurity) { return; } // Check for active directory integrated authentication (if supported) if (connectionString.ContainsKey(ShardMapUtils.Authentication) && connectionString[ShardMapUtils.Authentication].ToString().Equals(ShardMapUtils.ActiveDirectoryIntegratedStr)) { return; } // UserID must be set when integrated authentication is disabled. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString.UserID)) { throw new ArgumentException( StringUtils.FormatInvariant( Errors._SqlShardMapManagerCredentials_ConnectionStringPropertyRequired, "UserID"), parameterName); } // Password must be set when integrated authentication is disabled. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString.Password)) { throw new ArgumentException( StringUtils.FormatInvariant( Errors._SqlShardMapManagerCredentials_ConnectionStringPropertyRequired, "Password"), parameterName); } }
public string GetConnectionString(string name) { // Try to find entity connection. var cs = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[name]; // If configuration section with not found then return. if (cs == null) { return(null); } var connectionString = cs.ConnectionString; if (string.Compare(cs.ProviderName, "System.Data.EntityClient", true) == 0) { // Get connection string from entity connection string. var ecsb = new System.Data.EntityClient.EntityConnectionStringBuilder(cs.ConnectionString); connectionString = ecsb.ProviderConnectionString; } var builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString); if (!builder.ContainsKey("Application Name") || ".Net SqlClient Data Provider".Equals(builder["Application Name"])) { var asm = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (asm == null) { asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); } var appPrefix = asm.GetName().Name.Replace(".", ""); var appName = string.Format("{0}", appPrefix); builder.Add("Application Name", appName); connectionString = builder.ToString(); } return(connectionString); }
public static string GetProviderConnectionString(string connectionString, out bool isEntity) { isEntity = false; #if NETSTANDARD // .NET Standard #elif NETCOREAPP // .NET Core // EF Core does not support EF specific connection strings (metadata=res:... < this kind of connection strings). #else // .NET Framework if (string.Compare(connectionString, "metadata=", true) == 0) { // Get connection string from entity connection string. var ecsb = new System.Data.EntityClient.EntityConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString); connectionString = ecsb.ProviderConnectionString; isEntity = true; } #endif var builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString); if (!builder.ContainsKey("Application Name") || ".Net SqlClient Data Provider".Equals(builder["Application Name"])) { var asm = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (asm == null) { asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); } var appPrefix = asm.GetName().Name.Replace(".", ""); var appName = string.Format("{0}", appPrefix); builder.Add("Application Name", appName); connectionString = builder.ToString(); } return(connectionString); }
/// <summary> /// Ensures that credentials are provided for the given connection string object. /// </summary> /// <param name="connectionString"> /// Input connection string object. /// </param> /// <param name="parameterName"> /// Parameter name of the connection string object. /// </param> /// <param name="secureCredential"> /// Input secure SQL credential object. /// </param> /// <param name="accessTokenFactory"> /// The access token factory. /// </param> internal static void EnsureCredentials( SqlConnectionStringBuilder connectionString, string parameterName, SqlCredential secureCredential, Func <string> accessTokenFactory) { // Check for integrated authentication if (connectionString.IntegratedSecurity) { return; } // Check for active directory integrated authentication (if supported) if (connectionString.ContainsKey(ShardMapUtils.Authentication)) { string authentication = connectionString[ShardMapUtils.Authentication].ToString(); if (authentication.Equals(ShardMapUtils.ActiveDirectoryIntegratedStr, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || authentication.Equals(ShardMapUtils.ActiveDirectoryInteractiveStr, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return; } } // If secure credential not specified, verify that user/pwd are in the connection string. If secure credential // specified, verify user/pwd are not in insecurely in the connection string. bool expectUserIdPasswordInConnectionString = secureCredential == null && accessTokenFactory == null; EnsureHasCredential( connectionString, parameterName, expectUserIdPasswordInConnectionString); }
public static string GetProviderConnectionString(string connectionString, out bool isEntity) { isEntity = false; if (string.Compare(connectionString, "metadata=", true) == 0) { // Get connection string from entity connection string. var ecsb = new System.Data.EntityClient.EntityConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString); connectionString = ecsb.ProviderConnectionString; isEntity = true; } var builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString); if (!builder.ContainsKey("Application Name") || ".Net SqlClient Data Provider".Equals(builder["Application Name"])) { var asm = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (asm == null) { asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); } var appPrefix = asm.GetName().Name.Replace(".", ""); var appName = string.Format("{0}", appPrefix); builder.Add("Application Name", appName); connectionString = builder.ToString(); } return(connectionString); }
public void TestSqlConnectionStringBuilderContainsKey(SqlConnectionColumnEncryptionSetting sqlConnectionColumnEncryptionSetting) { SqlConnectionStringBuilder connectionStringBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(); // Key is "Column Encryption Setting" with spaces. So lookup for ColumnEncryptionSetting should return false. Assert.False(connectionStringBuilder.ContainsKey(@"ColumnEncryptionSetting")); // connectionStringBuilder should have the key Column Encryption Setting, even if value is not set. Assert.True(connectionStringBuilder.ContainsKey(@"Column Encryption Setting")); // set a value and check for the key again, it should exist. connectionStringBuilder.ColumnEncryptionSetting = sqlConnectionColumnEncryptionSetting; Assert.True(connectionStringBuilder.ContainsKey(@"Column Encryption Setting")); //also check attestatin url // Key is "Column Encryption Setting" with spaces. So lookup for Enclave Attestation URL should return false. Assert.False(connectionStringBuilder.ContainsKey(@"EnclaveAttestationUrl")); // connectionStringBuilder should have the key Enclave Attestation URL, even if value is not set. Assert.True(connectionStringBuilder.ContainsKey(@"Enclave Attestation Url")); // set a value and check for the key again, it should exist. connectionStringBuilder.EnclaveAttestationUrl = ""; Assert.True(connectionStringBuilder.ContainsKey(@"Enclave Attestation Url")); //Aslo check attestation protocol // Key is "Attestation Protocol" with spaces. So lookup for AttestationProtocol should return false. Assert.False(connectionStringBuilder.ContainsKey(@"AttestationProtocol")); }
private static int Main(string[] args) { var rootCommand = new RootCommand(ThisAssembly.AppName) { new Option <string>(new[] { "--connection-string", "-cs" }, "Contains the connection string to connect to the database"), new Option <string>(new[] { "--view-name", "-vn" }, "The name of the view to inline"), new Option <FileInfo>(new[] { "--view-path", "-vp" }, "The path of the view as a .sql file (including create statement)"), new Option <bool>(new[] { "--strip-unused-columns", "-suc" }, () => true), new Option <bool>(new[] { "--strip-unused-joins", "-suj" }), new Option <bool>("--generate-create-or-alter", () => true), // TODO: DatabaseView.parser (hardcoded to TSql150Parser) }; rootCommand.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <string, string?, FileInfo?, bool, bool, bool>((connectionString, viewName, viewPath, stripUnusedColumns, stripUnusedJoins, generateCreateOrAlter) => { var cs = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString); if (!cs.ContainsKey(nameof(cs.ApplicationName))) { cs.ApplicationName = ThisAssembly.AppName; connectionString = cs.ToString(); } var connection = new DatabaseConnection(new SqlConnection(connectionString)); string viewSql; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewName)) { viewSql = connection.GetViewDefinition(viewName); } else if (viewPath != null) { viewSql = File.ReadAllText(viewPath.FullName); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("At least --view-name or --view-path is required."); } if (generateCreateOrAlter) { viewSql = DatabaseView.CreateOrAlter(viewSql); } var inliner = new DatabaseViewInliner(connection, viewSql, new() { StripUnusedColumns = stripUnusedColumns, StripUnusedJoins = stripUnusedJoins, }); Console.WriteLine(inliner.Sql); return(inliner.Errors.Count > 0 ? -1 : 0); }); return(rootCommand.Invoke(args)); }
public bool IsInMemoryDb() { var cb = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(cn); if (!cb.ContainsKey(GlobalStrings.DataSource)) { throw new ArgumentException("missing property from ConnectionString: Data Source", "ConnectionString"); } return(GlobalStrings.SqlMemoryDb.Equals((string)cb[GlobalStrings.DataSource], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); }
public bool IsInMemoryDb() { var cb = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(cn); if (!cb.ContainsKey(GlobalStrings.DATA_SOURCE)) { throw new ArgumentException("missing property of connecting string: data source", "ConnectionString"); } return("memory".Equals((string)cb[GlobalStrings.DATA_SOURCE], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); }
static ShardMapUtils() { // Connection resiliency is supported if this SqlClient instance // allows setting the retry count on connection failure SqlConnectionStringBuilder bldr = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(); if (bldr.ContainsKey(ConnectRetryCount)) { IsConnectionResiliencySupported = true; } }
static void Main() { SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(GetConnectionString()); Console.WriteLine("Connection string = " + builder.ConnectionString); // Keys you have provided return true. Console.WriteLine(builder.ContainsKey("Server")); // Comparison is case insensitive, and synonyms // are automatically converted to their "well-known" // names. Console.WriteLine(builder.ContainsKey("Database")); // Keys that are valid but have not been set return true. Console.WriteLine(builder.ContainsKey("Max Pool Size")); // Keys that do not exist return false. Console.WriteLine(builder.ContainsKey("MyKey")); Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to continue."); Console.ReadLine(); }
public static void BackupBDTrigger([TimerTrigger("0 59 23 * * 0", RunOnStartup = true)] TimerInfo myTimer, TextWriter log) { try { CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = AzureStorageAccount.DefaultAccount; CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient(); CloudBlobContainer blobContainer = blobClient.GetContainerReference(AzureStorageContainer.BackupsBD); blobContainer.CreateIfNotExists(); BlobContainerPermissions permissions = blobContainer.GetPermissions(); permissions.PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Container; blobContainer.SetPermissions(permissions); string storageName = $"backup_{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss")}.bacpac"; CloudBlockBlob backupFile = blobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(storageName); string cnn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Limbs"].ConnectionString; string dbName = null; SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(cnn); if (builder != null && builder.ContainsKey("Database")) { dbName = builder["Database"] as string; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbName)) { dbName = builder["Initial Catalog"] as string; } } string tempFile = $"{Path.GetTempPath()}{backupFile.Name}"; DacServices services = new DacServices(cnn); services.ExportBacpac(tempFile, dbName); backupFile.UploadFromFile(tempFile); log.WriteLine($"URL PRIMARIA BLOB: {backupFile.StorageUri.PrimaryUri}"); log.WriteLine($"URL PRIMARIA BLOB: {backupFile.StorageUri.SecondaryUri}"); File.Delete(tempFile); } catch (Exception ex) { log.WriteLine($"OCURRIO UN ERROR: {ex.Message}"); } }
private void ExecuteConnectionStringTests(string connectionString) { SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString); string retrievedString = builder.ConnectionString; SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder2 = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(retrievedString); Assert.Equal(builder, builder2); Assert.NotNull(builder.Values); Assert.True(builder.Values.Count > 0); foreach (string key in builder2.Keys) { Assert.True(builder.TryGetValue(key, out object valueBuilder1)); Assert.True(builder2.TryGetValue(key, out object valueBuilder2)); Assert.Equal(valueBuilder1, valueBuilder2); Assert.True(builder2.ContainsKey(key)); } }
private static bool CheckCatalog(Session session, string dbTitle, string connectionString) { var result = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString)) { var builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString); result = builder.ContainsKey(INITIAL_CATALOG) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(builder.InitialCatalog); if (!result) { session["DIALOG_ERROR_MESSAGE"] = string.Format("В строке подключения к {0} отсутствует имя БД", dbTitle); } } else { session["DIALOG_ERROR_MESSAGE"] = string.Format("Не указана строка подлкючения к {0}", dbTitle); } return(result); }
public static string GetConnectionString(string name, out bool isEntity) { isEntity = false; string connectionString = null; #if !NETSTANDARD // Try to find entity connection. var cs = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[name]; connectionString = cs.ConnectionString; #endif // If configuration section with not found then return. // EF Core does not support EF specific connection strings (metadata=res:... < this kind of connection strings). #if NETFRAMEWORK // .NET Framework if (string.Compare(cs.ProviderName, "System.Data.EntityClient", true) == 0) { // Get connection string from entity connection string. var ecsb = new System.Data.EntityClient.EntityConnectionStringBuilder(cs.ConnectionString); connectionString = ecsb.ProviderConnectionString; isEntity = true; } #endif if (connectionString == null) { return(null); } var builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString); if (!builder.ContainsKey("Application Name") || ".Net SqlClient Data Provider".Equals(builder["Application Name"])) { var asm = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (asm == null) { asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); } var appPrefix = asm.GetName().Name.Replace(".", ""); var appName = string.Format("{0}", appPrefix); builder.Add("Application Name", appName); connectionString = builder.ToString(); } return(connectionString); }
public static string ConnectionBuilder(Dictionary <string, string> parmcoll) { SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(); foreach (var parameter in parmcoll.Keys) { string cmd = parameter.Trim().Replace("_", " "); if (builder.ContainsKey(cmd)) { builder[cmd] = parmcoll[parameter].Trim().Replace(";", ""); } } if (Arguments.GetValByKey("ShowConnectionString").Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine(builder.ConnectionString); } return(builder.ConnectionString);; }
/// <summary> /// Ensures that credentials are provided for the given connection string object. /// </summary> /// <param name="connectionString"> /// Input connection string object. /// </param> /// <param name="parameterName"> /// Parameter name of the connection string object. /// </param> /// <param name="secureCredential"> /// Input secure SQL credential object. /// </param> internal static void EnsureCredentials(SqlConnectionStringBuilder connectionString, string parameterName, SqlCredential secureCredential) { // Check for integrated authentication if (connectionString.IntegratedSecurity) { return; } // Check for active directory integrated authentication (if supported) if (connectionString.ContainsKey(ShardMapUtils.Authentication) && connectionString[ShardMapUtils.Authentication].ToString().Equals(ShardMapUtils.ActiveDirectoryIntegratedStr)) { return; } // If secure credential not specified, verify that user/pwd are in the connection string. If secure credential // specified, verify user/pwd are not in insecurely in the connection string. if (secureCredential == null) { // UserID must be set when integrated authentication is disabled. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString.UserID)) { throw new ArgumentException( StringUtils.FormatInvariant( Errors._SqlShardMapManagerCredentials_ConnectionStringPropertyRequired, "UserID"), parameterName); } // Password must be set when integrated authentication is disabled. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString.Password)) { throw new ArgumentException( StringUtils.FormatInvariant( Errors._SqlShardMapManagerCredentials_ConnectionStringPropertyRequired, "Password"), parameterName); } } else { // UserID must NOT be set when a secure SQL credential is provided. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString.UserID)) { throw new ArgumentException( StringUtils.FormatInvariant( Errors._SqlShardMapManagerCredentials_ConnectionStringPropertyNotAllowed, "UserID"), parameterName); } // Password must NOT be set when a secure SQL credential is provided. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString.Password)) { throw new ArgumentException( StringUtils.FormatInvariant( Errors._SqlShardMapManagerCredentials_ConnectionStringPropertyNotAllowed, "Password"), parameterName); } } }
public bool ContainsKey(string keyword) { return(csb.ContainsKey(keyword)); }