public void ExecuteAction(SqlAction action, CancellationTokenSource cts) { var sql = action.GetSql(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sql)) { return; } using (var cn = CreateAsyncConnection()) using (var cmd = cn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = string.Format("USE {0}; {1}", action.DatabaseName, sql); cmd.CommandTimeout = action.CommandTimeout; var asyncResult = cmd.BeginExecuteNonQuery(); while (!asyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(500)) { if (cts.IsCancellationRequested) { cmd.Cancel(); return; } } cmd.EndExecuteNonQuery(asyncResult); } }
public int AddRili(Rili rili) { int result = 0; try { string sql = "INSERT INTO t_rili(Yangli,Nongli,Zhigan,Xingzuo,Xingqi,Yi,Ji)values(@Yangli,@Nongli,@Zhigan,@Xingzuo,@Xingqi,@Yi,@Ji)"; SQLiteParameter[] parameters = new SQLiteParameter[] { new SQLiteParameter("@Yangli", rili.Yangli), new SQLiteParameter("@Nongli", rili.Nongli), new SQLiteParameter("@Zhigan", rili.Zhigan), new SQLiteParameter("@Xingzuo", rili.Xingzuo), new SQLiteParameter("@Xingqi", rili.Xingqi), new SQLiteParameter("@Yi", rili.Yi), new SQLiteParameter("@Ji", rili.Ji) }; SqlAction action = new SqlAction(); result = action.IntQuery(sql, parameters); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("插入日历数据出错:" + ex.ToString()); } return(result); }
private SqlAction InsertContacts(decimal rank) { string sql = $@" UPDATE [dtl_PatientContacts] SET [Ptn_Pk]=@ptnpk, [VisitId]=@visitipk, [LocationID]=(select TOP 1 FacilityID from mst_Facility WHERE DeleteFlag = 0), [UserID]='{Patient.UserId}', [NextofKinName]='{Patient.Kin}', [NextofKinRelationship]='{Patient.Kinrelationother}', [NextofKinTelNo]='{Patient.Kinphone}', [UpdateDate]=GETDATE() WHERE Ptn_pk=@ptnpk AND VisitId=@visitipk IF @@ROWCOUNT=0 INSERT INTO dtl_PatientContacts( ptn_pk, VisitId, LocationID, UserID, CreateDate, NextofKinName, NextofKinRelationship, NextofKinTelNo) VALUES(@ptnpk,@visitipk, (select TOP 1 FacilityID from mst_Facility WHERE DeleteFlag = 0), {Patient.UserId}, GETDATE(), '{Patient.Kin}', '{Patient.Kinrelationother}', '{Patient.Kinphone}');"; var action = new SqlAction(rank, sql); return(action); }
private SqlAction InsertVisit(decimal rank) { //TODO: ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ord_Visit] ADD [IQMobileVisitType] [int] NULL string sql = $@" UPDATE [ord_Visit] SET [Ptn_Pk]=@ptnpk, [LocationID]=(select TOP 1 FacilityID from mst_Facility WHERE DeleteFlag = 0), [VisitDate]='{Patient.EnrollmentdateString}', [VisitType]= 12, [UserID]='{Patient.UserId}', [UpdateDate]=GETDATE(), [IQMobileVisitType]=12 WHERE Ptn_pk=@ptnpk AND LocationId=(select TOP 1 FacilityID from mst_Facility WHERE DeleteFlag = 0) AND IQMobileVisitType=12 IF @@ROWCOUNT=0 INSERT INTO ord_Visit( Ptn_Pk, LocationID, VisitDate, VisitType, UserID, CreateDate,IQMobileVisitType) VALUES( @ptnpk,(select TOP 1 FacilityID from mst_Facility WHERE DeleteFlag = 0), '{Patient.EnrollmentdateString}', 12, '{Patient.UserId}', GETDATE(),12); SET @visitipk=(SELECT TOP 1 [Visit_Id] FROM [ord_Visit] WHERE Ptn_Pk=@ptnpk AND IQMobileVisitType=12 ORDER BY CreateDate desc);"; var action = new SqlAction(rank, sql); return(action); }
private SqlAction InsertPatient(decimal rank) { //TODO: ALTER TABLE [dbo].[mst_Patient] ADD [SyncId] [uniqueidentifier] NULL string sql = $@" DECLARE @ptnpk int DECLARE @visitipk int UPDATE [mst_Patient] SET [Status]='0', [FirstName]=encryptbykey(key_guid('Key_CTC'), '{Patient.Firstname}'), [MiddleName]=encryptbykey(key_guid('Key_CTC'), '{Patient.Middlename}'), [LastName]=encryptbykey(key_guid('Key_CTC'), '{Patient.Lastname}'), [LocationID]= (select TOP 1 FacilityID from mst_Facility WHERE DeleteFlag = 0), [RegistrationDate]= '{Patient.EnrollmentdateString}', [Sex]= '{Patient.Sex}', [DOB]= '{Patient.DobString}', [DobPrecision]= '{Patient.GetDobEstimated()}', [CountryId]=(select TOP 1 CountryID from mst_Facility WHERE DeleteFlag = 0), [PosId]=(select TOP 1 PosID from mst_Facility WHERE DeleteFlag = 0), [SatelliteId]=(select TOP 1 SatelliteID from mst_Facility WHERE DeleteFlag = 0), [UserID]='{Patient.UserId}', [UpdateDate]=GETDATE(), [MaritalStatus]='{Patient.Kinrelation}', [HTSOccupation]='{Patient.Kinphone}', [HTSPhysicalAddress]='{Patient.Kin}', [Phone]= encryptbykey(key_guid('Key_CTC'), '{Patient.Contactphone}'), [Client_Code]= '{Patient.Clientcode}' WHERE SyncId='{Patient.UuId}' IF @@ROWCOUNT=0 INSERT INTO mst_Patient( Status, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, LocationID, RegistrationDate, Sex, DOB, DobPrecision, CountryId, PosId, SatelliteId, UserID, CreateDate, Phone,Client_Code,SyncId,MaritalStatus, HTSOccupation, HTSPhysicalAddress) VALUES( '0', encryptbykey(key_guid('Key_CTC'), '{Patient.Firstname}'), encryptbykey(key_guid('Key_CTC'), '{Patient.Middlename}'), encryptbykey(key_guid('Key_CTC'), '{Patient.Lastname}'), (select TOP 1 FacilityID from mst_Facility WHERE DeleteFlag = 0), '{Patient.EnrollmentdateString}', '{Patient.Sex}', '{Patient.DobString}', '{Patient.GetDobEstimated()}', (select TOP 1 CountryID from mst_Facility WHERE DeleteFlag = 0), (select TOP 1 PosID from mst_Facility WHERE DeleteFlag = 0), (select TOP 1 SatelliteID from mst_Facility WHERE DeleteFlag = 0), '{Patient.UserId}', GETDATE(), encryptbykey(key_guid('Key_CTC'), '{Patient.Contactphone}'),'{Patient.Clientcode}','{Patient.UuId}','{Patient.Kinrelation}','{Patient.Kinphone}','{Patient.Kin}'); SET @ptnpk=(SELECT Ptn_Pk FROM mst_Patient WHERE SyncId ='{Patient.UuId}');"; var action = new SqlAction(rank, sql); return(action); }
private SqlAction InsertRegistration(decimal rank) { string sql = $@" if exists( select name from sysobjects where name = 'DTL_FBCUSTOMFIELD_Patient_Registration') begin UPDATE [DTL_FBCUSTOMFIELD_Patient_Registration] SET [Ptn_Pk]=@ptnpk, [Visit_Pk]=@visitipk, [LocationID]=(select TOP 1 FacilityID from mst_Facility WHERE DeleteFlag = 0), [UserID]='{Patient.UserId}', [UpdateDate]=GETDATE() WHERE Ptn_pk=@ptnpk AND Visit_Pk=@visitipk IF @@ROWCOUNT=0 Insert into [DTL_FBCUSTOMFIELD_Patient_Registration]( Ptn_pk,Visit_Pk,LocationId,UserID,CreateDate) Values( @ptnpk,@visitipk,(select TOP 1 FacilityID from mst_Facility WHERE DeleteFlag = 0),{Patient.UserId}, GetDate()) end ;"; var action = new SqlAction(rank, sql); return(action); }
public Database() : base(null, Enums.ObjectType.Database) { AllObjects = new SearchSchemaBase(); _changesOptions = new List<DatabaseChangeStatus>(); Dependencies = new Dependencies(); TablesTypes = new SchemaList<TableType, Database>(this, AllObjects); UserTypes = new SchemaList<UserDataType, Database>(this, AllObjects); XmlSchemas = new SchemaList<XMLSchema, Database>(this, AllObjects); Schemas = new SchemaList<Schema, Database>(this, AllObjects); Procedures = new SchemaList<StoreProcedure, Database>(this, AllObjects); CLRProcedures = new SchemaList<CLRStoreProcedure, Database>(this, AllObjects); CLRFunctions = new SchemaList<CLRFunction, Database>(this, AllObjects); FileGroups = new SchemaList<FileGroup, Database>(this); Rules = new SchemaList<Rule, Database>(this, AllObjects); DDLTriggers = new SchemaList<Trigger, Database>(this, AllObjects); Synonyms = new SchemaList<Synonym, Database>(this, AllObjects); Assemblies = new SchemaList<Assembly, Database>(this, AllObjects); Views = new SchemaList<View, Database>(this, AllObjects); Users = new SchemaList<User, Database>(this, AllObjects); FullText = new SchemaList<FullText, Database>(this, AllObjects); Functions = new SchemaList<Function, Database>(this, AllObjects); PartitionFunctions = new SchemaList<PartitionFunction, Database>(this, AllObjects); PartitionSchemes = new SchemaList<PartitionScheme, Database>(this, AllObjects); Roles = new SchemaList<Role, Database>(this); Tables = new SchemaList<Table, Database>(this, AllObjects); Defaults = new SchemaList<Default, Database>(this, AllObjects); ActionMessage = new SqlAction(this); }
public FResume() { InitializeComponent(); cbAction.DataSource = SqlAction.List(); cbWhat.DataSource = TypeObject.List(); EnableButtons(); }
public static string ObjectToSql <T>(SqlAction action = SqlAction.SELECT, T conition = null, T newData = null) where T : class { if (conition is null && newData is null) { return(null); } switch (action) { case SqlAction.SELECT: return(SelectSql(conition)); case SqlAction.INSERT: return(InsertSql(newData)); case SqlAction.DELETE: return(DeleteSql(conition)); case SqlAction.UPDATE: return(UpdateSql(conition, newData)); default: return(null); } return(null); }
public int DeleteTimedEvent(int id) { int result = 0; try { string sql = string.Empty; SQLiteParameter[] parameters = null; if (-1 == id) { sql = "delete from t_dingshi where Frequency='仅一次' and Time < @Time"; parameters = new SQLiteParameter[] { new SQLiteParameter("@Time", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")) }; } else { sql = "delete from t_dingshi where Id = @Id"; parameters = new SQLiteParameter[] { new SQLiteParameter("@Id", id) }; } SqlAction action = new SqlAction(); result = action.IntQuery(sql, parameters); } catch { } return(result); }
public Database() : base(null, Enums.ObjectType.Database) { AllObjects = new SearchSchemaBase(); _changesOptions = new List <DatabaseChangeStatus>(); Dependencies = new Dependencies(); TablesTypes = new SchemaList <TableType, Database>(this, AllObjects); UserTypes = new SchemaList <UserDataType, Database>(this, AllObjects); XmlSchemas = new SchemaList <XMLSchema, Database>(this, AllObjects); Schemas = new SchemaList <Schema, Database>(this, AllObjects); Procedures = new SchemaList <StoreProcedure, Database>(this, AllObjects); CLRProcedures = new SchemaList <CLRStoreProcedure, Database>(this, AllObjects); CLRFunctions = new SchemaList <CLRFunction, Database>(this, AllObjects); FileGroups = new SchemaList <FileGroup, Database>(this); Rules = new SchemaList <Rule, Database>(this, AllObjects); DDLTriggers = new SchemaList <Trigger, Database>(this, AllObjects); Synonyms = new SchemaList <Synonym, Database>(this, AllObjects); Assemblies = new SchemaList <Assembly, Database>(this, AllObjects); Views = new SchemaList <View, Database>(this, AllObjects); Users = new SchemaList <User, Database>(this, AllObjects); FullText = new SchemaList <FullText, Database>(this, AllObjects); Functions = new SchemaList <Function, Database>(this, AllObjects); PartitionFunctions = new SchemaList <PartitionFunction, Database>(this, AllObjects); PartitionSchemes = new SchemaList <PartitionScheme, Database>(this, AllObjects); Roles = new SchemaList <Role, Database>(this); Tables = new SchemaList <Table, Database>(this, AllObjects); Defaults = new SchemaList <Default, Database>(this, AllObjects); ActionMessage = new SqlAction(this); }
public void Analyze(RegexFounding e, int scriptId, string text) { blocs.Clear(); MatchCollection cll = e.Expression.Matches(text); if (cll != null && cll.Count > 0) { foreach (Match m in cll) { string db = m.Groups["database"]?.Value; string sch = m.Groups["schema"]?.Value; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sch) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(db)) { sch = db; db = null; } string name = m.Groups["name"]?.Value; string col = string.Empty; if (SqlAction.IsForColumn(e.Action)) { col = m.Groups["col"]?.Value; } else if (e.ApplyOn == TypeObject.Index && SqlAction.IsForIndex(e.Action)) { col = m.Groups["col"]?.Value; } int?clientCode = null; if (int.TryParse(m.Groups["codeClient"].Value, out int cc)) { clientCode = cc; } var res = new Bloc() { ScriptId = scriptId, SqlActionId = e.Action, TypeObjectId = e.ApplyOn, BlocIndex = m.Index, BlocLength = m.Length, BlocDatabase = RegexFounding.Filtre(db), BlocSchema = RegexFounding.Filtre(sch), BlocName = RegexFounding.Filtre(name), BlocColumn = RegexFounding.Filtre(col), ClientCodeId = clientCode }; if (SqlAction.IsForColumn(e.Action)) { res.BlocColumn = m.Groups["col"]?.Value; } blocs.Add(res); } } }
/// <summary> /// Plaies the action. /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if action was played, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="sqlAction">Sql action.</param> public virtual bool PlayAction(SqlAction sqlAction) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlAction.Motion)) { Self.Play(sqlAction.Motion, sqlAction.MotionTransition, false); } return true; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="columns">Columns to choose</param> /// <returns></returns> public LinqSql <TModel> Select(string[] columns) { _sqlAction = SqlAction.Select; foreach (var col in columns) { _tableCols.Add(col, col); } return(this); }
public ScriptObject(Object obj, SqlAction act) { myobject = obj; myAction = act; if (myAction.SqlActionId != SqlAction.Delete && myAction.SqlActionId != SqlAction.Alter && myAction.SqlActionId != SqlAction.Create) { throw new ArgumentException("Action is only in CUD values"); } }
/// <summary> /// Plaies the state action. /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if state action was played, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="sqlAction">Sql action.</param> public virtual bool PlayStateAction(SqlAction sqlAction) { if (sqlAction.AnimationID >= 0) { ActionStruct actionMeta = GetActionTypeID (sqlAction.AnimationID); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(actionMeta.Name)) m_Entity.Play (actionMeta.Name, actionMeta.Transition, false); } return true; }
private IList <TableIdentifier> ProcessFromClause(FromClause fromClause, SqlAction action) { var tableReferences = fromClause?.TableReferences; if (tableReferences != null) { return(ProcessTableReferences(tableReferences, action)); } return(null); }
public ActionEditor_Sql PopulateForm(SqlAction model) { TxtBoxConnection.Text = model.ConectionString; RichStatement.Text = model.Statement; GridParameters.DataSource = model.Args; TxtBoxName.Text = model.Name; NumBoxPosition.Value = model.Position; _model = model; return(this); }
public SqlAction InsertVisit(decimal rank) { //TODO: Remove hard codede ModuleID,VisitType,LocationID ,Signature values //TODO: HTCTimeOut for Android string sql = string.Empty; try { sql = $@" DECLARE @ptnpk int DECLARE @visitipk int SET @ptnpk=(SELECT Ptn_Pk FROM mst_Patient WHERE SyncId ='{Patient.UuId}'); UPDATE [ord_Visit] SET [Ptn_Pk]=@ptnpk, [LocationID]=(select TOP 1 FacilityID from mst_Facility WHERE DeleteFlag = 0), [VisitDate]='{Patient.EnrollmentdateString}', [VisitType]= {VisitType.VisitTypeID}, [DataQuality]='1', [UserID]='{Patient.UserId}', [Signature]='0', [UpdateDate]=GETDATE(), [IQMobileVisitType]={VisitType.VisitTypeID} WHERE Ptn_pk=@ptnpk AND LocationId=(select TOP 1 FacilityID from mst_Facility WHERE DeleteFlag = 0) AND IQMobileVisitType={VisitType.VisitTypeID} IF @@ROWCOUNT=0 INSERT INTO ord_Visit(Ptn_Pk, LocationID, VisitDate, VisitType,DataQuality,UserID,Signature,CreateDate,IQMobileVisitType) VALUES( @ptnpk,(select TOP 1 FacilityID from mst_Facility WHERE DeleteFlag = 0), '{Patient.EnrollmentdateString}', {VisitType.VisitTypeID},'1', '{Patient.UserId}','0', GETDATE(),{VisitType.VisitTypeID}); SET @visitipk=(SELECT TOP 1 [Visit_Id] FROM [ord_Visit] WHERE Ptn_Pk=@ptnpk AND IQMobileVisitType={VisitType.VisitTypeID} ORDER BY CreateDate desc); "; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Debug("Error generating | Encounter Visit"); Log.Debug(ex); Log.Debug(sql); } var action = new SqlAction(rank, sql); return(action); }
private void ProcessWhereClause(WhereClause whereClause, SqlAction action) { var searchCondition = whereClause?.SearchCondition; ProcessBooleanExpression(searchCondition); /*if (searchCondition is InPredicate) * { * var subquery = ((InPredicate) searchCondition).Subquery; * var querySpecification = subquery.QueryExpression as QuerySpecification; * ProcessFromClause(querySpecification?.FromClause, action); * }*/ }
/// <summary> /// Generate a SQL Server stored procedure for the specified SQL Action (Select, Insert, Update, Delete) /// </summary> /// <param name="sqlAction"></param> /// <param name="objectSchema"></param> /// <param name="objectName"></param> /// <param name="getProcedureTemplate"></param> private void GenerateSqlServerProcedure(SqlAction sqlAction, string objectSchema, string objectName, GetProcedureTemplate getProcedureTemplate) { string procedureName = string.Format("{0}{1}Auto", objectName, sqlAction.ToString()); List <sql.DBColumn> columns = new sql.DataAccess(_connectionString).GetColumns( objectSchema, objectName, _columnLanguageTypeValues, _columnDataProviderTypeValues); if (!HasPrimaryKey(columns)) { throw new NoPrimaryKeyException(string.Format("{0}.{1} has no primary key. No Sql Server {2} procedure created.", objectSchema, objectName, sqlAction.ToString())); } string procText = getProcedureTemplate(objectSchema, objectName, procedureName, columns); File.WriteAllText(string.Format("{0}\\{1}.{2}.sql", _outputFolder, objectSchema, procedureName), procText); }
public SqlAction InsertObsData(decimal rank) { var singleBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var o in Encounter.Observations) { if (IsSingleObs(o.MConceptId)) { singleBuilder.AppendLine(GetSingleStatement(o)); } } var action = new SqlAction(rank, singleBuilder.ToString()); return(action); }
public string GetDefaultSearch() { string result = string.Empty; try { string sqlString = @"select Value from t_config where Name = 'DefaultSearch'"; SqlAction action = new SqlAction(); result = action.StringQuery(sqlString, null); } catch { } return(result); }
public DataTable GetConfigWebsite() { DataTable data = new DataTable(); try { string sqlString = @"select * from t_website_config order by WebOrder"; SqlAction action = new SqlAction(); data = action.DataTableQuery(sqlString, null); } catch { } return(data); }
public int ClearConfigWebsite() { int result = 0; try { string sqlString = @"delete from t_website_config"; SqlAction action = new SqlAction(); result = action.IntQuery(sqlString, null); } catch { } return(result); }
public DataTable GetRiliDataByMonth(int year, int month) { DataTable data = new DataTable(); try { string sqlString = @"select * from t_rili where Yangli like '" + string.Format("{0}年{1}月", year, month) + "%' order by Yangli"; SqlAction action = new SqlAction(); data = action.DataTableQuery(sqlString, null); } catch { } return(data); }
private SqlAction InsertEnrollment(decimal rank) { string sql = $@" UPDATE [ord_Visit] SET [Ptn_Pk]=@ptnpk, [LocationID]=(select TOP 1 FacilityID from mst_Facility WHERE DeleteFlag = 0), [VisitDate]='{Patient.EnrollmentdateString}', [VisitType]= {VisitType.VisitTypeID}, [DataQuality]=0, [UserID]='{Patient.UserId}', [UpdateDate]=GETDATE(), [IQMobileVisitType]={VisitType.VisitTypeID} WHERE Ptn_pk=@ptnpk AND LocationId=(select TOP 1 FacilityID from mst_Facility WHERE DeleteFlag = 0) AND IQMobileVisitType={VisitType.VisitTypeID} IF @@ROWCOUNT=0 Insert into ord_visit( Ptn_Pk,LocationID,VisitDate,VisitType,DataQuality,DeleteFlag,UserID,CreateDate,IQMobileVisitType) values ( @ptnpk,(select TOP 1 FacilityID from mst_Facility WHERE DeleteFlag = 0),'{Patient.EnrollmentdateString}',{VisitType.VisitTypeID},0,0,{Patient.UserId}, Getdate(),{VisitType.VisitTypeID}); UPDATE [lnk_patientprogramstart] SET [Ptn_Pk]=@ptnpk, [ModuleID]={Module.ModuleID}, [StartDate]='{Patient.EnrollmentdateString}', [UserID]='{Patient.UserId}', [UpdateDate]=GETDATE() WHERE Ptn_pk=@ptnpk AND ModuleID={Module.ModuleID} IF @@ROWCOUNT=0 Insert into lnk_patientprogramstart( Ptn_Pk,ModuleID,StartDate,UserID,CreateDate) values ( @ptnpk, {Module.ModuleID},'{Patient.EnrollmentdateString}',{Patient.UserId}, Getdate());" ; var action = new SqlAction(rank, sql); return(action); }
public static SqlAlterTable Alter(Table table, SqlAction action) { ArgumentValidator.EnsureArgumentNotNull(table, "table"); ArgumentValidator.EnsureArgumentNotNull(action, "action"); if (action is SqlSetDefault && ((SqlSetDefault)action).Column == null || action is SqlDropDefault && ((SqlDropDefault)action).Column == null) { throw new ArgumentException(Strings.ExInvalidActionType, "action"); } if (action is SqlAddColumn && ((SqlAddColumn)action).Column.DataTable != null && ((SqlAddColumn)action).Column.DataTable != table || action is SqlSetDefault && ((SqlSetDefault)action).Column.DataTable != null && ((SqlSetDefault)action).Column.DataTable != table || action is SqlDropDefault && ((SqlDropDefault)action).Column.DataTable != null && ((SqlDropDefault)action).Column.DataTable != table || action is SqlDropColumn && ((SqlDropColumn)action).Column.DataTable != null && ((SqlDropColumn)action).Column.DataTable != table || action is SqlAlterIdentityInfo && ((SqlAlterIdentityInfo)action).Column.DataTable != null && ((SqlAlterIdentityInfo)action).Column.DataTable != table) { throw new ArgumentException(Strings.ExColumnBelongsToOtherTable, "action"); } else if (action is SqlAddConstraint) { var constraint = ((SqlAddConstraint)action).Constraint as TableConstraint; if (constraint == null) { throw new ArgumentException(Strings.ExInvalidConstraintType, "action"); } else if (constraint.Table != null && constraint.Table != table) { throw new ArgumentException(Strings.ExConstraintBelongsToOtherTable, "action"); } } else if (action is SqlDropConstraint) { var constraint = ((SqlDropConstraint)action).Constraint as TableConstraint; if (constraint == null) { throw new ArgumentException(Strings.ExInvalidConstraintType, "action"); } else if (constraint.Table != null && constraint.Table != table) { throw new ArgumentException(Strings.ExConstraintBelongsToOtherTable, "action"); } } return(new SqlAlterTable(table, action)); }
public int ClearCityData() { int result = 0; try { string sql = "delete from t_city"; SqlAction action = new SqlAction(); result = action.IntQuery(sql, null); } catch (Exception ex) { log.WriteLog(ex.ToString()); } return(result); }
public DataTable GetTimedEvents() { DataTable data = new DataTable(); try { string sqlString = @"select * from t_dingshi"; SqlAction action = new SqlAction(); data = action.DataTableQuery(sqlString, null); } catch { } return(data); }
public DataTable GetConfig() { DataTable data = new DataTable(); try { string sqlString = @"select * from t_config"; SqlAction action = new SqlAction(); data = action.DataTableQuery(sqlString, null); } catch (Exception ex) { log.WriteLog(ex.ToString()); } return(data); }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); fullFileName = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Jeux2Test.Json"); datas = RegexFoundingUnitTest.Load(fullFileName).ToList(); isChange = false; lblNo.Visible = false; cbAction.DataSource = SqlAction.List().Where(x => x.SqlActionId > 1).ToList(); cbWhat.DataSource = TypeObject.List().Where(x => x.TypeObjectId >= 0).ToList(); lblInfos.Text = string.Empty; Choix_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null); GereBoutton(); }
private SqlAction UpdateReference(decimal rank) { string sql = $@" update mst_patient set IQNumber = 'IQ-'+convert(varchar,Replicate('0',20-len(x.[ptnIdentifier]))) +x.[ptnIdentifier] from ( select UPPER(substring(convert(varchar(50),decryptbykey(firstname)),1,1))+UPPER(substring(convert(varchar(50),decryptbykey(lastname)),1,1))+convert(varchar,dob,112)+convert(varchar,locationid)+Convert(varchar(10),ptn_pk) [ptnIdentifier] from mst_patient where ptn_pk = @ptnpk)x where ptn_pk= @ptnpk;" ; var action = new SqlAction(rank, sql); return(action); }
/// <summary> /// Generate a SQL Server stored procedure for the specified SQL Action (Select, Insert, Update, Delete) /// </summary> /// <param name="sqlAction"></param> /// <param name="objectSchema"></param> /// <param name="objectName"></param> /// <param name="getProcedureTemplate"></param> private void GenerateSqlServerProcedure(SqlAction sqlAction, string objectSchema, string objectName, GetProcedureTemplate getProcedureTemplate) { string procedureName = string.Format("{0}{1}Auto", objectName, sqlAction.ToString()); List<sql.DBColumn> columns = new sql.DataAccess(_connectionString).GetColumns( objectSchema, objectName, _columnLanguageTypeValues, _columnDataProviderTypeValues); if (!HasPrimaryKey(columns)) throw new NoPrimaryKeyException(string.Format("{0}.{1} has no primary key. No Sql Server {2} procedure created.", objectSchema, objectName, sqlAction.ToString())); string procText = getProcedureTemplate(objectSchema, objectName, procedureName, columns); File.WriteAllText(string.Format("{0}\\{1}.{2}.sql", _outputFolder, objectSchema, procedureName), procText); }