void Settings_OnCheckingSettings(SprocketSettings.SettingsErrors errors) { if (!IntegrationEnabled) { return; } if (TestMode) { if (SprocketSettings.GetValue("PayPalTestIdentityToken") == null) { errors.Add("PayPal", "PayPalTestMode setting has been specified, thus a value is required for PayPalTestIdentityToken. This is the PayPal-supplied identity token for use with the PayPal Sandbox development environment. See developer.paypal.com for more info."); errors.SetCriticalError(); } if (SprocketSettings.GetValue("PayPalTestAccountAddress") == null) { errors.Add("PayPal", "PayPalTestMode setting has been specified, thus a value is required for PayPalTestAccountAddress. This is a test PayPal account address for use with the PayPal Sandbox development environment. See developer.paypal.com for more info."); errors.SetCriticalError(); } } else { if (SprocketSettings.GetValue("PayPalIdentityToken") == null) { errors.Add("PayPal", "The PayPalTestMode setting is disabled and the PayPalIntegration setting is enabled, thus a value is required for PayPalIdentityToken. This is the PayPal-supplied identity token for authenticating PayPal responses. See developer.paypal.com for more info."); errors.SetCriticalError(); } if (SprocketSettings.GetValue("PayPalAccountAddress") == null) { errors.Add("PayPal", "The PayPalTestMode setting is disabled and the PayPalIntegration setting is enabled, thus a value is required for PayPalAccountAddress. This is the PayPal account address that is to receive transaction payments. See developer.paypal.com for more info."); errors.SetCriticalError(); } } }
void OnCheckSettings(SprocketSettings.SettingsErrors errors) { if (SprocketSettings.GetValue("ConnectionString") == null) { errors.Add("DatabaseManager", "The application settings (.config) file requires a valid value for \"ConnectionString\"."); errors.SetCriticalError(); } if (SprocketSettings.GetValue("DatabaseEngine") == null) { errors.Add("DatabaseManager", "The application settings (.config) file requires a valid value for \"DatabaseEngine\"."); errors.SetCriticalError(); } if (errors.HasCriticalError) { return; } DatabaseEngine engType; try { engType = Database.ParseEngineName(SprocketSettings.GetValue("DatabaseEngine")); } catch (SprocketException) { errors.Add("DatabaseManager", "The value for \"DatabaseEngine\" is not valid."); errors.SetCriticalError(); return; } Database db = Database.Create(engType); db.ConnectionString = SprocketSettings.GetValue("ConnectionString"); string errorMessage; if (!db.TestConnectionString(out errorMessage)) { string msg = errorMessage; //if (msg.ToLower().Contains("password") // || msg.ToLower().Contains("pwd") // || msg.ToLower().Contains("pass") // || msg.ToLower().Contains("pword")) // msg = "[error message hidden because it contains password information]"; errors.Add("DatabaseManager", "The supplied connection string didn't work. The error was: " + msg); errors.SetCriticalError(); return; } defaultConnectionString = db.ConnectionString; defaultEngine = db.DatabaseEngine; }
void OnCheckingSettings(SprocketSettings.SettingsErrors errors) { string path = HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + @"\ClientID.config"; if (File.Exists(path)) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path); string guid = sr.ReadToEnd().Trim(); try { clientID = new Guid(guid); } catch { errors.Add("WebSecurity", "The existing ClientID.config file contains an invalid unique identifier. If the file has been corrupted, someone with direct database access can retrieve the ClientID from Clients table."); errors.SetCriticalError(); return; } } else { StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path); clientID = Guid.NewGuid(); sw.Write(clientID.ToString()); sw.Flush(); sw.Close(); } }
void OnCheckingSprocketSettings(SprocketSettings.SettingsErrors errors) { string psl = SprocketSettings.GetValue("PreventSimultaneousLogins"); if (psl == null) { errors.Add(this, "The Web.config file is missing a value for \"PreventSimultaneousLogins\". The value should be \"True\" or \"False\"."); errors.SetCriticalError(); return; } if (psl.ToLower() != "true" && psl.ToLower() != "false") { errors.Add(this, "The Web.config file value for \"PreventSimultaneousLogins\" is invalid. The value should be \"True\" or \"False\"."); errors.SetCriticalError(); return; } }