static void Main()
        //  Create a SpringODE object that represents
        //  a 1.0 kg spring with a spring constant of
        //  20 N/m and a damping coefficient of 1.5 N-s/m
        double mass = 1.0;
        double mu   = 1.5;
        double k    = 20.0;
        double x0   = -0.2;

        SpringODE ode = new SpringODE(mass, mu, k, x0);

        //  Solve the ODE over a range of 7 seconds
        //  using a 0.1 second time increment.
        double dt = 0.1;

        Console.WriteLine("t   x   v");
        Console.WriteLine("" + ode.GetTime() + "  " + (float)ode.GetX() +
                          "  " + (float)ode.GetVx());

        while (ode.GetTime() <= 7.0)
            Console.WriteLine("" + ode.GetTime() + "  " + (float)ode.GetX() +
                              "  " + (float)ode.GetVx());

예제 #2
    //  Event handling method for the "Start" button
    public void StartButtonClicked(object source, EventArgs e)
        //  Get the initial values from the textfield
        double mass = Convert.ToDouble(massTextBox.Text);
        double mu   = Convert.ToDouble(muTextBox.Text);
        double k    = Convert.ToDouble(kTextBox.Text);
        double x0   = Convert.ToDouble(x0TextBox.Text);

        //  Create a SpringODE object
        spring = new SpringODE(mass, mu, k, x0);

        //  Start the box sliding using a Timer object
        //  to slow down the action.
예제 #3
    public SpringSimulator()
        //  Create a SpringODE object with default values so
        //  the display can be updated the first time.
        spring = new SpringODE(1.0, 0.5, 20.0, 0.4);

        //  Create a Timer object that will be used
        //  to slow the action down.
        gameTimer          = new Timer();
        gameTimer.Interval = 50; //  delay in milliseconds.
        gameTimer.Tick    += new EventHandler(ActionPerformed);

        //  Create some Labels
        massLabel       = new Label();
        massLabel.Text  = "End mass, kg";
        massLabel.Font  = new Font(massLabel.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
        massLabel.Top   = 50;
        massLabel.Left  = 10;
        massLabel.Width = 100;

        muLabel       = new Label();
        muLabel.Text  = "Damping coefficient, kg/s";
        muLabel.Font  = new Font(muLabel.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
        muLabel.Top   = 80;
        muLabel.Left  = 10;
        muLabel.Width = 130;

        kLabel       = new Label();
        kLabel.Text  = "Spring constant, N/m";
        kLabel.Font  = new Font(kLabel.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
        kLabel.Top   = 110;
        kLabel.Left  = 10;
        kLabel.Width = 120;

        x0Label       = new Label();
        x0Label.Text  = "Initial location, m";
        x0Label.Font  = new Font(x0Label.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
        x0Label.Top   = 140;
        x0Label.Left  = 10;
        x0Label.Width = 120;

        //  Create TextBox objects to display the outcome.
        massTextBox          = new TextBox();
        massTextBox.Width    = 50;
        massTextBox.Text     = "1.0";
        massTextBox.AutoSize = true;
        massTextBox.Top      = massLabel.Top;
        massTextBox.Left     = 150;

        muTextBox          = new TextBox();
        muTextBox.Width    = 50;
        muTextBox.Text     = "0.5";
        muTextBox.AutoSize = true;
        muTextBox.Top      = muLabel.Top;
        muTextBox.Left     = 150;

        kTextBox          = new TextBox();
        kTextBox.Width    = 50;
        kTextBox.Text     = "20.0";
        kTextBox.AutoSize = true;
        kTextBox.Top      = kLabel.Top;
        kTextBox.Left     = 150;

        x0TextBox          = new TextBox();
        x0TextBox.Width    = 50;
        x0TextBox.Text     = "0.4";
        x0TextBox.AutoSize = true;
        x0TextBox.Top      = x0Label.Top;
        x0TextBox.Left     = 150;

        //  Create Button objects
        int buttonHeight = 30;
        int buttonWidth  = 50;
        int buttonLeft   = 20;

        startButton        = new Button();
        startButton.Text   = "Start";
        startButton.Height = buttonHeight;
        startButton.Width  = buttonWidth;
        startButton.Top    = 200;
        startButton.Left   = buttonLeft;
        startButton.Click += new EventHandler(StartButtonClicked);

        resetButton        = new Button();
        resetButton.Text   = "Reset";
        resetButton.Height = buttonHeight;
        resetButton.Width  = buttonWidth;
        resetButton.Top    = 250;
        resetButton.Left   = buttonLeft;
        resetButton.Click += new EventHandler(ResetButtonClicked);

        //  Create a drawing panel.
        drawingPanel             = new Panel();
        drawingPanel.Width       = 151;
        drawingPanel.Height      = 301;
        drawingPanel.Left        = 230;
        drawingPanel.Top         = 50;
        drawingPanel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

        //  Add the GUI components to the Form

        // Set the size and title of the form
        this.Height = 450;
        this.Width  = 400;
        this.Text   = "Spring Simulator";

        //  Center the form on the screen and make
        //  it visible.
        this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
        this.Visible       = true;

        //  Update the GUI display