Update() 공개 메소드

public Update ( ) : void
리턴 void
예제 #1
    public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
        Rect springPowerRect = new Rect(position.x, position.y, position.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);

        Rect springDamperRect = new Rect(position.x, springPowerRect.yMax + EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing,
                                         position.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);

        Rect remainingRect = new Rect(position.x, springDamperRect.yMax + EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing,
                                      position.width, position.yMax - springDamperRect.yMax);

        SerializedProperty springPowerProperty  = property.FindPropertyRelative("Power");
        SerializedProperty springDamperProperty = property.FindPropertyRelative("Damper");

        EditorGUI.PropertyField(springPowerRect, springPowerProperty);
        EditorGUI.PropertyField(springDamperRect, springDamperProperty);

        if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
            //EditorStyles.helpBox.Draw(remainingRect, GUIContent.none, 0);
            EditorGUI.DrawRect(remainingRect, new Color(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f));

            List <float> cache = new List <float>();

            Spring spring = new Spring();
            spring.Power  = springPowerProperty.floatValue;
            spring.Damper = springDamperProperty.floatValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++)

                spring.Update(1.0f / 60.0f);

            Vector3[] graphInfo = new Vector3[cache.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < cache.Count; i++)
                float time  = ((float)i) / (cache.Count - 1);
                float value = cache[i];

                graphInfo[i] = new Vector3(Mathf.Lerp(remainingRect.xMin, remainingRect.xMax, time),
                                           Mathf.Lerp(remainingRect.yMax, remainingRect.yMin, value), 0);

                if (i != 0)
                    Handles.DrawLine(graphInfo[i - 1], graphInfo[i]);

            Handles.color = Color.green;

예제 #2
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.X))
            spring.Velocity += bounceForce;


        Fader.alpha = spring.Value;
        Fader.transform.localScale = Vector3.one + (Vector3.one * Scaler * (1.0f - Mathf.Clamp01(spring.Value)));
    void DrawRope()
        //If not grappling, don't draw rope
        if (!hook.init)
            //currentGrapplePosition = grapplingGun.gunTip.position;
            currentGrapplePosition = transform.position;
            if (lr.positionCount > 0)
                lr.positionCount = 0;

        if (lr.positionCount == 0)
            lr.positionCount = quality + 1;


        var grapplePoint = hook.TagPos;
        //var grapplePoint = transform.position;
        var gunTipPosition = hook.grapple.ShootTransform.position;
        var up             = Quaternion.LookRotation((grapplePoint - gunTipPosition).normalized) * Vector3.up;

        currentGrapplePosition = Vector3.Lerp(currentGrapplePosition, grapplePoint, Time.deltaTime * simualtionSpeed);

        for (var i = 0; i < quality + 1; i++)
            var delta  = i / (float)quality;
            var offset = up * waveHeight * Mathf.Sin(delta * waveCount * Mathf.PI) * spring.Value *
            offset = new Vector3
                Mathf.Clamp(offset.x, -waveHeight, waveHeight),
                Mathf.Clamp(offset.y, -waveHeight, waveHeight),
                Mathf.Clamp(offset.z, -waveHeight, waveHeight)
            lr.SetPosition(i, Vector3.Lerp(gunTipPosition, currentGrapplePosition, delta) + offset);
        transform.position = lr.GetPosition(quality);
예제 #4
        public override void Simulate(Vector3 playerPosition, Vector3 playerAngles, float deltaTime)
            var   transform = this.transform;
            float interpolationDeltaTime = deltaTime * interpolationSpeed;


            _pitch.time = 0f;
            _yaw.time   = 0f;
            _roll.time  = 0f;

            var position = playerPosition;
            var angles   = playerAngles;

            // spring

            position = _spring.Update(
                deltaTime * interpolationSpeed,
                position, springMass, springDampening, springCoefficients);

            // craning

            float ax = Angles.ToRelative(pitch);
            float ay = Mathf.DeltaAngle(angles.y, yaw);
            float dy = 1f - Mathf.Cos(ax * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
            float dz = 0f - Mathf.Sin(ax * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
            float ex = 0f - Mathf.Sin(ay * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
            float ez = 1f - Mathf.Cos(ay * Mathf.Deg2Rad);

            ex *= 1f - Mathf.Max(dz + 0.5f, 0f);
            ez *= 1f - Mathf.Max(dz + 0.5f, 0f);

            ex *= Mathf.Lerp(0.15f, 0.30f, Mathf.Abs(dz));
            ez *= Mathf.Lerp(0.15f, 0.25f, Mathf.Abs(dz));
            dy *= 0.05f;
            dz *= 0.35f;

            position.y += eyeHeight;
            position   -= Quaternion.Euler(angles) * (new Vector3(0f, dy, dz) + new Vector3(ex, 0f, ez));

            transform.localPosition = position;
            transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(pitch, yaw, roll);
예제 #5
    void DrawRope()
        //If not grappling, don't draw rope
        if (!grapplingGun.IsGrappling())
            currentGrapplePosition = grapplingGun.gunTip.position;
            if (lr.positionCount > 0)
                lr.positionCount = 0;

        if (lr.positionCount == 0)
            lr.positionCount = quality + 1;


        var grapplePoint   = grapplingGun.GetGrapplePoint();
        var gunTipPosition = grapplingGun.gunTip.position;
        var up             = Quaternion.LookRotation((grapplePoint - gunTipPosition).normalized) * Vector3.up;

        currentGrapplePosition = Vector3.Lerp(currentGrapplePosition, grapplePoint, Time.deltaTime * 12f);

        for (var i = 0; i < quality + 1; i++)
            var delta  = i / (float)quality;
            var offset = up * waveHeight * Mathf.Sin(delta * waveCount * Mathf.PI) * spring.Value *

            lr.SetPosition(i, Vector3.Lerp(gunTipPosition, currentGrapplePosition, delta) + offset);
예제 #6
    public void UpdateStationaryTurret()
        if (ShouldSleep())
            lightObject.shadows = LightShadows.None;
            if (audiosource_motor.isPlaying)
            if (!audiosource_motor.isPlaying)
                audiosource_motor.volume = Preferences.sound_volume;
            audiosource_motor.volume = 0.4f * Preferences.sound_volume;
            if (lightObject.intensity > 0.0f)
                lightObject.shadows = LightShadows.Hard;
                lightObject.shadows = LightShadows.None;
        Vector3 rel_pos = Vector3.zero;

        if (motor_alive)
            switch (ai_state)
            case AIState.IDLE:
                if (!LimitedRotation)
                    rotation_y.target_state += Time.deltaTime * 100.0f;
                    if (!Waiting)
                        rotation_y.target_state += Time.deltaTime * 100.0f * (FlipRotate ? -1f : 1f);
                        WaitTime += Time.deltaTime;

                        if (WaitTime > EndWaitTime)
                            Waiting  = false;
                            WaitTime = 0f;

                    if (Mathf.Abs(rotation_y.target_state) > RotationRange)
                        FlipRotate = !FlipRotate;
                        Waiting    = true;
                    rotation_y.target_state = Mathf.Clamp(rotation_y.target_state, -RotationRange, RotationRange);


            case AIState.AIMING:
            case AIState.ALERT:
            case AIState.ALERT_COOLDOWN:
            case AIState.FIRING:
                rel_pos = target_pos - point_pivot.position;
                Vector3 x_axis      = point_pivot.rotation * new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                Vector3 y_axis      = point_pivot.rotation * new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
                Vector3 z_axis      = point_pivot.rotation * new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
                Vector3 y_plane_pos = (new Vector3(Vector3.Dot(rel_pos, z_axis), 0.0f, -Vector3.Dot(rel_pos, x_axis))).normalized;
                float   target_y    = Mathf.Atan2(y_plane_pos.x, y_plane_pos.z) / Mathf.PI * 180 - 90;
                while (target_y > rotation_y.state + 180)
                    rotation_y.state += 360.0f;
                while (target_y < rotation_y.state - 180)
                    rotation_y.state -= 360.0f;
                rotation_y.target_state = target_y;
                float y_height = Vector3.Dot(y_axis, rel_pos.normalized);
                float target_x = -Mathf.Asin(y_height) / Mathf.PI * 180;
                rotation_x.target_state = target_x;
                rotation_x.target_state = Mathf.Min(40.0f, Mathf.Max(-40.0f, target_x));
        if (battery_alive)
            switch (ai_state)
            case AIState.FIRING:
                trigger_down = true;

                trigger_down = false;
        if (barrel_alive)
            if (trigger_down)
                if (gun_delay <= 0.0f)
                    gun_delay += 0.1f;
                    Instantiate(muzzle_flash, point_muzzle_flash.position, point_muzzle_flash.rotation);
                    PlaySoundFromGroup(sound_gunshot, 1.0f);

                    GameObject bullet = (GameObject)Instantiate(bullet_obj, point_muzzle_flash.position, point_muzzle_flash.rotation);
                    bullet.GetComponent <BulletScript>().SetVelocity(point_muzzle_flash.forward * 300.0f);
                    bullet.GetComponent <BulletScript>().SetHostile();
                    rotation_x.vel += (float)UnityEngine.Random.Range(-50, 50);
                    rotation_y.vel += (float)UnityEngine.Random.Range(-50, 50);
            if (ammo_alive && bullets > 0)
                gun_delay = Mathf.Max(0.0f, gun_delay - Time.deltaTime);

        // Target interactions
        Transform target = GetTarget();

        if (target != null)
            float danger = 0.0f;
            float dist   = Vector3.Distance(target.position + targetoffsetpos, transform.position);
            if (battery_alive)
                danger += Mathf.Max(0.0f, 1.0f - dist / kMaxRange);
            if (camera_alive)
                if (danger > 0.0f)
                    danger = Mathf.Min(0.2f, danger);
                if (ai_state == AIState.AIMING || ai_state == AIState.FIRING)
                    danger = 1.0f;
                if (ai_state == AIState.ALERT || ai_state == AIState.ALERT_COOLDOWN)
                    danger += 0.5f;

                rel_pos = (target.position + targetoffsetpos) - gun_camera.position;
                bool sees_target = false;
                if (dist < kMaxRange && Vector3.Dot(gun_camera.rotation * new Vector3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), rel_pos.normalized) > 0.7f)
                    RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit();
                    if (!Physics.Linecast(gun_camera.position, target.position + targetoffsetpos, out hit, 1 << 0))
                        sees_target = true;
                if (sees_target)
                    switch (ai_state)
                    case AIState.IDLE:
                        ai_state = AIState.ALERT;
                        audiosource_effect.PlayOneShot(sound_alert, 0.3f * Preferences.sound_volume);
                        alert_delay = kAlertDelay;

                    case AIState.AIMING:
                        if (Vector3.Dot(gun_camera.rotation * new Vector3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), rel_pos.normalized) > 0.9f)
                            ai_state = AIState.FIRING;
                        target_pos = target.position + targetoffsetpos;

                    case AIState.FIRING:
                        target_pos = target.position + targetoffsetpos;

                    case AIState.ALERT:
                        alert_delay -= Time.deltaTime;
                        if (alert_delay <= 0.0f)
                            ai_state = AIState.AIMING;
                        target_pos = target.position + targetoffsetpos;

                    case AIState.ALERT_COOLDOWN:
                        ai_state    = AIState.ALERT;
                        alert_delay = kAlertDelay;
                    switch (ai_state)
                    case AIState.AIMING:
                    case AIState.FIRING:
                    case AIState.ALERT:
                        ai_state             = AIState.ALERT_COOLDOWN;
                        alert_cooldown_delay = kAlertCooldownDelay;

                    case AIState.ALERT_COOLDOWN:
                        alert_cooldown_delay -= Time.deltaTime;
                        if (alert_cooldown_delay <= 0.0f)
                            ai_state = AIState.IDLE;
                            audiosource_effect.PlayOneShot(sound_unalert, 0.3f * Preferences.sound_volume);
                switch (ai_state)
                case AIState.IDLE:
                    lightObject.color = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

                case AIState.AIMING:
                    lightObject.color = new Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

                case AIState.ALERT:
                case AIState.ALERT_COOLDOWN:
                    lightObject.color = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
            target.GetComponent <MusicScript>().AddDangerLevel(danger);
        if (!camera_alive)
            lightObject.intensity *= Mathf.Pow(0.01f, Time.deltaTime);
        lensFlareObject.color      = lightObject.color;
        lensFlareObject.brightness = lightObject.intensity;
        float target_pitch = (Mathf.Abs(rotation_y.vel) + Mathf.Abs(rotation_x.vel)) * 0.01f;

        target_pitch            = Mathf.Clamp(target_pitch, 0.2f, 2.0f);
        audiosource_motor.pitch = Mathf.Lerp(audiosource_motor.pitch, target_pitch, Mathf.Pow(0.0001f, Time.deltaTime));

        gun_pivot.localRotation = initial_turret_orientation;
        gun_pivot.localPosition = initial_turret_position;
            point_pivot.rotation * new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
            point_pivot.rotation * new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f),
예제 #7
    // remove the spring, use animation blend tree for this...! much clean, very simple, WOW!

    private void SpringBank(float amount)
        currentBanking += bankingSpring.Update(amount);
예제 #8
    void Update()
        // Create new position at bind pose
        Vector3           rootJointPosition  = new Vector3();
        Vector3           rootJointScale     = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
        Quaternion        rootJointRotation  = rootJointStartRotation;
        List <Quaternion> neckJointRotations = new List <Quaternion>(neckJointStartRotations);
        List <Quaternion> wingJointRotations = new List <Quaternion>(wingJointStartRotations);
        List <Quaternion> legJointRotations  = new List <Quaternion>(legJointStartRotations);

        // Update velocity
        velocity     = transform.position - lastPosition;
        lastPosition = transform.position;

        // Add noise to head
        chaosPoint = new Vector3(
            Mathf.PerlinNoise(Time.time * animationSettings.chaosSpeed, 0.0f) - 0.5f,
            Mathf.PerlinNoise(Time.time * animationSettings.chaosSpeed, 302.3f) - 0.5f,
            Mathf.PerlinNoise(Time.time * animationSettings.chaosSpeed, 54.4f) - 0.5f
        chaosPoint *= animationSettings.chaos;

        // Sitting Offset
        rootJointPosition += new Vector3(0, -1 * Easing.Elastic.InOut(animationSettings.sittingBlend) * 0.25f, 0);
        float scaleValue = Mathf.Max(0.0f, Easing.Elastic.InOut(animationSettings.sittingBlend) - 1.0f) * 1.5f;

        rootJointScale += new Vector3(scaleValue, scaleValue, scaleValue);
        for (int i = 0; i < legJoints.Count; i++)
            float      legRotZ        = Mathf.Lerp(0.0f, -90.0f, animationSettings.sittingBlend);
            Vector3    newLegAngles   = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, legRotZ);
            Quaternion localLegRotate = Quaternion.Inverse(legJointStartRotations[i]) * Quaternion.Euler(newLegAngles) * legJointStartRotations[i];
            legJointRotations[i] *= localLegRotate;

        // Head Bend

        for (int i = 0; i < headJoints.Count; i++)
            float      headRotZ       = Mathf.Lerp(0.0f, -25.0f, animationSettings.headBend);
            float      headRotX       = Mathf.Lerp(-25.0f, 25.0f, animationSettings.headTurn / 2 + 0.5f);
            Vector3    newHeadAngles  = new Vector3(headRotX, 0.0f, headRotZ);
            Quaternion localLegRotate = Quaternion.Inverse(neckJointStartRotations[i]) * Quaternion.Euler(newHeadAngles) * neckJointStartRotations[i];
            neckJointRotations[i] *= localLegRotate;

        // Wing Flap
        float heightBlend = -Mathf.Clamp((transform.position.y), 0.0f, 3.0f) / 3.0f;

        for (int i = 0; i < wingJoints.Count; i++)
            float      wingRotY       = Mathf.Sin(Time.time * 20.0f) * 30.0f * heightBlend;
            Vector3    newHeadAngles  = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, wingRotY);
            Quaternion localLegRotate = Quaternion.Inverse(neckJointStartRotations[i]) * Quaternion.Euler(newHeadAngles) * neckJointStartRotations[i];
            wingJointRotations[i] *= localLegRotate;

        // Flying offset
        //float blend = -0.5f - transform.position.y;
        //rootJointPosition += new Vector3(0, (Easing.Elastic.In(blend) * animationSettings.flyOffset),0);
        //scaleValue = (1.0f - Mathf.Min(1.0f, Easing.Elastic.In(blend) + 1.0f)) * 1.5f;
        //rootJointScale += new Vector3(scaleValue, scaleValue, scaleValue);

        // Apply hop
        frame += Time.deltaTime * animationSettings.hopRate;
        Vector3 velocity2D = new Vector3(velocity.x, 0, velocity.z);

        if (frame >= 1.0f)
            frame     = 0.0f;
            hopHeight = Mathf.Clamp01(velocity2D.magnitude / animationSettings.maxVelocity);
        rootJointPosition += animationSettings.moveY.Evaluate(frame) * hopHeight * animationSettings.hopHeight * Vector3.up * (1 + heightBlend);
        rootJointPosition += Mathf.Sin(frame * 6.2f) * animationSettings.hopHeight * 0.2f * Vector3.up * (heightBlend);

        // Rotate legs
        for (int i = 0; i < legJoints.Count; i++)
            float legRotZ = Mathf.Cos(frame * 6.2f);
            legRotZ = Mathf.Lerp(0.0f, legRotZ, Mathf.Clamp01(velocity2D.magnitude / animationSettings.maxVelocity));
            Vector3 newLegAngles = new Vector3(legRotZ, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            newLegAngles *= 90;
            newLegAngles *= 1 + heightBlend;
            Quaternion localLegRotate = Quaternion.Inverse(legJointStartRotations[i]) * Quaternion.Euler(newLegAngles) * legJointStartRotations[i];
            legJointRotations[i] *= localLegRotate;

        // Update springs
        rootSpring.Update(transform.position + chaosPoint);
        for (int i = 0; i < headSprings.Count; i++)
            headSprings[i].Update(headJoints[i].transform.position + chaosPoint);
        for (int i = 0; i < wingSprings.Count; i++)
            wingSprings[i].Update(wingJoints[i].transform.position + chaosPoint);

        // Rotate root based on spring
        float   rotX      = (rootSpring.position.z - rootJoint.transform.position.z);
        float   rotZ      = (rootSpring.position.x - rootJoint.transform.position.x);
        Vector3 newAngles = new Vector3(rotX, 0.0f, rotZ);

        newAngles *= 15.0f;
        Quaternion localRotate = Quaternion.Inverse(rootJointStartRotation) * Quaternion.Euler(newAngles) * rootJointStartRotation;

        rootJointRotation *= localRotate;

        // Rotate head joints based on spring
        for (int i = 0; i < headSprings.Count; i++)
            float   neckRotY      = (headSprings[i].position.x - headJoints[i].transform.position.x);
            float   neckRotZ      = (headSprings[i].position.z - headJoints[i].transform.position.z);
            Vector3 newNeckAngles = new Vector3(0.0f, neckRotY, neckRotZ);
            newNeckAngles *= 30f;
            Quaternion localNeckRotate = Quaternion.Inverse(neckJointStartRotations[i]) * Quaternion.Euler(newNeckAngles) * neckJointStartRotations[i];
            neckJointRotations[i] *= localNeckRotate;

        // Rotate wings based on spring
        for (int i = 0; i < wingSprings.Count; i++)
            float   rotWingY      = (wingSprings[i].position.z - wingJoints[i].transform.position.z);
            float   rotWingZ      = (wingSprings[i].position.y - wingJoints[i].transform.position.y);
            Vector3 newWingAngles = new Vector3(0, rotWingY, rotWingZ);
            newWingAngles *= 30f;
            Quaternion localWingRotate = Quaternion.Inverse(wingJointStartRotations[i]) * Quaternion.Euler(newWingAngles) * wingJointStartRotations[i];
            wingJointRotations[i] *= localWingRotate;

        // Apply new orientations
        rootJoint.transform.localPosition = rootJointPosition;
        rootJoint.transform.localRotation = rootJointRotation;
        rootJoint.transform.localScale    = rootJointScale;

        for (int i = 0; i < neckJointRotations.Count; i++)
            headJoints[i].transform.localRotation = neckJointRotations[i];
        for (int i = 0; i < wingJointRotations.Count; i++)
            wingJoints[i].transform.localRotation = wingJointRotations[i];
        for (int i = 0; i < legJointRotations.Count; i++)
            legJoints[i].transform.localRotation = legJointRotations[i];

         * if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex == 2) {
         *      if (hovering) {
         *              if (heightBlend <= 1.0f) {
         *                      FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.PlayOneShot(LandSound, transform.position);
         *                      hoverSound.stop(FMOD.Studio.STOP_MODE.ALLOWFADEOUT);
         *                      hovering = false;
         *              }
         *      } else {
         *              if (heightBlend >= 1.0f) {
         *                      FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.PlayOneShot(JumpSound, transform.position);
         *                      hoverSound.start();
         *                      hovering = true;
         *              }
         *      }
         * } */