/// <summary> /// The constructor for the Spotify class. /// </summary> public Spotify() { // Load the latest config. LoadConfig(); // Initialize a connection to the Spotify Web Helper application. // TODO: Catch if the App is not running. CommunicationService = SpotifyWebHelperApi.Create(); // Request Dashboard Scaleform Movie DashboardScaleform = new Scaleform("dashboard", true); // Update on every game tick. this.Tick += Update; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Creating the communication service..."); var communicationService = SpotifyWebHelperApi.Create(); Sleep(); Console.WriteLine("Retrieving client data..."); var clientVersion = communicationService.GetClientVersion(); Sleep(); Console.WriteLine("Which version of Spotify are we using? {0}", clientVersion.ClientVersion); Sleep(); Console.WriteLine("Retrieving the current status..."); var status = communicationService.GetStatus(); Sleep(); Console.WriteLine("Are we currently playing a song? {0}", status.Playing ? "Yes" : "No"); Sleep(); if (status.Playing) { Console.WriteLine("Which song are we playing? {0} by {1}", status.Track.TrackResource.Name, status.Track.ArtistResource.Name); Sleep(); Console.WriteLine("Meh, this song isn't that great. Let's pause it!"); var pausedStatus = communicationService.Pause(); Sleep(); Console.WriteLine("Are we paused? {0}", !pausedStatus.Playing ? "Yes" : "No"); Sleep(); } Console.WriteLine("Let's start a new song. Hmm...everybody loves the movie Frozen, right?"); Sleep(); var playedStatus = communicationService.Play("spotify:track:600HVBpzF1WfBdaRwbEvLz"); Console.WriteLine("That's more like it!"); Sleep(); Console.WriteLine("Currently playing the song {0} by {1}", playedStatus.Track.TrackResource.Name, playedStatus.Track.ArtistResource.Name); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public static void Main() { Game.Console.Print($"SpotifyRage is now starting.."); // Initialize a connection to the Spotify Web Helper application. // TODO: Catch if the App is not running. Game.Console.Print("Connecting to the Spotify Web Helper application."); CommunicationService = SpotifyWebHelperApi.Create(); // Request Dashboard Scaleform Movie DashboardScaleform = new Scaleform("dashboard", true); // Update on every game tick. Game.FrameRender += Update; while (true) { GameFiber.Yield(); } }