public override void Unload() { Main.logoTexture = storedLogo; Main.logo2Texture = storedLogo2; Main.soundMenuTick = tick; Main.soundMenuClose = close; Main.soundMenuOpen = open; Main.logoTexture = storedLogo; IL.Terraria.Main.UpdateAudio -= new ILContext.Manipulator(ChangeMenuMusic); customTitleMusicSlot = 6; ManualResetEvent evt = titleMusicStopped; if (evt != null) { evt.Set(); } titleMusicStopped = null; // Wtf... Main.versionNumber = $"v1.3.5.3"; SpookyTerrariaUtils.ReturnTexturesToDefaults(); lock (blackPixel) { blackPixel = null; } lock (slenderLogo) { slenderLogo = null; } lock (chad) { chad = null; } Sprint = null; }
public override void Close() { for (var texIteration = 0; texIteration < _texturesDisposable.Length - 1; texIteration++) { if (_texturesDisposable[texIteration] != null) { lock (_texturesDisposable[texIteration]) _texturesDisposable[texIteration] = null; } } var soundSlot2 = GetSoundSlot(SoundType.Music, "Sounds/Music/MainMenu/Slender_MainMenu"); if ( { var musicIndex =[soundSlot2]; if (musicIndex != null && musicIndex.IsPlaying) {[soundSlot2].Stop(AudioStopOptions.Immediate); } } SpookyTerrariaUtils.ReturnTexturesToDefaults(); base.Close(); }
public override void Unload() { DiscordRPCInfo.Terminate(); Main.logoTexture = storedLogo; Main.logo2Texture = storedLogo2; Main.soundMenuTick = tick; Main.soundMenuClose = close; Main.soundMenuOpen = open; Main.logoTexture = storedLogo; IL.Terraria.Main.UpdateAudio -= ChangeMenuMusic; customTitleMusicSlot = 6; var evt = titleMusicStopped; if (evt != null) { evt.Set(); } titleMusicStopped = null; // Wtf... Main.versionNumber = "v1.3.5.3"; SpookyTerrariaUtils.ReturnTexturesToDefaults(); /*for (int texIteration = 0; texIteration < _texturesDisposable.Length - 1; texIteration++) * { * if (_texturesDisposable[texIteration] != null) * { * lock (_texturesDisposable[texIteration]) * { * _texturesDisposable[texIteration] = null; * } * } * }*/ Sprint = null; }
public override void PostSetupContent() { if (Main.soundVolume == 0f) { volRaisedNotifTimer = 90; Main.soundVolume = 0.5f; } if (Main.musicVolume == 0f) { volRaisedNotifTimer = 90; Main.musicVolume = 0.25f; } if (ModLoader.GetMod("TerrariaOverhaul") == null) { MenuMusicSet_Slender(); } var recievedInstance = ModContent.GetInstance <SpookyConfigClient>(); if (recievedInstance.betterUI) { SpookyTerrariaUtils.ModifyUITextures(); } }
public override void OnEnterWorld(Player player) { int batteryCount = player.CountItem(ModContent.ItemType <Battery>(), 5); if (batteryCount < 5) { player.QuickSpawnItem(ModContent.ItemType <Battery>(), MathUtils.FindRemainder(batteryCount, 5)); } if (!player.HasItem(ModContent.ItemType <OtherItems.Consumables.BetaBlocker>())) { player.QuickSpawnItem(ModContent.ItemType <OtherItems.Consumables.BetaBlocker>(), 1); } if (Main.worldName == SpookyTerrariaUtils.slenderWorldName) { if (pages > 0) { pages = 0; } SpookyTerrariaUtils.RemoveAllPossiblePagePositions(); SpookyTerrariaUtils.GenerateRandomPagePositions(); } player.GetModPlayer <StaminaPlayer>().Stamina = 100; heartRate = 80; if (Main.dayTime) { Main.PlaySound(mod.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, SoundEngine.dayAmbienceDir)); } else { Main.PlaySound(mod.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, SoundEngine.cricketsSoundDir)); } Main.PlaySound(mod.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/Custom/Ambient/Breezes")); }
private void Main_Draw(On.Terraria.Main.orig_Draw orig, Main self, GameTime gameTime) { // Main.instance.IsFixedTimeStep = false; // joke orig(self, gameTime); SpookyTerrariaUtils.HandleKeyboardInputs(); SpookyTerrariaUtils.oldKeyboardState = SpookyTerrariaUtils.newKeyboardState; }
public override void PostSetupContent() { if (ModLoader.GetMod("TerrariaOverhaul") == null) { MenuMusicSet_Slender(); } SpookyConfigClient recievedInstance = ModContent.GetInstance <SpookyConfigClient>(); if (recievedInstance.betterUI) { SpookyTerrariaUtils.ModifyUITextures(); } }
public override void Close() { int soundSlot2 = GetSoundSlot(SoundType.Music, "Sounds/Music/MainMenu/Slender_MainMenu"); if (Utils.IndexInRange(, soundSlot2)) { Music musicIndex =[soundSlot2]; if (musicIndex != null && musicIndex.IsPlaying) {[soundSlot2].Stop(AudioStopOptions.Immediate); } } SpookyTerrariaUtils.ReturnTexturesToDefaults(); base.Close(); }
/*internal static void HookMenuSplash(ILContext il) * { * var c = new ILCursor(il).Goto(0); * if (!c.TryGotoNext(i => i.MatchLdsfld(typeof(Main).GetField("dayTime")))) * return; * c.Emit(OpCodes.Call, typeof(SpookyTerraria).GetMethod("Draw_GetWorldFileText")); * } * public static void Draw_GetWorldFileText() * { * Vector2 origin2; * origin2.X = 0.5f; * origin2.Y = 0.5f; * Rectangle IClickable = new Rectangle(Main.screenHeight - 25, Main.screenWidth - (Main.screenWidth + 100), 1000, 1000); * bool isHovering = IClickable.Contains(Main.MouseScreen.ToPoint()); * Main.spriteBatch.DrawString(Main.fontMouseText, "fdsafdiuf duf gadsu fads bfdsf d bfhs bfdgfb yafdsf fbgasduf uf bdasydfbsuf", new Vector2(Main.screenWidth - origin2.X - 390f, origin2.Y + 40f), isHovering ? Color.Yellow : Color.White); * string toFile = $"C://Users//" + Path.Combine($"{Environment.UserName}") + "//Documents//My Games//Terraria//ModLoader//Worlds//Slender_The_8_Pages.twld"; * if (isHovering) * { * if (Main.mouseRight && Main.mouseRightRelease) * { * if (!File.Exists(toFile)) * { * Main.WorldPath = "C://Documents//My Games//Terraria//ModLoader//Mod Sources//SpookyTerraria//SlenderWorld//Slender_The_8_Pages.twld"; * } * } * } * // Creating file for the slendy world * // Me: Tries to sound smart * // Her: Poop * * // IL == bad * }*/ public override void Unload() { IL.Terraria.Main.UpdateAudio -= new ILContext.Manipulator(ChangeMenuMusic); customTitleMusicSlot = 6; ManualResetEvent evt = titleMusicStopped; if (evt != null) { evt.Set(); } titleMusicStopped = null; // Wtf... Main.versionNumber = $"v1.3.5.3"; SpookyTerrariaUtils.ReturnTexturesToDefaults(); Sprint = null; }
public override void PostUpdateRunSpeeds() { SpookyTerrariaUtils.HandleMaxRunSpeeds(4); // Handle stamina, etc var staminaIsZero = player.GetModPlayer <StaminaPlayer>().Stamina == 0; // Stamina is zero. var sprintHandling = SpookyTerraria.Sprint.Current && player.velocity.X != 0 && player.velocity.Y == 0; // Is the player holding shift, etc. var tooLowStamina = player.velocity.X != 0 && !SpookyTerraria.Sprint.Current && player.GetModPlayer <StaminaPlayer>().Stamina <= 25 && player.GetModPlayer <StaminaPlayer>().Stamina > 0; var notJumpingAndNotLowStaminaAndStaminaIsGreaterThan25 = player.velocity.X != 0 && player.velocity.Y == 0 && !SpookyTerraria.Sprint.Current && player.GetModPlayer <StaminaPlayer>().Stamina > 25; if (!player.wet) { if (notJumpingAndNotLowStaminaAndStaminaIsGreaterThan25 && !player.mount.Active) { player.maxRunSpeed = 1.5f * (heartRate / 80f); player.accRunSpeed = 1.5f * (heartRate / 80f); } if (sprintHandling && !staminaIsZero && !player.mount.Active) { player.maxRunSpeed = 1.5f * (heartRate / 80f) * 2f; player.accRunSpeed = 1.5f * (heartRate / 80f) * 2f; } else if (!tooLowStamina && !player.mount.Active) { player.maxRunSpeed = 1.5f * (heartRate / 80f); player.accRunSpeed = 1.5f * (heartRate / 80f); } if (tooLowStamina && !player.mount.Active) { player.maxRunSpeed = 1.5f * (heartRate / 80f) / 2f; player.accRunSpeed = 1.5f * (heartRate / 80f) / 2f; // Fix the sprinting } } // Main.NewText($"{tooLowStamina} (Stamina <= 25%) {sprintHandling} (Sprinting) {notJumpingAndNotLowStaminaAndStaminaIsGreaterThan25} (No Sprint or Low Stamina) {staminaIsZero} (Stamina is Zero)"); if (ModLoader.GetMod("TerrariaOverhaul") == null) { var instance = new SpookyTerrariaUtils(); // x.PlayStepSound("Sounds/Custom/Ambient/HootOne", "Sounds/Custom/Ambient/HootTwo", "Sounds/Custom/Ambient/HootOne", "Sounds/Custom/Ambient/HootTwo", "Sounds/Custom/Ambient/HootOne", "Sounds/Custom/Ambient/HootTwo"); instance.PlayStepSound(); } }
public override void OnEnterWorld(Player player) { var batteryCount = player.CountItem(ModContent.ItemType <Battery>(), 5); if (batteryCount < 5) { player.QuickSpawnItem(ModContent.ItemType <Battery>(), MathUtils.FindRemainder(batteryCount, 5)); } if (!player.HasItem(ModContent.ItemType <BetaBlocker>())) { player.QuickSpawnItem(ModContent.ItemType <BetaBlocker>()); } if (Main.worldName == SpookyTerrariaUtils.slenderWorldName) { if (Pages > 0) { Pages = 0; } SpookyTerrariaUtils.RemoveAllPossiblePagePositions(); SpookyTerrariaUtils.GenerateRandomPagePositions(); } else if (Pages > 0) { var randChoice = Main.rand.Next(0, 2); NPC.NewNPC(randChoice == 0 ? (int)player.Center.X + -2500 : 2500, (int)player.Center.Y + Main.rand.Next(-100, 100), ModContent.NPCType <Slenderman>()); } player.GetModPlayer <StaminaPlayer>().Stamina = 100; heartRate = 80; if (Main.dayTime) { Main.PlaySound(mod.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, AmbienceHandler.dayAmbienceDir)); } else { Main.PlaySound(mod.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, AmbienceHandler.cricketsSoundDir)); } Main.PlaySound(mod.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/Custom/Ambient/Breezes")); }
public override bool HoldItemFrame(Item item, Player player) { if (item.type == ItemID.CarriageLantern) { SpookyTerrariaUtils.SetBodyFrame((int)SpookyTerrariaUtils.BodyFrames.armDiagonalUp); return(true); } /*if (item.type == ItemID.FallenStar) * { * SpookyTerrariaUtils.SetBodyFrame((int)SpookyTerrariaUtils.BodyFrames.armDiagonalDown); * return true; * } * if (item.type == ItemID.ManaCrystal) * { * SpookyTerrariaUtils.SetBodyFrame((int)SpookyTerrariaUtils.BodyFrames.armDiagonalDown); * return true; * }*/ return(base.HoldItemFrame(item, player)); }
private void Main_DrawMenu(On.Terraria.Main.orig_DrawMenu orig, Main self, GameTime gameTime) { ChatManager.DrawColorCodedStringWithShadow(Main.spriteBatch, Main.fontDeathText, $"{DiscordInfo.userName}", new Vector2(Main.screenWidth / 2, Main.screenHeight - 8), Color.LightGray, 0f, Main.fontDeathText.MeasureString("Added a world to your worlds!") / 2, new Vector2(0.275f, 0.275f)); UIHelper.ClickHandling(); if (Main.menuMode == MenuModeID.HowToPlay) { MenuHelper.DrawHTP(); } fileAddedNoticeTimer--; if (fileAddedNoticeTimer >= 0) { ChatManager.DrawColorCodedStringWithShadow(Main.spriteBatch, Main.fontDeathText, "Added a world to your worlds!", new Vector2(Main.screenWidth / 2, Main.screenHeight - 8), Color.LightGray, 0f, Main.fontDeathText.MeasureString("Added a world to your worlds!") / 2, new Vector2(0.275f, 0.275f)); } // UIHelper.CreateSimpleUIButton(Main.fontDeathText, new Vector2(300, 100), $"{Environment.OSVersion.Platform} {Environment.OSVersion.Version}", null, ref scaleTimer_BasedOnSineWave); if (Main.menuMode == 0) { ChatManager.DrawColorCodedStringWithShadow(Main.spriteBatch, Main.fontDeathText, $"Authenticated as: {SteamUser.GetSteamID().GetAccountID()} ({SteamFriends.GetPersonaName()})", new Vector2(6, 6), Color.LightGray, 0f, Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(0.275f, 0.275f)); } MenuHelper.DrawUserStatistics(); AmbienceHandler.StopAllAmbientSounds(); MenuHelper.DrawSlenderMenuUI(); MenuHelper.DrawChangeLogs(); if (volRaisedNotifTimer >= 0) { ChatManager.DrawColorCodedStringWithShadow(Main.spriteBatch, Main.fontDeathText, "Volume Adjusted Automatically.", new Vector2(Main.screenWidth / 2, Main.screenHeight - 10), Color.Gray * volRaisedNotifTimer, 0f, Main.fontDeathText.MeasureString("Volume Adjusted Automatically.") / 2, new Vector2(0.3f, 0.3f)); } if (Main.menuMode == MenuModeID.SlenderExtras) { MenuHelper.DrawSocials(); } volRaisedNotifTimer--; SpookyTerrariaUtils.HandleKeyboardInputs(); SpookyTerrariaUtils.oldKeyboardState = SpookyTerrariaUtils.newKeyboardState; UIHelper.MSOld = UIHelper.MSNew; orig(self, gameTime); }
public override void PostDrawTiles() { Player player = Main.player[Main.myPlayer]; Main.spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend); Main.spriteBatch.Draw(mod.GetTexture("Assets/WhiteSquare"), player.position, null, Color.White * 0.25f, 0f, new Vector2(Main.screenWidth / 2, Main.screenHeight / 2), new Vector2(player.Hitbox.Width, player.Hitbox.Height), SpriteEffects.None, 1f); Main.spriteBatch.End(); if (player.dead) { Main.hideUI = true; fadeScale = 0f; } if (!Main.hasFocus) { timerToLightStatic = 0; timerToMediumStatic = 0; timerToSevereStatic = 0; } for (int ll = 0; ll < Main.maxNPCs; ll++) { NPC npc = Main.npc[ll]; float distance = npc.Distance(Main.player[Main.myPlayer].Center); if ( && distance <= 1000f) { if (npc.type == ModContent.NPCType <Slenderman>()) { if (Main.GameUpdateCount % 3 == 0) { staticFrame.Y += 650; } if (staticFrame.Y >= 1950) { staticFrame.Y = 0; } bool facingTowardsSlendermanLeft = npc.Center.X < player.Center.X && player.direction == -1; bool facingTowardsSlendermanRight = npc.Center.X > player.Center.X && player.direction == 1; Main.spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend); // sourceRectangle: new Rectangle((int)Main.screenPosition.X, (int)Main.screenPosition.Y Main.spriteBatch.Draw(mod.GetTexture("Assets/Static"), new Vector2(Main.screenWidth / 2, Main.screenHeight / 2), sourceRectangle: staticFrame, Color.White * fadeScale, 0f, new Vector2(Main.screenWidth / 2, Main.screenHeight / 2), 5f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f); Main.spriteBatch.End(); if (facingTowardsSlendermanLeft || facingTowardsSlendermanRight) { if (fadeScale > 0f && fadeScale < 0.4f) { timerToMediumStatic = 0; timerToSevereStatic = 0; timerToLightStatic++; if (Main.hasFocus) { SoundEngine.StopAmbientSound("Sounds/Custom/Slender/StaticMedium"); SoundEngine.StopAmbientSound("Sounds/Custom/Slender/StaticSevere"); } if (timerToLightStatic == 2) { Main.PlaySound(mod.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/Custom/Slender/StaticLight")); } if (timerToLightStatic >= 480) { Main.PlaySound(mod.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/Custom/Slender/StaticLight")); timerToLightStatic = 0; } } if (fadeScale >= 0.4 && fadeScale < 0.8f) { timerToLightStatic = 0; timerToSevereStatic = 0; timerToMediumStatic++; if (Main.hasFocus) { SoundEngine.StopAmbientSound("Sounds/Custom/Slender/StaticLight"); SoundEngine.StopAmbientSound("Sounds/Custom/Slender/StaticSevere"); } if (timerToMediumStatic == 2) { Main.PlaySound(mod.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/Custom/Slender/StaticMedium")); } if (timerToMediumStatic >= 480) { Main.PlaySound(mod.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/Custom/Slender/StaticMedium")); timerToMediumStatic = 0; } } if (fadeScale >= 0.8f) { timerToMediumStatic = 0; timerToLightStatic = 0; timerToSevereStatic++; if (Main.hasFocus) { SoundEngine.StopAmbientSound("Sounds/Custom/Slender/StaticLight"); SoundEngine.StopAmbientSound("Sounds/Custom/Slender/StaticMedium"); } if (timerToSevereStatic == 2) { Main.PlaySound(mod.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/Custom/Slender/StaticSevere")); } if (timerToSevereStatic >= 132) { Main.PlaySound(mod.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/Custom/Slender/StaticSevere")); timerToSevereStatic = 0; } } // Main.NewText($"L: {timerToLightStatic} | M: {timerToMediumStatic} | S: {timerToSevereStatic}"); // MAJOR TODO: MAKE STATIC if (!Collision.SolidCollision(npc.position, npc.width, 20)) { if (Main.GameUpdateCount % 3 == 0) { fadeScale += 0.005f; } } } else if (!facingTowardsSlendermanLeft && !facingTowardsSlendermanRight) { timerToLightStatic = 0; timerToMediumStatic = 0; timerToSevereStatic = 0; if (Main.GameUpdateCount % 3 == 0) { fadeScale -= 0.005f; } } else if (distance > 1000f) { if (Main.GameUpdateCount % 3 == 0) { fadeScale -= 0.005f; } } if (fadeScale > 1f) { fadeScale = 1f; } if (fadeScale < 0f) { fadeScale = 0f; } if (fadeScale >= 1f) { // player.KillMe(Terraria.DataStructures.PlayerDeathReason.ByCustomReason($"{} stared at death for too long."), player.statLife + 50, 0, false); } } if (npc.type == ModContent.NPCType <Slenderman>() && ! { timerToLightStatic = 0; timerToMediumStatic = 0; timerToSevereStatic = 0; fadeScale -= 0.005f; } } if (npc.type == ModContent.NPCType <Stalker>() && ! { SoundEngine.StopAmbientSound("Sounds/Custom/Slender/StaticMedium"); SoundEngine.StopAmbientSound("Sounds/Custom/Slender/StaticLight"); } } if (player.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().deathTextTimer == 1) { deathTextChoice = Main.rand.Next(0, 10); } int countCached = player.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().cachedPageCount; Color lighterRed = new Color(255, 50, 50); Color lerpable = SpookyTerrariaUtils.ColorSwitcher(Color.Red, lighterRed, 30f); Color moreLerpable = Color.Lerp(Color.Red, Color.Green, player.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().cachedPageCount * 0.125f); // 205, 92, 92, a: 255 string displayableString = SpookyTerrariaUtils.ChooseRandomDeathText(deathTextChoice); string subString = "Returning to Main Menu..."; string pagesFound = $"Pages Found: {player.GetModPlayer<SpookyPlayer>().cachedPageCount} / 8"; float x1 = Main.screenWidth / 2; float y1 = Main.screenHeight / 2; float b = y1 - 75f; float x = Main.rand.NextFloat(x1 - 5, x1 + 5); float y = Main.rand.NextFloat(y1 - 5, y1 + 5); float m = y1 - 100f; float j = y1 + 40f; Vector2 middle1 = Main.fontDeathText.MeasureString(displayableString) / 2; Vector2 middle2 = Main.fontDeathText.MeasureString(subString) / 2; Vector2 middle3 = Main.fontDeathText.MeasureString(pagesFound) / 2; if (player.dead) { SpookyTerrariaUtils.DrawPageUI(countCached, x1 - 88, b); // Main.hideUI = true; Main.spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend); // Text with shake Main.spriteBatch.DrawString(Main.fontDeathText, displayableString, new Vector2(x, y), Color.IndianRed * 0.6f, 0f, middle1, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); // Text without shake Main.spriteBatch.DrawString(Main.fontDeathText, displayableString, new Vector2(x1, y1), Color.IndianRed, 0f, middle1, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); // Pages Found Main.spriteBatch.DrawString(Main.fontDeathText, pagesFound, new Vector2(x1, m), moreLerpable, 0f, middle3, 0.4f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); if (Main.worldName == SpookyTerrariaUtils.slenderWorldName) { Main.spriteBatch.DrawString(Main.fontDeathText, subString, new Vector2(x1, j), lerpable, 0f, middle2, 0.5f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); } Main.spriteBatch.End(); } if (player.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().pageDisplayTimer < 99 && player.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().pageDisplayTimer > 0) { // player.GetModPlayer<SpookyPlayer>().displayTimes++; SpookyTerrariaUtils.DrawPageInterface(choice); } if (player.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().pageDisplayTimer == 99) { choice = Main.rand.Next(1, 9); } float lighting = Lighting.GetSubLight(Main.MouseWorld).X; Main.spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend); if (lighting > 0.05f) { if (!Main.gameMenu) { if (Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().hoveringPageLeft || Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().hoveringPageRight || Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().hoveringPageWall) { string pickUp = $"Right click to pick up"; Vector2 g = Main.fontMouseText.MeasureString(pickUp); // Main.spriteBatch.DrawString(Main.fontMouseText, pickUp, Main.MouseScreen + new Vector2(25, 25), Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(0, 0), Main.essScale * 5/*1f*/, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); Main.spriteBatch.DrawString(Main.fontMouseText, pickUp, Main.MouseWorld + new Vector2(15, -35) - Main.screenPosition, Color.White * lighting, 0f, new Vector2(g.X / 2, 5), 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); } } } Main.spriteBatch.End(); if (Main.hasFocus && Main.worldName == SpookyTerrariaUtils.slenderWorldName) { SoundEngine.StopAmbientSound(SoundEngine.wavesSoundDir); oceanWavesTimer = 0; } if (!Main.hasFocus) { SoundEngine.StopAllAmbientSounds(); SoundEngine.StopAmbientSound(SoundEngine.wavesSoundDir); player.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().hootTimer = 0; player.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().breezeTimer = 0; jungleAmbTimer = 0; dayAmbienceTimer = 0; oceanWavesTimer = 0; cricketsTimer = 0; blizzTimer = 0; caveRumbleTimer = 0; } // TODO: FINISH DRAWN RANDOMIZATION int count = SpookyPlayer.pages; if (!Main.playerInventory && player.CountBuffs() == 0 && !Main.hideUI && !player.dead) { SpookyTerrariaUtils.DrawPageUI(count, 35f, 100f); } if (!Main.playerInventory && player.CountBuffs() <= 11 && player.CountBuffs() > 0 && !Main.hideUI && !player.dead) { SpookyTerrariaUtils.DrawPageUI(count, 35f, 150f); } if (!Main.playerInventory && player.CountBuffs() > 11 && !Main.hideUI && !player.dead) { SpookyTerrariaUtils.DrawPageUI(count, 35f, 210f); } if (Main.playerInventory && !Main.hideUI && !player.dead) { SpookyTerrariaUtils.DrawPageUI(count, 35f, 325f); } }
public override void PostUpdateEverything() { // ModContent.GetInstance<AmbienceHelper>().HandleAmbiences(); Main.raining = false; Main.rainTime = 0; Main.maxRain = 0; musicType = ModContent.GetInstance <SpookyConfigClient>().musicType; playMusicTimer_UseOnce++; // Main.NewText($"X: {(int)Main.MouseWorld.X / 16} | Y: {(int)Main.MouseWorld.Y / 16}"); updateGameZoomTargetValue = Main.GameZoomTarget; var player = Main.player[Main.myPlayer]; if (Main.hasFocus) { player.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().deathTextTimer--; if (player.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().deathTextTimer < 0) { player.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().deathTextTimer = 0; } } if (player.respawnTimer == 25) { if (Main.worldName == SpookyTerrariaUtils.slenderWorldName) { SpookyPlayer.Pages = 0; SpookyTerrariaUtils.RemoveAllPossiblePagePositions(); Main.SaveSettings(); if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.SinglePlayer) { WorldFile.CacheSaveTime(); } Main.invasionProgress = 0; Main.invasionProgressDisplayLeft = 0; Main.invasionProgressAlpha = 0f; Main.menuMode = 10; Main.StopTrackedSounds(); CaptureInterface.ResetFocus(); Main.ActivePlayerFileData.StopPlayTimer(); Player.SavePlayer(Main.ActivePlayerFileData); if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.SinglePlayer) { WorldFile.saveWorld(); } else { Netplay.disconnect = true; Main.netMode = NetmodeID.SinglePlayer; } Main.fastForwardTime = false; Main.UpdateSundial(); Main.menuMode = MenuModeID.MainMenu; } } Main.soundInstanceMenuTick.Volume = 0f; Main.soundInstanceMenuOpen.Volume = 0f; Main.soundInstanceMenuClose.Volume = 0f; if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.Server) { for (var i = 0; i < Main.maxNPCs; i++) { var npc = Main.npc[i]; if (npc.type == ModContent.NPCType <Stalker>()) { Filters.Scene["Darkness"].GetShader().UseIntensity(player.Distance(npc.Center) / 8); } } } Main.slimeRain = false; Main.invasionSize = 0; Main.invasionProgress = 0; if (!beatGame) { Main.dayTime = false; Main.time = 1800; } else { Main.dayTime = true; Main.time = 18000; } }
public override void PostUpdateEverything() { playMusicTimer_UseOnce++; // Main.NewText($"X: {(int)Main.MouseWorld.X / 16} | Y: {(int)Main.MouseWorld.Y / 16}"); updateGameZoomTargetValue = Main.GameZoomTarget; Player player = Main.player[Main.myPlayer]; if (Main.hasFocus) { player.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().deathTextTimer--; if (player.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().deathTextTimer < 0) { player.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().deathTextTimer = 0; } } if (player.respawnTimer == 25) { if (Main.worldName == SpookyTerrariaUtils.slenderWorldName) { SpookyPlayer.pages = 0; SpookyTerrariaUtils.RemoveAllPossiblePagePositions(); Main.SaveSettings(); if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.SinglePlayer) { WorldFile.CacheSaveTime(); } Main.invasionProgress = 0; Main.invasionProgressDisplayLeft = 0; Main.invasionProgressAlpha = 0f; Main.menuMode = 10; Main.StopTrackedSounds(); CaptureInterface.ResetFocus(); Main.ActivePlayerFileData.StopPlayTimer(); Player.SavePlayer(Main.ActivePlayerFileData, false); if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.SinglePlayer) { WorldFile.saveWorld(); } else { Netplay.disconnect = true; Main.netMode = NetmodeID.SinglePlayer; } Main.fastForwardTime = false; Main.UpdateSundial(); Main.menuMode = 0; } } /* * if (Main.worldName == SpookyTerrariaUtils.slenderWorldName) * { * Rectangle insideBathrooms = new Rectangle(2091 * SpookyTerrariaUtils.tileScaling, 367 * SpookyTerrariaUtils.tileScaling, 85 * SpookyTerrariaUtils.tileScaling, 26 * SpookyTerrariaUtils.tileScaling); * if (player.Hitbox.Intersects(insideBathrooms)) * { * Main.NewText(updateGameZoomTargetValue + ", " + Main.GameZoomTarget); * updateGameZoomTargetValue += 0.05f; * if (updateGameZoomTargetValue > 8.75f) * { * updateGameZoomTargetValue = 8.75f; * } * } * } */ // Fix for lerping Main.soundInstanceMenuTick.Volume = 0f; Main.soundInstanceMenuOpen.Volume = 0f; Main.soundInstanceMenuClose.Volume = 0f; if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.Server) { for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxNPCs; i++) { NPC npc = Main.npc[i]; if (npc.type == ModContent.NPCType <Stalker>()) { Filters.Scene["Darkness"].GetShader().UseIntensity(player.Distance(npc.Center) / 8); } } } Main.slimeRain = false; Main.invasionSize = 0; Main.invasionProgress = 0; if (!beatGame) { Main.dayTime = false; Main.time = 1800; } else { Main.dayTime = true; Main.time = 18000; } }
public const int maxArmor = 9; // Max armor slots (up to 9, the max) public void HandleSprinting() { for (var i = 0; i < maxArmor; i++) { var accItem = player.armor[i]; var accRightItem = accItem.type == ItemID.DivingGear || accItem.type == ItemID.JellyfishDivingGear || accItem.type == ItemID.ArcticDivingGear; if (accRightItem) { if (player.wet && player.velocity.Y < 0) { staminaDecrementTimer = 0; staminaIncrementTimer++; if (staminaIncrementTimer >= 12) { Stamina--; staminaIncrementTimer = 0; } } } } var isSprinting = SpookyTerraria.Sprint.Current && Stamina != 0 && Math.Abs(player.velocity.X) > 1.5f && player.velocity.Y == 0; var currentlyJumping = player.velocity.Y < 0 && !player.mount.Active; if (isSprinting) { SpookyTerrariaUtils.NegateStaminaValue(Main.player[Main.myPlayer], 4); } if (currentlyJumping && !player.wet) { SpookyTerrariaUtils.NegateStaminaValue(Main.player[Main.myPlayer], 1); } if (currentlyJumping && player.wet) { SpookyTerrariaUtils.NegateStaminaValue(Main.player[Main.myPlayer], 5); } // Main.NewText(currentlyJumping + " " + staminaIncrementTimer + " " + isSprinting); if (!isSprinting && !currentlyJumping && !player.wet) { staminaIncrementTimer = 0; staminaDecrementTimer++; if (staminaDecrementTimer >= 6) { Stamina++; staminaDecrementTimer = 0; } } if (!isSprinting && !currentlyJumping && player.wet && player.velocity.Y >= 0) { staminaIncrementTimer = 0; staminaDecrementTimer++; if (staminaDecrementTimer >= 12) { Stamina++; staminaDecrementTimer = 0; } } if (!isSprinting && !currentlyJumping && player.wet && player.mount.Active) { staminaIncrementTimer = 0; staminaDecrementTimer++; if (staminaDecrementTimer >= 12) { Stamina++; staminaDecrementTimer = 0; } } if (Stamina < 0) { Stamina = 0; } if (Stamina > 100) { Stamina = 100; } }
public override void PostDrawTiles() { var player = Main.player[Main.myPlayer]; var count = SpookyPlayer.Pages; if (!Main.playerInventory && player.CountBuffs() == 0 && !Main.hideUI && !player.dead) { SpookyTerrariaUtils.DrawPageUI(count, 35f, 100f); } if (!Main.playerInventory && player.CountBuffs() <= 11 && player.CountBuffs() > 0 && !Main.hideUI && !player.dead) { SpookyTerrariaUtils.DrawPageUI(count, 35f, 150f); } if (!Main.playerInventory && player.CountBuffs() > 11 && !Main.hideUI && !player.dead) { SpookyTerrariaUtils.DrawPageUI(count, 35f, 210f); } if (Main.playerInventory && !Main.hideUI && !player.dead) { SpookyTerrariaUtils.DrawPageUI(count, 35f, 325f); } if (player.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().deathTextTimer == 1) { deathTextChoice = Main.rand.Next(0, 10); } var countCached = player.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().cachedPageCount; var lighterRed = new Color(255, 50, 50); var lerpable = SpookyTerrariaUtils.ColorSwitcher(Color.Red, lighterRed, 30f); var moreLerpable = Color.Lerp(Color.Red, Color.Green, player.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().cachedPageCount * 0.125f); // 205, 92, 92, a: 255 var displayableString = SpookyTerrariaUtils.ChooseRandomDeathText(deathTextChoice); var subString = "Returning to Main Menu..."; var pagesFound = $"Pages Found: {player.GetModPlayer<SpookyPlayer>().cachedPageCount} / 8"; float x1 = Main.screenWidth / 2; float y1 = Main.screenHeight / 2; var b = y1 - 75f; var x = Main.rand.NextFloat(x1 - 5, x1 + 5); var y = Main.rand.NextFloat(y1 - 5, y1 + 5); var m = y1 - 100f; var j = y1 + 40f; var middle1 = Main.fontDeathText.MeasureString(displayableString) / 2; var middle2 = Main.fontDeathText.MeasureString(subString) / 2; var middle3 = Main.fontDeathText.MeasureString(pagesFound) / 2; if (player.dead) { SpookyTerrariaUtils.DrawPageUI(countCached, x1 - 88, b); // Main.hideUI = true; Main.spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend); // Text with shake Main.spriteBatch.DrawString(Main.fontDeathText, displayableString, new Vector2(x, y), Color.IndianRed * 0.6f, 0f, middle1, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); // Text without shake Main.spriteBatch.DrawString(Main.fontDeathText, displayableString, new Vector2(x1, y1), Color.IndianRed, 0f, middle1, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); // Pages Found Main.spriteBatch.DrawString(Main.fontDeathText, pagesFound, new Vector2(x1, m), moreLerpable, 0f, middle3, 0.4f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); if (Main.worldName == SpookyTerrariaUtils.slenderWorldName) { Main.spriteBatch.DrawString(Main.fontDeathText, subString, new Vector2(x1, j), lerpable, 0f, middle2, 0.5f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); } Main.spriteBatch.End(); } if (player.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().pageDisplayTimer < 99 && player.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().pageDisplayTimer > 0) { // player.GetModPlayer<SpookyPlayer>().displayTimes++; SpookyTerrariaUtils.DrawPageInterface(choice); } if (player.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().pageDisplayTimer == 99) { choice = Main.rand.Next(1, 9); } var lighting = Lighting.GetSubLight(Main.MouseWorld).X; Main.spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend); if (lighting > 0.05f) { if (!Main.gameMenu) { if (Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().hoveringPageLeft || Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().hoveringPageRight || Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <SpookyPlayer>().hoveringPageWall) { var pickUp = "Right click to pick up"; var g = Main.fontMouseText.MeasureString(pickUp); // Main.spriteBatch.DrawString(Main.fontMouseText, pickUp, Main.MouseScreen + new Vector2(25, 25), Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(0, 0), Main.essScale * 5/*1f*/, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); Main.spriteBatch.DrawString(Main.fontMouseText, pickUp, Main.MouseWorld + new Vector2(15, -35) - Main.screenPosition, Color.White * lighting, 0f, new Vector2(g.X / 2, 5), 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); } } } Main.spriteBatch.End(); }