예제 #1
         * Initialises the element when it is created within MenuManager.
        public override void Declare()
            uiText      = null;
            uiButton    = null;
            label       = "Cycle";
            selected    = 0;
            isVisible   = true;
            isClickable = true;
            numSlots    = 1;
            textEffects = TextEffects.None;
            outlineSize = 2f;
            SetSize(new Vector2(15f, 5f));
            anchor                = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
            cycleType             = AC_CycleType.CustomScript;
            splitLanguageType     = SplitLanguageType.TextAndVoice;
            varID                 = 0;
            optionsArray          = new List <string>();
            cycleText             = string.Empty;
            actionListOnClick     = null;
            uiSelectableHideStyle = UISelectableHideStyle.DisableObject;
            cycleUIBasis          = CycleUIBasis.Button;
            optionTextures        = new Texture2D[0];
            rawImage              = null;
            linkedVariable        = null;
            uiDropdown            = null;

예제 #2
        private void CopyCycle(MenuCycle _element, bool ignoreUnityUI)
            if (ignoreUnityUI)
                uiButton = null;
                uiButton = _element.uiButton;
            uiText = null;

            label                 = _element.label;
            textEffects           = _element.textEffects;
            outlineSize           = _element.outlineSize;
            anchor                = _element.anchor;
            selected              = _element.selected;
            optionsArray          = _element.optionsArray;
            cycleType             = _element.cycleType;
            splitLanguageType     = _element.splitLanguageType;
            varID                 = _element.varID;
            cycleText             = string.Empty;
            actionListOnClick     = _element.actionListOnClick;
            uiSelectableHideStyle = _element.uiSelectableHideStyle;
            cycleUIBasis          = _element.cycleUIBasis;
            optionTextures        = _element.optionTextures;
            linkedVariable        = null;
            uiDropdown            = _element.uiDropdown;

예제 #3
         * <summary>Creates a new instance of the 'Save: Set Option' Action, set to change the active language</summary>
         * <param name = "languageIndex">The index number of the new language</param>
         * <param name = "splitLanguageType">Whether to switch text language, voice language, or both</param>
         * <returns>The generated Action</returns>
        public static ActionOptionSet CreateNew_Language(int languageIndex, SplitLanguageType splitLanguageType = SplitLanguageType.TextAndVoice)
            ActionOptionSet newAction = (ActionOptionSet)CreateInstance <ActionOptionSet>();

            newAction.method            = OptionSetMethod.Language;
            newAction.index             = languageIndex;
            newAction.splitLanguageType = splitLanguageType;
예제 #4
        override public void ShowGUI(List <ActionParameter> parameters)
            method = (OptionSetMethod)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Option to set:", method);

            switch (method)
            case OptionSetMethod.Language:
                if (KickStarter.speechManager == null)
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("No Speech Manager found! One must be assigned in order to change the language.", MessageType.Warning);
                else if (KickStarter.speechManager.languages != null && KickStarter.speechManager.languages.Count > 1)
                    if (KickStarter.speechManager != null && KickStarter.speechManager.separateVoiceAndTextLanguages)
                        splitLanguageType = (SplitLanguageType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Affect:", splitLanguageType);

                    indexParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI("Language:", parameters, indexParameterID, ParameterType.Integer);
                    if (indexParameterID < 0)
                        index = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Language:", index, KickStarter.speechManager.languages.ToArray());
                    index = 0;
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Multiple languages not found!.", MessageType.Warning);

            case OptionSetMethod.Subtitles:
                indexParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI("Show subtitles:", parameters, indexParameterID, ParameterType.Boolean);
                if (indexParameterID < 0)
                    bool showSubtitles = (index == 1);
                    showSubtitles = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Show subtitles?", showSubtitles);
                    index         = (showSubtitles) ? 1 : 0;

            case OptionSetMethod.SFXVolume:
            case OptionSetMethod.SpeechVolume:
            case OptionSetMethod.MusicVolume:
                volumeParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI("New volume:", parameters, volumeParameterID, ParameterType.Float);
                if (volumeParameterID < 0)
                    volume = EditorGUILayout.Slider("New volume:", volume, 0f, 1f);

예제 #5
        public override void ShowGUI(Menu menu)
            string apiPrefix = "(AC.PlayerMenus.GetElementWithName (\"" + menu.title + "\", \"" + title + "\") as AC.MenuCycle)";

            MenuSource source = menu.menuSource;


            if (source != AC.MenuSource.AdventureCreator)
                cycleUIBasis = (CycleUIBasis)CustomGUILayout.EnumPopup("UI basis:", cycleUIBasis, apiPrefix + ".cycleUIBasis", "What kind of UI element the Cycle is linked to");

                if (cycleUIBasis == CycleUIBasis.Button)
                    uiButton = LinkedUiGUI <UnityEngine.UI.Button> (uiButton, "Linked Button:", source, "The Unity UI Button this is linked to");
                else if (cycleUIBasis == CycleUIBasis.Dropdown)
                    uiDropdown = LinkedUiGUI <Dropdown> (uiDropdown, "Linked Dropdown:", source);
                uiSelectableHideStyle = (UISelectableHideStyle)CustomGUILayout.EnumPopup("When invisible:", uiSelectableHideStyle, apiPrefix + ".uiSelectableHideStyle", "The method by which this element is hidden from view when made invisible");

            cycleType = (AC_CycleType)CustomGUILayout.EnumPopup("Cycle type:", cycleType, apiPrefix + ".cycleType", "What the value links to");

            if (cycleType == AC_CycleType.Language && KickStarter.speechManager != null && KickStarter.speechManager.separateVoiceAndTextLanguages)
                splitLanguageType = (SplitLanguageType)CustomGUILayout.EnumPopup("Language type:", splitLanguageType, apiPrefix + ".splitLanguageType", "What kind of language this affects");

            if (source == MenuSource.AdventureCreator || cycleUIBasis == CycleUIBasis.Button)
                label = CustomGUILayout.TextField("Label text:", label, apiPrefix + ".label", "The text that's displayed on-screen, which prefixes the varying text");

            if (cycleType == AC_CycleType.CustomScript || cycleType == AC_CycleType.Variable)
                bool showOptionsGUI = true;

                if (cycleType == AC_CycleType.Variable)
                    VariableType[] allowedVarTypes = new VariableType[2];
                    allowedVarTypes[0] = VariableType.Integer;
                    allowedVarTypes[1] = VariableType.PopUp;

                    varID = AdvGame.GlobalVariableGUI("Global variable:", varID, allowedVarTypes, "The Global PopUp or Integer variable that's value will be synced with the cycle");

                    if (AdvGame.GetReferences().variablesManager != null && AdvGame.GetReferences().variablesManager.GetVariable(varID) != null && AdvGame.GetReferences().variablesManager.GetVariable(varID).type == VariableType.PopUp)
                        showOptionsGUI = false;

                if (showOptionsGUI)
                    int numOptions = optionsArray.Count;
                    numOptions = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Number of choices:", optionsArray.Count);
                    if (numOptions < 0)
                        numOptions = 0;

                    if (numOptions < optionsArray.Count)
                        optionsArray.RemoveRange(numOptions, optionsArray.Count - numOptions);
                    else if (numOptions > optionsArray.Count)
                        if (numOptions > optionsArray.Capacity)
                            optionsArray.Capacity = numOptions;
                        for (int i = optionsArray.Count; i < numOptions; i++)

                    for (int i = 0; i < optionsArray.Count; i++)
                        optionsArray [i] = CustomGUILayout.TextField("Choice #" + i.ToString() + ":", optionsArray [i], apiPrefix + ".optionsArray[" + i.ToString() + "]");

                if (cycleType == AC_CycleType.CustomScript)
                    if (optionsArray.Count > 0)
                        selected = CustomGUILayout.IntField("Default option #:", selected, apiPrefix + ".selected");

                actionListOnClick = (ActionListAsset)CustomGUILayout.ObjectField <ActionListAsset> ("ActionList on click:", actionListOnClick, false, apiPrefix + ".actionListOnClick", "The ActionList asset to run when the element is clicked on");
            alternativeInputButton = CustomGUILayout.TextField("Alternative input button:", alternativeInputButton, apiPrefix + ".alternativeInputButton", "The name of the input button that triggers the element when pressed");

            bool showOptionTextures = (optionTextures.Length > 0);

            if (menu.menuSource != MenuSource.AdventureCreator && cycleUIBasis == CycleUIBasis.Dropdown)
                showOptionTextures = false;
            showOptionTextures = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Per-option textures?", showOptionTextures);
            if (showOptionTextures)
                int numOptions = (cycleType == AC_CycleType.Language) ? KickStarter.speechManager.languages.Count : optionsArray.Count;
                if (cycleType == AC_CycleType.Language)
                    numOptions = 0;
                    if (KickStarter.speechManager != null && KickStarter.speechManager.languages != null)
                        numOptions = KickStarter.speechManager.languages.Count;
                if (optionTextures.Length != numOptions)
                    optionTextures = new Texture2D[numOptions];
                optionTextures = new Texture2D[0];

            if (showOptionTextures)
                for (int i = 0; i < optionTextures.Length; i++)
                    optionTextures[i] = (Texture2D)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Option #" + i + " texture:", optionTextures[i], typeof(Texture2D), false);
                if (menu.menuSource != MenuSource.AdventureCreator)
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Per-option textures require a RawImage component on the linked Button.", MessageType.Info);
