예제 #1
    //TODO Change time to a constant speed based on rough estimations of distance.
    //TODO Add an interrupt variable so that the AI can leave the path or change paths. Maybe check to see if destination changes.
    IEnumerator PathTravel(pathNode location, pathNode destination, float speed)
        List <pathNode> path = Dijkstra.ShortestPath(NodePath, location.ID, destination.ID);

        if (path.Count > 1)
            //Add initial location twice to initialize spline cap
            path.Insert(0, path[0]);
            //Add destination twice for the end cap on spline
            path.Add(path[path.Count - 1]);

            float timer = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < path.Count - 3; i++)
                timer = 0;
                pathNode nextNode = path[i + 2];
                float    dist     = Spline_Catmull_Rom.LengthofCurve(path[i].position, path[i + 1].position, path[i + 2].position, path[i + 3].position, 5);
                float    time     = dist / speed;
                while (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, nextNode.position) > Time.deltaTime)
                    timer += Time.deltaTime;
                    if (timer > time)
                    transform.position = Spline_Catmull_Rom.PointOnCurve(path[i].position, path[i + 1].position, path[i + 2].position, path[i + 3].position, timer / time);
                    transform.LookAt(Spline_Catmull_Rom.PointOnCurve(path[i].position, path[i + 1].position, path[i + 2].position, path[i + 3].position, (timer + Time.deltaTime) / time));
                    yield return(null);
            currentNode = destination.ID;
            traveling   = false;
예제 #2
    //Points in the direction of the path toward ID X
    public GameObject GetDirectionalArrow(int ID)
        List <pathNode> path    = Dijkstra.ShortestPath(NodePath, currentNode, ID);
        GameObject      tempObj = Instantiate(arrow) as GameObject;

        //Add initial location twice to initialize spline cap
        path.Insert(0, path[0]);
        //Add destination twice for the end cap on spline
        path.Add(path[path.Count - 1]);
        tempObj.transform.position = Spline_Catmull_Rom.PointOnCurve(path[0].position, path[1].position, path[2].position, path[3].position, 0.3f);
        tempObj.transform.LookAt(Spline_Catmull_Rom.PointOnCurve(path[0].position, path[1].position, path[2].position, path[3].position, 0.5f));