예제 #1
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        component = target as SplineComponent;
        int newtool = GUILayout.Toolbar(tool, new string[] { "Edit", "Junction", "Spline" });

        if (tool != newtool)
            tool = newtool;
            if (tool >= 2)
                activeSpline  = -1;
                selectedIndex = -1;

        switch (tool)
        case 0:

        case 1:

        case 2:
예제 #2
    //No constructor because it's a MonoBehaviour and it gets angry if I try to make one

    public void Extrude(Mesh m, SplineComponent splineComponent, int stepCount)      //Should add 'leniency' later... could it be done with scale?
        tempTubeVertices = new List <Vector3>();
        spline           = splineComponent;
        extrudeShape     = m;

        for (int i = 0; i < extrudeShape.vertexCount; i++)  //converting Array to List, otherwise tempTubeVertices would be empty

        divisions = (float)stepCount;


        MeshCollider tubeCollider;

        if (this.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshCollider>() == null)
            tubeCollider = this.gameObject.AddComponent <MeshCollider>();
            tubeCollider = this.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshCollider>();
        tubeCollider.sharedMesh = tubeMesh;
예제 #3
    protected void Start()
        if (spline == null) {
            spline = GetComponent <SplineComponent> ();

        if (spline == null) {
            Debug.LogError ("'spline' in 'SplineDrawer' is null!");

        m_LineMeshGenerator = GetComponent <LineMeshGenerator> ();
        m_MeshFilter = GetComponent <MeshFilter> ();
예제 #4
    void CenterAroundOrigin(SplineComponent spline, List <Vector3> points)
        var center = Vector3.zero;

        for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
            center += points[i];
        center /= points.Count;
        for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
            points[i] -= center;
        private void DrawSpline(DrawMode mode, SplineComponent s)
            int  length   = (int)(s.TotalLength() / SegmentLength);
            bool selected = (mode & DrawMode.Selected) != 0;

            if ((mode & DrawMode.Line) != 0)
                for (int i = 0; i <= length - 1; i++)
                    bool isEven     = i % 2 == 0;
                    var  startPoint = (Vector3)s.Point((float)i / length);
                    var  endPoint   = (Vector3)s.Point((float)(i + 1) / length);
                    var  color      = (selected
                            ? (isEven ? Color.red : Color.green)
                            : Color.white);
                    if ((mode & DrawMode.Darker) != 0)
                        color *= 0.75f;
                    Gizmos.color = color;
                    Gizmos.DrawLine(startPoint + OffsetZ,
                                    endPoint + OffsetZ);

            if ((mode & DrawMode.Arrow) != 0)
                Gizmos.color = selected ? Color.cyan : Color.white;
                var center  = s.Point(0.5f);
                var forward = s.Tangent(0.5f);

                Mesh coneMesh = null;
                if (transform.parent.GetComponent <RoadSetup>() != null)
                    coneMesh = transform.parent.GetComponent <RoadSetup>().ConeMesh;

                if (transform.parent.GetComponent <RoadPiece>() != null)
                    coneMesh = transform.parent.GetComponent <RoadPiece>().ConeMesh;

                if (coneMesh != null)
                    Gizmos.DrawMesh(coneMesh, center, Quaternion.LookRotation(forward),
                                    new Vector3(1f, 1f, 2f));
예제 #6
 static void DrawGizmo(SplineComponent spline, int stepCount)
     if (spline.points.Count > 0)
         var P     = 0f;
         var start = spline.GetNonUniformPoint(0);
         var step  = 1f / stepCount;
             P += step;
             var here = spline.GetNonUniformPoint(P);
             Gizmos.DrawLine(start, here);
             start = here;
         } while (P + step <= 1);
예제 #7
    static void DrawPointProperties(SplineComponent spline)
        Vector3 tangent = spline.GetTangent(spline.CurrentPointT);
        // Vector3 up = spline.GetUp(spline.CurrentPointT);
        Vector3 normal = spline.GetNormal(spline.CurrentPointT, Vector3.up);
        Vector3 p      = spline.GetPoint(spline.CurrentPointT);

        Gizmos.color = Color.blue;
        Gizmos.DrawRay(p, tangent.normalized);
        Gizmos.color = Color.green;
        // Gizmos.DrawRay(p, up.normalized);
        Gizmos.DrawRay(p, normal.normalized);
        Gizmos.color = Color.red;
        Gizmos.DrawRay(p, Vector3.Cross(normal, tangent));
        Gizmos.color = Color.black;
        Gizmos.DrawSphere(p, 0.05f);
예제 #8
    public Vector3 GetPoint(float t)
        int num  = linearPoints.Length - ((!spline.closed) ? 3 : 0);
        int num2 = Mathf.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt(t * (float)num), num - 1);
        int num3 = linearPoints.Length;

        if (num2 < 0)
            num2 += num3;
        float   u = t * (float)num - (float)num2;
        Vector3 a = linearPoints[num2 % num3];
        Vector3 b = linearPoints[(num2 + 1) % num3];
        Vector3 c = linearPoints[(num2 + 2) % num3];
        Vector3 d = linearPoints[(num2 + 3) % num3];

        return(SplineComponent.Interpolate(a, b, c, d, u));
예제 #9
    public Vector3 GetPoint(float t)
        var sections = linearPoints.Length - (spline.closed ? 0 : 3);
        var i        = Mathf.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt(t * (float)sections), sections - 1);
        var count    = linearPoints.Length;

        if (i < 0)
            i += count;
        var u = t * (float)sections - (float)i;
        var a = linearPoints[(i + 0) % count];
        var b = linearPoints[(i + 1) % count];
        var c = linearPoints[(i + 2) % count];
        var d = linearPoints[(i + 3) % count];

        return(SplineComponent.Interpolate(a, b, c, d, u));
예제 #10
    public Vector3 GetPoint(float t)            //takes a float & converts it into an int, why not just take an int?
        int sections = linearPoints.Length - 3; //should never be closed, if I f****d up, swap 3 with 0
        int i        = Mathf.Min(Mathf.FloorToInt(t * (float)sections), sections - 1);
        int count    = linearPoints.Length;

        if (i < 0)
            i += count;
        float   u = t * sections - i;              //Interpolation Position (?)
        Vector3 a = linearPoints[(i + 0) % count]; //Control Point (?)
        Vector3 b = linearPoints[(i + 1) % count]; //Control Point (?)
        Vector3 c = linearPoints[(i + 2) % count]; //Start Point (?)
        Vector3 d = linearPoints[(i + 3) % count]; //End Point (?)

        return(SplineComponent.Interpolate(a, b, c, d, u));
예제 #11
    // Draw splines and handles
    private void OnSceneGUI()
        component          = target as SplineComponent;
        componentTransform = component.transform;
        componentRotation  = Tools.pivotRotation == PivotRotation.Local ? componentTransform.rotation : Quaternion.identity;


        if (Tools.pivotRotation != currentPivotRotation)
            currentPivotRotation = Tools.pivotRotation;
            handleRotation       = Quaternion.identity;
            if (activeSpline >= 0 && selectedIndex >= 0)
                pointRotation = component.GetRotation(activeSpline, selectedIndex);
예제 #12
            internal static unsafe void Invoke(IntPtr obj, SplineComponent InSplineComponent, float StartWidth, float EndWidth, float StartSideFalloff, float EndSideFalloff, float StartRoll, float EndRoll, int NumSubdivisions, bool bRaiseHeights, bool bLowerHeights, LandscapeLayerInfoObject PaintLayer)
                long *p = stackalloc long[] { 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L };
                byte *b = (byte *)p;

                *((IntPtr *)(b + 0))  = InSplineComponent;
                *((float *)(b + 8))   = StartWidth;
                *((float *)(b + 12))  = EndWidth;
                *((float *)(b + 16))  = StartSideFalloff;
                *((float *)(b + 20))  = EndSideFalloff;
                *((float *)(b + 24))  = StartRoll;
                *((float *)(b + 28))  = EndRoll;
                *((int *)(b + 32))    = NumSubdivisions;
                *((bool *)(b + 36))   = bRaiseHeights;
                *((bool *)(b + 37))   = bLowerHeights;
                *((IntPtr *)(b + 40)) = PaintLayer;
                Main.GetProcessEvent(obj, EditorApplySpline_ptr, new IntPtr(p));;
예제 #13
    public static void DrawSpline(SplineComponent a_Spline, GizmoType a_Type)
        Color l_GizmosColor = Gizmos.color;

        if (a_Spline.Spline.IsValid && a_Spline.Spline.Count >= 4) {

                // Start and end points
            Gizmos.color = SplineWindow.StartEndPointColor;
            Gizmos.DrawLine (a_Spline.Spline [0].transform.position, a_Spline.Spline [1].transform.position);
            Gizmos.DrawLine (a_Spline.Spline [a_Spline.Spline.Count - 2].transform.position, a_Spline.Spline [a_Spline.Spline.Count - 1].transform.position);

                // Spline curve
            Gizmos.color = SplineWindow.DefaultColor;
            float l_TDelta = (a_Spline.Spline.LastControlPoint.T - a_Spline.Spline.FirstControlPoint.T) / SplineWindow.CurveSegmentCount;
            SplineEnumerator <SplineControlPointComponent> l_Enumerator = new SplineEnumerator <SplineControlPointComponent> (a_Spline.Spline);
            l_Enumerator.MoveToStart ();
            Vector3 l_PositionA;
            Vector3 l_PositionB = l_Enumerator.CurrentPosition;
            while (!l_Enumerator.IsAtEnd ()) {
                l_Enumerator.MoveForward (l_TDelta);

                l_PositionA = l_PositionB;
                l_PositionB = l_Enumerator.CurrentPosition;

                Gizmos.DrawLine (l_PositionA, l_PositionB);

                // Curve spheres
            if (SplineWindow.CurveSphereCount > 1) {
                Gizmos.color = SplineWindow.CurveSphereColor;
                l_TDelta = (a_Spline.Spline.LastControlPoint.T - a_Spline.Spline.FirstControlPoint.T) / (SplineWindow.CurveSphereCount - 1);
                l_Enumerator.MoveToStart ();
                Gizmos.DrawSphere (l_Enumerator.CurrentPosition, SplineWindow.SphereRadius);
                while (!l_Enumerator.IsAtEnd ()) {
                    l_Enumerator.MoveForward (l_TDelta);
                    Gizmos.DrawSphere (l_Enumerator.CurrentPosition, SplineWindow.SphereRadius);

        Gizmos.color = l_GizmosColor;
예제 #14
 static void DrawGizmo(SplineComponent spline, int stepCount)
     Gizmos.color = Color.white;
     if (spline.points.Count > 0)
         float   p     = 0f;
         Vector3 start = spline.GetNonUniformPoint(0);
         float   step  = 1f / stepCount;
             p += step;
             Vector3 here = spline.GetNonUniformPoint(p);
             Gizmos.DrawLine(start, here);
             start = here;
         } while(p + step <= 1);
         foreach (Vector3 item in spline.points)
             Gizmos.DrawSphere(item, .25f);
예제 #15
    public void CreateNode(SplineComponent splineComponent)
        GameObject controlPoint = new GameObject("ControlPoint");

        // Add the splineComponent component
        controlPoint.AddComponent <ControlPointComponent>();

        SplineCurve splineCurve    = splineComponent.GetSplineObject();
        Vector3     targetPosition = Vector3.one;

        Vector3[] controlPoints           = splineCurve.controlPoints;
        int       cpLength                = controlPoints.Length;
        int       controlPointsPerSegment = splineComponent.GetControlPointsPerSegment();

        if (cpLength >= controlPointsPerSegment)
            // extrapolate the position from the last two points
            targetPosition = controlPoints[cpLength - 1] + (controlPoints[cpLength - 1] - controlPoints[cpLength - controlPointsPerSegment]);
        controlPoint.transform.position = targetPosition;
        controlPoint.transform.parent   = splineComponent.transform;
예제 #16
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Hold Shift and click to append and insert curve points. Backspace to delete points.", MessageType.Info);
        spline = target as SplineComponent;



        var closed = GUILayout.Toggle(spline.closed, "Closed", "button");

        if (spline.closed != closed)
            spline.closed = closed;
        if (GUILayout.Button("Flatten Y Axis"))
            Undo.RecordObject(target, "Flatten Y Axis");
            TODO : Flatten(spline.points);
        if (GUILayout.Button("Center around Origin"))
            Undo.RecordObject(target, "Center around Origin");
            TODO : CenterAroundOrigin(spline.points);


        spline.CurrentPointT = EditorGUILayout.Slider(spline.CurrentPointT, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        spline.CurrentPointT = Mathf.Clamp01(spline.CurrentPointT);

    public void OnDrawGizmosSelected()
        Transform t = transform.parent;

        if (t == null)

        SplineComponent splineComponent = t.gameObject.GetComponent <SplineComponent>();

        if (splineComponent == null)
        Gizmos.color = splineComponent.controlPointColorSelected;
        Gizmos.DrawSphere(transform.position, splineComponent.sphereRadius * 1.2f);
        if (!position.Equals(oldPos))
            oldPos = position;
예제 #18
    protected static void FindSpline()
        SplineComponent l_Spline = null;
        Transform l_Transform = Selection.activeTransform;

        if (l_Transform != null) {
            l_Spline = l_Transform.GetComponent <SplineComponent> ();
            if (l_Spline == null) {
                while (l_Spline == null) {
                    if (l_Transform.parent == null) {
                    l_Transform = l_Transform.parent;
                    l_Spline = l_Transform.GetComponent <SplineComponent> ();
        s_Spline = l_Spline;
예제 #19
 static void DrawGizmosHiRes(SplineComponent spline, GizmoType gizmoType)
     Gizmos.color = Color.white;
     DrawGizmo(spline, 1024);
예제 #20
 ///Deform landscape using a given spline
 ///param StartWidth - Width of the spline at the start node, in Spline Component local space
 ///@param EndWidth   - Width of the spline at the end node, in Spline Component local space
 ///@param StartSideFalloff - Width of the falloff at either side of the spline at the start node, in Spline Component local space
 ///@param EndSideFalloff - Width of the falloff at either side of the spline at the end node, in Spline Component local space
 ///@param StartRoll - Roll applied to the spline at the start node, in degrees. 0 is flat
 ///@param EndRoll - Roll applied to the spline at the end node, in degrees. 0 is flat
 ///@param NumSubdivisions - Number of triangles to place along the spline when applying it to the landscape. Higher numbers give better results, but setting it too high will be slow and may cause artifacts
 ///@param bRaiseHeights - Allow the landscape to be raised up to the level of the spline. If both bRaiseHeights and bLowerHeights are false, no height modification of the landscape will be performed
 ///@param bLowerHeights - Allow the landscape to be lowered down to the level of the spline. If both bRaiseHeights and bLowerHeights are false, no height modification of the landscape will be performed
 ///@param PaintLayer - LayerInfo to paint, or none to skip painting. The landscape must be configured with the same layer info in one of its layers or this will do nothing!
 public void EditorApplySpline(SplineComponent InSplineComponent, float StartWidth, float EndWidth, float StartSideFalloff, float EndSideFalloff, float StartRoll, float EndRoll, int NumSubdivisions, bool bRaiseHeights, bool bLowerHeights, LandscapeLayerInfoObject PaintLayer) =>
 LandscapeProxy_methods.EditorApplySpline_method.Invoke(ObjPointer, InSplineComponent, StartWidth, EndWidth, StartSideFalloff, EndSideFalloff, StartRoll, EndRoll, NumSubdivisions, bRaiseHeights, bLowerHeights, PaintLayer);
예제 #21
        private List <Entity> GenerateSegmentEntities(Dictionary <RoadNode, Entity> roadNodes)
            List <Entity> segments = new List <Entity>();
            Dictionary <RoadSegment, Entity> roadSegmentsMap = new Dictionary <RoadSegment, Entity>();

            foreach (var roadPiece in roadPieces)
                foreach (var segment in roadPiece.RoadSegments)
                    var segmentEntity = dstManager.CreateEntity(typeof(SegmentConfigComponent), typeof(SplineComponent),
                                                                typeof(SegmentComponent), typeof(SegmentTrafficTypeComponent));

                    var splineComponent = SplineComponent.CreateSpline(segment.StartNode.transform, segment.EndNode.transform,

                    var segmentComponent = dstManager.GetComponentData <SegmentConfigComponent>(segmentEntity);
                    segmentComponent.StartNode = roadNodes[segment.StartNode];
                    segmentComponent.EndNode   = roadNodes[segment.EndNode];
                    segmentComponent.Length    = splineComponent.TotalLength();

                    var nodeBuffer = dstManager.GetBuffer <ConnectedSegmentBufferElement>(segmentComponent.StartNode);
                    nodeBuffer.Add(new ConnectedSegmentBufferElement {
                        segment = segmentEntity

                    dstManager.SetComponentData(segmentEntity, segmentComponent);
                    dstManager.SetComponentData(segmentEntity, splineComponent);
                                                new SegmentComponent {
                        AvailableLength = segmentComponent.Length

                    roadSegmentsMap.Add(segment, segmentEntity);

            foreach (var roadPiece in roadPieces)
                //is intersection
                if (roadPiece.intersectionGroups.Length > 0)
                    var intersectionEntity = dstManager.CreateEntity(typeof(IntersectionComponent), typeof(IntersectionTimerComponent));
                    dstManager.AddBuffer <IntersectionSegmentsGroupBufferElement>(intersectionEntity);
                    var intersectionSegmentBufferElements       = dstManager.AddBuffer <IntersectionSegmentBufferElement>(intersectionEntity);
                    var intersectionSegmentsGroupBufferElements =
                        dstManager.GetBuffer <IntersectionSegmentsGroupBufferElement>(intersectionEntity);
                    var counter = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < roadPiece.intersectionGroups.Length; i++)
                        var group = roadPiece.intersectionGroups[i];
                        intersectionSegmentsGroupBufferElements.Add(new IntersectionSegmentsGroupBufferElement
                            StartIndex = counter,
                            EndIndex   = counter + group.Segments.Length - 1,
                            Time       = group.Time
                        foreach (var roadSegment in group.Segments)
                            var segmentEntity = roadSegmentsMap[roadSegment];
                            intersectionSegmentBufferElements.Add(new IntersectionSegmentBufferElement
                                Segment = segmentEntity
                            dstManager.SetComponentData(segmentEntity, new SegmentTrafficTypeComponent {
                                TrafficType = ConnectionTrafficType.NoEntrance

예제 #22
 public SplineIndex(SplineComponent spline)
     this.spline = spline;
예제 #23
 private void TestSpline()
     cube   = Actor.GetComponent <StaticMeshComponent>();
     spline = Actor.GetComponent <SplineComponent>();
예제 #24
 static void DrawGizmosLoRes(SplineComponent spline, GizmoType gizmoType)
     Gizmos.color = Color.white;
     DrawGizmo(spline, 64);
        private void DrawConnection(DrawMode mode)
            var s = SplineComponent.CreateSpline(StartNode.transform, EndNode.transform, CurveIn);

            DrawSpline(mode, s);
 static void DrawGizmosLoRes(SplineComponent spline, GizmoType gizmoType)
     Gizmos.color = Color.gray;
     DrawGizmo(spline, 256);
예제 #27
 MenuFunction MakeFlattenDelegate(SplineComponent spline, string axisName, Vector3 projectionNormal)
     return(() =>