public PathologyReportContainer GetReport() { var RequestedDate = new DateTimeOffset(2019, 07, 25, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var CollectionDateTime = new DateTimeOffset(2019, 07, 25, 16, 32, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var SpecimenReceivedDateTime = new DateTimeOffset(2019, 07, 25, 17, 48, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var ReportReleaseDateTime = new DateTimeOffset(2019, 07, 25, 20, 32, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var ObservationDateTime = ReportReleaseDateTime.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); return(new PathologyReportContainer() { PathologyReport = new PathologyReport() { PerformingLaboratory = LaboratoryFactory.GetPITUSLaboratory(), Patient = PatientFactory.GetChristinaSELKIRK(), Request = new Request() { RequestedDate = RequestedDate, OrderNumber = "00000009", RequestingFacility = new Organisation() { Name = "Sunrise Hospital Coagulation & Thrombosis Clinic", Identifier = new Identifier() { Value = "ACA30A38-811E-4E0D-B55C-774D38B8E171", Type = IdentifierType.GUID } }, RequestingApplication = "Best Practice", RequestingProvider = ProviderFactory.GetTrishFamilyDr(MedicareProviderNumber: "283530KX"), ClinicalNotes = "Warfarin 6mg per day; monitoring new dose", CallBackPhoneNumber = null, CopyToList = new List <Provider>() { ProviderFactory.GetCoagulationAndThrombosisClinic(), ProviderFactory.GetBillCardiologist() } }, PdfFileName = "Exemplar Report INR v1.7.pdf", ReportList = new List <Report>() { new Report() { ReportId = "1878881888", CollectionDateTime = CollectionDateTime, SpecimenReceivedDateTime = SpecimenReceivedDateTime, ReportReleaseDateTime = ReportReleaseDateTime, ReportType = new ReportType() { Local = new Code() { Term = "COAG", Description = "Coagulation" }, //Snomed = new Code() { Term = "440685005", Description = "Calculation of international normalised ratio" } Snomed = null }, ReportStatus = ResultStatusType.Final, Department = DiagnosticService.Hematology, ReportingPathologist = ProviderFactory.GetMarissaPathologist(), Panel = new Panel() { ResultList = new List <Result>() { new Result() { Type = new ResultType() { Local = new Code() { Term = "WARF", Description = "Warfarin dose" }, Lonic = new Code() { Term = "4461-0", Description = "Warfarin dose" } }, DataType = "NM", Value = "6", Units = "mg",// mg, mg, UCUM ReferenceRange = null, AbnormalFlag = null, ObservationDateTime = ObservationDateTime, Status = ResultStatusType.Final, ChildResultList = null }, new Result() { Type = new ResultType() { Local = new Code() { Term = "INR", Description = "INR" }, Lonic = new Code() { Term = "6301-6", Description = "INR" } }, DataType = "NM", Value = "3.1", Units = null, ReferenceRange = "2.0-3.0", AbnormalFlag = "H", ObservationDateTime = ObservationDateTime, Status = ResultStatusType.Final, ChildResultList = null }, new Result() { Type = new ResultType() { Local = new Code() { Term = "INTER", Description = "Interpretation" }, Lonic = null }, DataType = "FT", Value = "INR is higher than therapeutic range. Recommend Warfarin dose be reduced to 5 mg per day, repeat test in 7 days.\\.br\\", Units = null, ReferenceRange = null, AbnormalFlag = null, ObservationDateTime = ObservationDateTime, Status = ResultStatusType.Final, ChildResultList = null } } } } } } }); }