public NotesPeekContent() { InitializeComponent(); SpellChecking.HandleSpellChecking(titleTextBox); SpellChecking.HandleSpellChecking(contentTextBox); contentTextBox.Document.Blocks.Clear(); }
public MonthDetail(DateTime date, Appointment appointment) { InitializeComponent(); _date = date; _appointment = appointment; InitializeDisplay(); SpellChecking.HandleSpellChecking(subjectEdit); }
public TasksPeekContent() { InitializeComponent(); _showCompleted = Settings.ShowCompletedTasks; SpellChecking.HandleSpellChecking(newTaskTextBox); Loaded += TasksPeekContent_Loaded; Unloaded += TasksPeekContent_Unloaded; }
public AppointmentEditor(Grid crossZoom, Appointment appointment) { InitializeComponent(); editDetails.Document.Blocks.Clear(); Appointment = appointment; _crossZoom = crossZoom; SpellChecking.HandleSpellChecking(editSubject); SpellChecking.HandleSpellChecking(editDetails); Unloaded += AppointmentEditor_Unloaded; }
public MonthDetail(DateTime date) { InitializeComponent(); _date = date; _appointment = new Appointment(); _appointment.StartDate = date; _appointment.EndDate = date < DateTime.MaxValue.Date ? date.AddDays(1) : DateTime.MaxValue; InitializeDisplay(); SpellChecking.HandleSpellChecking(subjectEdit); }
public NotesView() { InitializeComponent(); Loaded += NotesView_Loaded; SpellChecking.HandleSpellChecking(pageTitleBox); SpellChecking.HandleSpellChecking(document); ColumnDefinitions[0].Width = Settings.NotesColumn0Width; ColumnDefinitions[1].Width = Settings.NotesColumn1Width; ColumnDefinitions[2].Width = Settings.NotesColumn2Width; document.Document.Blocks.Clear(); }
/// <summary> /// Add a word to the dictionary. A message is shown if the word is /// not in the correct format. /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> private void AddItem(string text) { text = text.Trim(); // // Check that the word is not blank // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { // // Check that the word is a single word // if (text.Split(' ').Length == 1) { // // Check that the word is not already in the dictionary // string[] entries = new string[0]; if (File.Exists(SpellChecking.CustomDictionaryLocation)) { entries = File.ReadAllLines(SpellChecking.CustomDictionaryLocation); } if (Array.IndexOf(entries, text) == -1) { AddItem(text, true, true); SpellChecking.AddWordToDictionary(text); addNewText.Clear(); } else { TaskDialog dlg = new TaskDialog(this, "Duplicate Entry", "The word you entered already exists in the dictionary.", MessageType.Error); dlg.ShowDialog(); } entries = null; } else { TaskDialog dlg = new TaskDialog(this, "Invalid Entry", "Entry cannot be more than one word long.", MessageType.Error); dlg.ShowDialog(); } } }
private void deleteButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ListBoxItem item = (ListBoxItem)((FrameworkElement)sender).TemplatedParent; string text = (string)item.Content; SpellChecking.DeleteWordFromDictionary(text); if (Settings.AnimationsEnabled) { AnimationHelpers.DeleteAnimation delete = new AnimationHelpers.DeleteAnimation(item); delete.OnAnimationCompletedEvent += delete_OnAnimationCompletedEvent; delete.Animate(); } else { listBox.Items.Remove(item); } }
/// <summary> /// Create a new Feedback window with extra text added to the message. /// </summary> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <param name="addend">the text to append to the end of the message</param> public Feedback(FeedbackType type, string addend) { InitializeComponent(); _type = type; _addend = addend; if (type == FeedbackType.Smile) { header.Text = "We appreciate your feedback. What did you like?"; detailsTip.Description = "Tell us what you liked about Daytimer."; } else if (type == FeedbackType.Error) { header.Text = "We're extremely sorry this happened. Can you give us more information about the problem?"; detailsTip.Description = "Tell us what you were doing when the error occurred."; } SpellChecking.HandleSpellChecking(details); }
public NotesAppBar() { InitializeComponent(); Width = Settings.NotesAppBarWidth; Loaded += NotesAppBar_Loaded; Unloaded += NotesAppBar_Unloaded; document.Document.Blocks.Clear(); SpellChecking.HandleSpellChecking(document, false); Window main = Application.Current.MainWindow; if (main.WindowState == WindowState.Normal) { MainWindowWidth = main.ActualWidth; MainWindowLocation = new Point(main.Left, main.Top); } }
public void Save() { Settings.AlertSound = editReminderSound.SelectedIndex == editReminderSound.Items.Count - 1 ? "" : editReminderSound.SelectedItem.ToString(); Settings.UnmuteSpeakers = editAlwaysReminder.IsChecked == true; TimeSpan?autosave = editAutoSave.SelectedTime; if (autosave == TimeSpan.Zero) { autosave = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-1); } Settings.AutoSaveFrequency = autosave.HasValue ? autosave.Value : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-1); Settings.TimeFormat = editTimeFormat.SelectedIndex == 0 ? TimeFormat.Standard : TimeFormat.Universal; if (calendarTab.Tag != null) { TimeSpan?reminder = editReminder.SelectedTime; Settings.DefaultReminder = reminder.HasValue ? reminder.Value : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-1); Settings.SnapToGrid = editSnaptoGrid.IsChecked.Value; TimeSpan newWorkStart = TimeSpan.Parse(editWorkStart.TextDisplay); TimeSpan newWorkEnd = TimeSpan.Parse(editWorkEnd.TextDisplay); string workdays = GetWorkDays(); Settings.WorkHoursStart = newWorkStart; Settings.WorkHoursEnd = newWorkEnd; Settings.WorkDays = workdays; } if (peopleTab.Tag != null) { Settings.PeopleCheckDuplicates = editPeopleCheckDuplicate.IsChecked.Value; } if (weatherTab.Tag != null) { Settings.WeatherMetric = editWeatherMetric.SelectedIndex == 1; } if (appearanceTab.Tag != null) { Settings.ThemeColor = editTheme.CurrentlySelected; Settings.BackgroundImage = editBackground.Text; } if (searchTab.Tag != null) { int maxSearch; if (int.TryParse(editMaxSearchResults.Text, out maxSearch)) { if (maxSearch > 0) { Settings.MaxSearchResults = maxSearch; } } Settings.InstantSearchCap = editInstantSearchCap.IsChecked.Value; } if (proofingTab.Tag != null) { SpellChecking.EnableSpellChecking(Settings.SpellCheckingEnabled = editSpellChecking.IsChecked.Value); } if (experimentsTab.Tag != null) { Experiments.MiniToolbar = miniToolbar.IsChecked.Value; Experiments.GoogleMaps = googleMaps.IsChecked.Value; Experiments.DocumentSearch = documentSearch.IsChecked.Value; Experiments.NotesDockToDesktop = notesDock.IsChecked.Value; Experiments.Quotes = quotes.IsChecked.Value; } if (advancedTab.Tag != null) { Settings.JoinedCEIP = editCEIP.IsChecked == true; } }