private void Recognized(object sender, SpeechRecognitionEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine(); var test = GetResponse(e.Result.Properties); SpeechResult.Add(test); }
public static void main(string[] args) { [email protected]("Loading models..."); Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); configuration.setAcousticModelPath("resource:/edu/cmu/sphinx/models/en-us/en-us"); configuration.setDictionaryPath("resource:/edu/cmu/sphinx/models/en-us/cmudict-en-us.dict"); Context context = new Context(configuration); context.setLocalProperty("decoder->searchManager", "allphoneSearchManager"); Recognizer recognizer = (Recognizer)context.getInstance(ClassLiteral <Recognizer> .Value); InputStream resourceAsStream = ClassLiteral <AllphoneDemo> .Value.getResourceAsStream("/edu/cmu/sphinx/demo/aligner/10001-90210-01803.wav"); resourceAsStream.skip((long)((ulong)44)); recognizer.allocate(); context.setSpeechSource(resourceAsStream, TimeFrame.INFINITE); Result result; while ((result = recognizer.recognize()) != null) { SpeechResult speechResult = new SpeechResult(result); [email protected]("Hypothesis: %s\n", new object[] { speechResult.getHypothesis() }); [email protected]("List of recognized words and their times:"); Iterator iterator = speechResult.getWords().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { WordResult wordResult = (WordResult); [email protected](wordResult); } } recognizer.deallocate(); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the next recognition result received from the speech recognition service. /// </summary> /// <param name="recognitionResult">The recognition result to append.</param> /// <remarks> /// The recognition results are accumulated as they are received from the speech service, and /// may be used at a later time to build the partial and final speech recognition results. /// </remarks> internal void AppendResult(SpeechResult recognitionResult) { if ((recognitionResult is PartialRecognitionResult || (recognitionResult is RecognitionResult result && result.RecognitionStatus == RecognitionStatus.Success)) && this.recognitionResults[this.recognitionResults.Count - 1] is PartialRecognitionResult) { // replace the immediately preceding partial result this.recognitionResults[this.recognitionResults.Count - 1] = recognitionResult; }
private async void SpeechExecute() { SpeechResult result = await this.speechService.RecognizeAsync(null, null); if (result.IsSuccess) { var parameter = this.SelectedFolder.GetTaskCreationParameters(); parameter.Title = result.Text; this.NavigationService.FlyoutTo(ViewLocator.CreateEditTaskPageNew, parameter); } }
private void recognize() { waveInStream.StopRecording(); mem.Position = 0; _recognizer.StartRecognition(mem, new TimeFrame(mem.Length)); SpeechResult result = _recognizer.GetResult(); _recognizer.StopRecognition(); Console.WriteLine("result: " + result.GetHypothesis()); Console.ReadKey(); Console.ReadKey(); }
async void OnRecordReleased(object sender, EventArgs e) { DependencyService.Get <IAudioRecorder>().Stop(); btnRecord.Text = "正识别中"; //使用百度API进行语音识别 //OutputText.Text = await ToTextByBaidu(); SpeechResult result = await mmx.Speech.Asr(filepath); OutputText.Text = result.text; btnRecord.Text = "录音识别"; }
/// <summary> /// Function that is called when the Watson API returns a result. /// </summary> /// <param name="results">List of speech-to-text results</param> protected void OnSpeechToTextResult(SpeechResultList results) { if (results.HasResult()) { SpeechResult watsonResult = results.Results[0]; var textResult = m_WatsonSpeechToTextComponent.CreateSpeechToTextResult(watsonResult); if (m_OnTextResult != null) { m_OnTextResult(textResult); } m_LastResult = textResult; } }
/// <summary> /// 语音识别,语音转文本 /// </summary> public static async Task <SpeechResult> Asr(string filepath) { SpeechResult result = new SpeechResult(); if (File.Exists(filepath)) { //var APP_ID = "14965195"; //var API_KEY = "R2qXXgwr9xKtge3kxU5U7up2"; //var SECRET_KEY = "Gnm2KhHcgZEDDLwy0Qtl66y4fFc8FmTj"; var client = new Baidu.Aip.Speech.Asr(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY); client.Timeout = 60000; // 修改超时时间 //读取文件 //string rootPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); var data = File.ReadAllBytes(filepath); //识别语种,英文1737; Dictionary <string, object> op = new Dictionary <string, object>(); op["dev_pid"] = 1737; //client.Timeout = 120000; // 若语音较长,建议设置更大的超时时间. ms var res = Task.Run(() => { var result1 = client.Recognize(data, "amr", 16000, op); MResult mResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MResult>(result1.ToString()); if (mResult.err_no == 0) { //设置成功返回数据 result.status = 0; result.text = mResult.result[0].ToString(); } else { //设置失败返回数据 result.status = 1; result.error = "语音错误:" + mResult.err_no.ToString(); } }); await res; } else { //失败数据 result.status = 1; result.error = "语音错误:无语音"; } return(result); }
private void OnOutputReceived(object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e) { try { lock (LOCK) { result = SpeechResult.Deserialize(e.Data); VRLog.Info("RECEIVED MESSAGE: " + e.Data); } } catch (Exception err) { VRLog.Error(err); } }
/// <summary> /// Populates and returns a SpeechToTextResult object from a given Watson SpeechResult object. /// </summary> /// <param name="watsonResult">Watson SpeechResult object</param> /// <returns>A SpeechToTextResult object</returns> public SpeechToTextResult CreateSpeechToTextResult(SpeechResult watsonResult) { var textResult = new SpeechToTextResult(); textResult.IsFinal = watsonResult.Final; textResult.TextAlternatives = new TextAlternative[watsonResult.Alternatives.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < textResult.TextAlternatives.Length; ++i) { SpeechAlt watsonAlternative = watsonResult.Alternatives[i]; var alternative = new WatsonTextAlternative(); alternative.Text = watsonAlternative.Transcript; alternative.Confidence = (float)watsonAlternative.Confidence; alternative.TimeStamps = watsonAlternative.Timestamps; alternative.WordConfidenceValues = watsonAlternative.WordConfidence; textResult.TextAlternatives[i] = alternative; } return(textResult); }
private async void QuickSpeechExecute() { SpeechResult result = await this.speechService.RecognizeAsync(null, null); if (result.IsSuccess) { var parameter = this.SelectedFolder.GetTaskCreationParameters(); parameter.Title = result.Text; this.NavigationService.FlyoutTo(ViewLocator.CreateEditTaskPageNew, parameter); } else { await this.messageBoxService.ShowAsync( StringResources.Message_Warning, StringResources.Speech_ErrorDuringRecognitionFormat.TryFormat(result.Text)); } }
/// <summary> /// 语音合成,文本转语音 /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> /// <param name="spd"></param> /// <param name="pit"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static async Task <SpeechResult> Tts(string text, int spd, int pit) { SpeechResult result = new SpeechResult(); //var APP_ID = "14965195"; //var API_KEY = "R2qXXgwr9xKtge3kxU5U7up2"; //var SECRET_KEY = "Gnm2KhHcgZEDDLwy0Qtl66y4fFc8FmTj"; var client = new Baidu.Aip.Speech.Tts(API_KEY, SECRET_KEY); client.Timeout = 60000; // 修改超时时间 // 可选参数 var option = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "spd", spd }, // 语速 { "vol", 7 }, // 音量 { "pit", pit }, // 语调 { "per", 0 }, // 发音人,0为普通女声,1为普通男生,3为情感合成-度逍遥,4为情感合成-度丫丫,默认为普通女声 { "aue", 3 } }; var res = Task.Run(() => { var res1 = client.Synthesis(text, option); if (res1.ErrorCode == 0) // 或 result.Success { //成功数据 result.status = 0; result.speech = res1.Data; //File.WriteAllBytes("合成的语音文件本地存储地址.mp3", result.Data); } else { //失败数据 result.status = 1; result.error = "错误:" + res1.ErrorCode.ToString(); } }); await res; return(result); }
private async Task SpeechExecute(Action <string> onSuccess, bool isNote) { SpeechResult result = await this.speechService.RecognizeAsync(null, null); if (result.IsSuccess && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result.Text)) { onSuccess(result.Text); if (isNote && this.NoteSpeechRecognitionCompleted != null) { this.NoteSpeechRecognitionCompleted(this, new EventArgs <string>(result.Text)); } } else { await this.messageBoxService.ShowAsync( StringResources.Message_Warning, StringResources.Speech_ErrorDuringRecognitionFormat.TryFormat(result.Text)); } }
async void Record_OnClick() { try { var audioRecordingService = DependencyService.Get <IAudioRecorderService>(); if (!isRecording) { recording.IsVisible = true; record.IsVisible = false; audioRecordingService.StartRecording(); // IsProcessing = true; } else { recording.IsVisible = false; record.IsVisible = true; audioRecordingService.StopRecording(); } isRecording = !isRecording; if (!isRecording) { speechResult = await bingSpeechService.RecognizeSpeechAsync(Constants.AudioFilename); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(speechResult.DisplayText)) { var result = new SpeechItem(); result.SpeechText = speechResult.DisplayText; result.Speaker = " - "; ProcessResponse(result); } } } catch (Exception ex) { return; //Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } finally { } }
public void runFreeForm() { iSpeechRecognizer iSpeech = new iSpeechRecognizer(_api, _production); iSpeech.setFreeForm(iSpeechRecognizer.FREEFORM_DICTATION); StreamingBuffer streaming = iSpeech.startStreamingRecognize("audio/x-wav", this); uploadFile(_freeFormAudio, streaming); try { SpeechResult result = iSpeech.stopStreaming(); Console.WriteLine("Text = " + result.Text + " Confidence = " + result.Confidence); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("error " + e.ToString()); } }
public SpeechResult GetIntent(SpeechResult speech, string appId = "db72800d-c433-46fa-83e6-1e07648fa698", string key = "c9baf714974b4a7792324a7c4d3a916e") { string html = String.Empty; var query = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(speech.Lexical); string requestUri = "" + key + "&id=" + appId + "&q=" + query; HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(requestUri); request.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip; using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream()) using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { html = reader.ReadToEnd(); } var intentResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <IntentResult>(html); speech.IntentResult = intentResult; return(speech); }
public void runList() { iSpeechRecognizer iSpeech = new iSpeechRecognizer(_api, _production); iSpeech.setFreeForm(iSpeechRecognizer.FREEFORM_DISABLED); String[] names = new String[] { "jane", "bob", "john" }; iSpeech.addAlias("NAMES", names); iSpeech.addCommand("call %NAMES%"); StreamingBuffer streaming = iSpeech.startStreamingRecognize("audio/x-wav", this); uploadFile(_listAudio, streaming); try { SpeechResult result = iSpeech.stopStreaming(); Console.WriteLine("Text = " + result.Text + " Confidence = " + result.Confidence); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("error " + e.ToString()); } }
private SpeechResultList ParseRecognizeResponse(IDictionary resp) { if (resp == null) { return(null); } try { List <SpeechResult> results = new List <SpeechResult>(); IList iresults = resp["results"] as IList; if (iresults == null) { return(null); } foreach (var r in iresults) { IDictionary iresult = r as IDictionary; if (iresults == null) { continue; } SpeechResult result = new SpeechResult(); result.Final = (bool)iresult["final"]; IList ialternatives = iresult["alternatives"] as IList; if (ialternatives == null) { continue; } List <SpeechAlt> alternatives = new List <SpeechAlt>(); foreach (var a in ialternatives) { IDictionary ialternative = a as IDictionary; if (ialternative == null) { continue; } SpeechAlt alternative = new SpeechAlt(); alternative.Transcript = (string)ialternative["transcript"]; if (ialternative.Contains("confidence")) { alternative.Confidence = (double)ialternative["confidence"]; } if (ialternative.Contains("timestamps")) { IList itimestamps = ialternative["timestamps"] as IList; TimeStamp[] timestamps = new TimeStamp[itimestamps.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < itimestamps.Count; ++i) { IList itimestamp = itimestamps[i] as IList; if (itimestamp == null) { continue; } TimeStamp ts = new TimeStamp(); ts.Word = (string)itimestamp[0]; ts.Start = (double)itimestamp[1]; ts.End = (double)itimestamp[2]; timestamps[i] = ts; } alternative.Timestamps = timestamps; } if (ialternative.Contains("word_confidence")) { IList iconfidence = ialternative["word_confidence"] as IList; WordConfidence[] confidence = new WordConfidence[iconfidence.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < iconfidence.Count; ++i) { IList iwordconf = iconfidence[i] as IList; if (iwordconf == null) { continue; } WordConfidence wc = new WordConfidence(); wc.Word = (string)iwordconf[0]; wc.Confidence = (double)iwordconf[1]; confidence[i] = wc; } alternative.WordConfidence = confidence; } alternatives.Add(alternative); } result.Alternatives = alternatives.ToArray(); results.Add(result); } return(new SpeechResultList(results.ToArray())); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("SpeechToText", "ParseJsonResponse exception: {0}", e.ToString()); return(null); } }
public virtual void collect(SpeechResult result) { Token token = result.getResult().getBestToken(); if (token == null) { string text = "Best token not found!"; throw new Exception(text); } do { FloatData floatData = (FloatData)token.getData(); SearchState searchState = token.getSearchState(); if (!(searchState is HMMSearchState) || !searchState.isEmitting()) { token = token.getPredecessor(); } else { this.nFrames++; float[] array = token.calculateComponentScore(floatData); float[] values = FloatData.toFloatData(floatData).getValues(); int num = (int)((HMMSearchState)token.getSearchState()).getHMMState().getMixtureId(); if (this.loader is Sphinx3Loader && this.loader.hasTiedMixtures()) { num = this.loader.getSenone2Ci()[num]; } int[] vectorLength = this.loader.getVectorLength(); int numStreams = this.loader.getNumStreams(); int numGaussiansPerState = this.loader.getNumGaussiansPerState(); float[] array2 = this.computePosterios(array, numStreams); int num2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numStreams; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numGaussiansPerState; j++) { int classIndex = this.means.getClassIndex(num * numStreams * numGaussiansPerState + i * numGaussiansPerState + j); float num3 = array2[i * numGaussiansPerState + j]; if ((double)num3 > (double)0f) { float[] array3 = (float[])this.loader.getMeansPool().get(num * numStreams * numGaussiansPerState + i * numGaussiansPerState + j); for (int k = 0; k < vectorLength[i]; k++) { float num4 = array2[i * numGaussiansPerState + j] * values[k + num2]; float num5 = num4 * ((float[])this.loader.getVariancePool().get(num * numStreams * numGaussiansPerState + i * numGaussiansPerState + j))[k]; float num6 = num3 * ((float[])this.loader.getVariancePool().get(num * numStreams * numGaussiansPerState + i * numGaussiansPerState + j))[k]; int num8; double[] array5; for (int l = 0; l < vectorLength[i]; l++) { float num7 = num6 * array3[l]; for (int m = l; m < vectorLength[i]; m++) { double[] array4 = this.regLs[classIndex][i][k][l]; num8 = m; array5 = array4; array5[num8] += (double)(num7 * array3[m]); } double[] array6 = this.regLs[classIndex][i][k][l]; num8 = vectorLength[i]; array5 = array6; array5[num8] += (double)num7; double[] array7 = this.regRs[classIndex][i][k]; num8 = l; array5 = array7; array5[num8] += (double)(num5 * array3[l]); } double[] array8 = this.regLs[classIndex][i][k][vectorLength[i]]; num8 = vectorLength[i]; array5 = array8; array5[num8] += (double)num6; double[] array9 = this.regRs[classIndex][i][k]; num8 = vectorLength[i]; array5 = array9; array5[num8] += (double)num5; } } } num2 += vectorLength[i]; } token = token.getPredecessor(); } }while (token != null); }
private async Task <IMessageActivity> GetResponseFromSpeechResultAsync(ITurnContext turnContext, SpeechResult speechResult) { if (speechResult == null) { return(null); } var reply = turnContext.Activity.CreateReply(); if (speechResult.DisplayText.Contains("도움")) { var helpAttachment = await MakeAttachmentAsync("도움말"); reply.Text = "help message"; reply.Attachments.Add(helpAttachment); } else if (speechResult.DisplayText.Contains("운전시작") || speechResult.DisplayText.Contains("운전 시작")) { var runAttachment = await MakeAttachmentAsync("운전시작"); reply.Text = "run message"; reply.Attachments.Add(runAttachment); } else if (speechResult.DisplayText.Contains("운전종료") || speechResult.DisplayText.Contains("운전 종료")) { var stopAttachment = await MakeAttachmentAsync("운전종료"); reply.Text = "stop message"; reply.Attachments.Add(stopAttachment); } else if (speechResult.DisplayText.Contains("오늘 날씨") || speechResult.DisplayText.Contains("오늘날씨") || speechResult.DisplayText.Contains("오늘의날씨")) { //날씨 api를 조회해서 결과 반환 - 일자시간으로 파일명 구성해서 저장 //일자시간에 해당하는 내용이 있는지 확인해서 없으면 음성 생성하고 BLOB에 업로드 후 경로 반환 //있으면 해당 음성 파일 경로 반환 var weatherAttachment = await MakeAttachmentAsync("오늘날씨"); reply.Text = "today weather message"; reply.Attachments.Add(weatherAttachment); } else if (speechResult.DisplayText.Contains("미세 먼지 정보") || speechResult.DisplayText.Contains("미세먼지 정보") || speechResult.DisplayText.Contains("미세먼지정보") || speechResult.DisplayText.Contains("미세먼지") || speechResult.DisplayText.Contains("미세 먼지")) { //미세먼지 정보를 조회해서 음성 정보로 생성 - 일자시간으로 파일명 구성해서 저장 //일자시간에 해당하는 내용이 있는지 확인해서 없으면 음성 생성하고 BLOB에 업로드 후 경로 반환 //있으면 해당 음성 파일 경로 반환 var dustAttachment = await MakeAttachmentAsync("미세먼지정보"); reply.Text = "today dust message"; reply.Attachments.Add(dustAttachment); } else { reply.Text = "Unknown command"; reply.Value = speechResult.DisplayText; } return(reply); }
public void Collect(SpeechResult result) { Token token = result.Result.GetBestToken(); float[] componentScore, featureVector, posteriors, tmean; int[] len; float dnom, wtMeanVar, wtDcountVar, wtDcountVarMean, mean; int mId, cluster; int numStreams, gauPerState; if (token == null) { throw new Exception("Best token not found!"); } do { FloatData feature = (FloatData)token.Data; ISearchState ss = token.SearchState; if (!(ss is IHMMSearchState && ss.IsEmitting)) { token = token.Predecessor; continue; } componentScore = token.CalculateComponentScore(feature); featureVector = FloatData.ToFloatData(feature).Values; mId = (int)((IHMMSearchState)token.SearchState).HmmState .GetMixtureId(); if (_loader is Sphinx3Loader && _loader.HasTiedMixtures()) { // use CI phone ID for tied mixture model mId = _loader.Senone2Ci[mId]; } len = _loader.VectorLength; numStreams = _loader.NumStreams; gauPerState = _loader.NumGaussiansPerState; posteriors = ComputePosterios(componentScore, numStreams); int featVectorStartIdx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numStreams; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < gauPerState; j++) { cluster = _means.GetClassIndex(mId * numStreams * gauPerState + i * gauPerState + j); dnom = posteriors[i * gauPerState + j]; if (dnom > 0f) { tmean = _loader.MeansPool.Get( mId * numStreams * gauPerState + i * gauPerState + j); for (int k = 0; k < len[i]; k++) { mean = posteriors[i * gauPerState + j] * featureVector[k + featVectorStartIdx]; wtMeanVar = mean * _loader.VariancePool.Get( mId * numStreams * gauPerState + i * gauPerState + j)[k]; wtDcountVar = dnom * _loader.VariancePool.Get( mId * numStreams * gauPerState + i * gauPerState + j)[k]; for (int p = 0; p < len[i]; p++) { wtDcountVarMean = wtDcountVar * tmean[p]; for (int q = p; q < len[i]; q++) { RegLs[cluster][i][k][p][q] += wtDcountVarMean * tmean[q]; } RegLs[cluster][i][k][p][len[i]] += wtDcountVarMean; RegRs[cluster][i][k][p] += wtMeanVar * tmean[p]; } RegLs[cluster][i][k][len[i]][len[i]] += wtDcountVar; RegRs[cluster][i][k][len[i]] += wtMeanVar; } } } featVectorStartIdx += len[i]; } token = token.Predecessor; } while (token != null); }
/// <summary> /// Converts a <see cref="SpeechResult"/> to a <see cref="StreamingSpeechRecognitionResult"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="result">The <see cref="SpeechResult"/>.</param> /// <param name="rankOrder">A value indicating whether to score the alternates by their rank-order.</param> /// <returns>The <see cref="StreamingSpeechRecognitionResult"/>.</returns> internal static StreamingSpeechRecognitionResult ToStreamingSpeechRecognitionResult(this SpeechResult result, bool rankOrder = true) { if (result is PartialRecognitionResult partialResult) { return(new StreamingSpeechRecognitionResult( false, partialResult.Text, 1.0, new SpeechRecognitionAlternate[] { new SpeechRecognitionAlternate(partialResult.Text, 1.0) }, null, result.Duration)); } else if (result is RecognitionResult recoResult) { var alternates = recoResult.Results?.Select(r => new SpeechRecognitionAlternate(r.LexicalForm, r.Confidence)) ?? new[] { new SpeechRecognitionAlternate(string.Empty, 1.0) }; if (!rankOrder) { // order by confidence score alternates = alternates.OrderByDescending(r => r.Confidence); } var topAlternate = alternates.First(); return(new StreamingSpeechRecognitionResult( false, topAlternate.Text, topAlternate.Confidence, alternates, null, result.Duration)); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected recognition result type!"); } }
public SpeechRecognizedEventArgs(SpeechResult result) { Result = result; }
public void collect(SpeechResult result) { Token token = result.getResult().getBestToken(); float[] componentScore, featureVector, posteriors, tmean; int[] len; float dnom, wtMeanVar, wtDcountVar, wtDcountVarMean, mean; int mId, cluster; int numStreams, gauPerState; if (token == null) { throw new Exception("Best token not found!"); } do { FloatData feature = (FloatData)token.getData(); ISearchState ss = token.getSearchState(); if (!(ss is IHMMSearchState && ss.isEmitting())) { token = token.getPredecessor(); continue; } componentScore = token.calculateComponentScore(feature); featureVector = FloatData.toFloatData(feature).getValues(); mId = (int)((IHMMSearchState)token.getSearchState()).getHMMState() .getMixtureId(); if (loader is Sphinx3Loader && ((Sphinx3Loader)loader).hasTiedMixtures()) { // use CI phone ID for tied mixture model mId = ((Sphinx3Loader)loader).getSenone2Ci()[mId]; } len = loader.getVectorLength(); numStreams = loader.getNumStreams(); gauPerState = loader.getNumGaussiansPerState(); posteriors = this.computePosterios(componentScore, numStreams); int featVectorStartIdx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numStreams; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < gauPerState; j++) { cluster = means.getClassIndex(mId * numStreams * gauPerState + i * gauPerState + j); dnom = posteriors[i * gauPerState + j]; if (dnom > 0f) { tmean = loader.getMeansPool().get( mId * numStreams * gauPerState + i * gauPerState + j); for (int k = 0; k < len[i]; k++) { mean = posteriors[i * gauPerState + j] * featureVector[k + featVectorStartIdx]; wtMeanVar = mean * loader.getVariancePool().get( mId * numStreams * gauPerState + i * gauPerState + j)[k]; wtDcountVar = dnom * loader.getVariancePool().get( mId * numStreams * gauPerState + i * gauPerState + j)[k]; for (int p = 0; p < len[i]; p++) { wtDcountVarMean = wtDcountVar * tmean[p]; for (int q = p; q < len[i]; q++) { regLs[cluster][i][k][p][q] += wtDcountVarMean * tmean[q]; } regLs[cluster][i][k][p][len[i]] += wtDcountVarMean; regRs[cluster][i][k][p] += wtMeanVar * tmean[p]; } regLs[cluster][i][k][len[i]][len[i]] += wtDcountVar; regRs[cluster][i][k][len[i]] += wtMeanVar; } } } featVectorStartIdx += len[i]; } token = token.getPredecessor(); } while (token != null); }
/// <summary> /// API获取语音,文本转语音 /// </summary> /// <param name="text">需要转换语音的文本</param> /// <param name="vol">音量</param> /// <param name="per">发间人</param> /// <param name="spd">语速</param> /// <param name="pit">语调</param> /// <returns></returns> public static async Task <SpeechResult> TextToSpeech1(string text, string vol, string per, string spd, string pit, string token) { SpeechResult result = new SpeechResult(); string url = ""; //百度tts请求地址 HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); client.Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0); //超时时间设置aue Dictionary <string, string> param = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "lan", "zh" }, { "ctp", "1" }, { "vol", vol }, //音量:0-15,默认5中音量 { "per", per }, //发音人:0为普通女声,1为普通男声,3为情感合成-度逍遥,4为情感合成-度丫丫 { "spd", spd }, //语速:0-15,5为中语速 { "pit", pit }, //音调:0-15,5为中语调 { "aue", "3" } //不需要修改的参数 }; param.Add("tex", text); //需要转换的文本内容 param.Add("cuid", "delafqmisspeed"); //用户唯一标识"24.021dc614e13e2f98f43b661fb40495d5.2592000.1557308095.282335-14965195" param.Add("tok", token); //access_token,在发送之前先调用一次获取到这个值 FormUrlEncodedContent content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(param); //post请求参数设置对象 try { HttpResponseMessage x = await client.PostAsync(url, content); if (x.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { #region 错误处理 HttpContentHeaders header = x.Content.Headers; //如果返回错误信息 if (header.ContentType.ToString() == "application/json") { string res = await x.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); var Item = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TResult>(res); //设置失败返回数据 result.status = 1; result.error = Item.err_no.ToString(); } #endregion var resbyte = await x.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync(); //设置成功返回数据 result.status = 0; result.speech = resbyte; } else { //失败 result.status = 1; result.error = "请求失败"; } } catch (Exception ex) { //失败 result.status = 1; result.error = ex.Message; } return(result); }
public async Task <ActionResult> GetTextToSpeech(string text, int no) { if (text == null) { text = "Kein text angekommen."; } Debug.WriteLine(no); SpeechResult speechResult = new SpeechResult(); speechResult.TextPartNo = no; speechResult.Text = text; #region Bing Speech Authentication // Note: The way to get api key: // Free: // Paid: string bingApiKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BingSpeechApiKey"]; Authentication auth = new Authentication(bingApiKey); string accessToken; try { accessToken = auth.GetAccessToken(); speechResult.AccessToken = accessToken; } catch (Exception ex) { speechResult.ErrorMessage = "GetTextToSpeech --> Failed authentication --> " + ex.Message + " " + ex.ToString(); JsonResult result = new JsonResult() { Data = speechResult }; return(result); } #endregion #region Text-To-Speech // Debug.WriteLine("Starting TTSSample request code execution."); string requestUri = ""; var cortana = new Synthesize(); cortana.OnAudioAvailable += (s, args) => { var input = args.EventData; byte[] buffer = new byte[20 * 1024 * 1024]; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { int read; while ((read = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) { ms.Write(buffer, 0, read); } speechResult.SpeechEventData = ms.ToArray();; } }; //cortana.OnError += ErrorHandler; cortana.OnError += (s, e) => { var message = $"Unable to complete the TTS request: {e.ToString()}"; message += e.EventData.Message; speechResult.ErrorMessage = message; }; // Reuse Synthesize object to minimize latency await cortana.Speak(CancellationToken.None, new Synthesize.InputOptions() { RequestUri = new Uri(requestUri), // Text to be spoken. Text = text, VoiceType = Gender.Female, // Refer to the documentation for complete list of supported locales. Locale = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultLocale"], // "de-DE", // You can also customize the output voice. Refer to the documentation to view the different // voices that the TTS service can output. VoiceName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VoiceName"], // "Microsoft Server Speech Text to Speech Voice (de-De, Hedda)", // Service can return audio in different output format. OutputFormat = AudioOutputFormat.Riff16Khz16BitMonoPcm, AuthorizationToken = "Bearer " + accessToken, }); JsonResult jsonResult = new JsonResult() { Data = speechResult }; #endregion return(jsonResult); }