예제 #1
 public void ThrowsOnNegativeArgument()
     Assert.That(() => SpecialFunctions.Factorial(Int32.MinValue), Throws.TypeOf <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>());
     Assert.That(() => SpecialFunctions.Factorial(-1), Throws.TypeOf <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>());
     Assert.That(() => SpecialFunctions.FactorialLn(-1), Throws.TypeOf <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>());
예제 #2
        public void ValidateDensity(
            [Values(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity)] double a,
            [Values(0.1, 1.0, Double.PositiveInfinity, 0.1, 1.0, Double.PositiveInfinity, 0.1, 1.0, Double.PositiveInfinity)] double b,
            [Values(1.2, 2.0, 1.1, 1.5, 1.2, 1.5, 5.0, 2.5, 1.0)] double x)
            var n = new InverseGamma(a, b);

            if (x >= 0)
                Assert.AreEqual(Math.Pow(b, a) * Math.Pow(x, -a - 1.0) * Math.Exp(-b / x) / SpecialFunctions.Gamma(a), n.Density(x));
                Assert.AreEqual(0.0, n.Density(x));
예제 #3
 public string DisplayString(double scoreOpt)
     return(SpecialFunctions.CreateTabString(Name, VaccineAsString.TotalNumberOfAminoAcids, VaccineAsString.NumberOfComponents, scoreOpt, VaccineAsString.NiceString()));
 public void DiGammaInv(double x, double f)
     AssertHelpers.AlmostEqual(x, SpecialFunctions.DiGammaInv(f), 13);
예제 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes the inverse of the cumulative distribution function (InvCDF) for the distribution
 /// at the given probability. This is also known as the quantile or percent point function.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="p">The location at which to compute the inverse cumulative density.</param>
 /// <returns>the inverse cumulative density at <paramref name="p"/>.</returns>
 /// <seealso cref="InvCDF"/>
 public double InverseCumulativeDistribution(double p)
     return(_mean - (_stdDev * Constants.Sqrt2 * SpecialFunctions.ErfcInv(2.0 * p)));
 public void BetaRegularized(double a, double b, double x, double f)
     AssertHelpers.AlmostEqual(f, SpecialFunctions.BetaRegularized(a, b, x), 12);
 public void Logistic(double x, double p)
     AssertHelpers.AlmostEqual(x, SpecialFunctions.Logistic(p), 15);
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes the probability mass (PMF) at k, i.e. P(X = k).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="k">The location in the domain where we want to evaluate the probability mass function.</param>
 /// <returns>the probability mass at location <paramref name="k"/>.</returns>
 public double Probability(int k)
     return(Math.Pow(_lambda, k) / Math.Pow(SpecialFunctions.Factorial(k), _nu) / Z);
예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes the log probability mass (lnPMF) at k, i.e. ln(P(X = k)).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="k">The location in the domain where we want to evaluate the log probability mass function.</param>
 /// <returns>the log probability mass at location <paramref name="k"/>.</returns>
 public double ProbabilityLn(int k)
     return(k * Math.Log(_lambda) - _nu * SpecialFunctions.FactorialLn(k) - Math.Log(Z));
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the log probability density function for a NormalGamma distribution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mean">The mean of the distribution</param>
        /// <param name="prec">The precision of the distribution</param>
        /// <returns>The log of the density value</returns>
        public double DensityLn(double mean, double prec)
            if (double.IsPositiveInfinity(_precisionInvScale) && _meanScale == 0.0)
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            if (double.IsPositiveInfinity(_precisionInvScale))
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            if (_meanScale <= 0.0)
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            // double e = -0.5 * prec * (mean - _meanLocation) * (mean - _meanLocation) - prec * _precisionInvScale;
            // return (_precisionShape - 0.5) * System.Math.Log(prec) + _precisionShape * System.Math.Log(_precisionInvScale) + e - Constants.LogSqrt2Pi - SpecialFunctions.GammaLn(_precisionShape);
            double e = -(0.5 * prec * _meanScale * (mean - _meanLocation) * (mean - _meanLocation)) - (prec * _precisionInvScale);

            return(((_precisionShape - 0.5) * System.Math.Log(prec)) + (_precisionShape * System.Math.Log(_precisionInvScale)) - (0.5 * System.Math.Log(_meanScale)) + e - Constants.LogSqrt2Pi - SpecialFunctions.GammaLn(_precisionShape));
예제 #11
 public Vector <double> Apply(Vector <double> value) => value.Map(element => SpecialFunctions.Logistic(element));
 /// <summary>
 /// Событие "Сказана реплика"
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="speechName"></param>
 public void SpeechSaid(string speechName)
     SpecialFunctions.StartStoryEvent(this, SpeechSaidEvent, new StoryEventArgs(speechName, 0));
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the log density of the distribution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">The locations at which to compute the density.</param>
        /// <returns>the density at <paramref name="x"/>.</returns>
        public double DensityLn(double[] x)
            if (x == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("x");

            var shortVersion = x.Length == (_alpha.Length - 1);

            if ((x.Length != _alpha.Length) && !shortVersion)
                throw new ArgumentException("x");

            var term     = 0.0;
            var sumxi    = 0.0;
            var sumalpha = 0.0;

            for (var i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
                var xi = x[i];
                if ((xi <= 0.0) || (xi >= 1.0))

                term     += (_alpha[i] - 1.0) * Math.Log(xi) - SpecialFunctions.GammaLn(_alpha[i]);
                sumxi    += xi;
                sumalpha += _alpha[i];

            // Calculate x[Length - 1] element, if needed
            if (shortVersion)
                if (sumxi >= 1.0)

                term     += (_alpha[_alpha.Length - 1] - 1.0) * Math.Log(1.0 - sumxi) - SpecialFunctions.GammaLn(_alpha[_alpha.Length - 1]);
                sumalpha += _alpha[_alpha.Length - 1];
            else if (!sumxi.AlmostEqualInDecimalPlaces(1.0, 8))

            return(term + SpecialFunctions.GammaLn(sumalpha));
예제 #14
 public void FactorialOverflowsToInfinity()
     Assert.AreEqual(Double.PositiveInfinity, SpecialFunctions.Factorial(172));
     Assert.AreEqual(Double.PositiveInfinity, SpecialFunctions.Factorial(Int32.MaxValue));
 public void Beta()
     AssertHelpers.AlmostEqual(0.5, SpecialFunctions.Beta(1.0, 2.0), 14);
     AssertHelpers.AlmostEqual(1.0, SpecialFunctions.Beta(1.0, 1.0), 14);
예제 #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes the probability density of the distribution (PDF) at x, i.e. ∂P(X ≤ x)/∂x.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">The location at which to compute the density.</param>
 /// <returns>the density at <paramref name="x"/>.</returns>
 /// <seealso cref="PDF"/>
 public double Density(double x)
     return((Math.Pow(x, (_freedom / 2.0) - 1.0) * Math.Exp(-x / 2.0)) / (Math.Pow(2.0, _freedom / 2.0) * SpecialFunctions.Gamma(_freedom / 2.0)));
 public void BetaIncomplete(double a, double b, double x, double f)
     AssertHelpers.AlmostEqual(f, SpecialFunctions.BetaIncomplete(a, b, x), 12);
예제 #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes the log probability density of the distribution (lnPDF) at x, i.e. ln(∂P(X ≤ x)/∂x).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">The location at which to compute the log density.</param>
 /// <returns>the log density at <paramref name="x"/>.</returns>
 /// <seealso cref="PDFLn"/>
 public double DensityLn(double x)
     return((-x / 2.0) + (((_freedom / 2.0) - 1.0) * Math.Log(x)) - ((_freedom / 2.0) * Math.Log(2)) - SpecialFunctions.GammaLn(_freedom / 2.0));
 public void Logit(double p, double x)
     AssertHelpers.AlmostEqual(x, SpecialFunctions.Logit(p), 15);
예제 #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes the cumulative distribution (CDF) of the distribution at x, i.e. P(X ≤ x).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">The location at which to compute the cumulative distribution function.</param>
 /// <returns>the cumulative distribution at location <paramref name="x"/>.</returns>
 /// <seealso cref="CDF"/>
 public double CumulativeDistribution(double x)
     return(SpecialFunctions.GammaLowerRegularized(_freedom / 2.0, x / 2.0));
 public void DiGamma(double x, double f)
     AssertHelpers.AlmostEqual(f, SpecialFunctions.DiGamma(x), 13);
예제 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the probability density of the distribution (PDF) at x, i.e. ∂P(X ≤ x)/∂x.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="freedom">The degrees of freedom (k) of the distribution. Range: k > 0.</param>
        /// <param name="x">The location at which to compute the density.</param>
        /// <returns>the density at <paramref name="x"/>.</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="Density"/>
        public static double PDF(double freedom, double x)
            if (freedom <= 0.0)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.InvalidDistributionParameters);

            return((Math.Pow(x, (freedom / 2.0) - 1.0) * Math.Exp(-x / 2.0)) / (Math.Pow(2.0, freedom / 2.0) * SpecialFunctions.Gamma(freedom / 2.0)));
예제 #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes the cumulative distribution (CDF) of the distribution at x, i.e. P(X ≤ x).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">The location at which to compute the cumulative distribution function.</param>
 /// <returns>the cumulative distribution at location <paramref name="x"/>.</returns>
 /// <seealso cref="CDF"/>
 public double CumulativeDistribution(double x)
     return(0.5 * SpecialFunctions.Erfc((_mean - x) / (_stdDev * Constants.Sqrt2)));
예제 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the log probability density of the distribution (lnPDF) at x, i.e. ln(∂P(X ≤ x)/∂x).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="freedom">The degrees of freedom (k) of the distribution. Range: k > 0.</param>
        /// <param name="x">The location at which to compute the density.</param>
        /// <returns>the log density at <paramref name="x"/>.</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="DensityLn"/>
        public static double PDFLn(double freedom, double x)
            if (freedom <= 0.0)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.InvalidDistributionParameters);

            return((-x / 2.0) + (((freedom / 2.0) - 1.0) * Math.Log(x)) - ((freedom / 2.0) * Math.Log(2)) - SpecialFunctions.GammaLn(freedom / 2.0));
예제 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Nonsymmetric reduction from Hessenberg to real Schur form.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eigenVectors">The eigen vectors to work on.</param>
        /// <param name="eigenValues">The eigen values to work on.</param>
        /// <param name="matrixH">Array for internal storage of nonsymmetric Hessenberg form.</param>
        /// <param name="order">Order of initial matrix</param>
        /// <remarks>This is derived from the Algol procedure hqr2,
        /// by Martin and Wilkinson, Handbook for Auto. Comp.,
        /// Vol.ii-Linear Algebra, and the corresponding
        /// Fortran subroutine in EISPACK.</remarks>
        static void NonsymmetricReduceHessenberToRealSchur(Matrix <Complex> eigenVectors, Vector <Complex> eigenValues, Complex[,] matrixH, int order)
            // Initialize
            var n   = order - 1;
            var eps = Precision.DoublePrecision;

            double  norm;
            Complex x, y, z, exshift = Complex.Zero;

            // Outer loop over eigenvalue index
            var iter = 0;

            while (n >= 0)
                // Look for single small sub-diagonal element
                var l = n;
                while (l > 0)
                    var tst1 = Math.Abs(matrixH[l - 1, l - 1].Real) + Math.Abs(matrixH[l - 1, l - 1].Imaginary) + Math.Abs(matrixH[l, l].Real) + Math.Abs(matrixH[l, l].Imaginary);
                    if (Math.Abs(matrixH[l, l - 1].Real) < eps * tst1)


                // Check for convergence
                // One root found
                if (l == n)
                    matrixH[n, n] += exshift;
                    eigenValues[n] = matrixH[n, n];
                    iter = 0;
                    // Form shift
                    Complex s;
                    if (iter != 10 && iter != 20)
                        s = matrixH[n, n];
                        x = matrixH[n - 1, n] * matrixH[n, n - 1].Real;

                        if (x.Real != 0.0 || x.Imaginary != 0.0)
                            y = (matrixH[n - 1, n - 1] - s) / 2.0;
                            z = ((y * y) + x).SquareRoot();
                            if ((y.Real * z.Real) + (y.Imaginary * z.Imaginary) < 0.0)
                                z *= -1.0;

                            x /= y + z;
                            s  = s - x;
                        // Form exceptional shift
                        s = Math.Abs(matrixH[n, n - 1].Real) + Math.Abs(matrixH[n - 1, n - 2].Real);

                    for (var i = 0; i <= n; i++)
                        matrixH[i, i] -= s;

                    exshift += s;

                    // Reduce to triangle (rows)
                    for (var i = l + 1; i <= n; i++)
                        s    = matrixH[i, i - 1].Real;
                        norm = SpecialFunctions.Hypotenuse(matrixH[i - 1, i - 1].Magnitude, s.Real);
                        x    = matrixH[i - 1, i - 1] / norm;
                        eigenValues[i - 1]    = x;
                        matrixH[i - 1, i - 1] = norm;
                        matrixH[i, i - 1]     = new Complex(0.0, s.Real / norm);

                        for (var j = i; j < order; j++)
                            y = matrixH[i - 1, j];
                            z = matrixH[i, j];
                            matrixH[i - 1, j] = (x.Conjugate() * y) + (matrixH[i, i - 1].Imaginary * z);
                            matrixH[i, j]     = (x * z) - (matrixH[i, i - 1].Imaginary * y);

                    s = matrixH[n, n];
                    if (s.Imaginary != 0.0)
                        s            /= matrixH[n, n].Magnitude;
                        matrixH[n, n] = matrixH[n, n].Magnitude;

                        for (var j = n + 1; j < order; j++)
                            matrixH[n, j] *= s.Conjugate();

                    // Inverse operation (columns).
                    for (var j = l + 1; j <= n; j++)
                        x = eigenValues[j - 1];
                        for (var i = 0; i <= j; i++)
                            z = matrixH[i, j];
                            if (i != j)
                                y = matrixH[i, j - 1];
                                matrixH[i, j - 1] = (x * y) + (matrixH[j, j - 1].Imaginary * z);
                                y = matrixH[i, j - 1].Real;
                                matrixH[i, j - 1] = new Complex((x.Real * y.Real) - (x.Imaginary * y.Imaginary) + (matrixH[j, j - 1].Imaginary * z.Real), matrixH[i, j - 1].Imaginary);

                            matrixH[i, j] = (x.Conjugate() * z) - (matrixH[j, j - 1].Imaginary * y);

                        for (var i = 0; i < order; i++)
                            y = eigenVectors.At(i, j - 1);
                            z = eigenVectors.At(i, j);
                            eigenVectors.At(i, j - 1, (x * y) + (matrixH[j, j - 1].Imaginary * z));
                            eigenVectors.At(i, j, (x.Conjugate() * z) - (matrixH[j, j - 1].Imaginary * y));

                    if (s.Imaginary != 0.0)
                        for (var i = 0; i <= n; i++)
                            matrixH[i, n] *= s;

                        for (var i = 0; i < order; i++)
                            eigenVectors.At(i, n, eigenVectors.At(i, n) * s);

            // All roots found.
            // Backsubstitute to find vectors of upper triangular form
            norm = 0.0;
            for (var i = 0; i < order; i++)
                for (var j = i; j < order; j++)
                    norm = Math.Max(norm, Math.Abs(matrixH[i, j].Real) + Math.Abs(matrixH[i, j].Imaginary));

            if (order == 1)

            if (norm == 0.0)

            for (n = order - 1; n > 0; n--)
                x             = eigenValues[n];
                matrixH[n, n] = 1.0;

                for (var i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    z = 0.0;
                    for (var j = i + 1; j <= n; j++)
                        z += matrixH[i, j] * matrixH[j, n];

                    y = x - eigenValues[i];
                    if (y.Real == 0.0 && y.Imaginary == 0.0)
                        y = eps * norm;

                    matrixH[i, n] = z / y;

                    // Overflow control
                    var tr = Math.Abs(matrixH[i, n].Real) + Math.Abs(matrixH[i, n].Imaginary);
                    if ((eps * tr) * tr > 1)
                        for (var j = i; j <= n; j++)
                            matrixH[j, n] = matrixH[j, n] / tr;

            // Back transformation to get eigenvectors of original matrix
            for (var j = order - 1; j > 0; j--)
                for (var i = 0; i < order; i++)
                    z = Complex.Zero;
                    for (var k = 0; k <= j; k++)
                        z += eigenVectors.At(i, k) * matrixH[k, j];

                    eigenVectors.At(i, j, z);
 public void Harmonic(int i)
     AssertHelpers.AlmostEqual(ExactHarmonic(i), SpecialFunctions.Harmonic(i), 13);
예제 #27
        public static Move MaxOrNull(Move moveOrNull, Move bestMoveOrNull)
            CompareZone zone     = Zone(moveOrNull);
            CompareZone bestZone = Zone(bestMoveOrNull);

            if (zone > bestZone)

            if (bestZone > zone)

            Debug.Assert(bestZone == zone);

            switch (zone)
            case CompareZone.Null:

            case CompareZone.LengthIncreases:
                double scorePerLength     = moveOrNull.ScoreImprovement / (double)moveOrNull.LengthIncrease;
                double scorePerLengthBest = bestMoveOrNull.ScoreImprovement / (double)bestMoveOrNull.LengthIncrease;
                if (scorePerLength > scorePerLengthBest)

            case CompareZone.LengthUnchanged:
                if (moveOrNull.ScoreImprovement > bestMoveOrNull.ScoreImprovement)

            case CompareZone.LengthDecreases:
                Debug.Assert(moveOrNull.ScoreImprovement == 0 && bestMoveOrNull.ScoreImprovement == 0);                         // real assert
                if (moveOrNull.LengthIncrease < bestMoveOrNull.LengthIncrease)

                SpecialFunctions.CheckCondition(false, "Unknown zone (shouldn't get here");
 public void BetaLn()
     AssertHelpers.AlmostEqual(System.Math.Log(0.5), SpecialFunctions.BetaLn(1.0, 2.0), 14);
     AssertHelpers.AlmostEqual(System.Math.Log(1.0), SpecialFunctions.BetaLn(1.0, 1.0), 14);
예제 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Symmetric tridiagonal QL algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eigenVectors">The eigen vectors to work on.</param>
        /// <param name="d">Arrays for internal storage of real parts of eigenvalues</param>
        /// <param name="e">Arrays for internal storage of imaginary parts of eigenvalues</param>
        /// <param name="order">Order of initial matrix</param>
        /// <remarks>This is derived from the Algol procedures tql2, by
        /// Bowdler, Martin, Reinsch, and Wilkinson, Handbook for
        /// Auto. Comp., Vol.ii-Linear Algebra, and the corresponding
        /// Fortran subroutine in EISPACK.</remarks>
        /// <exception cref="NonConvergenceException"></exception>
        static void SymmetricDiagonalize(Matrix <float> eigenVectors, float[] d, float[] e, int order)
            const int maxiter = 1000;

            for (var i = 1; i < order; i++)
                e[i - 1] = e[i];

            e[order - 1] = 0.0f;

            var f    = 0.0f;
            var tst1 = 0.0f;
            var eps  = Precision.DoublePrecision;

            for (var l = 0; l < order; l++)
                // Find small subdiagonal element
                tst1 = Math.Max(tst1, Math.Abs(d[l]) + Math.Abs(e[l]));
                var m = l;
                while (m < order)
                    if (Math.Abs(e[m]) <= eps * tst1)


                // If m == l, d[l] is an eigenvalue,
                // otherwise, iterate.
                if (m > l)
                    var iter = 0;
                        iter = iter + 1; // (Could check iteration count here.)

                        // Compute implicit shift
                        var g = d[l];
                        var p = (d[l + 1] - g) / (2.0f * e[l]);
                        var r = SpecialFunctions.Hypotenuse(p, 1.0f);
                        if (p < 0)
                            r = -r;

                        d[l]     = e[l] / (p + r);
                        d[l + 1] = e[l] * (p + r);

                        var dl1 = d[l + 1];
                        var h   = g - d[l];
                        for (var i = l + 2; i < order; i++)
                            d[i] -= h;

                        f = f + h;

                        // Implicit QL transformation.
                        p = d[m];
                        var c   = 1.0f;
                        var c2  = c;
                        var c3  = c;
                        var el1 = e[l + 1];
                        var s   = 0.0f;
                        var s2  = 0.0f;
                        for (var i = m - 1; i >= l; i--)
                            c3       = c2;
                            c2       = c;
                            s2       = s;
                            g        = c * e[i];
                            h        = c * p;
                            r        = SpecialFunctions.Hypotenuse(p, e[i]);
                            e[i + 1] = s * r;
                            s        = e[i] / r;
                            c        = p / r;
                            p        = (c * d[i]) - (s * g);
                            d[i + 1] = h + (s * ((c * g) + (s * d[i])));

                            // Accumulate transformation.
                            for (var k = 0; k < order; k++)
                                h = eigenVectors.At(k, i + 1);
                                eigenVectors.At(k, i + 1, (s * eigenVectors.At(k, i)) + (c * h));
                                eigenVectors.At(k, i, (c * eigenVectors.At(k, i)) - (s * h));

                        p    = (-s) * s2 * c3 * el1 * e[l] / dl1;
                        e[l] = s * p;
                        d[l] = c * p;

                        // Check for convergence. If too many iterations have been performed,
                        // throw exception that Convergence Failed
                        if (iter >= maxiter)
                            throw new NonConvergenceException();
                    } while (Math.Abs(e[l]) > eps * tst1);

                d[l] = d[l] + f;
                e[l] = 0.0f;

            // Sort eigenvalues and corresponding vectors.
            for (var i = 0; i < order - 1; i++)
                var k = i;
                var p = d[i];
                for (var j = i + 1; j < order; j++)
                    if (d[j] < p)
                        k = j;
                        p = d[j];

                if (k != i)
                    d[k] = d[i];
                    d[i] = p;
                    for (var j = 0; j < order; j++)
                        p = eigenVectors.At(j, i);
                        eigenVectors.At(j, i, eigenVectors.At(j, k));
                        eigenVectors.At(j, k, p);
예제 #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes the cumulative distribution (CDF) of the distribution at x, i.e. P(X ≤ x).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">The location at which to compute the cumulative distribution function.</param>
 /// <returns>the cumulative distribution at location <paramref name="x"/>.</returns>
 /// <seealso cref="CDF"/>
 public double CumulativeDistribution(double x)
     return(SpecialFunctions.GammaLowerIncomplete(_freedom / 2.0, x / 2.0) / SpecialFunctions.Gamma(_freedom / 2.0));