예제 #1
        public HttpResponseMessage postdrawing(SpecDrawingSearchView model)
                var result = specSvc.GetInfo(model);

                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, result));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.Message.ToString()));
예제 #2
        public SpecDrawingView GetInfo(SpecDrawingSearchView model)
            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("net.exe", @"use Z: / delete");
            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("net.exe", @"use Z: \\\prog TOP@007* /USER:\webadmin").WaitForExit();

            using (var ctx = new ConXContext())
                var ventity          = model.entity;
                var vreq_date        = model.req_date;
                var vspringtype_code = model.springtype_code;
                var vpdsize_code     = model.pdsize_code;

                string sql = "select a.entity , a.pcs_barcode , a.springtype_code , a.pdsize_desc  , a.wc_code, a.prod_code , b.prod_tname prod_name , b.pdmodel_desc ";
                sql += " from mps_det_in_process a , product b";
                sql += " where a.prod_code = b.prod_code";
                sql += " and a.entity = :p_entity";
                sql += " and a.req_date = to_date(:p_req_date,'dd/mm/yyyy')";
                sql += " and a.springtype_code = :p_springtype_code";
                sql += " and a.pdsize_code = :p_pdsize_code";
                sql += " and rownum = 1";

                PcsBarcodeDataView datas = ctx.Database.SqlQuery <PcsBarcodeDataView>(sql, new OracleParameter("p_entity", ventity), new OracleParameter("p_req_date", vreq_date), new OracleParameter("p_springtype_code", vspringtype_code), new OracleParameter("p_pdsize_code", vpdsize_code)).SingleOrDefault();

                if (datas == null)
                    throw new Exception("ไม่พบข้อมูล");

                string sqls        = "select spring_pic_file from pdspring_mast where springtype_code = :p_springtype_code";
                string spring_file = ctx.Database.SqlQuery <string>(sqls, new OracleParameter("p_springtype_code", datas.springtype_code)).SingleOrDefault();

                if (spring_file is null)
                    throw new Exception("ไม่มีการกำหนดรูปให้กับ Spring Type นี้");

                string sqlp        = "select spring_path from bm_basic_mast";
                string spring_path = ctx.Database.SqlQuery <string>(sqlp).SingleOrDefault();
                //string spring_path = "\\\\\\prog\\picture\\spring\\";

                string imagePath = @spring_path + spring_file;
                //string imagePath = @"\\\prog\Picture\Spring\" + spring_file;

                string imgBase64String = GetBase64StringForImage(imagePath);
                //string imgBase64String = "";

                //define model view
                SpecDrawingView view = new ModelViews.SpecDrawingView()
                    pageIndex   = model.pageIndex - 1,
                    itemPerPage = model.itemPerPage,
                    totalItem   = 0,

                    prod_code    = datas.prod_code,
                    prod_name    = datas.prod_name,
                    model_desc   = datas.pdmodel_desc,
                    spring_type  = datas.springtype_code,
                    size_desc    = datas.pdsize_desc,
                    drawing_path = imagePath,
                    //drawing_name = spring_file,
                    drawing_name = imgBase64String,

                    datas = new List <ModelViews.RawMatListView>()

                string sqlr = "select bom_seq , bom_sub , bom_name , rm_seq , rm_code , rm_name , short_name , uom_code , unit_qty , item_name from mps_mr_pcs where entity = :p_entity and pcs_barcode = :p_pcs_barcode and dept_bom = :p_wc_code order by bom_seq , rm_seq";

                List <RawMatListView> rawmat = ctx.Database.SqlQuery <RawMatListView>(sqlr, new OracleParameter("p_entity", datas.entity), new OracleParameter("p_pcs_barcode", datas.pcs_barcode), new OracleParameter("p_wc_code", datas.wc_code))
                                               .Select(x => new RawMatListView()
                    bom_seq    = x.bom_seq,
                    bom_sub    = x.bom_sub,
                    bom_name   = x.bom_name,
                    rm_seq     = x.rm_seq,
                    rm_code    = x.rm_code,
                    rm_name    = x.rm_name,
                    short_name = x.short_name,
                    uom_code   = x.uom_code,
                    unit_qty   = x.unit_qty,
                    item_name  = x.item_name

                //List<RawMatListView> rawmat = ctx.mr_pcs
                //.Where(z => z.ENTITY == datas.entity && z.PCS_BARCODE == datas.pcs_barcode && z.DEPT_BOM == datas.wc_code)
                //.OrderBy(z => z.BOM_SEQ).ThenBy(z => z.RM_SEQ)
                //.Select(x => new RawMatListView()

                //    bom_seq = x.BOM_SEQ,
                //    bom_sub = x.BOM_SUB,
                //    bom_name = x.BOM_NAME,
                //    rm_seq = x.RM_SEQ,
                //    rm_code = x.RM_CODE,
                //    rm_name = x.RM_NAME,
                //    short_name = x.SHORT_NAME,
                //    uom_code = x.UOM_CODE,
                //    unit_qty = x.UNIT_QTY,
                //    item_name = x.ITEM_NAME

                view.totalItem = rawmat.Count;
                rawmat         = rawmat.Skip(view.pageIndex * view.itemPerPage)

                foreach (var i in rawmat)
                    view.datas.Add(new ModelViews.RawMatListView()
                        bom_seq    = i.bom_seq,
                        bom_sub    = i.bom_sub,
                        bom_name   = i.bom_name,
                        rm_seq     = i.rm_seq,
                        rm_code    = i.rm_code,
                        rm_name    = i.rm_name,
                        short_name = i.short_name,
                        uom_code   = i.uom_code,
                        unit_qty   = i.unit_qty,
                        item_name  = i.item_name

                //return data to contoller