예제 #1
 void SpawnMap()
     mappings = mappingsHolder.mappings;
     for (int x = 0; x < fullMap.width; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < fullMap.height; y++)
             Color pixelColor = fullMap.GetPixel(x, y);
             if (pixelColor.a == 0)
             TileMapping tile   = Array.Find(mappings, TileMapping => TileMapping.color == pixelColor);
             Vector3 thisOffset = new Vector3(tileSize * (float)x, tileSize * (float)y, 0);
             Vector3 spawnPos   = transform.position + thisOffset;
             if (tile != null && tile.prefab != null)                //avoid errors during testing
                 Instantiate(tile.prefab, spawnPos, Quaternion.identity).transform.parent = this.transform;
                 print("no prefab for this mapping");
     SpawnableMapping[] spawnablesMappings = mappingsHolder.spawnableMappings;
     for (int x = 0; x < spawnablesMap.width; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < spawnablesMap.height; y++)
             Color pixelColor = spawnablesMap.GetPixel(x, y);
             if (pixelColor.a == 0)
             SpawnableMapping tile = Array.Find(spawnablesMappings, SpawnableMapping => SpawnableMapping.color == pixelColor);
             Vector3 thisOffset    = new Vector3(tileSize * (float)x, tileSize * (float)y, 0);
             Vector3 spawnPos      = transform.position + thisOffset;
             if (tile != null && tile.prefab != null)                //avoid errors during testing
                 Instantiate(tile.prefab, spawnPos, Quaternion.identity).transform.parent = this.transform;
                 print("Could not instanciate spawnable with pixel color: " + pixelColor);
예제 #2
    bool IsValidPosition(Vector2Int pos, List <Vector2Int> takenPositions, SpawnableMapping mapping)
        bool ret = true;

        if (takenPositions.Contains(pos))
            ret = false;            //dont pick used position
        if (takenPositions.Contains(pos + Vector2Int.down) || takenPositions.Contains(pos + Vector2Int.up) ||
            takenPositions.Contains(pos + Vector2Int.left) || takenPositions.Contains(pos + Vector2Int.right))
            ret = false;            //dont pick adjacent to used position
        if (mapping.type == SpawnableMapping.SpawnableType.treasure)
            float weight = treasureWeights.Find(treasureWieght => treasureWieght.position == pos).weight;
            if (weight < UnityEngine.Random.value)
                ret = false;                // weight treasure spawning