/* To Function Features */ public async void CheckUpdatesClick() { //UpdateInfo.Content = "Checking for updates..."; UpdateInfo = await SparkleInst.CheckForUpdatesQuietly(); // use _sparkle.CheckForUpdatesQuietly() if you don't want the user to know you are checking for updates! // if you use CheckForUpdatesAtUserRequest() and are using a UI, then handling things yourself is rather silly // as it will show a UI for things if (UpdateInfo != null) { switch (UpdateInfo.Status) { case UpdateStatus.UpdateAvailable: //UpdateInfo.Content = "There's an update available!"; //DownloadUpdateButton.IsEnabled = true; break; case UpdateStatus.UpdateNotAvailable: //UpdateInfo.Content = "There's no update available :("; //DownloadUpdateButton.IsEnabled = false; break; case UpdateStatus.UserSkipped: //UpdateInfo.Content = "The user skipped this update!"; //DownloadUpdateButton.IsEnabled = false; break; case UpdateStatus.CouldNotDetermine: //UpdateInfo.Content = "We couldn't tell if there was an update..."; //DownloadUpdateButton.IsEnabled = false; break; } } }
public async void UpdateAutomaticallyClick() { SparkleInst.UserInteractionMode = UserInteractionMode.DownloadAndInstall; // TODO: RunFullUpdateUpdateStatusLabel.Text = "Checking for update..."; SparkleInst.UpdateDetected += CBFullUpdateUpdateDetected; SparkleInst.DownloadStarted += CBFullUpdateStartedDownloading; SparkleInst.DownloadFinished += CBFullUpdateDownloadFileIsReady; SparkleInst.CloseApplication += CBFullUpdateCloseApplication; await SparkleInst.CheckForUpdatesQuietly(); }
/* To Function Features */ public async void CheckUpdatesClick(SGCheckUpdate sgCheckUpdate = null, SGAvailableUpdate sgAvailableUpdate = null, SGDownloadUpdate sgDownloadUpdate = null, SGFinishedDownload sgFinishedDownload = null, SGMessageNotification sgMessageNotification = null) { CheckUpdate = sgCheckUpdate; AvailableUpdate = sgAvailableUpdate; DownloadUpdate = sgDownloadUpdate; FinishedDownload = sgFinishedDownload; MessageNotification = sgMessageNotification; CLog.Here().Information($"AppUpdaterService - CheckUpdates : [ Checking for updates... ]"); CheckUpdate?.OpenPopUp(); UpdateInfo = await SparkleInst.CheckForUpdatesQuietly(); await Task.Delay(1000); await Task.Run(() => { CheckUpdate?.ClosePopUp(); // use _sparkle.CheckForUpdatesQuietly() if you don't want the user to know you are checking for updates! // if you use CheckForUpdatesAtUserRequest() and are using a UI, then handling things yourself is rather silly // as it will show a UI for things if (UpdateInfo != null) { switch (UpdateInfo.Status) { case UpdateStatus.UpdateAvailable: CLog.Here().Information($"AppUpdaterService - CheckUpdates : [ There's an update available! ]"); AvailableUpdate?.OpenPopUp(SparkleInst, UpdateInfo.Updates); break; case UpdateStatus.UpdateNotAvailable: CLog.Here().Information($"AppUpdaterService - CheckUpdates : [ There's no update available :( ]"); MessageNotification?.OpenPopUp("There's no update available :("); break; case UpdateStatus.UserSkipped: CLog.Here().Information($"AppUpdaterService - CheckUpdates : [ The user skipped this update! ]"); MessageNotification?.OpenPopUp("The user skipped this update!<br>You have elected to skip this version."); break; case UpdateStatus.CouldNotDetermine: CLog.Here().Information($"AppUpdaterService - CheckUpdates : [ We couldn't tell if there was an update... ]"); MessageNotification?.OpenPopUp("We couldn't tell if there was an update..."); break; } } }); }
public async void UpdateAutomaticallyClick() { await Task.Run(() => { // RunFullUpdateUpdateStatusLabel.Text = "Checking for update..."; CLog.Here().Information($"AppUpdaterService - UpdateAutomatically : [ Checking for updates... ]"); SparkleInst.UserInteractionMode = UserInteractionMode.DownloadAndInstall; SparkleInst.UpdateDetected += CBFullUpdateUpdateDetected; SparkleInst.DownloadStarted += CBFullUpdateStartedDownloading; SparkleInst.DownloadFinished += CBFullUpdateDownloadFileIsReady; SparkleInst.CloseApplication += CBFullUpdateCloseApplication; }); await SparkleInst.CheckForUpdatesQuietly(); }