/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public virtual void Process()
            SpanishXMLTreeReaderFactory trf = new SpanishXMLTreeReaderFactory();
            Tree t;

            foreach (File file in fileList)
                Reader      @in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), AncoraEncoding));
                ITreeReader tr  = trf.NewTreeReader(@in);
                // Tree reading will implicitly perform tree normalization for us
                while ((t = tr.ReadTree()) != null)
                    // Update tagger with this tree
                    IList <CoreLabel> yield = t.TaggedLabeledYield();
                    foreach (CoreLabel leafLabel in yield)
                        if (leafLabel.Tag().Equals(SpanishTreeNormalizer.MwTag))
                        unigramTagger.IncrementCount(leafLabel.Word(), leafLabel.Tag());
        /// <summary>
        /// Use
        /// <see cref="Edu.Stanford.Nlp.Trees.International.Spanish.SpanishXMLTreeReader"/>
        /// to load the trees from the provided files,
        /// and begin collecting some statistics to be used in later MWE cleanup.
        /// NB: Much of the important cleanup happens implicitly here; the XML tree reader triggers the
        /// tree normalization routine.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        /// <exception cref="Java.Util.Concurrent.ExecutionException"/>
        private IList <Tree> LoadTrees()
            bool   ner      = PropertiesUtils.GetBool(options, "ner", false);
            string encoding = new SpanishTreebankLanguagePack().GetEncoding();
            SpanishXMLTreeReaderFactory trf = new SpanishXMLTreeReaderFactory(true, true, ner, false);
            IList <Tree> trees = new List <Tree>();

            foreach (File file in inputFiles)
                Pair <TwoDimensionalCounter <string, string>, IList <Tree> > ret = ProcessTreeFile(file, trf, encoding);
                Counters.AddInPlace(unigramTagger, ret.First());
                Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(trees, ret.Second());
        /// <summary>Processes a single file containing AnCora XML trees.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Processes a single file containing AnCora XML trees. Returns MWE statistics for the trees in
        /// the file and the actual parsed trees.
        /// </remarks>
        private static Pair <TwoDimensionalCounter <string, string>, IList <Tree> > ProcessTreeFile(File file, SpanishXMLTreeReaderFactory trf, string encoding)
            TwoDimensionalCounter <string, string> tagger = new TwoDimensionalCounter <string, string>();

                Reader       @in   = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), encoding));
                ITreeReader  tr    = trf.NewTreeReader(file.GetPath(), @in);
                IList <Tree> trees = new List <Tree>();
                Tree         t;
                Tree         splitPoint;
                while ((t = tr.ReadTree()) != null)
                        // We may need to split the current tree into multiple parts.
                        // (If not, a call to `split` with a `null` split-point is a
                        // no-op
                        splitPoint = FindSplitPoint(t);
                        Pair <Tree, Tree> split = Split(t, splitPoint);
                        Tree toAdd = split.First();
                        t = split.Second();
                        UpdateTagger(tagger, toAdd);
                    }while (splitPoint != null);
                return(new Pair <TwoDimensionalCounter <string, string>, IList <Tree> >(tagger, trees));
            catch (IOException e)