public void PhraseModifierFormatTestStyledSpan() { string input = "I'm %{color:red}unaware% of most soft drinks."; string expected = "I'm <span style=\"color:red;\">unaware</span> of most soft drinks."; SpanPhraseBlockModifier f = new SpanPhraseBlockModifier(); string actual = FormatLine(f, input); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void PhraseModifierFormatTestSimpleSpan() { string input = "I'm %unaware% of most soft drinks."; string expected = "I'm <span>unaware</span> of most soft drinks."; SpanPhraseBlockModifier f = new SpanPhraseBlockModifier(); string actual = FormatLine(f, input); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }