public ActionResult Delete(int Autoid, FormCollection collection)
            bool DidItWork = false;

                SpaceAllocationBusinessLayer sbl = new SpaceAllocationBusinessLayer();
                SpaceAllocation sa = sbl.SpaceAllocations.Where(i => i.AutoID == Autoid).Single();

                StoredProcedureBusinessLayer spbl = new StoredProcedureBusinessLayer();
                DidItWork = spbl.ExecuteStoredProcedure(sa, "delete", User.Identity.Name);
                //DidItWork = sbl.ActionSpaceAllocation(sa, "delete", User.Identity.Name);
                if (DidItWork == false)
                    return(Content("Error on deletion of space allocation. Press back to return and try again"));
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { SeasonID = sa.SeasonID, GradeID = sa.SpaceGradeID, CatID = sa.CatID }));
        // GET: SpaceAllocation/Delete/5
        public ActionResult Delete(int Autoid)
            SpaceAllocationBusinessLayer sbl = new SpaceAllocationBusinessLayer();
            SpaceAllocation sa = sbl.SpaceAllocations.Where(i => i.AutoID == Autoid).Single();

        public ActionResult AddNew(string id, FormCollection collection)
            bool DidItWork = false;

                SpaceAllocationBusinessLayer sbl = new SpaceAllocationBusinessLayer();
                SpaceAllocation sa = sbl.SpaceAllocations.Where(i => i.ID == id).Single();
                //SpaceAllocation sa = new SpaceAllocation();

                sa.Fill            = Convert.ToInt32(collection["Fill"]);
                sa.DisplayQuantity = Convert.ToInt32(collection["DisplayQuantity"]);
                sa.SFID            = Convert.ToInt32(collection["ddPas"]);
                sa.MeTypeID        = Convert.ToInt32(collection["ddMeType"]);
                sa.OrdinalSequence = Convert.ToInt32(collection["OrdinalSequence"]);

                StoredProcedureBusinessLayer spbl = new StoredProcedureBusinessLayer();
                DidItWork = spbl.ExecuteStoredProcedure(sa, "insert", User.Identity.Name);
                //DidItWork = sbl.ActionSpaceAllocation(sa, "insert", User.Identity.Name);
                if (DidItWork == false)
                    return(Content("Error on edit of space allocation. Press back to return and try again"));
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { SeasonID = sa.SeasonID, GradeID = sa.SpaceGradeID, CatID = sa.CatID, FO = sa.FixtureOrdinal }));
        // GET: SpaceAllocation/Edit/5
        public ActionResult AddNew(string id)
            SpaceAllocationBusinessLayer sbl = new SpaceAllocationBusinessLayer();
            SpaceAllocation sa = sbl.SpaceAllocations.Where(i => i.ID == id).Single();

            int MaxOrdinalSequence = sbl.SpaceAllocations.Where(t => t.SeasonID == sa.SeasonID && t.SpaceID == sa.SpaceID && t.CatID == sa.CatID && t.SpaceGradeID == sa.SpaceGradeID && t.FixtureOrdinal == sa.FixtureOrdinal).Max(s => s.OrdinalSequence);

            sa.OrdinalSequence = MaxOrdinalSequence + 1;

            MeTypeBusinessLayer m             = new MeTypeBusinessLayer();
            List <MeType>       ListOfMeTypes = m.MeTypes.ToList();

            ViewData["ddMeType"] = ListOfMeTypes.Select(k => new SelectListItem {
                Value = k.MeTypeID.ToString(), Text = k.MeTypeDesc, Selected = k.MeTypeID == sa.MeTypeID

            PreArticleSeasonalBusinessLayer pbl = new PreArticleSeasonalBusinessLayer();
            List <PreArticleSeasonal>       ListOfPreArticleSeasonals = pbl.PreArticleSeasonals.Where(j => j.SeasonID == sa.SeasonID || j.SFID == sa.SFID).ToList();

            ViewData["ddPAS"] = ListOfPreArticleSeasonals.Select(k => new SelectListItem {
                Value = k.SFID.ToString(), Text = k.SunflowerDesc + " (" + k.SFID + ")", Selected = k.SFID == sa.SFID

예제 #5
        private void UploadFiles(string FileName_)
            Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog();
            bool Find = (bool)openFileDialog.ShowDialog();

            FileName_ = GetFileUpload;

            if (Find is true)
                GetFileUpload = openFileDialog.FileName;
            FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(GetFileUpload, FileMode.Open);

            GoogleDrive googleDrive = Auth_Setup();

            if (googleDrive.Exists("/NewFile.pdf") is true)
                MessageBox.Show("This file exisit and is going to be replaced!");
                googleDrive.Upload("/NewFile.pdf", fileStream, 1024, true);
                Username = googleDrive.GetUserName();
            else if (googleDrive.Exists("/NewFile.pdf") is false)
                MessageBox.Show("The new file has been created!");
                googleDrive.Upload("/NewFile.pdf", fileStream, 1024, true);
                Username = googleDrive.GetUserName();

            SpaceAllocation spaceAllocation = googleDrive.GetAllocation();

            string[] Sizes          = { "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB" };
            long     UserAllocation = spaceAllocation.GetTotal();
            int      Order          = 0;

            while (UserAllocation >= 1024 && Order < Sizes.Length - 1)
                UserAllocation = UserAllocation / 1024;

            string Result = string.Format("{0:0.##} {1}", UserAllocation, Sizes[Order]);

            MessageBox.Show("Size available on this account is " + Result);
        // GET: SpaceAllocation/Edit/5
        public ActionResult Edit(string id)
            SpaceAllocationBusinessLayer sbl = new SpaceAllocationBusinessLayer();
            SpaceAllocation sa = sbl.SpaceAllocations.Where(i => i.ID == id).Single();

            MeTypeBusinessLayer m             = new MeTypeBusinessLayer();
            List <MeType>       ListOfMeTypes = m.MeTypes.ToList();

            ViewData["ddMeType"] = ListOfMeTypes.Select(k => new SelectListItem {
                Value = k.MeTypeID.ToString(), Text = k.MeTypeDesc, Selected = k.MeTypeID == sa.MeTypeID

            PreArticleSeasonalBusinessLayer pbl = new PreArticleSeasonalBusinessLayer();
            List <PreArticleSeasonal>       ListOfPreArticleSeasonals = pbl.PreArticleSeasonals.Where(j => j.SeasonID == sa.SeasonID || j.SFID == sa.SFID).ToList();

            ViewData["ddPAS"] = ListOfPreArticleSeasonals.Select(k => new SelectListItem {
                Value = k.SFID.ToString(), Text = k.SunflowerDesc + " (" + k.SFID + ")", Selected = k.SFID == sa.SFID

        public ActionResult Index(FormCollection collection, string submitButton, IEnumerable <string> keys, IEnumerable <decimal> amounts)
            SpaceAllocationBusinessLayer sbl = new SpaceAllocationBusinessLayer();

            if (submitButton == "Retazz LocationID" && keys != null)
                //read the values for retazz and attempt to realign
                for (int i = 0; i < keys.Count(); i++)
                    int NewOrder;
                    NewOrder = i + 1000 * Convert.ToInt32(amounts.ElementAt(i));
                    if (sbl.SpaceAllocations.Where(y => y.ID == keys.ElementAt(i) && y.AutoID != 0).Any())
                        SpaceAllocation LoopSA = sbl.SpaceAllocations.Where(y => y.ID == keys.ElementAt(i) && y.AutoID != 0).Single();
                        LoopSA.OrdinalSequence = NewOrder;
                        StoredProcedureBusinessLayer spbl = new StoredProcedureBusinessLayer();
                        Boolean DidUpdateWork             = spbl.ExecuteStoredProcedure(LoopSA, "Edit", User.Identity.Name);
                        //Boolean DidUpdateWork = sbl.ActionSpaceAllocation(LoopSA, "Edit", User.Identity.Name);
                Boolean DidRetazzWork = sbl.RetazzSpaceAllocation();
            int DeptID   = Convert.ToInt32(collection["ddDept"]);
            int SeasonID = Convert.ToInt32(collection["ddSeason"]);
            int GradeID  = Convert.ToInt32(collection["ddGrade"]);
            int CatID    = Convert.ToInt32(collection["ddCat"]);
            int FO       = Convert.ToInt32(collection["ddFO"]);

            string DeptName;
            string CatName = "";

            List <SpaceAllocation> ListOfSpaceAllocations = sbl.SpaceAllocations.ToList();

            GradeBusinessLayer gbl          = new GradeBusinessLayer();
            List <Grade>       ListOfGrades = gbl.Grades.ToList();
            string             GradeName    = ListOfGrades.Where(q => q.GradeID == GradeID).Single().GradeDescription;

            DeptBusinessLayer dbl         = new DeptBusinessLayer();
            List <Dept>       ListOfDepts = dbl.Depts.ToList();

            SeasonBusinessLayer ebl           = new SeasonBusinessLayer();
            List <Season>       ListOfSeasons = ebl.Seasons.ToList();

            MerchCatBusinessLayer mbl             = new MerchCatBusinessLayer();
            List <MerchCat>       ListOfMerchCats = mbl.MerchCats.Where(w => w.DeptID == DeptID).ToList();

            CatBusinessLayer cbl               = new CatBusinessLayer();
            List <Cat>       ListOfCats        = cbl.Cats.Where(w => w.CatActive == 1).ToList();
            List <Cat>       ListOfCatsForDept = ListOfCats.Join(ListOfMerchCats, a => a.CatID, b => b.CatID, (a, b) => new { a, b }).Select(z => z.a).Distinct().ToList();

            if (ListOfCatsForDept.Count == 0)
                CatID = 0;
                FO    = 0;
                if (ListOfCatsForDept.Any(c => c.CatID == CatID) == false)
                    CatID   = ListOfCatsForDept.First().CatID;
                    CatName = ListOfCatsForDept.Where(c => c.CatID == CatID).Single().CatDesc;

            DeptName = ListOfDepts.Where(q => q.DeptID == DeptID).Single().DeptName;

            #region StaticData

            ViewData["ddSeason"] = ListOfSeasons.Select(m => new SelectListItem {
                Value = m.SeasonID.ToString(), Text = m.SeasonDesc + " (" + m.SeasonID.ToString() + ")", Selected = m.SeasonID == SeasonID
            ViewData["ddGrade"] = ListOfGrades.Select(m => new SelectListItem {
                Value = m.GradeID.ToString(), Text = m.GradeDescription, Selected = m.GradeID == GradeID
            ViewData["ddCat"] = ListOfCatsForDept.Select(m => new SelectListItem {
                Value = m.CatID.ToString(), Text = m.CatDesc + " (" + m.CatID.ToString() + ")", Selected = m.CatID == CatID
            ViewData["ddDept"] = ListOfDepts.Select(m => new SelectListItem {
                Value = m.DeptID.ToString(), Text = m.DeptName + " (" + m.DeptID.ToString() + ")", Selected = m.DeptID == DeptID

            ViewBag.DeptID   = DeptID;
            ViewBag.DeptName = DeptName;

            ViewBag.CatID   = CatID;
            ViewBag.CatName = CatName;

            ViewBag.GradeName = GradeName;

            ListOfSpaceAllocations = ListOfSpaceAllocations.Where(z => z.SpaceGradeID == GradeID && z.SeasonID == SeasonID && z.CatID == CatID).OrderBy(w => w.OrdinalSequence).ToList();

            if (FO == 0 && ListOfSpaceAllocations.Count > 0)
                FO = ListOfSpaceAllocations.First().FixtureOrdinal;

            List <SelectListItem> ListofSelects = new List <SelectListItem>();
            ListofSelects = ListOfSpaceAllocations.Select(m => new SelectListItem {
                Value = m.FixtureOrdinal.ToString(), Text = m.FixtureName + " (" + m.FixtureOrdinal.ToString() + ")", Selected = m.FixtureOrdinal == FO
            IEnumerable <SelectListItem> ListofSelects2 = ListofSelects;
            ListofSelects = ListofSelects.GroupBy(p => p.Value).Select(g => g.First()).ToList();


            ListOfSpaceAllocations = ListOfSpaceAllocations.Where(z => z.FixtureOrdinal == FO).ToList();
            string FixtureName = "";
            if (ListOfSpaceAllocations.Count > 0)
                FixtureName = ListOfSpaceAllocations.First().FixtureName;

            //fixture ordinals are slightly different to the other drop downs...they are made from the existing data
            ViewData["ddFO"]    = ListofSelects;
            ViewBag.FixtureName = FixtureName;
