public ActionResult Index(SourceDestination sourceDestination)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            FinalPrice ratesList = GetRates(sourceDestination);

            return(View("Price", ratesList));
예제 #2
 internal static SourceDestDto Create(SourceDestination sd, short eventId, int requestId)
     return(new SourceDestDto
         EventId = eventId,
         RequestId = requestId,
         Type = sd.Type,
         Id = sd.Id,
         Direction = sd.Direction.Id
        public BookingDetails BookTaxi([FromBody] SourceDestination sourceDestinationDto)
            var taxi = _taxiBookingService.GetTaxi(sourceDestinationDto.Source, sourceDestinationDto.Destination);
            var ride = taxi.rides.Find(x => x.RideStatus == RideStatus.ArrivingToPickupLocation);
            var totalTimeForJourney = ride.TimeToReachToSource + ride.EstimatedRideTime;

            return(new BookingDetails()
                //generating customer on the fly, not creating customer module, as it is not part of bare metal requirement of this solution.
                CustomerId = new Customer().CustomerId,
                TaxiId = taxi.TaxiId,
                TotalTimeForJourney = totalTimeForJourney
예제 #4
        protected virtual PacketsSet<T> GetPacketsSet(CapturedPacket packet)
            var sourceDestination = new SourceDestination
                IPSource = packet.IPSource,
                PortSource = packet.Source.Port,
                IPDestination = packet.IPDestination,
                PortDestination = packet.Destination.Port

            if (packetsBytes.TryGetValue(sourceDestination, out PacketsSet<T> packetsSet))
                return packetsSet;

            packetsSet = new PacketsSet<T>();

            packetsBytes.Add(sourceDestination, packetsSet);

            return packetsSet;
        private FinalPrice GetRates(SourceDestination sourceDestination)
            FinalPrice  finalPrice = new FinalPrice();
            List <rate> finalRate  = new List <rate>();

            var url = ""; // REST URL

            var    method           = "POST";                          // HTTP Method
            String responseAsString = "";

            // Create mailingScenario object to contain xml request
            mailingscenario mailingScenario = new mailingscenario();

            mailingScenario.parcelcharacteristics = new mailingscenarioParcelcharacteristics();
            mailingScenario.destination           = new mailingscenarioDestination();
            mailingscenarioDestinationDomestic destDom = new mailingscenarioDestinationDomestic();

            mailingScenario.destination.Item = destDom;

            String modifiedOrigin      = Regex.Replace(sourceDestination.originpostalcode, @"\s", "");
            String modifiedDestination = Regex.Replace(sourceDestination.destinationpostalcode, @"\s", "");

            // Populate mailingScenario object
            mailingScenario.customernumber = "2004381";
            mailingScenario.parcelcharacteristics.weight = sourceDestination.parcelweight;
            mailingScenario.originpostalcode             = modifiedOrigin.Trim();
            destDom.postalcode = modifiedDestination.Trim();

                // Serialize mailingScenario object to String
                StringBuilder mailingScenarioSb  = new StringBuilder();
                XmlWriter     mailingScenarioXml = XmlWriter.Create(mailingScenarioSb);
                mailingScenarioXml.WriteProcessingInstruction("xml", "version=\"1.1\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"");
                XmlSerializer serializerRequest = new XmlSerializer(typeof(mailingscenario));
                serializerRequest.Serialize(mailingScenarioXml, mailingScenario);

                // Create REST Request
                HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                request.Method = method;

                // Set Basic Authentication Header using username and password variables
                string auth = "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Default.GetBytes("6e93d53968881714" + ":" + "0bfa9fcb9853d1f51ee57a"));
                request.Headers = new WebHeaderCollection();
                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", auth);

                // Write Post Data to Request
                UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding();
                byte[]       buffer   = encoding.GetBytes(mailingScenarioSb.ToString());
                request.ContentLength = buffer.Length;
                request.Headers.Add("Accept-Language", "en-CA");
                request.Accept      = "application/vnd.cpc.ship.rate-v4+xml";
                request.ContentType = "application/vnd.cpc.ship.rate-v4+xml";
                Stream PostData = request.GetRequestStream();
                PostData.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                // Execute REST Request
                HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

                if (response.StatusCode.ToString() == "OK")
                    // Deserialize response to pricequotes object
                    XmlSerializer serializer  = new XmlSerializer(typeof(pricequotes));
                    TextReader    reader      = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
                    pricequotes   priceQuotes = (pricequotes)serializer.Deserialize(reader);

                    // Retrieve values from pricequotes object
                    foreach (var priceQuote in priceQuotes.pricequote)
                        finalRate.Add(new rate {
                            RegularPrice = priceQuote.pricedetails.due, ServiceType = priceQuote.servicename, TransitDay = Convert.ToInt16(priceQuote.servicestandard.expectedtransittime)
                    finalPrice.RatesList             = finalRate;
                    finalPrice.originpostalcode      = sourceDestination.originpostalcode;
                    finalPrice.destinationpostalcode = sourceDestination.destinationpostalcode;
                    finalPrice.parcelweight          = sourceDestination.parcelweight;
                    XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(messages));
                    TextReader    reader     = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
                    messages      myMessages = (messages)serializer.Deserialize(reader);

                    if (myMessages.message != null)
                        foreach (var item in myMessages.message)
                            responseAsString    += "Error Code: " + item.code + "\r\n";
                            responseAsString    += "Error Msg: " + item.description + "\r\n";
                            ViewBag.ErrorMessage = responseAsString;
            catch (WebException webEx)
                HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)webEx.Response;

                if (response != null)
                    //responseAsString += "HTTP  Response Status: " + webEx.Message + "\r\n";

                    // Retrieve errors from messages object
                        // Deserialize xml response to messages object
                        XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(messages));
                        TextReader    reader     = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
                        messages      myMessages = (messages)serializer.Deserialize(reader);

                        if (myMessages.message != null)
                            foreach (var item in myMessages.message)
                                responseAsString    += "Error Code: " + item.code + "\r\n";
                                responseAsString    += "Error Msg: " + item.description + "\r\n";
                                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = responseAsString;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // Misc Exception
                        responseAsString    += "ERROR: " + ex.Message;
                        ViewBag.ErrorMessage = responseAsString;
                    // Invalid Request
                    responseAsString    += "ERROR: " + webEx.Message;
                    ViewBag.ErrorMessage = responseAsString;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Misc Exception
                responseAsString    += "ERROR: " + ex.Message;
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = responseAsString;

예제 #6
 public bool Equals(SourceDestination obj)
     return obj != null && IPSource == obj.IPSource && PortSource == obj.PortSource &&
         IPDestination == obj.IPDestination && PortDestination == obj.PortDestination;