public SourceServiceTest()
            this.service = new SourceService();

            this.attachOptions = new SourceAttachOptions
                Source = SourceId,

            this.createOptions = new SourceCreateOptions
                Type     = SourceType.AchCreditTransfer,
                Currency = "usd",
                Mandate  = new SourceMandateOptions
                    Acceptance = new SourceMandateAcceptanceOptions
                        Date = DateTime.Parse("Mon, 01 Jan 2001 00:00:00Z"),
                        Ip   = "",
                        NotificationMethod = "manual",
                        Status             = "accepted",
                        UserAgent          = "User-Agent",
                Owner = new SourceOwnerOptions
                    Address = new AddressOptions
                        State      = "CA",
                        City       = "City",
                        Line1      = "Line1",
                        Line2      = "Line2",
                        PostalCode = "90210",
                        Country    = "US",
                    Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    Name  = "Owner Name",
                    Phone = "5555555555",
                Receiver = new SourceReceiverOptions
                    RefundAttributesMethod = "manual",

            this.updateOptions = new SourceUpdateOptions
                Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "key", "value" },

            this.listOptions = new SourceListOptions
                Limit = 1,
예제 #2
        public void Charge(CreditCard creditCard, int amount)
            StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = "sk_test_51I16Y9E8wOwlqFibK2LgGaeO3Cl2Lm5cuHykaLkxZUvtLcdXnlespd1oisJcx3l5GJaL9NYsUjmp6dOoGwL3EvCi00j5FSSKaN";

            TokenCardOptions stripeCard = new TokenCardOptions
                Number   = creditCard.Number,
                ExpYear  = creditCard.ExpirationYear,
                ExpMonth = creditCard.ExpirationMounth,
                Cvc      = creditCard.Cvc

            TokenCreateOptions token = new TokenCreateOptions
                Card = stripeCard

            TokenService serviceToken = new TokenService();
            Token        newToken     = serviceToken.Create(token);

            var options = new SourceCreateOptions
                Type     = SourceType.Card,
                Currency = "RON",
                Token    = newToken.Id

            var    service = new SourceService();
            Source source  = service.Create(options);

            Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions myCustomer = new Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions()
                Name        = "Radu Balauroiu",
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                Description = "Test",

            CustomerService customerService = new CustomerService();
            Customer        stripeCustomer  = customerService.Create(myCustomer);

            ChargeCreateOptions chargeoptions = new ChargeCreateOptions
                Amount       = amount,
                Currency     = "RON",
                ReceiptEmail = "*****@*****.**",
                Customer     = stripeCustomer.Id,
                Source       = source.Id,
                Description  = "Test"

            ChargeService service1 = new ChargeService();
            Charge        charge   = service1.Create(chargeoptions);
        public bool Pay(
            string stripeToken,
            decimal amount, string currency,
            string receiptEmail = "", string description = "")
                var cardOption = new SourceCreateOptions
                    Type     = SourceType.Card,
                    Currency = currency,
                    Token    = stripeToken

                var    sourceService = new SourceService();
                Source source        = sourceService.Create(cardOption);

                var chargeoption = new ChargeCreateOptions
                    Amount       = Convert.ToInt32(amount * 100),
                    Currency     = currency,
                    Description  = description,
                    ReceiptEmail = receiptEmail,
                    Source       = source.Id

                var    chargeService = new ChargeService();
                Charge charge        = chargeService.Create(chargeoption);
                if (charge.Status == "succeeded")
            catch (Exception e)
예제 #4
        public bool StripePay(Android.Content.Context acc)
                StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = "sk_test_51If20qKme4ylLpJqCqLr2nw0chcXSm6zi0vCffHptgB8xa1wSUH3qbxCvsSFIHvP6ZLSi1tuXqhFzNApyB4XIEC6001UUZghYc";
                //Step 1: Create Card Options
                TokenCardOptions stripeOptions = new TokenCardOptions();
                stripeOptions.Number   = CardNumber;
                stripeOptions.Cvc      = Cvc;
                stripeOptions.ExpMonth = int.Parse(ExpMonth);
                stripeOptions.ExpYear  = int.Parse(ExpYear);

                //Step 2: Assign Card to a Token
                TokenCreateOptions stripeCard = new TokenCreateOptions();
                stripeCard.Card = stripeOptions;

                TokenService service  = new TokenService();
                Token        newToken = service.Create(stripeCard);

                //Step 3: Assign Token to the source
                var Options = new SourceCreateOptions
                    Type     = SourceType.Card,
                    Currency = "pkr",
                    Token    = newToken.Id

                var sourceService = new SourceService();
                var source        = sourceService.Create(Options);

                //Step 4: Create Customer Options
                CustomerCreateOptions customerOptions = new CustomerCreateOptions
                    Name    = "",
                    Email   = "",
                    Address = new AddressOptions {
                        Country = "Pakistan"

                var customerService = new CustomerService();
                var Customer        = customerService.Create(customerOptions);

                //Step 5: Charge Options
                var ChargeOptions = new ChargeCreateOptions
                    Amount       = long.Parse(Amount),
                    Currency     = "PKR",
                    ReceiptEmail = "*****@*****.**", //user Email will be provided
                    Customer     = Customer.Id,
                    Source       = source.Id

                //Step 6: Charge the Customer
                var    chargeService = new ChargeService();
                Charge charge        = chargeService.Create(ChargeOptions);
                if (charge.Status == "succeeded")

                    Toast.MakeText(acc, "Payment successfull", ToastLength.Long).Show();
                    //Payment declined

                    Toast.MakeText(acc, "Payment declined", ToastLength.Long).Show();
            catch (Exception)

                Toast.MakeText(acc, "Payment Declined", ToastLength.Long).Show();
        private async Task PostIDealProcessPayment(PostProcessPaymentRequest postProcessPaymentRequest, string bank)
            var secretKey = _stripePaymentSettings.SecretKey;

            var    clientSecret = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.Query["client_secret"].ToString();
            string source;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientSecret))
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(secretKey))
                    //get store location
                    var storeLocation = _webHelper.GetStoreLocation();

                    StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = secretKey;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(postProcessPaymentRequest.Order.CustomValuesXml))
                        var options = new SourceCreateOptions()
                            Amount   = (long)postProcessPaymentRequest.Order.OrderTotal,
                            Currency = postProcessPaymentRequest.Order.CustomerCurrencyCode.ToLower(),
                            Type     = SourceType.Ideal,
                            Redirect = new SourceRedirectOptions {
                                ReturnUrl = $"{storeLocation}checkout/OpcCompleteRedirectionPayment",
                            Ideal = new SourceIdealCreateOptions {
                                Bank = bank
                        var    service = new SourceService();
                        Source charge  = await service.CreateAsync(options);

                        if (charge.StripeResponse.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
                            var    jObject = JObject.Parse(charge.StripeResponse.Content);
                            string value   = (string)jObject.SelectToken("redirect.url");
                            source = (string)jObject.SelectToken("id");
                            _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Session.SetString("source", source);
                    await Task.FromException(new Exception("secret key canot be null or empty"));
                source = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Session.GetString("source");
                var options = new ChargeCreateOptions {
                    Amount   = (long)postProcessPaymentRequest.Order.OrderTotal,
                    Currency = postProcessPaymentRequest.Order.CustomerCurrencyCode.ToLower(),
                    Source   = source,

                var    service = new ChargeService();
                Charge charge  = await service.CreateAsync(options);

                if (charge.StripeResponse.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    postProcessPaymentRequest.Order.PaymentStatus = PaymentStatus.Paid;
예제 #6
        public async void PayViaStripe()

                //Hemlig nyckel bör inte lagras här
                StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = "sk_test_51Iegu7KmvdxedTl5ip7GihXrL1wRf2MR2ATxllYpffbDUkiRuDQre1zoIbUoRL1qPFovl0UOwjNGUpMd259Jp3UQ00Q6X3y5Mi";

                string cardno   = cardNo.Text;
                string expMonth = expireMonth.Text;
                string expYear  = expireYear.Text;
                string cardCvv  = cvv.Text;

                // TokenCardOptions

                TokenCardOptions stripeOption = new TokenCardOptions();
                stripeOption.Number   = cardno;
                stripeOption.ExpYear  = Convert.ToInt64(expYear);
                stripeOption.ExpMonth = Convert.ToInt64(expMonth);
                stripeOption.Cvc      = cardCvv;

                // Assign card to token object
                TokenCreateOptions stripeCard = new TokenCreateOptions();
                stripeCard.Card = stripeOption;

                TokenService service  = new TokenService();
                Token        newToken = service.Create(stripeCard);

                // Assigning the token to the source
                var option = new SourceCreateOptions
                    Type     = SourceType.Card,
                    Currency = "sek",
                    Token    = newToken.Id

                var    sourceService = new SourceService();
                Source source        = sourceService.Create(option);

                // Skapar testkund
                CustomerCreateOptions customer = new CustomerCreateOptions
                    Name        = Fullname,
                    Email       = "*****@*****.**", //test email can be changed
                    Description = "Paying " + Price + " sek",
                    // Address = new AddressOptions { City = "Sthlm", Country = "Sweden", Line1 = "Sample Address", Line2 = "Sample Address 2", PostalCode = "10030" }
                    Address = new AddressOptions {
                        City = CityName, Country = "Sweden", Line1 = StreetName, Line2 = "Sample Address 2", PostalCode = PostalCode

                var customerService = new CustomerService();
                var cust            = customerService.Create(customer);

                // Charge option
                var chargeoption = new ChargeCreateOptions
                    Amount       = ResultCurrency, //Måste vara högre än 3,00 dvs 300 //3000=30
                    Currency     = "SEK",
                    ReceiptEmail = "*****@*****.**",
                    Customer     = cust.Id,
                    Source       = source.Id

                // Charge the customer
                var    chargeService = new ChargeService();
                Charge charge        = chargeService.Create(chargeoption);
                if (charge.Status == "succeeded")
                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new PaymentSuccesfulPage());
                    Console.WriteLine("Payment failed");
                    await Shell.Current.GoToAsync($"//{nameof(PaymentFailedPage)}");
            catch (Exception ex) {
                await DisplayAlert("Alert", ex.ToString(), "OK");

        private async void Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

                //This are the sample test data use MVVM bindings to send data to the ViewModel

                Stripe.CreditCardOptions stripcard = new Stripe.CreditCardOptions();
                stripcard.Number   = cardNumberEntry.Text;
                stripcard.ExpYear  = Convert.ToInt32(expiryDate.Text.Split('/')[1]);
                stripcard.ExpMonth = Convert.ToInt32(expiryDate.Text.Split('/')[0]);
                stripcard.Cvc      = cvvEntry.Text;

                //Step 1 : Assign Card to Token Object and create Token

                Stripe.TokenCreateOptions token = new Stripe.TokenCreateOptions();
                token.Card = stripcard;
                Stripe.TokenService serviceToken = new Stripe.TokenService();
                Stripe.Token        newToken     = serviceToken.Create(token);

                // Step 2 : Assign Token to the Source

                var options = new SourceCreateOptions
                    Type     = SourceType.Card,
                    Currency = "usd",
                    Token    = newToken.Id

                var    service = new SourceService();
                Source source  = service.Create(options);

                //Step 3 : Now generate the customer who is doing the payment

                Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions myCustomer = new Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions()
                    Name        = nameEntry.Text,
                    Email       = emailEntry.Text,
                    Description = "Amare Payment",

                var             customerService = new Stripe.CustomerService();
                Stripe.Customer stripeCustomer  = customerService.Create(myCustomer);

                mycustomer = stripeCustomer.Id; // Not needed

                //Step 4 : Now Create Charge Options for the customer.

                var chargeoptions = new Stripe.ChargeCreateOptions
                    Amount       = 100,
                    Currency     = "USD",
                    ReceiptEmail = emailEntry.Text,
                    Customer     = stripeCustomer.Id,
                    Source       = source.Id

                //Step 5 : Perform the payment by  Charging the customer with the payment.
                var           service1 = new Stripe.ChargeService();
                Stripe.Charge charge   = service1.Create(chargeoptions); // This will do the Payment

                getchargedID = charge.Id;                                // Not needed
                await DisplayAlert("Payment", "Payment Success", "Okay");

                await Navigation.PopAsync();
            catch (Stripe.StripeException ex)
                await DisplayAlert("Payment Error", ex.Message, "Okay");
예제 #8
        private void MakePayment(string tokenId)
                //create customer info
                CustomerCreateOptions customer = new CustomerCreateOptions
                    Name        = "Test Stripe",
                    Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                    Description = "test",
                    Address     = new AddressOptions {
                        City = "Kolkata", Country = "India", Line1 = "Sample Address", Line2 = "Sample Address 2", PostalCode = "700030", State = "WB"
                var customerService = new CustomerService();
                var cust            = customerService.Create(customer);

                //create source options
                var option = new SourceCreateOptions
                    Type     = SourceType.Card,
                    Currency = "INR", //  the currency you are dealing with
                    Token    = tokenId,
                var    sourceService = new SourceService();
                Source source        = sourceService.Create(option);

                long amt = 0;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entryPrice.Text))
                    amt = Convert.ToInt64(entryPrice.Text);

                var chargeoption = new ChargeCreateOptions
                    Amount       = amt * 100,
                    Currency     = "INR",
                    ReceiptEmail = "*****@*****.**",
                    Customer     = cust.Id,
                    Source       = source.Id,
                    Description  = "test"

                var    chargeService = new ChargeService();
                Charge charge        = chargeService.Create(chargeoption);

                if (charge.Status == "succeeded")
                    DisplayAlert("Info", "Your Payment is successfully done", "Ok");
                    // success
                    DisplayAlert("Alert", "Your Payment is not done", "Ok");
                    // failed
            catch (Exception exc)
                DisplayAlert("Alert", exc.Message, "Ok");
        public void PayViaStripe()
            StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = "sk_test_LJ2dJvulsi1f4rsGrqLHCKGC*****";

            string cardno   = cardNo.Text;
            string expMonth = expireMonth.Text;
            string expYear  = expireYear.Text;
            string cardCvv  = cvv.Text;

            // Step 1: create card option

            CreditCardOptions stripeOption = new CreditCardOptions();

            stripeOption.Number   = cardno;
            stripeOption.ExpYear  = Convert.ToInt64(expYear);
            stripeOption.ExpMonth = Convert.ToInt64(expMonth);
            stripeOption.Cvc      = cardCvv;

            // step 2: Assign card to token object
            TokenCreateOptions stripeCard = new TokenCreateOptions();

            stripeCard.Card = stripeOption;

            TokenService service  = new TokenService();
            Token        newToken = service.Create(stripeCard);

            // step 3: assign the token to the source
            var option = new SourceCreateOptions
                Type     = SourceType.Card,
                Currency = "inr",
                Token    = newToken.Id

            var    sourceService = new SourceService();
            Source source        = sourceService.Create(option);

            // step 4: create customer
            CustomerCreateOptions customer = new CustomerCreateOptions
                Name        = "SP Tutorial",
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                Description = "Paying 10 Rs",
                Address     = new AddressOptions {
                    City = "Kolkata", Country = "India", Line1 = "Sample Address", Line2 = "Sample Address 2", PostalCode = "700030", State = "WB"

            var customerService = new CustomerService();
            var cust            = customerService.Create(customer);

            // step 5: charge option
            var chargeoption = new ChargeCreateOptions
                Amount       = 45000,
                Currency     = "INR",
                ReceiptEmail = "*****@*****.**",
                Customer     = cust.Id,
                Source       = source.Id

            // step 6: charge the customer
            var    chargeService = new ChargeService();
            Charge charge        = chargeService.Create(chargeoption);

            if (charge.Status == "succeeded")
                // success
                // failed
        public PaymentView(DateTime bookingDate, string centerName, string sportName, string courtName, string startingBookingTime, string endingBookingTime, double TotalPaymentAmount)

            //startingBookingTime AND endingBookingTime  are TimeSpan not DateTime  ...... Done

            var uname = Preferences.Get("UserName", String.Empty);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(uname))
                username.Text = "Guest";
                username.Text = uname;

            centername.Text = centerName;

            courtname.Text = courtName;

            //bookingdate.Text = bookingDate.Date.ToString();
            cvm = new PaymentViewModel(bookingDate);
            this.BindingContext = cvm;

            bookingtime.Text = startingBookingTime.ToString() + " - " + endingBookingTime.ToString();

            double RoundedTotalPaymentAmount = Math.Round(TotalPaymentAmount, 1, MidpointRounding.ToEven);

            totalpaymentamount.Text = "RM " + RoundedTotalPaymentAmount.ToString();

            string totalp = totalpaymentamount.Text;

            DateTime s = Convert.ToDateTime(startingBookingTime);
            DateTime d = Convert.ToDateTime(endingBookingTime);

            NewEventHandler.Clicked += async(sender, args) =>
                // if check payment from Moustafa is true, then add booking to firebase

                    //This are the sample test data use MVVM bindings to send data to the ViewModel

                    Stripe.TokenCardOptions stripcard = new Stripe.TokenCardOptions();

                    stripcard.Number   = cardnumber.Text;
                    stripcard.ExpYear  = Int64.Parse(expiryYear.Text);
                    stripcard.ExpMonth = Int64.Parse(expirymonth.Text);
                    stripcard.Cvc      = cvv.Text;
                    //stripcard.Cvc = Int64.Parse(cvv.Text);

                    //Step 1 : Assign Card to Token Object and create Token

                    Stripe.TokenCreateOptions token = new Stripe.TokenCreateOptions();
                    token.Card = stripcard;
                    Stripe.TokenService serviceToken = new Stripe.TokenService();
                    Stripe.Token        newToken     = serviceToken.Create(token);

                    // Step 2 : Assign Token to the Source

                    var options = new SourceCreateOptions
                        Type     = SourceType.Card,
                        Currency = "myr",
                        Token    = newToken.Id

                    var    service = new SourceService();
                    Source source  = service.Create(options);

                    //Step 3 : Now generate the customer who is doing the payment

                    Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions myCustomer = new Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions()
                        Name        = "Moustafa",
                        Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                        Description = "Customer for [email protected]",

                    var             customerService = new Stripe.CustomerService();
                    Stripe.Customer stripeCustomer  = customerService.Create(myCustomer);

                    mycustomer = stripeCustomer.Id; // Not needed

                    //Step 4 : Now Create Charge Options for the customer.

                    var chargeoptions = new Stripe.ChargeCreateOptions
                        //Amount = (Int64.Parse(RoundedTotalPaymentAmount)) * 100,
                        //Amount = Convert.ToInt32(RoundedTotalPaymentAmount) * 100,
                        //Amount = (long?)(double.Parse(RoundedTotalPaymentAmount) * 100),
                        Amount       = (long?)(double.Parse(totalp) * 100),
                        Currency     = "MYR",
                        ReceiptEmail = "*****@*****.**",
                        Customer     = stripeCustomer.Id,
                        Source       = source.Id

                    //Step 5 : Perform the payment by  Charging the customer with the payment.
                    var           service1 = new Stripe.ChargeService();
                    Stripe.Charge charge   = service1.Create(chargeoptions); // This will do the Payment

                    getchargedID = charge.Id; // Not needed
                catch (Exception ex)
                    UserDialogs.Instance.Alert(ex.Message, null, "ok");
                    Console.Write("error" + ex.Message);

                    //await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("error ", ex.Message, "OK");
                    //if (getchargedID != null)
                    if (getchargedID != null)
                        var acd = new AddBookingData(sportName, courtName, username.Text, centerName, s, d, bookingDate, RoundedTotalPaymentAmount);
                        await acd.AddBookingDataAsync();

                        UserDialogs.Instance.Alert("Payment Successed", "Success", "Ok");
                        Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current.MainPage = new MainTabbedView();
                        //await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Payment Successed ", "Success", "OK");
                        UserDialogs.Instance.Alert("Something Wrong", "Faild", "OK");
                        //await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Payment Error ", "faild", "OK");

                 * var acd = new AddBookingData(sportName, courtName, username.Text, centerName, s, d, bookingDate, RoundedTotalPaymentAmount);
                 * await acd.AddBookingDataAsync();
                 * /*
                 * //Application.Current.MainPage = new MainTabbedView();
                 * //await Navigation.PopModalAsync();
                 * //await Navigation.PopToRootAsync();
                 * /*
                 * Navigation.InsertPageBefore(new NewPage(), Navigation.NavigationStack[0]);
                 * await Navigation.PopToRootAsync();

             * public void GetCustomerInformationID(object sender, EventArgs e)
             * {
             *  var service = new CustomerService();
             *  var customer = service.Get(mycustomer);
             *  var serializedCustomer = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(customer);
             *  //  var UserDetails = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CustomerRetriveModel>(serializedCustomer);
             * }
             * public void GetAllCustomerInformation(object sender, EventArgs e)
             * {
             *  var service = new CustomerService();
             *  var options = new CustomerListOptions
             *  {
             *      Limit = 3,
             *  };
             *  var customers = service.List(options);
             *  var serializedCustomer = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(customers);
             * }
             * public void GetRefundForSpecificTransaction(object sender, EventArgs e)
             * {
             *  var refundService = new RefundService();
             *  var refundOptions = new RefundCreateOptions
             *  {
             *      Charge = getchargedID,
             *  };
             *  Refund refund = refundService.Create(refundOptions);
             *  refundID = refund.Id;
             * }
             * public void GetRefundInformation(object sender, EventArgs e)
             * {
             *  var service = new RefundService();
             *  var refund = service.Get(refundID);
             *  var serializedCustomer = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(refund);
             * }

             * async Task NewEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
             * {
             *  // if check payment from Moustafa is true, then
             *  // add booking to firebase
             *  var acd = new AddBookingData(sportName, courtName, username.Text, centerName, s, d, bookingDate, TotalPaymentAmount);
             *  await acd.AddBookingDataAsync();
             * }
예제 #11
        public bool Pay(
            string CardNo,
            int ExpiredYear, int ExpiredMonth,
            string CVV,
            decimal amount, string currency,
            string receiptEmail = "", string description = "")
                TokenCreateOptions stripeCard = new TokenCreateOptions
                    Card = new TokenCardOptions
                        Number   = CardNo,
                        ExpMonth = Convert.ToInt64(ExpiredMonth),
                        ExpYear  = Convert.ToInt64(ExpiredYear),
                        Cvc      = CVV,

                TokenService service  = new TokenService();
                Token        newToken = service.Create(stripeCard);

                var cardOption = new SourceCreateOptions
                    Type     = SourceType.Card,
                    Currency = currency,
                    Token    = newToken.Id

                var    sourceService = new SourceService();
                Source source        = sourceService.Create(cardOption);

                 * CustomerCreateOptions customerInfo = new CustomerCreateOptions
                 * {
                 *  Name = "SP Tutorial",
                 *  Email = stripeEmail,
                 *  Description = "Paying 10 Rs",
                 *  Address = new AddressOptions {
                 *      City = "Kolkata",
                 *      Country = "India",
                 *      Line1 = "Sample Address",
                 *      Line2 = "Sample Address 2",
                 *      PostalCode = "700030",
                 *      State = "WB"
                 *  }
                 * };
                 * //var customerService = new CustomerService();
                 * //var customer = customerService.Create(customerInfo);

                var chargeoption = new ChargeCreateOptions
                    Amount       = Convert.ToInt32(amount * 100),
                    Currency     = currency,
                    Description  = description,
                    ReceiptEmail = receiptEmail,
                    Source       = source.Id

                var    chargeService = new ChargeService();
                Charge charge        = chargeService.Create(chargeoption);
                if (charge.Status == "succeeded")
            catch (Exception e)