예제 #1
 public void SetInstantSoundingChar(SoundChars current)
     //foreach (var img in soundCharImages)
     //	img.color = Color.gray;
     //int index = (int)current;
     //if (0 <= index && index < soundCharImages.Length)
     //	soundCharImages[index].color = soundCharImagesColoring[index];
예제 #2
    void IncAmount(SoundChars which)
        specificAmount[which] += specIncPerSec * specificChargeIncFactor[which] * Time.deltaTime;

        if (specificAmount[which] > 1f)
/*			Debug.Log("INC TH " + which.ToString());
 *                      Debug.Log("WINNING " + winning.ToString() );*/
        if (specificAmount[which] > 2f)
            specificAmount[which] = 2f;
예제 #3
    public void OnBeginChar(SoundChars current, int currentIndex)
        //Debug.Log("OnBeginChar " + current.ToString() + " index=" + currentIndex);   //delete this line, eventually

        foreach (var img in soundCharImages)
            img.color = Color.gray;
        int index = (int)current;

        if (0 <= index && index < soundCharImages.Length)
            soundCharImages[index].color = soundCharImagesColoring[index];
예제 #4
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        foreach (var k in specificAmount.Keys.ToArray())
            specificAmount[k] = Mathf.Max(0f, specificAmount[k] - specDecPerSec * Time.deltaTime);

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R) && Application.isEditor)
            _code = "";

        var c = GetComponent <AudioMeasureCS>();

        _queue.Enqueue(new QElem(c.PitchValue, c.DbValue));
        if (_queue.Count > maxQLen)

        //Debug.Log(_volumeQ.Aggregate("", (a, x) => a + string.Format("  {0:0.0}", x)));
        var reversedQ = _queue.Reverse().ToArray();               //Last first!
        var vflips    = reversedQ.Aggregate(
            new { flips = 0, last = reversedQ.First().volume, ls = 1f }
            , (a, x) =>
            var delta = a.last - x.volume;
            var cls   = Mathf.Sign(delta);
            var val   = cls * a.ls <0 && Mathf.Abs(x.volume - a.last)> rrrVolumeThresholdDeltaDiff;
            return(new { flips = a.flips + (val ? 1 : 0), last = x.volume, ls = cls });

        var maxLastDb = reversedQ
                        .Select(x => x.volume)

        var pitch = reversedQ
                    .Select(x => x.pitch)
                    //.Skip(_queue.Count - avgPitchCount)
        //.Max();		//Reason: "B" and "P" parts are detected as low-freq, so use the highest
        //var pitch = c.PitchValue;

        var str = string.Format("P{0:0.00}[{2:0.00}] V{1:0.00}", c.PitchValue, c.DbValue, pitch) + "\n"
                  + _code;

        GetComponent <Text>().text = str;

        //Draw in texture
        if (enableTexFeedback && _texFeedback != null)
            int y0, y1;
            TextureLine(_iFb, 0, _texFeedback.height, Color.white);
            y0 = Mathf.Clamp((int)((c.DbValue * 0.01f + 0.5f) * _texFeedback.height), 0, _texFeedback.height - 1);
            y1 = Mathf.Clamp((int)((_lastDb * 0.01f + 0.5f) * _texFeedback.height), 0, _texFeedback.height - 1);
            TextureLine(_iFb, y0, y1, Color.cyan);
            y0 = Mathf.Clamp((int)(4f * c.pitchIndex * _texFeedback.height / c.QSamples), 0, _texFeedback.height - 1);
            y1 = Mathf.Clamp((int)(4f * _lastPitchIndex * _texFeedback.height / c.QSamples), 0, _texFeedback.height - 1);
            TextureLine(_iFb, y0, y1, Color.red);

            //Draw current position pointer
            if (_iFb > 0)
                var dbt = Mathf.Clamp((int)((volumeThreshold * 0.01f + 0.5f) * _texFeedback.height), 0, _texFeedback.height - 1);
                //var dbt2 = Mathf.Clamp((int)(((volumeThreshold + rrrVolumeDelta) * 0.01f + 0.5f) * _texFeedback.height), 0, _texFeedback.height - 1);
                var ptf = 1600f / (48000f / 2f) * (float)c.QSamples;                 // convert index to frequency
                var pt  = Mathf.Clamp((int)(4f * ptf * _texFeedback.height / c.QSamples), 0, _texFeedback.height - 1);
                var adb = Mathf.Clamp((int)((maxLastDb * 0.01f + 0.5f) * _texFeedback.height), 0, _texFeedback.height - 1);

                TextureLine(_iFb, dbt, dbt, Color.blue);
                TextureLine(_iFb, adb, adb, Color.green);
                //TextureLine(_iFb, dbt2, dbt2, Color.gray);
                TextureLine(_iFb, pt, pt, Color.magenta);
                TextureLine(_iFb, _texFeedback.height / 2, _texFeedback.height / 2, Color.black);
                TextureLine(_iFb - 1, _texFeedback.height / 2, _texFeedback.height / 2, Color.white);

                //_texFeedback.SetPixel(_iFb, dbt, Color.blue);
                //_texFeedback.SetPixel(_iFb, _texFeedback.height / 2, Color.black);
                //_texFeedback.SetPixel(_iFb - 1, _texFeedback.height / 2, Color.white);

            if (_iFb == _texFeedback.width)
                _iFb = 0;

        SoundChars curr = SoundChars.Silence;

        if (
            vflips > flipsThreshold
            //&& Mathf.Abs(pitch - _lastPitch) < rrrSamePitchSensitivity
            && maxLastDb > volumeThreshold
            Utility.LogInfo("RRR " + vflips);
            curr = SoundChars.Rrr;

        if (c.DbValue > volumeThreshold)
            SoundChars curr2 = SoundChars.Silence;
            if (1200f < pitch && pitch < 5000f)
                curr2 = SoundChars.Bip;
            else if (1f <= pitch && pitch < 1200f)
                curr2 = SoundChars.Bop;

            if (curr2 != SoundChars.Silence)

            if (curr == SoundChars.Silence)
                curr = curr2;

        if (curr == SoundChars.Silence)

        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.X))
            Debug.Log("X PITCH INDEX " + c.pitchIndex + " PITCH " + c.PitchValue + " CALCD PITCH=" + pitch);

        _charge += Time.deltaTime;

        if (!_micProxy.microphoneEnabled)

        winning = specificAmount
                  .Where(kv => kv.Key != SoundChars.Silence && kv.Value > 1f)
                  .OrderByDescending(kv => kv.Value)
                  .ThenBy(kv => kv.Key != SoundChars.Rrr)
                  .Select(x => x.Key)

        //Magic override
        curr = winning;

        if (curr == SoundChars.Silence)
            if (_charge > silenceChargeTime)
                if (curr != _last)
                _charge   = 0f;
                _detected = false;
                _last     = curr;
            if (curr != _last)
                _last = curr;
                //_charge = 0f;
                _detected = false;
            else if (_charge > noteChargeTime * specificChargeThreshold[curr] && !_detected)
                _micProxy.OnBeginChar(curr, _wordSounds.Count);
                _detected = true;
                _code    += SoundToChar[curr];
                if (_wordSounds.Count == Word.MAX_DIGITS)
                    //NOTE: For different sized words the feed should be sent on a silence.
                    var word = AppData.Instance.AvailableWords
                               .FirstOrDefault(w => w.BipBopValues.Zip(_wordSounds, (s1, s2) => s1 == s2).All(x => x));
                    _code += ".";

                    if (word != null)
                        _code += "!!";
                Utility.LogInfo("PITCH INDEX " + c.pitchIndex + " PITCH " + c.PitchValue + " CALCD PITCH=" + pitch);
        _lastPitch      = pitch;
        _lastDb         = c.DbValue;
        _lastPitchIndex = c.pitchIndex;