public static void Game_OnUpdate(EventArgs args) { var me = ObjectMgr.LocalHero; if ((!Game.IsInGame || me.ClassID != ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Broodmother)) { return; } if (toggleLasthit && !activCombo && !activChase && Utils.SleepCheck("combo") && !Game.IsPaused) { if (Q == null) { Q = me.Spellbook.SpellQ; } if (Soul == null) { Soul = me.FindItem("item_soul_ring"); } var spiderlingsLevel = me.Spellbook.SpellQ.Level - 1; var myHero = ObjectMgr.LocalHero; var enemies = ObjectMgr.GetEntities <Hero>().Where(hero => hero.IsAlive && !hero.IsIllusion && hero.IsVisible && hero.Team != me.Team).ToList(); var creeps = ObjectMgr.GetEntities <Creep>().Where(creep => (creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Lane || creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Siege || creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Neutral || (creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_VisageFamiliar && creep.Team == me.GetEnemyTeam()) || (creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_SpiritBear && creep.Team == me.GetEnemyTeam()) || (creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_BaseNPC_Invoker_Forged_Spirit && creep.Team == me.GetEnemyTeam()) || creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creep && creep.IsAlive && creep.IsVisible && creep.IsSpawned) && creep.Health <= 259).ToList(); var creepQ = ObjectMgr.GetEntities <Creep>().Where(creep => (creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Lane || creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Siege || creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Neutral || creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_SpiritBear || creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_BaseNPC_Invoker_Forged_Spirit || creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creep && creep.IsAlive && creep.IsVisible && creep.IsSpawned)).ToList(); var Spiderlings = ObjectMgr.GetEntities <Unit>().Where(spiderlings => spiderlings.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Broodmother_Spiderling).ToList(); // Creep Q lasthit if (useQ) { foreach (var creep in creepQ) { if (Q.CanBeCasted() && creep.Health <= Math.Floor((spiderQ[spiderlingsLevel]) * (1 - creep.MagicDamageResist)) && creep.Health > 45 && creep.Team != me.Team) { if (Q.CanBeCasted() && creep.Position.Distance2D(me.Position) <= 600 && Utils.SleepCheck("QQQ")) { if (Soul != null && Soul.CanBeCasted() && me.Health >= 400) { Soul.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(300, "QQQ"); } else { Q.UseAbility(creep); } Utils.Sleep(300, "QQQ"); } } } } if (useQ) { foreach (var creep in creepQ) { if (me.Mana < Q.ManaCost && creep.Health <= Math.Floor((spiderQ[spiderlingsLevel]) * (1 - creep.MagicDamageResist)) && creep.Health > 55 && creep.Team != me.Team) { if (creep.Position.Distance2D(me.Position) <= 600 && Utils.SleepCheck("QQQ")) { if (Soul != null && Soul.CanBeCasted() && me.Health >= 400) { Soul.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(300, "QQQ"); } } } } } // Enemy Q lasthit foreach (var enemy in enemies) { if (Q.CanBeCasted() && enemy.Health <= (spiderQ[spiderlingsLevel]) && enemy.Health > 0) { if (enemy.Position.Distance2D(me.Position) <= 600 && Utils.SleepCheck("QQQ")) { if (Soul != null && Soul.CanBeCasted() && me.Health >= 400) { Soul.UseAbility(); } else { Q.UseAbility(target); } } Utils.Sleep(300, "QQQ"); } } // Autodenies foreach (var Spider in Spiderlings) { if (Spider.Health > 0 && Spider.Health <= spiderDenies) { foreach (var spiderlings in Spiderlings) { if (Spider.Position.Distance2D(spiderlings.Position) <= 500 && Utils.SleepCheck(spiderlings.Handle.ToString())) { spiderlings.Attack(Spider); Utils.Sleep(700, spiderlings.Handle.ToString()); } } } } // Auto spider deny and lasthit foreach (var creep in creeps) { var Spiderling = ObjectMgr.GetEntities <Unit>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Broodmother_Spiderling && x.IsAlive && x.IsControllable && x.Team == me.Team); foreach (var spiderling in Spiderlings) { if (creep != null) { if (creep.Position.Distance2D(spiderling.Position) <= 800 && creep.Team != me.Team && creep.Health > 0 && creep.Health < Math.Floor(spiderDmgStatick * (1 - creep.DamageResist)) && Utils.SleepCheck(spiderling.Handle.ToString())) { { spiderling.Attack(creep); Utils.Sleep(300, spiderling.Handle.ToString()); } } else if (creep.Position.Distance2D(spiderling.Position) <= 500 && creep.Team == me.Team && creep.Health > 0 && creep.Health < Math.Floor(spiderDmgStatick * (1 - creep.DamageResist)) && Utils.SleepCheck(spiderling.Handle.ToString())) { spiderling.Attack(creep); Utils.Sleep(300, spiderling.Handle.ToString()); } } } } // Auto spider enemy lasthit if (Utils.SleepCheck("attacking_enemy")) { foreach (var enemy in enemies) { foreach (var spiderling in Spiderlings) { if (enemy != null) { spiderDmg = Spiderlings.Count(y => y.Distance2D(enemy) < 800) * spiderling.MinimumDamage; if ((enemy.Position.Distance2D(spiderling.Position)) <= 800 && enemy.Team != me.Team && enemy.Health > 0 && enemy.Health < Math.Floor(spiderDmg * (1 - enemy.DamageResist)) && Utils.SleepCheck(spiderling.Handle.ToString())) { spiderling.Attack(enemy); Utils.Sleep(500, spiderling.Handle.ToString()); } } } } Utils.Sleep(750, "attacking_enemy"); } Utils.Sleep(290, "combo"); } }
public static void ChasingAll(EventArgs args) { var me = ObjectMgr.LocalHero; if (!Game.IsInGame || me.ClassID != ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Broodmother || me == null) { return; } var target = me.ClosestToMouseTarget(1900); if (activCombo && target != null && target.IsAlive && !target.IsIllusion) { var Spiderlings = ObjectMgr.GetEntities <Unit>().Where(spiderlings => spiderlings.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Broodmother_Spiderling).ToList(); foreach (var Spider in Spiderlings) { if (Spider.Distance2D(target) <= 1500 && Utils.SleepCheck(Spider.Handle.ToString())) { Spider.Attack(target); Utils.Sleep(900, Spider.Handle.ToString()); } } foreach (var Spider in Spiderlings) { if (Spider.Distance2D(target) >= 1500 && Utils.SleepCheck(Spider.Handle.ToString())) { Spider.Move(Game.MousePosition); Utils.Sleep(900, Spider.Handle.ToString()); } } var linkens = target.Modifiers.Any(x => x.Name == "modifier_item_spheretarget") || target.Inventory.Items.Any(x => x.Name == "item_sphere"); var enemies = ObjectMgr.GetEntities <Hero>().Where(hero => hero.IsAlive && !hero.IsIllusion && hero.IsVisible && hero.Team != me.Team).ToList(); if (target != null && target.IsAlive && !target.IsIllusion && me.Distance2D(target) <= 1000) { if (Q == null) { Q = me.Spellbook.SpellQ; } if (W == null) ///////It will be added later////////// { W = me.Spellbook.SpellW; } if (R == null) { R = me.Spellbook.SpellR; } // Item if (sheep == null) { sheep = target.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Tidehunter ? null : me.FindItem("item_sheepstick"); } if (cheese == null) { cheese = me.FindItem("item_cheese"); } if (orchid == null) { orchid = me.FindItem("item_orchid"); } if (Soul == null) { Soul = me.FindItem("item_soul_ring"); } if (shiva == null) { shiva = me.FindItem("item_shivas_guard"); } if (dagon == null) { dagon = me.Inventory.Items.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Contains("item_dagon")); } if (mom == null) { mom = me.FindItem("item_mask_of_madness"); } if (abyssal == null) { abyssal = me.FindItem("item_abyssal_blade"); } if (mjollnir == null) { mjollnir = me.FindItem("item_mjollnir"); } if (halberd == null) { halberd = me.FindItem("item_heavens_halberd"); } if (medall == null) { medall = me.FindItem("item_medallion_of_courage") ?? me.FindItem("item_solar_crest"); } if (satanic == null) { satanic = me.FindItem("item_satanic"); } if ( // Q Skill Q != null && Q.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !target.IsMagicImmune() && me.Distance2D(target) <= 600 && Utils.SleepCheck("Q") ) { Q.UseAbility(target); Utils.Sleep(250 + Game.Ping, "Q"); } // Q Skill end if ( //R Skill R != null && R.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && me.Distance2D(target) <= 350 && Utils.SleepCheck("R") ) { R.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(250 + Game.Ping, "R"); } // R Skill end if ( // orchid orchid != null && orchid.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !target.IsMagicImmune() && !linkens && Utils.SleepCheck("orchid") && me.Distance2D(target) <= 1000 ) { orchid.UseAbility(target); Utils.Sleep(250 + Game.Ping, "orchid"); } // orchid Item end if ( // sheep sheep != null && sheep.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !target.IsMagicImmune() && !linkens && Utils.SleepCheck("sheep") && me.Distance2D(target) <= 600 ) { sheep.UseAbility(target); Utils.Sleep(250 + Game.Ping, "sheep"); } // sheep Item end if ( // Soul Item Soul != null && me.Health / me.MaximumHealth <= 0.5 && me.Mana <= Q.ManaCost && Soul.CanBeCasted()) { Soul.UseAbility(); } // Soul Item end if ( // Shiva Item shiva != null && shiva.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !target.IsMagicImmune() && Utils.SleepCheck("shiva") && me.Distance2D(target) <= 600 ) { shiva.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(250 + Game.Ping, "shiva"); } // Shiva Item end if ( // MOM mom != null && mom.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && Utils.SleepCheck("mom") && me.Distance2D(target) <= 700 ) { mom.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(250 + Game.Ping, "mom"); } // MOM Item end if ( // Medall medall != null && medall.CanBeCasted() && Utils.SleepCheck("Medall") && me.Distance2D(target) <= 500 ) { medall.UseAbility(target); Utils.Sleep(250 + Game.Ping, "Medall"); } // Medall Item end if ( // Abyssal Blade abyssal != null && abyssal.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !target.IsMagicImmune() && Utils.SleepCheck("abyssal") && me.Distance2D(target) <= 400 ) { abyssal.UseAbility(target); Utils.Sleep(250 + Game.Ping, "abyssal"); } // Abyssal Item end if ( // Hellbard halberd != null && halberd.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !target.IsMagicImmune() && Utils.SleepCheck("halberd") && me.Distance2D(target) <= 700 ) { halberd.UseAbility(target); Utils.Sleep(250 + Game.Ping, "halberd"); } // Hellbard Item end if ( // Mjollnir mjollnir != null && mjollnir.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !target.IsMagicImmune() && Utils.SleepCheck("mjollnir") && me.Distance2D(target) <= 600 ) { mjollnir.UseAbility(me); Utils.Sleep(250 + Game.Ping, "mjollnir"); } // Mjollnir Item end if ( // Dagon dagon != null && dagon.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !target.IsMagicImmune() && Utils.SleepCheck("dagon") ) { dagon.UseAbility(target); Utils.Sleep(250 + Game.Ping, "dagon"); } // Dagon Item end if ( // Satanic satanic != null && me.Health / me.MaximumHealth <= 0.4 && satanic.CanBeCasted() && me.Distance2D(target) <= 300 && Utils.SleepCheck("Satanic") ) { satanic.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(250 + Game.Ping, "Satanic"); } // Satanic Item end if ( //Attack me.Distance2D(target) <= 1900 && Utils.SleepCheck("Attack") ) { me.Attack(target); Utils.Sleep(300 + Game.Ping, "Attack"); } // Attack /***************************************WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW**********************************/ List <Unit> SpideWeb = ObjectMgr.GetEntities <Unit>().Where(web => web.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Broodmother_Web).ToList(); e = ObjectMgr.GetEntities <Hero>() .Where(x => x.IsAlive && x.Team != me.Team && !x.IsIllusion) .OrderBy(x => x.Position.Distance2D(SpideWeb.OrderBy(y => x.Position.Distance2D(y.Position)).FirstOrDefault().Position)) .FirstOrDefault(); if (e.Distance2D(SpideWeb.FirstOrDefault()) > 1100 && e != null && W != null && e.IsAlive && !e.IsIllusion) { if (e.Distance2D(SpideWeb.FirstOrDefault()) >= 1100 && me.Distance2D(e) <= 600 && Utils.SleepCheck(e.Handle.ToString()) && W.CanBeCasted()) { W.UseAbility(e.Position); Utils.Sleep(4000, e.Handle.ToString()); } } /***************************************WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW**********************************/ } } }
public void Combo() { if (!Menu.Item("enabled").IsActive()) { return; } me = ObjectManager.LocalHero; e = Toolset.ClosestToMouse(me); LastHitkey = Menu.Item("LastHit").GetValue <KeyBind>().Active; Combokey = Game.IsKeyDown(Menu.Item("ComboKey").GetValue <KeyBind>().Key); Chasekey = Game.IsKeyDown(Menu.Item("ChaseKey").GetValue <KeyBind>().Key); useQ = Menu.Item("useQ").IsActive(); if (LastHitkey && !Combokey && !Chasekey && Utils.SleepCheck("combo") && !Game.IsPaused) { Q = me.Spellbook.SpellQ; Soul = me.FindItem("item_soul_ring"); var spiderlingsLevel = me.Spellbook.SpellQ.Level - 1; var enemies = ObjectManager.GetEntities <Hero>().Where(hero => hero.IsAlive && !hero.IsIllusion && hero.IsVisible && hero.Team != me.Team).ToList(); var creeps = ObjectManager.GetEntities <Creep>().Where(creep => (creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Lane || creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Siege || creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Neutral || (creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_VisageFamiliar && creep.Team != me.Team) || (creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_SpiritBear && creep.Team != me.Team) || (creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_BaseNPC_Invoker_Forged_Spirit && creep.Team != me.Team) || creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creep && creep.IsAlive && creep.IsVisible && creep.IsSpawned) && creep.Health <= 259).ToList(); var creepQ = ObjectManager.GetEntities <Creep>().Where(creep => (creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Lane || creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Siege || creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Neutral || creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_SpiritBear || creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_BaseNPC_Invoker_Forged_Spirit || creep.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creep && creep.IsAlive && creep.IsVisible && creep.IsSpawned)).ToList(); var Spiderlings = ObjectManager.GetEntities <Unit>().Where(spiderlings => spiderlings.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Broodmother_Spiderling).ToList(); // Creep Q lasthit if (useQ && Q.CanBeCasted() && me.IsAlive) { foreach (var creep in creepQ) { if (creep.Health <= Math.Floor((spiderQ[spiderlingsLevel]) * (1 - creep.MagicDamageResist)) && creep.Health > 45 && creep.Team != me.Team) { if (creep.Position.Distance2D(me.Position) <= 600 && Utils.SleepCheck("QQQ")) { if (Soul != null && Soul.CanBeCasted() && me.Health >= 400) { Soul.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(300, "QQQ"); } else { Q.UseAbility(creep); } Utils.Sleep(300, "QQQ"); } } } } // Enemy Q lasthit if (Q.CanBeCasted() && me.IsAlive) { foreach (var enemy in enemies) { if (enemy.Health <= (spiderQ[spiderlingsLevel] - enemy.MagicDamageResist) && enemy.Health > 0) { if (enemy.Position.Distance2D(me.Position) <= 600 && Utils.SleepCheck("QQQ")) { if (Soul != null && Soul.CanBeCasted() && me.Health >= 400) { Soul.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(300, "QQQ"); } else { Q.UseAbility(e); } Utils.Sleep(300, "QQQ"); } } } } //var Spiderling = ObjectManager.GetEntities<Unit>().Where(x => x.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Broodmother_Spiderling && x.IsAlive && x.IsControllable && x.Team == me.Team).ToList(); var count = Spiderlings.Count(); if (count <= 0) { return; } // Autodenies for (int s = 0; s < count; ++s) { if (Spiderlings[s].Health > 0 && Spiderlings[s].Health <= spiderDenies) { for (int z = 0; z < count; ++z) { if (Spiderlings[s].Position.Distance2D(Spiderlings[z].Position) <= 500 && Utils.SleepCheck(Spiderlings[z].Handle + "Spiderlings")) { Spiderlings[z].Attack(Spiderlings[s]); Utils.Sleep(350, Spiderlings[z].Handle + "Spiderlings"); } } } } // Auto spider deny and lasthit var countcreep = creeps.Count(); if (countcreep >= 1) { for (int c = 0; c < countcreep; c++) { for (int s = 0; s < count; s++) { if (creeps[c].Position.Distance2D(Spiderlings[s].Position) <= 500 && creeps[c].Team != me.Team && creeps[c].Health > 0 && creeps[c].Health < Math.Floor(spiderDmgStatick * (1 - creeps[c].DamageResist)) && Utils.SleepCheck(Spiderlings[s].Handle + "Spiderling")) { { Spiderlings[s].Attack(creeps[c]); Utils.Sleep(350, Spiderlings[s].Handle + "Spiderling"); } } else if (creeps[c].Position.Distance2D(Spiderlings[s].Position) <= 500 && creeps[c].Team == me.Team && creeps[c].Health > 0 && creeps[c].Health < Math.Floor(spiderDmgStatick * (1 - creeps[c].DamageResist)) && Utils.SleepCheck(Spiderlings[s].Handle + "Spiderlings")) { Spiderlings[s].Attack(creeps[c]); Utils.Sleep(350, Spiderlings[s].Handle + "Spiderlings"); } } } } // Auto spider enemy lasthit var countenemy = enemies.Count(); if (countenemy >= 1) { for (int t = 0; t < countenemy; ++t) { for (int s = 0; s < count; ++s) { spiderDmg = Spiderlings.Count(y => y.Distance2D(enemies[t]) < 800) * Spiderlings[s].MinimumDamage; if ((enemies[t].Position.Distance2D(Spiderlings[s].Position)) <= 800 && enemies[t].Team != me.Team && enemies[t].Health > 0 && enemies[t].Health < Math.Floor(spiderDmg * (1 - enemies[t].DamageResist)) && Utils.SleepCheck(Spiderlings[t].Handle + "AttackEnemies")) { Spiderlings[s].Attack(enemies[t]); Utils.Sleep(350, Spiderlings[t].Handle + "AttackEnemies"); } } } } Utils.Sleep(290, "combo"); } }
public void ChasingAll(EventArgs args) { e = Toolset.ClosestToMouse(me); if (e == null) { return; } if (Combokey && e.IsAlive && !me.IsVisibleToEnemies) { if (Menu.Item("orbwalk").GetValue <bool>() && me.Distance2D(e) <= 1900) { Orbwalking.Orbwalk(e, 0, 1600, true, true); } } if (Combokey && e.IsAlive && me.IsVisibleToEnemies) { var Spiderlings = ObjectManager.GetEntities <Unit>().Where(spiderlings => spiderlings.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Broodmother_Spiderling).ToList(); var count = Spiderlings.Count(); for (int s = 0; s < count; ++s) { if (Spiderlings[s].Distance2D(e) <= 1500 && Utils.SleepCheck(Spiderlings[s].Handle + "Spiderlings")) { Spiderlings[s].Attack(e); Utils.Sleep(500, Spiderlings[s].Handle + "Spiderlings"); } } for (int s = 0; s < count; ++s) { if (Spiderlings[s].Distance2D(e) >= 1500 && Utils.SleepCheck(Spiderlings[s].Handle + "Spiderlings")) { Spiderlings[s].Move(Game.MousePosition); Utils.Sleep(500, Spiderlings[s].Handle + "Spiderlings"); } } var linkens = e.IsLinkensProtected(); if (e.IsAlive && !e.IsIllusion && me.Distance2D(e) <= 1000) { Q = me.Spellbook.SpellQ; W = me.Spellbook.SpellW; R = me.Spellbook.SpellR; // Item sheep = e.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Tidehunter ? null : me.FindItem("item_sheepstick"); cheese = me.FindItem("item_cheese"); orchid = me.FindItem("item_orchid") ?? me.FindItem("item_bloodthorn"); Soul = me.FindItem("item_soul_ring"); shiva = me.FindItem("item_shivas_guard"); dagon = me.Inventory.Items.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Contains("item_dagon")); mom = me.FindItem("item_mask_of_madness"); abyssal = me.FindItem("item_abyssal_blade"); mjollnir = me.FindItem("item_mjollnir"); halberd = me.FindItem("item_heavens_halberd"); mail = me.FindItem("item_blade_mail"); bkb = me.FindItem("item_black_king_bar"); medall = me.FindItem("item_medallion_of_courage") ?? me.FindItem("item_solar_crest"); satanic = me.FindItem("item_satanic"); if ( // Q Skill Q != null && Q.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && me.IsVisibleToEnemies && !e.IsMagicImmune() && Menu.Item("Skills").GetValue <AbilityToggler>().IsEnabled(Q.Name) && me.Distance2D(e) <= 600 && Utils.SleepCheck("Q") ) { Q.UseAbility(e); Utils.Sleep(250, "Q"); } // Q Skill end if ( //R Skill R != null && R.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && me.Distance2D(e) <= 350 && Menu.Item("Skills").GetValue <AbilityToggler>().IsEnabled(R.Name) && Utils.SleepCheck("R") ) { R.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(250, "R"); } // R Skill end if ( // orchid orchid != null && orchid.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !e.IsMagicImmune() && !linkens && Utils.SleepCheck("orchid") && me.IsVisibleToEnemies && me.Distance2D(e) <= 1000 ) { orchid.UseAbility(e); Utils.Sleep(250, "orchid"); } // orchid Item end if ( // sheep sheep != null && me.IsVisibleToEnemies && sheep.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !e.IsMagicImmune() && !linkens && Utils.SleepCheck("sheep") && me.Distance2D(e) <= 600 ) { sheep.UseAbility(e); Utils.Sleep(250, "sheep"); } // sheep Item end if ( // Soul Item Soul != null && Q != null && Q.CanBeCasted() && me.Health >= (me.MaximumHealth * 0.6) && me.Mana <= Q.ManaCost && Soul.CanBeCasted()) { Soul.UseAbility(); } // Soul Item end if ( // Shiva Item shiva != null && me.IsVisibleToEnemies && shiva.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !e.IsMagicImmune() && Utils.SleepCheck("shiva") && me.Distance2D(e) <= 600 ) { shiva.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(250, "shiva"); } // Shiva Item end if ( // MOM mom != null && mom.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && Utils.SleepCheck("mom") && me.Distance2D(e) <= 700 ) { mom.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(250, "mom"); } // MOM Item end if ( // Medall medall != null && me.IsVisibleToEnemies && medall.CanBeCasted() && Utils.SleepCheck("Medall") && me.Distance2D(e) <= 500 ) { medall.UseAbility(e); Utils.Sleep(250, "Medall"); } // Medall Item end if ( // Abyssal Blade abyssal != null && me.IsVisibleToEnemies && abyssal.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !e.IsMagicImmune() && Utils.SleepCheck("abyssal") && me.Distance2D(e) <= 400 ) { abyssal.UseAbility(e); Utils.Sleep(250, "abyssal"); } // Abyssal Item end if ( // Hellbard halberd != null && me.IsVisibleToEnemies && halberd.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !e.IsMagicImmune() && Utils.SleepCheck("halberd") && me.Distance2D(e) <= 700 ) { halberd.UseAbility(e); Utils.Sleep(250, "halberd"); } // Hellbard Item end if ( // Mjollnir mjollnir != null && me.IsVisibleToEnemies && mjollnir.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !e.IsMagicImmune() && Utils.SleepCheck("mjollnir") && me.Distance2D(e) <= 600 ) { mjollnir.UseAbility(me); Utils.Sleep(250, "mjollnir"); } // Mjollnir Item end var v = ObjectManager.GetEntities <Hero>() .Where(x => x.Team != me.Team && x.IsAlive && x.IsVisible && !x.IsIllusion) .ToList(); if (mail != null && mail.CanBeCasted() && (v.Count(x => x.Distance2D(me) <= 650) >= (Menu.Item("Heelm").GetValue <Slider>().Value)) && Utils.SleepCheck("mail")) { mail.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(100, "mail"); } if (bkb != null && bkb.CanBeCasted() && (v.Count(x => x.Distance2D(me) <= 650) >= (Menu.Item("Heel").GetValue <Slider>().Value)) && Utils.SleepCheck("bkb")) { bkb.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(100, "bkb"); } if ( // Dagon dagon != null && dagon.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !e.IsMagicImmune() && Utils.SleepCheck("dagon") ) { dagon.UseAbility(e); Utils.Sleep(250, "dagon"); } // Dagon Item end if ( // Satanic satanic != null && me.Health <= (me.MaximumHealth * 0.3) && satanic.CanBeCasted() && me.Distance2D(e) <= 300 && Utils.SleepCheck("Satanic") ) { satanic.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(250, "Satanic"); } // Satanic Item end if (Menu.Item("orbwalk").GetValue <bool>() && me.Distance2D(e) <= 1900) { Orbwalking.Orbwalk(e, 0, 1600, true, true); } /***************************************WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW**********************************/ var Web = ObjectManager.GetEntities <Unit>().Where(unit => unit.Name == "npc_dota_broodmother_web").ToList(); var SpinWeb = GetClosestToWeb(Web, me); if (W != null && W.CanBeCasted() && Menu.Item("Skills").GetValue <AbilityToggler>().IsEnabled(W.Name)) { if ((me.Distance2D(SpinWeb) >= 900 && e.Distance2D(SpinWeb) >= 900) && me.Distance2D(e) <= 800 && Utils.SleepCheck(SpinWeb.Handle + "SpideWeb")) { W.UseAbility(e.Predict(1100)); Utils.Sleep(300, SpinWeb.Handle + "SpideWeb"); } } } /***************************************WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW**********************************/ } }
public static void ChasingAll(EventArgs args) { var me = ObjectManager.LocalHero; if (!Game.IsInGame || me.ClassID != ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Broodmother || me == null) { return; } var target = me.ClosestToMouseTarget(1900); if (Combokey && target != null && target.IsAlive && !me.IsVisibleToEnemies) { if ( me.Distance2D(target) <= 1100 && (!me.IsAttackImmune() || !target.IsAttackImmune()) && me.NetworkActivity != NetworkActivity.Attack && me.CanAttack() && Utils.SleepCheck("attack") ) { me.Attack(target); Utils.Sleep(150, "attack"); } } if (Combokey && target != null && target.IsAlive && me.IsVisibleToEnemies) { var Spiderlings = ObjectManager.GetEntities <Unit>().Where(spiderlings => spiderlings.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Broodmother_Spiderling).ToList(); for (int s = 0; s < Spiderlings.Count(); s++) { if (Spiderlings[s].Distance2D(target) <= 1500 && Utils.SleepCheck(Spiderlings[s].Handle.ToString() + "Spiderlings")) { Spiderlings[s].Attack(target); Utils.Sleep(350, Spiderlings[s].Handle.ToString() + "Spiderlings"); } } for (int s = 0; s < Spiderlings.Count(); s++) { if (Spiderlings[s].Distance2D(target) >= 1500 && Utils.SleepCheck(Spiderlings[s].Handle.ToString() + "Spiderlings")) { Spiderlings[s].Move(Game.MousePosition); Utils.Sleep(350, Spiderlings[s].Handle.ToString() + "Spiderlings"); } } var linkens = target.Modifiers.Any(x => x.Name == "modifier_item_spheretarget") || target.Inventory.Items.Any(x => x.Name == "item_sphere"); var enemies = ObjectManager.GetEntities <Hero>().Where(hero => hero.IsAlive && !hero.IsIllusion && hero.IsVisible && hero.Team != me.Team).ToList(); if (target != null && target.IsAlive && !target.IsIllusion && me.Distance2D(target) <= 1000) { if (Q == null) { Q = me.Spellbook.SpellQ; } if (W == null) ///////It will be added later////////// { W = me.Spellbook.SpellW; } if (R == null) { R = me.Spellbook.SpellR; } // Item if (sheep == null) { sheep = target.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Tidehunter ? null : me.FindItem("item_sheepstick"); } if (cheese == null) { cheese = me.FindItem("item_cheese"); } if (orchid == null) { orchid = me.FindItem("item_orchid"); } if (Soul == null) { Soul = me.FindItem("item_soul_ring"); } if (shiva == null) { shiva = me.FindItem("item_shivas_guard"); } dagon = me.Inventory.Items.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Contains("item_dagon")); if (mom == null) { mom = me.FindItem("item_mask_of_madness"); } if (abyssal == null) { abyssal = me.FindItem("item_abyssal_blade"); } if (mjollnir == null) { mjollnir = me.FindItem("item_mjollnir"); } if (halberd == null) { halberd = me.FindItem("item_heavens_halberd"); } medall = me.FindItem("item_medallion_of_courage") ?? me.FindItem("item_solar_crest"); if (satanic == null) { satanic = me.FindItem("item_satanic"); } if ( // Q Skill Q != null && Q.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !target.IsMagicImmune() && Menu.Item("Skills").GetValue <AbilityToggler>().IsEnabled(Q.Name) && me.Distance2D(target) <= 600 && Utils.SleepCheck("Q") ) { Q.UseAbility(target); Utils.Sleep(250, "Q"); } // Q Skill end if ( //R Skill R != null && R.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && me.Distance2D(target) <= 350 && Menu.Item("Skills").GetValue <AbilityToggler>().IsEnabled(R.Name) && Utils.SleepCheck("R") ) { R.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(250, "R"); } // R Skill end if ( // orchid orchid != null && orchid.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !target.IsMagicImmune() && !linkens && Utils.SleepCheck("orchid") && me.Distance2D(target) <= 1000 ) { orchid.UseAbility(target); Utils.Sleep(250, "orchid"); } // orchid Item end if ( // sheep sheep != null && sheep.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !target.IsMagicImmune() && !linkens && Utils.SleepCheck("sheep") && me.Distance2D(target) <= 600 ) { sheep.UseAbility(target); Utils.Sleep(250, "sheep"); } // sheep Item end if ( // Soul Item Soul != null && me.Health / me.MaximumHealth <= 0.5 && me.Mana <= Q.ManaCost && Soul.CanBeCasted()) { Soul.UseAbility(); } // Soul Item end if ( // Shiva Item shiva != null && shiva.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !target.IsMagicImmune() && Utils.SleepCheck("shiva") && me.Distance2D(target) <= 600 ) { shiva.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(250, "shiva"); } // Shiva Item end if ( // MOM mom != null && mom.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && Utils.SleepCheck("mom") && me.Distance2D(target) <= 700 ) { mom.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(250, "mom"); } // MOM Item end if ( // Medall medall != null && medall.CanBeCasted() && Utils.SleepCheck("Medall") && me.Distance2D(target) <= 500 ) { medall.UseAbility(target); Utils.Sleep(250, "Medall"); } // Medall Item end if ( // Abyssal Blade abyssal != null && abyssal.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !target.IsMagicImmune() && Utils.SleepCheck("abyssal") && me.Distance2D(target) <= 400 ) { abyssal.UseAbility(target); Utils.Sleep(250, "abyssal"); } // Abyssal Item end if ( // Hellbard halberd != null && halberd.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !target.IsMagicImmune() && Utils.SleepCheck("halberd") && me.Distance2D(target) <= 700 ) { halberd.UseAbility(target); Utils.Sleep(250, "halberd"); } // Hellbard Item end if ( // Mjollnir mjollnir != null && mjollnir.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !target.IsMagicImmune() && Utils.SleepCheck("mjollnir") && me.Distance2D(target) <= 600 ) { mjollnir.UseAbility(me); Utils.Sleep(250, "mjollnir"); } // Mjollnir Item end if ( // Dagon dagon != null && dagon.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !target.IsMagicImmune() && Utils.SleepCheck("dagon") ) { dagon.UseAbility(target); Utils.Sleep(250, "dagon"); } // Dagon Item end if ( // Satanic satanic != null && me.Health / me.MaximumHealth <= 0.4 && satanic.CanBeCasted() && me.Distance2D(target) <= 300 && Utils.SleepCheck("Satanic") ) { satanic.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(250, "Satanic"); } // Satanic Item end if ( (!me.CanAttack() || me.Distance2D(target) >= 0) && me.NetworkActivity != NetworkActivity.Attack && me.Distance2D(target) <= 600 && Utils.SleepCheck("Move") ) { me.Move(target.Predict(500)); Utils.Sleep(390, "Move"); } if ( me.Distance2D(target) <= me.AttackRange + 100 && (!me.IsAttackImmune() || !target.IsAttackImmune()) && me.NetworkActivity != NetworkActivity.Attack && me.CanAttack() && Utils.SleepCheck("attack") ) { me.Attack(target); Utils.Sleep(160, "attack"); } /***************************************WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW**********************************/ var Web = ObjectManager.GetEntities <Unit>().Where(unit => unit.Name == "npc_dota_broodmother_web").ToList(); var SpinWeb = GetClosestToWeb(Web, me); if (W != null && W.CanBeCasted() && Menu.Item("Skills").GetValue <AbilityToggler>().IsEnabled(W.Name)) { if ((me.Distance2D(SpinWeb) >= 900) && me.Distance2D(target) <= 800 && Utils.SleepCheck(SpinWeb.Handle.ToString() + "SpideWeb")) { W.UseAbility(target.Predict(1100)); Utils.Sleep(300, SpinWeb.Handle.ToString() + "SpideWeb"); } } } /***************************************WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW**********************************/ } }
private static void ChasingAll() { if (Utils.SleepCheck("All")) { var me = ObjectMgr.LocalHero; var target = me.ClosestToMouseTarget(1500); var Spiderlings = ObjectMgr.GetEntities <Unit>().Where(spiderlings => spiderlings.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Broodmother_Spiderling).ToList(); { if (target != null && target.IsAlive && !target.IsIllusion && chasing.isActive) { { if (Utils.SleepCheck("combing")) { foreach (var Spider in Spiderlings) { if (Spider.Distance2D(target) <= 1500) { Spider.Attack(target); } } } Utils.Sleep(550, "combing"); } } if (Utils.SleepCheck("combo")) { foreach (var Spider in Spiderlings) { if (Spider.Distance2D(target) >= 1500) { Spider.Move(Game.MousePosition); } } } Utils.Sleep(700, "combo"); var linkens = target.Modifiers.Any(x => x.Name == "modifier_item_spheretarget") || target.Inventory.Items.Any(x => x.Name == "item_sphere"); var enemies = ObjectMgr.GetEntities <Hero>().Where(hero => hero.IsAlive && !hero.IsIllusion && hero.IsVisible && hero.Team != me.Team).ToList(); { if (target != null && target.IsAlive && !target.IsIllusion && me.Distance2D(target) <= 1000 && Utils.SleepCheck("combo") && chasing.isActive) { foreach (var Enemy in enemies) { if (me.Distance2D(target) <= 1000 && Utils.SleepCheck("combing")) { Q.UseAbility(target); Utils.Sleep(350, "combing"); } } } else { me.Attack(target); } Utils.Sleep(470, "combo"); } if (Q == null) { Q = me.Spellbook.SpellQ; } /* if (W == null) ///////It will be added later////////// * W = me.Spellbook.SpellW; */ if (R == null) { R = me.Spellbook.SpellR; } // Item if (sheep == null) { sheep = target.ClassID == ClassID.CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Tidehunter ? null : me.FindItem("item_sheepstick"); } if (cheese == null) { cheese = me.FindItem("item_cheese"); } if (orchid == null) { orchid = me.FindItem("item_orchid"); } if (Soul == null) { Soul = me.FindItem("item_soul_ring"); } if (shiva == null) { shiva = me.FindItem("item_shivas_guard"); } dagon = me.Inventory.Items.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Contains("item_dagon")); if (mom == null) { mom = me.FindItem("item_mask_of_madness"); } if (abyssal == null) { abyssal = me.FindItem("item_abyssal_blade"); } if (mjollnir == null) { mjollnir = me.FindItem("item_mjollnir"); } if (halberd == null) { halberd = me.FindItem("item_heavens_halberd"); } if (medall == null) { medall = me.FindItem("item_medallion_of_courage") ?? me.FindItem("item_solar_crest"); } if (satanic == null) { satanic = me.FindItem("item_satanic"); } if ( // Q Skill Q != null && Q.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !target.IsMagicImmune() && me.Distance2D(target) <= 600 && Utils.SleepCheck("Q") ) { Q.UseAbility(target); Utils.Sleep(250 + Game.Ping, "Q"); } // Q Skill end if (//R Skill R != null && R.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && me.Distance2D(target) <= 350 && Utils.SleepCheck("R") ) { R.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(250 + Game.Ping, "R"); } // R Skill end if ( // orchid orchid != null && orchid.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !target.IsMagicImmune() && !linkens && Utils.SleepCheck("orchid") && me.Distance2D(target) <= 1000 ) { orchid.UseAbility(target); Utils.Sleep(250 + Game.Ping, "orchid"); } // orchid Item end if (// Soul Item Soul != null && me.Health / me.MaximumHealth <= 0.5 && me.Mana <= Q.ManaCost && Soul.CanBeCasted()) { Soul.UseAbility(); } // Soul Item end if (// Shiva Item shiva != null && shiva.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !target.IsMagicImmune() && Utils.SleepCheck("shiva") && me.Distance2D(target) <= 600 ) { shiva.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(250 + Game.Ping, "shiva"); } // Shiva Item end if (// MOM mom != null && mom.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && Utils.SleepCheck("mom") && me.Distance2D(target) <= 700 ) { mom.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(250 + Game.Ping, "mom"); } // MOM Item end if ( // Medall medall != null && medall.CanBeCasted() && Utils.SleepCheck("Medall") && me.Distance2D(target) <= 500 ) { medall.UseAbility(target); Utils.Sleep(250 + Game.Ping, "Medall"); } // Medall Item end if ( // Abyssal Blade abyssal != null && abyssal.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !target.IsMagicImmune() && Utils.SleepCheck("abyssal") && me.Distance2D(target) <= 400 ) { abyssal.UseAbility(target); Utils.Sleep(250 + Game.Ping, "abyssal"); } // Abyssal Item end if ( // Hellbard halberd != null && halberd.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !target.IsMagicImmune() && Utils.SleepCheck("halberd") && me.Distance2D(target) <= 700 ) { halberd.UseAbility(target); Utils.Sleep(250 + Game.Ping, "halberd"); } // Hellbard Item end if ( // Mjollnir mjollnir != null && mjollnir.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !target.IsMagicImmune() && Utils.SleepCheck("mjollnir") && me.Distance2D(target) <= 600 ) { mjollnir.UseAbility(me); Utils.Sleep(250 + Game.Ping, "mjollnir"); } // Mjollnir Item end if (// Dagon dagon != null && dagon.CanBeCasted() && me.CanCast() && !target.IsMagicImmune() && Utils.SleepCheck("dagon") ) { dagon.UseAbility(target); Utils.Sleep(250 + Game.Ping, "dagon"); } // Dagon Item end if (// Satanic satanic != null && me.Health / me.MaximumHealth <= 0.4 && satanic.CanBeCasted() && me.Distance2D(target) <= 300 && Utils.SleepCheck("Satanic") ) { satanic.UseAbility(); Utils.Sleep(250 + Game.Ping, "Satanic"); } // Satanic Item end } } Utils.Sleep(290, "All"); }