static void Main(string[] args) { #region Design Patterns #region Decorator Pattern Example Espresso beverage1 = new Espresso(); Console.WriteLine("Double Mocha Esspresso"); Mocha d1 = new Mocha(beverage1); Mocha d2 = new Mocha(d1); Console.WriteLine(d2.Cost() + " " + d2.Description); Console.WriteLine("\n House Blend, Moch, Whip"); HouseBlend beverage2 = new HouseBlend(); Mocha d3 = new Mocha(beverage2); Whip d4 = new Whip(d3); Console.WriteLine(d4.Cost() + " " + d4.Description); #endregion #region Factory Pattern // Note: constructors call Factory Method Document[] documents = new Document[2]; documents[0] = new Resume(); documents[1] = new Report(); // Display document pages foreach (Document document in documents) { Console.WriteLine("\n" + document.GetType().Name + "--"); foreach (Page page in document.Pages) { Console.WriteLine(" " + page.GetType().Name); } } #endregion #region Abstract Factory Pattern ContinentFactory africa = new AfricaFactory(); AnimalWorld world = new AnimalWorld(africa); world.RunFoodChain(); ContinentFactory america = new AmericaFactory(); world = new AnimalWorld(america); world.RunFoodChain(); #endregion #region Singleton Console.WriteLine(Singleton.Math.Instance.add(34, 3)); #endregion #region Obsever Pattern BaggageHandler provider = new BaggageHandler(); ArrivalsMonitor observer1 = new ArrivalsMonitor("BaggageClaimMonitor1"); ArrivalsMonitor observer2 = new ArrivalsMonitor("SecurityExit"); provider.BaggageStatus(712, "Detroit", 3); observer1.Subscribe(provider); provider.BaggageStatus(712, "Kalamazoo", 3); provider.BaggageStatus(400, "New York-Kennedy", 1); provider.BaggageStatus(712, "Detroit", 3); observer2.Subscribe(provider); provider.BaggageStatus(511, "San Francisco", 2); provider.BaggageStatus(712); observer2.Unsubscribe(); provider.BaggageStatus(400); provider.LastBaggageClaimed(); #endregion #region Strategy Pattern SortedList studentRecords = new SortedList(); studentRecords.Add("samual"); studentRecords.Add("Jimmy"); studentRecords.Add("Sandra"); studentRecords.Add("Vivek"); studentRecords.Add("Anna"); studentRecords.SetSortStrategy(new QuickSort()); studentRecords.Sort(); studentRecords.SetSortStrategy(new ShellSort()); studentRecords.Sort(); studentRecords.SetSortStrategy(new MergeSort()); studentRecords.Sort(); #endregion #region Composite Pattern CompositeElement root = new CompositeElement("Picture"); root.Add(new PrimitiveElement("Red Line")); root.Add(new PrimitiveElement("Blue Circle")); root.Add(new PrimitiveElement("Green Box")); CompositeElement comp = new CompositeElement("Two Circles"); comp.Add(new PrimitiveElement("Black Circle")); comp.Add(new PrimitiveElement("White Circle")); root.Add(comp); PrimitiveElement pe = new PrimitiveElement("Yellow Line"); root.Add(pe); root.Remove(pe); root.Display(1); #endregion #region Command Pattern User user = new User(); user.Compute('+', 100); user.Compute('-', 50); user.Compute('*', 10); user.Compute('/', 2); user.Undo(4); user.Redo(3); #endregion #region COR (Chain of Responsibility) // Setup Chain of Responsibility Handler h1 = new ConcreteHandlerA(); Handler h2 = new ConcreteHandlerB(); Handler h3 = new ConcreteHandlerC(); h2.SetSuccessor(h3); h1.SetSuccessor(h2); // Generate and process request int[] requests = { 2, 5, 14, 22, 18, 3, 27, 20 }; foreach (int request in requests) { h1.HandleRequest(request); } #endregion #endregion #region AD #region List MyArrayList list = new MyArrayList(5); //setting values list.add(1); list.add(2); list.add(3); list.add(4); list.add(5); Console.WriteLine(list.get(2) + " staat op positie 2"); //testing print function list.print(); //testing set function list.set(2, 10); //true list.print(); list.set(10, 2); //false //occurences test list.set(0, 2); list.set(4, 2); list.countOccurences(2); //testing clear list.clear(); list.print(); MyLinkedList <int> linkedList = new MyLinkedList <int>(); linkedList.addFirst(1); linkedList.addFirst(12); linkedList.addFirst(3); linkedList.addFirst(4); linkedList.addFirst(5); linkedList.insert(0, 123); linkedList.remove(12); MyLinkedList <int> .printList(linkedList); Console.ReadLine(); #endregion #region Graph Graph g = new Graph(); try { StreamReader d = new StreamReader(Console.ReadLine()); string line; while ((line = d.ReadLine()) != null) { Console.WriteLine(line); string[] words = line.Split(' '); try { if (words.Length > 3) { Console.WriteLine("Skipping bad line: " + line); continue; } string source = words[0]; string dest = words[1]; int cost = Int32.Parse(words[2]); g.addEdge(source, dest, cost); } catch (FormatException e) { Console.WriteLine("Skipping bad line: " + line); Console.WriteLine(e); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } //while (processRequest(g)); #endregion #region Binairy tree string seperator = "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"; Console.WriteLine(seperator); Console.WriteLine("Binary Tree Basic: "); BinaryNode <int> NodeA = new BinaryNode <int>(2); BinaryNode <int> NodeB = new BinaryNode <int>(5); BinaryNode <int> NodeC = new BinaryNode <int>(6); BinaryNode <int> NodeD = new BinaryNode <int>(3); BinaryNode <int> NodeE = new BinaryNode <int>(7); BinaryNode <int> NodeF = new BinaryNode <int>(10); BinaryNode <int> NodeG = new BinaryNode <int>(1); NodeE.setRight(NodeG); NodeA.setLeft(NodeC); NodeA.setRight(NodeD); NodeB.setLeft(NodeE); NodeB.setRight(NodeF); BinaryTree <int> tree = new BinaryTree <int>(12); tree.Root.setLeft(NodeA); tree.Root.setRight(NodeB); tree.printPreOrder(); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(seperator); Console.WriteLine("Binary Search Tree: "); BinaryTree <int> BST = new BinaryTree <int>(); BST.Insert(5); BST.Insert(1254); BST.Insert(252); BST.Insert(378); BST.Insert(45); BST.Insert(668); BST.Insert(71); BST.Insert(8); BST.Insert(942); //fail test BST.Insert(1); Console.WriteLine(seperator); Console.WriteLine("Printing in order: "); BST.printInOrder(); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(seperator); Console.WriteLine("Finding Min:"); Console.WriteLine(BST.FindMin()); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(seperator); Console.WriteLine("Finding Max: "); Console.WriteLine(BST.FindMax()); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(seperator); Console.WriteLine("Finding value 5:"); Console.WriteLine(BST.Find(5)); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(seperator); Console.WriteLine("Removing 5"); BST.Remove(5); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(seperator); Console.WriteLine("Printing in order: "); BST.printInOrder(); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(seperator); Console.WriteLine("Removing Min"); BST.RemoveMin(); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(seperator); Console.WriteLine("Printing in order: "); BST.printInOrder(); Console.ReadLine(); #endregion #region Max heap MaxHeap theHeap = new MaxHeap(21); theHeap.Insert(40); theHeap.Insert(70); theHeap.Insert(20); theHeap.Insert(60); theHeap.Insert(50); theHeap.Insert(100); theHeap.Insert(82); theHeap.Insert(35); theHeap.Insert(90); theHeap.Insert(10); theHeap.DisplayHeap(); Console.WriteLine("Inserting a new node with value 120"); theHeap.Insert(120); theHeap.DisplayHeap(); Console.WriteLine("Removing max element"); theHeap.Remove(); theHeap.DisplayHeap(); Console.WriteLine("Changing root to 130"); theHeap.HeapIncreaseDecreaseKey(0, 130); theHeap.DisplayHeap(); Console.WriteLine("Changing root to 5"); theHeap.HeapIncreaseDecreaseKey(0, 5); theHeap.DisplayHeap(); Console.ReadLine(); #endregion #region Min heap int[] arrA = { 50, 2, 30, 7, 40, 4, 10, 16, 12 }; Console.WriteLine("Original Array : "); for (int i = 0; i < arrA.Length; i++) { Console.Write(" " + arrA[i]); } MinHeap m = new MinHeap(arrA.Length); Console.WriteLine("\nMin-Heap : "); m.createHeap(arrA); m.display(); Console.WriteLine("Extract Min :"); for (int i = 0; i < arrA.Length; i++) { Console.Write(" " + m.extractMin()); } #endregion #region Sorting Console.WriteLine(); int[] tmpArray = { 0, 15, 48, 60, 88, 123, 1, 5, 4, 12, 99, 11, 200, 41 }; Console.WriteLine(seperator); Console.WriteLine("Base Array: "); SortingAlgorithms.Show_array_elements(tmpArray); Console.WriteLine(seperator); var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); SortingAlgorithms.ShellSort(tmpArray); watch.Stop(); var elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; Console.WriteLine("Shell sorted Array in: " + elapsedMs + "ms"); SortingAlgorithms.Show_array_elements(tmpArray); Console.WriteLine(seperator); Console.ReadKey(); tmpArray = new[] { 0, 15, 48, 60, 88, 123, 1, 5, 4, 12, 99, 11, 200, 41 }; Console.WriteLine("Base Array: "); SortingAlgorithms.Show_array_elements(tmpArray); Console.WriteLine(seperator); watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); SortingAlgorithms.PerformInsertionSort(tmpArray); watch.Stop(); elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; Console.WriteLine("Insertion sorted Array in: " + elapsedMs + "ms"); SortingAlgorithms.Show_array_elements(tmpArray); Console.WriteLine(seperator); Console.ReadKey(); tmpArray = new[] { 0, 15, 48, 60, 88, 123, 1, 5, 4, 12, 99, 11, 200, 41 }; Console.WriteLine("Base Array: "); SortingAlgorithms.Show_array_elements(tmpArray); Console.WriteLine(seperator); watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); SortingAlgorithms.MergeSort(tmpArray); watch.Stop(); elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; Console.WriteLine("Merge sorted Array in: " + elapsedMs + "ms"); SortingAlgorithms.Show_array_elements(tmpArray); Console.WriteLine(seperator); Console.ReadKey(); tmpArray = new[] { 0, 15, 48, 60, 88, 123, 1, 5, 4, 12, 99, 11, 200, 41, 46 }; Console.WriteLine("Base Array: "); SortingAlgorithms.Show_array_elements(tmpArray); Console.WriteLine(seperator); watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); SortingAlgorithms.QuickSort(tmpArray, 0, tmpArray.Length - 1); watch.Stop(); elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; Console.WriteLine("Quick sorted Array in: " + elapsedMs + "ms"); SortingAlgorithms.Show_array_elements(tmpArray); Console.WriteLine(seperator); Console.ReadKey(); #endregion #endregion Console.ReadKey(); }