예제 #1
        /// <summary> Returns the first occurence in specified list that matches the specified element according to the specified comparer. </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"> The type of the elements in the list. </typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="U"> The type of the element to match elements in the list. </typeparam>
        /// <param name="sortedList"> The list to search in for a match. Must be transitive over the specified comparer with specified element. </param>
        /// <param name="element"> The element to search the match of. </param>
        /// <param name="comparer"> The comparer determining whether a </param>
        /// <returns> an occurence in the sorted list matching the specified element, or default(T) if no match was found. </returns>
        public static T FirstOrDefault <T, U>(this SortedReadOnlyList <T> sortedList, U element, Func <T, U, int> comparer)
            //TODO: First suggests the first is yielded, but actually any is yielded...
            Contract.Requires(sortedList != null);
            Contract.Requires(comparer != null);
            //transitivity is checked in FirstOrDefault

            return(FirstOrDefault(i => sortedList[i], sortedList.Count, element, comparer));
예제 #2
		internal static void SetEnabledNotations(IEnumerable<NotationConstructor> notationConstructors)
			Contract.Requires(notationConstructors != null);
			Contract.LazilyAssertMinimumCount(ref notationConstructors, 1);
			if (!notationConstructors.Select(OrderRequirementAttribute.ToComparableToken).IsSorted())
				//whenever a special array of ConstructorNotations is specified, I don't want to have to manually sort it. This just does that for me. 
				//however, the most frequently specified enumerable, AllLinearNotations, should simply be already sorted
				notationConstructors = notationConstructors.OrderBy(OrderRequirementAttribute.ToComparableToken);

			List<INotation<TestDomain>> allNotations = new List<INotation<TestDomain>>();
			foreach (NotationConstructor notationConstructor in notationConstructors)

			allNotations.Sort(Notation<TestDomain>.ComparerByForm);//perhaps it is important that this happens after adding all elements. Artificial notations that are to be replaced, can they be replaced with normal notations that exist 
																   //before that artificial notation was created notation-precedence wise, or added-wise?

			Contract.Assert(allNotations.Select(notation => notation.Form).AreUnique());//checks that no artificial notation forms are returned that could have been replaced by normal notation forms
			EnabledNotations = new SortedReadOnlyList<ICompositeNotationForm<TestDomain>>(allNotations.Map(notation => (ICompositeNotationForm<TestDomain>)notation.Form));
예제 #3
파일: Tester.cs 프로젝트: JeroenBos/ASDE
		/// <summary> Calls the code to be tested, namely creating the AST. </summary>
		/// <param name="testExpressions"> The test expressions to be parsed into an AST. </param>
		/// <param name="cachingMethod"> The caching method to use in parsing. </param>
		/// <returns> null if no AST was found for the test case, and the (first) AST otherwise. </returns>
		internal static ASTBaseNode GetAST(IEnumerable<IExpression<TestDomain>> testExpressions, SortedReadOnlyList<ICompositeNotationForm<TestDomain>> enabledNotations)
			var builder = new TestASTBuilder(enabledNotations);
			var trees = builder.GetAbstractSyntaxTrees(testExpressions.ToReadOnlyList()).ToList();
			Contract.Assert(trees.All(tree => tree == null || !IsImpossible(tree)), "An AST succeeded with the Impossible domain");
			return trees.FirstOrDefault(ast => ast != null);
예제 #4
파일: Testcase.cs 프로젝트: JeroenBos/ASDE
		public IList<IExpression<TestDomain>> ToExpressions(out SortedReadOnlyList<ICompositeNotationForm<TestDomain>> notations)
			notations = this.notations;

			return ToExpressions().ToList();
예제 #5
파일: Testcase.cs 프로젝트: JeroenBos/ASDE
		private Testcase(SortedReadOnlyList<ICompositeNotationForm<TestDomain>> notations, params object[] expressions)
			Contract.Requires(expressions != null);
			Contract.Requires(expressions.Length >= 1);
			Contract.RequiresForAll(expressions, expression => expression is Tuple<object, IPosition>);
			Contract.Requires(notations != null);

			this.leaves = expressions;
			this.notations = notations; 