static SystemInfo[] getSortedSystemInfos(SystemInfo[] systemInfos, SortMethod sortMethod) { if (sortMethod == SortMethod.Name) { return systemInfos .OrderBy(systemInfo => systemInfo.systemName) .ToArray(); } if (sortMethod == SortMethod.NameDescending) { return systemInfos .OrderByDescending(systemInfo => systemInfo.systemName) .ToArray(); } if (sortMethod == SortMethod.ExecutionTime) { return systemInfos .OrderBy(systemInfo => systemInfo.averageExecutionDuration) .ToArray(); } if (sortMethod == SortMethod.ExecutionTimeDescending) { return systemInfos .OrderByDescending(systemInfo => systemInfo.averageExecutionDuration) .ToArray(); } return systemInfos; }
static double GetSortingTime(SortMethod method, int[] list) { int startTime, stopTime; startTime = Environment.TickCount; method(list); stopTime = Environment.TickCount; return (stopTime - startTime) / 1000.0; }
static void ShowSortingTimes(String methodName, SortMethod method, int[] list) { double sortTime; Console.WriteLine("{0} of {1} items:", methodName, list.Length); FillRandom(list, 10000); sortTime = GetSortingTime(method, list); Console.WriteLine("\t{0} seconds for a scrambled list", sortTime); sortTime = GetSortingTime(method, list); Console.WriteLine("\t{0} seconds for a sorted list\n", sortTime); }
public bool SearchCollection(string query, SortedList list, SongListBox resultBox, bool text, bool matchCase, bool whole, bool trans, SortMethod sortMethod) { DirectoryInfo indexDir = new DirectoryInfo(this.indexDir); IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexDir.FullName); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(text ? "text" : "title", this.indexAnalyzer); LyraQuery lQuery = SearchUtil.CreateLyraQuery(query, whole); List<ISong> numberSongs = new List<ISong>(); // search for nr if (lQuery.Numbers != null) { foreach (int nr in lQuery.Numbers) { Song song = this.nrIndex[nr] as Song; if (song != null) { numberSongs.Add(song); } } } List<ISong> songs = new List<ISong>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lQuery.LuceneQuery)) { Query luceneQuery = parser.Parse(lQuery.LuceneQuery); Hits hits = searcher.Search(luceneQuery); resultBox.Ratings.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length(); i++) { Document doc = hits.Doc(i); int nr = Int32.Parse(doc.GetField("nr").StringValue()); Song song = (Song)this.nrIndex[nr]; if (song != null) { songs.Add(song); resultBox.Ratings.Add(song, hits.Score(i)); } } } searcher.Close(); lock (resultBox) { resultBox.BeginUpdate(); resultBox.Items.Clear(); resultBox.SetSearchTags(GetTags(query)); resultBox.ShowSongs(numberSongs, songs, sortMethod); resultBox.EndUpdate(); } return true; }
public int[] Sort(SortMethod method) { if (method == SortMethod.ASC) { SortAsc(); } else { SortDesc(); } return this.numbers; }
public ISortStrategy Get(SortMethod sortMethod) { switch (sortMethod) { case SortMethod.FemalesFirst: return new FemalesFirstSortStrategy(); case SortMethod.Birthdate: return new BirthDateSortStrategy(); case SortMethod.LastName: return new LastNameSortStrategy(); default: return new DoNotSortStrategy(); } }
/// <summary> /// Test Coverage: Included /// </summary> /// <param name="val"></param> /// <param name="sortMethod">ALgorithm to use for sorting</param> /// <returns>Sorted List</returns> public static IEnumerable<decimal> Sort(this IEnumerable<decimal> val, SortMethod sortMethod) { IList<decimal> list = val.ToList<decimal>(); switch (sortMethod) { case SortMethod.Bubble: BubbleSort.Sort(ref list); break; case SortMethod.Insertion: InsertionSort.Sort(ref list); break; case SortMethod.Selection: SelectionSort.Sort(ref list); break; } return list; }
public bool SearchCollection(string query, SortedList list, SongListBox resultBox, bool text, bool matchCase, bool whole, bool trans, SortMethod sortMethod) { LyraQuery lQuery = SearchUtil.CreateLyraQuery(query, whole, !text); List<ISong> numberSongs = new List<ISong>(); // search for nr if (lQuery.Numbers != null) { foreach (int nr in lQuery.Numbers) { IList<Song> nrMatches = this.nrIndex.ContainsKey(nr) ? this.nrIndex[nr] : null; if (nrMatches != null) { numberSongs.AddRange(nrMatches); } } } List<ISong> songs = new List<ISong>(); resultBox.Ratings.Clear(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lQuery.Query)) { foreach (RatedResult<Song> songResult in this.indexer.SearchObjects(query, !text)) { if (numberSongs.Contains(songResult.Result)) continue; resultBox.Ratings.Add(songResult.Result, (float)songResult.Rating); songs.Add(songResult.Result); } } lock (resultBox) { resultBox.BeginUpdate(); resultBox.Items.Clear(); resultBox.SetSearchTags(GetTags(query)); resultBox.ShowSongs(numberSongs, songs, sortMethod); resultBox.EndUpdate(); } return true; }
public bool SearchCollection(string query, SortedList list, SongListBox resultBox, bool text, bool matchCase, bool whole, bool trans, SortMethod sortMethod) { long start = Util.getCurrentTicks(); IDictionaryEnumerator en = list.GetEnumerator(); en.Reset(); string target; Song song; bool found = false; while (en.MoveNext()) { song = (Song) en.Value; // only title? target = text ? (song.Title + " " + song.Text) : song.Title; // with translations? if (trans) { target += (" " + this.queryTrans(song.Translations, text)); } // if case doesn't need to be matched, make all letters small ones... if (!matchCase) { target = target.ToLower(); query = query.ToLower(); } if (this.Or(query, this.cleanTarget(target), whole)) { resultBox.Items.Add(song); found = true; } } Util.addSearchTime(Util.getCurrentTicks() - start); return found; }
internal Sort(Field field, SortMethod sortMethod) { SortField = field; Order = null; Method = sortMethod; }
public ICanSetReturnedOrdersInclusion SortBy(SortMethod sortBy) { _sortBy = sortBy; return(this); }
// Search public void Search(string query, SongListBox resultBox, bool text, bool matchCase, bool whole, bool trans, SortMethod sortMethod) { if (!, this.SongList, resultBox, text, matchCase, whole, trans, sortMethod)) { resultBox.Items.Add("Leider keinen passenden Eintrag gefunden."); this.owner.Status = "query done - no results :-("; } else { this.owner.Status = "query done - successful :-)"; } }
public void SetSortMethod(SortMethod sortMethod, SortOrder sortOrder) { AppManager.Instance.UserData.UsingSortMethod = CurSortMethod = sortMethod; AppManager.Instance.UserData.UsingSortOrder = CurSortOrder = sortOrder; }
public int Compare(GUIListItem item1, GUIListItem item2) { if (item1 == item2) { return(0); } if (item1 == null) { return(-1); } if (item2 == null) { return(-1); } if (item1.IsFolder && item1.Label == "..") { return(-1); } if (item2.IsFolder && item2.Label == "..") { return(1); } if (item1.IsFolder && !item2.IsFolder) { return(-1); } if (!item1.IsFolder && item2.IsFolder) { return(1); } SortMethod method = currentSortMethod; bool bAscending = m_bSortAscending; Channel channel1 = item1.MusicTag as Channel; Channel channel2 = item2.MusicTag as Channel; switch (method) { case SortMethod.Name: if (bAscending) { return(String.Compare(item1.Label, item2.Label, true)); } return(String.Compare(item2.Label, item1.Label, true)); case SortMethod.Type: string strURL1 = "0"; string strURL2 = "0"; if (item1.IconImage.ToLower().Equals("defaultmyradiostream.png")) { strURL1 = "1"; } if (item2.IconImage.ToLower().Equals("defaultmyradiostream.png")) { strURL2 = "1"; } if (strURL1.Equals(strURL2)) { if (bAscending) { return(String.Compare(item1.Label, item2.Label, true)); } return(String.Compare(item2.Label, item1.Label, true)); } if (bAscending) { if (strURL1.Length > 0) { return(1); } return(-1); } if (strURL1.Length > 0) { return(-1); } return(1); //break; case SortMethod.Number: if (channel1 != null && channel2 != null) { RadioGroupMap channel1GroupMap = (RadioGroupMap)item1.AlbumInfoTag; RadioGroupMap channel2GroupMap = (RadioGroupMap)item2.AlbumInfoTag; int channel1GroupSort = channel1GroupMap.SortOrder; int channel2GroupSort = channel2GroupMap.SortOrder; if (bAscending) { if (channel1GroupSort > channel2GroupSort) { return(1); } return(-1); } if (channel2GroupSort > channel1GroupSort) { return(1); } return(-1); } if (channel1 != null) { return(-1); } return(channel2 != null ? 1 : 0); //break; case SortMethod.Bitrate: IList <TuningDetail> details1 = channel1.ReferringTuningDetail(); TuningDetail detail1 = details1[0]; IList <TuningDetail> details2 = channel2.ReferringTuningDetail(); TuningDetail detail2 = details2[0]; if (detail1 != null && detail2 != null) { if (bAscending) { if (detail1.Bitrate > detail2.Bitrate) { return(1); } return(-1); } if (detail2.Bitrate > detail1.Bitrate) { return(1); } return(-1); } return(0); } return(0); }
private string SortToString(SortMethod sort) { switch (sort) { case SortMethod.ARRIVAL: return "ARRIVAL"; case SortMethod.CC: return "CC"; case SortMethod.DATE: return "DATE"; case SortMethod.FROM: return "FROM"; case SortMethod.SIZE: return "SIZE"; case SortMethod.SUBJECT: return "SUBJECT"; default: return string.Empty; } }
private static IEnumerable <SystemInfo> GetSortedSystemInfos(IEnumerable <SystemInfo> systemInfos, SortMethod sortMethod) { switch (sortMethod) { case SortMethod.Name: return(systemInfos.OrderBy(systemInfo => systemInfo.SystemName)); case SortMethod.NameDescending: return(systemInfos.OrderByDescending(systemInfo => systemInfo.SystemName)); case SortMethod.ExecutionTime: return(systemInfos.OrderBy(systemInfo => systemInfo.AverageUpdateDuration)); case SortMethod.ExecutionTimeDescending: return(systemInfos.OrderByDescending(systemInfo => systemInfo.AverageUpdateDuration)); default: return(systemInfos); } }
public static int CalculateSortedInsertIndex <TOrder>(IList <TOrder> sortedList, TOrder orderValue, SortMethod method, IComparer <TOrder> comparer = null) { if (comparer == null) { comparer = Comparer <TOrder> .Default; } var index = BinarySearchHelper.BinarySearch(sortedList, orderValue, comparer); if (index < 0) { return(~index); } if (method == SortMethod.BisectLeft) { while (index - 1 >= 0 && comparer.Compare(orderValue, sortedList[index - 1]) == 0) { --index; } } if (method == SortMethod.BisectRight) { while (index + 1 < sortedList.Count && comparer.Compare(orderValue, sortedList[++index]) == 0) { } } return(index); }
public bool SortData(SortMethod sortMethod) { if (_personnelList.Count == 0) { Error = String.Format("The list is empty."); return false; } switch (sortMethod) { case SortMethod.Gender: _personnelList.Sort( delegate(Person prior, Person next) { return prior.Gender.CompareTo(next.Gender); }); break; case SortMethod.BirthDate: _personnelList.Sort( delegate(Person prior, Person next) { return prior.DateOfBirth.CompareTo(next.DateOfBirth); }); break; case SortMethod.LastName: _personnelList.Sort( delegate(Person prior, Person next) { return -prior.LastName.CompareTo(next.LastName); }); break; default: Error = String.Format("File could not be sorted."); return false; } return true; }
void OnGUI() { GUILayout.Space(7f); = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; if (stringStats != null) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(stringStats.ToString(), MessageType.None); GUILayout.Space(5f); sortMethod = (SortMethod)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Sort Method:", sortMethod); displayMethod = (DisplayMethod)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Display Mode:", displayMethod); ignoreEmptyLines = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Ignore Empty Lines:", ignoreEmptyLines); GUILayout.Space(4f); if (displayMethod != DisplayMethod.Graph) { search = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Search Script Name:", search); if (displayMethod == DisplayMethod.Default) { EditorGUI.indentLevel += 1; displayMatchesOnly = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Display Matches Only:", displayMatchesOnly); if (displayMatchesOnly) { comparisonMode = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Comparison Mode:", comparisonMode); } else { comparisonMode = false; } EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 1; } } else { search = string.Empty; } GUILayout.Space(5f); scrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPos); if (fileStats != null) { string builtString = string.Empty; int displayCount = 0; Texture2D barTex = Texture2D.whiteTexture; for (int i = 0; i < fileStats.Count; i++) { float alphaMod = 1f; float finalHeight = 15f; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(search) && !fileStats[i].displayName.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(search.ToLowerInvariant())) { if (displayMethod == DisplayMethod.TextOnly) { continue; } if (comparisonMode) { finalHeight = 1f; alphaMod = 0.5f; } else if (displayMatchesOnly) { continue; } else { alphaMod = 0.3f; } } displayCount++; if (displayMethod == DisplayMethod.TextOnly) { builtString += (i + 1).ToString() + ": " + fileStats[i].displayName + " [" + fileStats[i].numLines.ToString() + "]"; if (i < fileStats.Count - 1) { builtString += "\n"; } } else { if (displayMethod == DisplayMethod.Graph) { finalHeight = 1f; } Rect displayRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(true, GUILayout.MaxHeight(finalHeight)); float oddFactor = (i % 2 == 1) ? 0.3f : 0f; GUI.color = new Color(oddFactor, oddFactor, oddFactor, alphaMod * 0.1f); GUI.DrawTexture(displayRect, barTex); GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, alphaMod); GUI.depth += 1; GUI.color = (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin) ? new Color(0.375f, 0.6f, 0.3f, alphaMod * 0.5f) : new Color(0.475f, 0.725f, 0.35f, alphaMod * 0.75f); float oldWidth = displayRect.width; displayRect.width *= (fileStats[i].numLines / (float)largestLineCountRef.numLines); displayRect.width = Mathf.Round(displayRect.width); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && displayRect.width > 1f) { GUI.DrawTexture(displayRect, barTex); } displayRect.width = oldWidth; GUI.depth += 1; GUI.color = (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin) ? new Color(0.6f, 0.5f, 0.3f, alphaMod * 0.5f) : new Color(0.75f, 0.6f, 0.45f, alphaMod * 0.75f); float oldWidth2 = displayRect.width; displayRect.width *= (fileStats[i].numLines / (float)totalLines); displayRect.width = Mathf.Round(displayRect.width); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && displayRect.width > 1f) { GUI.DrawTexture(displayRect, barTex); } displayRect.width = oldWidth2; GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, alphaMod); GUI.depth += 1; displayRect.y += 1; if (displayMethod != DisplayMethod.Graph) { int oldFontSize =; = 9; = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; GUI.Label(displayRect, (i + 1).ToString() + ": " + fileStats[i].displayName); = TextAnchor.MiddleRight; GUI.Label(displayRect, "[" + fileStats[i].numLines.ToString() + " lines] (" + (fileStats[i].numLines * 100 / (float)totalLines).ToString("F3") + "%)"); = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; = oldFontSize; } GUI.depth -= 3; } } if (displayCount <= 0) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("No results...", MessageType.None); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(builtString) && displayMethod == DisplayMethod.TextOnly) { EditorGUILayout.TextArea(builtString); } } EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); } else { for (int y = 0; y < Screen.height / 18; y++) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); for (int x = 0; x <= Screen.width / 370; x++) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("REFRESH THE WINDOW BY PRESSING CTRL+ALT+C", EditorStyles.boldLabel, GUILayout.Width(370f)); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } if (GUI.changed) { EditorPrefs.SetString("LC_SavedSearch", search); EditorPrefs.SetBool("LC_DisplayMatchesOnly", displayMatchesOnly); EditorPrefs.SetBool("LC_ComparisonMode", comparisonMode); } }
/// <summary> /// Maps each enum value to a sort function /// </summary> /// <param name="sortMethod"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static SortFunction GetSortFunction(this SortMethod sortMethod) => sorters[sortMethod];
private void SortMethodChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SortMethod newSortMethod = (SortMethod)this.sortCombo.SelectedIndex; if (this.sortMethod != newSortMethod) { this.sortMethod = newSortMethod; this.searchListBox.BeginUpdate(); this.searchListBox.Sort(newSortMethod); this.searchListBox.EndUpdate(); } }
public OrderedElementsSet(IEnumerable <ElementInstance> elements, SortMethod sorting) { Elements = elements; Sorting = sorting; }
public HouseRaffleManagementGump(HouseRaffleStone stone, SortMethod sort, int page) : base(40, 40) { m_Stone = stone; m_Page = page; m_List = new List <RaffleEntry>(m_Stone.Entries); m_Sort = sort; switch (m_Sort) { case SortMethod.Name: { m_List.Sort(NameComparer.Instance); break; } case SortMethod.Account: { m_List.Sort(AccountComparer.Instance); break; } case SortMethod.Address: { m_List.Sort(AddressComparer.Instance); break; } } AddPage(0); AddBackground(0, 0, 618, 354, 9270); AddAlphaRegion(10, 10, 598, 334); AddHtml(10, 10, 598, 20, Color(Center("Raffle Management"), LabelColor), false, false); AddHtml(45, 35, 100, 20, Color("Location:", LabelColor), false, false); AddHtml(145, 35, 250, 20, Color(m_Stone.FormatLocation(), LabelColor), false, false); AddHtml(45, 55, 100, 20, Color("Ticket Price:", LabelColor), false, false); AddHtml(145, 55, 250, 20, Color(m_Stone.FormatPrice(), LabelColor), false, false); AddHtml(45, 75, 100, 20, Color("Total Entries:", LabelColor), false, false); AddHtml(145, 75, 250, 20, Color(m_Stone.Entries.Count.ToString(), LabelColor), false, false); AddButton(440, 33, 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtml(474, 35, 120, 20, Color("Sort by name", LabelColor), false, false); AddButton(440, 53, 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtml(474, 55, 120, 20, Color("Sort by account", LabelColor), false, false); AddButton(440, 73, 0xFA5, 0xFA7, 5, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); AddHtml(474, 75, 120, 20, Color("Sort by address", LabelColor), false, false); AddImageTiled(13, 99, 592, 242, 9264); AddImageTiled(14, 100, 590, 240, 9274); AddAlphaRegion(14, 100, 590, 240); AddHtml(14, 100, 590, 20, Color(Center("Entries"), LabelColor), false, false); if (page > 0) { AddButton(567, 104, 0x15E3, 0x15E7, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); } else { AddImage(567, 104, 0x25EA); } if ((page + 1) * 10 < m_List.Count) { AddButton(584, 104, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); } else { AddImage(584, 104, 0x25E6); } AddHtml(14, 120, 30, 20, Color(Center("DEL"), LabelColor), false, false); AddHtml(47, 120, 250, 20, Color("Name", LabelColor), false, false); AddHtml(295, 120, 100, 20, Color(Center("Address"), LabelColor), false, false); AddHtml(395, 120, 150, 20, Color(Center("Date"), LabelColor), false, false); AddHtml(545, 120, 60, 20, Color(Center("Num"), LabelColor), false, false); int idx = 0; Mobile winner = m_Stone.Winner; for (int i = page * 10; i >= 0 && i < m_List.Count && i < (page + 1) * 10; ++i, ++idx) { RaffleEntry entry = m_List[i]; if (entry == null) { continue; } AddButton(13, 138 + (idx * 20), 4002, 4004, 6 + i, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); int x = 45; int color = (winner != null && entry.From == winner) ? HighlightColor : LabelColor; string name = null; if (entry.From != null) { Account acc = entry.From.Account as Account; if (acc != null) { name = String.Format("{0} ({1})", entry.From.Name, acc); } else { name = entry.From.Name; } } if (name != null) { AddHtml(x + 2, 140 + (idx * 20), 250, 20, Color(name, color), false, false); } x += 250; if (entry.Address != null) { AddHtml(x, 140 + (idx * 20), 100, 20, Color(Center(entry.Address.ToString()), color), false, false); } x += 100; AddHtml(x, 140 + (idx * 20), 150, 20, Color(Center(entry.Date.ToString()), color), false, false); x += 150; AddHtml(x, 140 + (idx * 20), 60, 20, Color(Center("1"), color), false, false); x += 60; } }
public IReadOnlyCollection <FileResult> QueryReplayFiles(string[] keywords, SortMethod sort, int maxEntries, int skip) { if (keywords == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(keywords)); } Query sortQuery; switch (sort) { default: sortQuery = Query.All("FileCreationTime", Query.Ascending); break; case SortMethod.DateDesc: sortQuery = Query.All("FileCreationTime", Query.Descending); break; case SortMethod.SizeAsc: sortQuery = Query.All("FileSizeBytes", Query.Ascending); break; case SortMethod.SizeDesc: sortQuery = Query.All("FileSizeBytes", Query.Descending); break; case SortMethod.NameAsc: // Query either filename or alternative name sortQuery = Query.All(_settings.RenameAction == RenameAction.File ? "FileName" : "AlternativeName", Query.Ascending); break; case SortMethod.NameDesc: sortQuery = Query.All(_settings.RenameAction == RenameAction.File ? "FileName" : "AlternativeName", Query.Descending); break; } // Create queries trying to match keywords into search string List <Query> queries = new List <Query>(); foreach (var word in keywords) { queries.Add ( Query.Where("SearchKeywords", fileKeywords => fileKeywords.AsString.Contains(word.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))) ); } // Comebine all keyword queries using AND keyword, then AND by sort query Query endQuery; if (queries.Any()) { if (queries.Count == 1) { endQuery = Query.And(sortQuery, queries[0]); } else { var combinedPlayerQuery = Query.And(queries.ToArray()); endQuery = Query.And(sortQuery, combinedPlayerQuery); } } else { endQuery = sortQuery; } // Query the database using (var db = new LiteDatabase(_filePath)) { var fileResults = db.GetCollection <FileResult>("fileResults"); return(fileResults.IncludeAll().Find(endQuery, limit: maxEntries, skip: skip).ToList()); } }
public Program(string inputFileName, SortMethod sortMethod) { InputFileName = inputFileName; _sortMethod = sortMethod; }
protected override void OnClicked(int controlId, GUIControl control, global::MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action.ActionType actionType) { base.OnClicked(controlId, control, actionType); if (control == _searchButton) { _selectedTitleIndex = 0; _selectedProgramIndex = 0; if (_rules.Count > 0) { GUIDialogYesNo dlgYesNo = (GUIDialogYesNo)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)GUIWindow.Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_YES_NO); if (dlgYesNo != null) { dlgYesNo.SetHeading(Utility.GetLocalizedText(TextId.Attention)); dlgYesNo.SetLine(1, Utility.GetLocalizedText(TextId.ContinueWithPrevResults)); dlgYesNo.SetDefaultToYes(true); dlgYesNo.DoModal(GetID); if (!dlgYesNo.IsConfirmed) { _rules.Clear(); if (_viewsList != null && _viewsList.Count > 0) { _viewsList.Clear(); } } } } VirtualKeyboard keyboard = (VirtualKeyboard)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)GUIWindow.Window.WINDOW_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD); if (keyboard != null) { keyboard.Reset(); keyboard.IsSearchKeyboard = true; keyboard.Text = String.Empty; keyboard.DoModal(GetID); if (keyboard.IsConfirmed) { if (keyboard.Text == string.Empty) { GUIDialogOK dlgOk = (GUIDialogOK)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_OK); if (dlgOk != null) { dlgOk.SetHeading(Utility.GetLocalizedText(TextId.Information)); dlgOk.SetLine(1, Utility.GetLocalizedText(TextId.NoValidSearchText)); dlgOk.DoModal(GetID); } } else { switch (_currentSearchMethod) { case SearchInMethod.Title: _rules.Add(ScheduleRuleType.TitleContains, keyboard.Text); break; case SearchInMethod.Description: _rules.Add(ScheduleRuleType.DescriptionContains, keyboard.Text); break; case SearchInMethod.ProgramInfo: _rules.Add(ScheduleRuleType.ProgramInfoContains, keyboard.Text); break; case SearchInMethod.Actor: _rules.Add(ScheduleRuleType.WithActor, keyboard.Text); break; case SearchInMethod.DirectedBy: _rules.Add(ScheduleRuleType.DirectedBy, keyboard.Text); break; } ShowSearchResults(string.Empty); } } } } else if (control == _searchMethodButton) { GUIDialogMenu dlg = (GUIDialogMenu)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_MENU); if (dlg == null) { return; } dlg.Reset(); dlg.SetHeading(467); dlg.Add(Utility.GetLocalizedText(TextId.SearchOnTitle)); dlg.Add(Utility.GetLocalizedText(TextId.SearchOnDescription)); dlg.Add(Utility.GetLocalizedText(TextId.SearchOnProgramInfo)); dlg.Add(Utility.GetLocalizedText(TextId.SearchOnActor)); dlg.Add(Utility.GetLocalizedText(TextId.SearchOnDirectedBy)); dlg.SelectedLabel = (int)_currentSearchMethod; // show dialog and wait for result dlg.DoModal(GetID); if (dlg.SelectedId == -1) { return; } _currentSearchMethod = (SearchInMethod)(dlg.SelectedLabel); UpdateButtonStates(); } else if (control == _selectChannelsButton) { List <ChannelGroup> groups = new List <ChannelGroup>(PluginMain.Navigator.GetGroups(this._channelType)); ChannelGroup _selectedGroup = new ChannelGroup(); if (groups.Count > 0) { if (groups.Count > 1) { GUIDialogMenu dlg = (GUIDialogMenu)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_MENU); if (dlg == null) { return; } dlg.Reset(); dlg.SetHeading(Utility.GetLocalizedText(TextId.SelectGroup)); foreach (ChannelGroup group in groups) { dlg.Add(group.GroupName); } // show dialog and wait for result dlg.DoModal(GetID); if (dlg.SelectedId == -1) { return; } _selectedGroup = groups[dlg.SelectedId - 1]; } else { _selectedGroup = groups[0]; } List <Channel> channels = new List <Channel>(); if (_channelArguments.Count > 0) { List <Channel> channels2 = new List <Channel>(SchedulerAgent.GetChannelsInGroup(_selectedGroup.ChannelGroupId, true)); foreach (Channel channel in channels2) { if (!_channelArguments.Contains(channel.ChannelId)) { channels.Add(channel); } } } else { channels = new List <Channel>(SchedulerAgent.GetChannelsInGroup(_selectedGroup.ChannelGroupId, true)); } if (channels.Count > 0) { GUIDialogMenu dlg2 = (GUIDialogMenu)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_MENU); if (dlg2 == null) { return; } dlg2.Reset(); dlg2.SetHeading(GetChannelArgumentsString(true)); foreach (Channel channel in channels) { dlg2.Add(channel.DisplayName); } // show dialog and wait for result dlg2.DoModal(GetID); if (dlg2.SelectedId == -1) { return; } _channelArguments.Add(channels[dlg2.SelectedId - 1].ChannelId); UpdateButtonStates(); } else { GUIDialogOK dlgOk = (GUIDialogOK)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_OK); if (dlgOk != null) { dlgOk.SetHeading(Utility.GetLocalizedText(TextId.Information)); dlgOk.SetLine(1, Utility.GetLocalizedText(TextId.NoMoreChannelsToAdd)); dlgOk.DoModal(GetID); } } } } else if (control == _selectCategoriesButton) { List <string> categories = new List <string>(); string[] _categories = new string[0]; _categories = GuideAgent.GetAllCategories(); foreach (string categorie in _categories) { if (!_categorieArguments.Contains(categorie)) { categories.Add(categorie); } } if (categories.Count > 0) { GUIDialogMenu dlg = (GUIDialogMenu)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_MENU); if (dlg == null) { return; } dlg.Reset(); dlg.SetHeading(GetCategorieArgumentString(true)); foreach (string categorie in categories) { dlg.Add(categorie); } // show dialog and wait for result dlg.DoModal(GetID); if (dlg.SelectedId == -1) { return; } _categorieArguments.Add(dlg.SelectedLabelText); UpdateButtonStates(); } else { GUIDialogOK dlgOk = (GUIDialogOK)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_OK); if (dlgOk != null) { dlgOk.SetHeading(Utility.GetLocalizedText(TextId.Information)); dlgOk.SetLine(1, Utility.GetLocalizedText(TextId.NoMoreCategoriesToAdd)); dlgOk.DoModal(GetID); } } } else if (control == _clearButton) { OnClearRules(true); ShowSearchResults(string.Empty); UpdateButtonStates(); } else if (control == _sortByButton) { if (_isInSubDirectory) { GUIDialogMenu dlg = (GUIDialogMenu)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_MENU); if (dlg == null) { return; } dlg.Reset(); dlg.SetHeading(495); //Sort Options dlg.AddLocalizedString(620); //channel dlg.AddLocalizedString(621); //date dlg.AddLocalizedString(268); //title/name // set the focus to currently used sort method dlg.SelectedLabel = (int)_currentSortMethod; // show dialog and wait for result dlg.DoModal(GetID); if (dlg.SelectedId == -1) { return; } _currentSortMethod = (SortMethod)dlg.SelectedLabel; OnSort(); } } else if (control == _viewsList) { GUIMessage msg = new GUIMessage(GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_ITEM_SELECTED, GetID, 0, control.GetID, 0, 0, null); OnMessage(msg); int iItem = (int)msg.Param1; if (actionType == Action.ActionType.ACTION_SELECT_ITEM) { OnSelectItem(iItem); } if (actionType == Action.ActionType.ACTION_SHOW_INFO) { OnShowContextMenu(); } } }
private void RefreshList() { SortMethod method = (SortMethod)ComboSortPlaylist.SelectedIndex; List <Song> songList = DgrPlaylist.DataSource as List <Song>; List <Song> sortedList = new List <Song>(); switch (method) { case SortMethod.Default: sortedList.AddRange(songList); break; case SortMethod.DefaultReverse: sortedList.AddRange(songList); sortedList.Reverse(); break; case SortMethod.Album: sortedList.AddRange(from s in songList orderby s.Album ascending select s); break; case SortMethod.AlbumReverse: sortedList.AddRange(from s in songList orderby s.Album descending select s); break; case SortMethod.Artist: sortedList.AddRange(from s in songList orderby s.Artist ascending select s); break; case SortMethod.ArtistReverse: sortedList.AddRange(from s in songList orderby s.Artist descending select s); break; case SortMethod.Song: sortedList.AddRange(from s in songList orderby s.Title ascending select s); break; case SortMethod.SongReverse: sortedList.AddRange(from s in songList orderby s.Title descending select s); break; default: break; } DgrPlaylist.DataSource = null; DgrPlaylist.DataSource = sortedList; DgrPlaylist.ClearSelection(); foreach (DataGridViewRow s in DgrPlaylist.Rows) { var song = s.DataBoundItem as Song; if (song == CurrentSong) { s.Selected = true; } } InitShuffleIndex(); if (ChkShuffle.Checked) { MakeShuffleIndex(); } }
// TODO: private bool SortData(SortMethod sortMethod) { switch (sortMethod) { case SortMethod.Gender: //_personnelList.Sort(); break; case SortMethod.BirthDate: break; case SortMethod.LastName: break; default: Error = String.Format("File could not be sorted."); return false; } return true; }
public ShoppingListView() { InitializeComponent(); BindingContext = this; CurrentingSorting = SortMethod.Alphabetical; }
public VideoSort(SortMethod sortMethod, bool ascending) { currentSortMethod = sortMethod; sortAscending = ascending; }
private void DrawSystemList(DebugScenario systems) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(; { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { DebugScenario.AvgResetInterval = (AvgResetInterval)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Reset average duration Ø", DebugScenario.AvgResetInterval); if (GUILayout.Button("Reset Ø now", GUILayout.Width(88), GUILayout.Height(14))) { systems.ResetDurations(); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); _threshold = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Threshold Ø ms", _threshold, 0f, 33f); _systemSortMethod = (SortMethod)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Sort by ", _systemSortMethod); _hideEmptySystems = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Hide empty systems", _hideEmptySystems); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { _systemNameSearchTerm = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Search", _systemNameSearchTerm); const string clearButtonControlName = "Clear Button"; GUI.SetNextControlName(clearButtonControlName); if (GUILayout.Button("x", GUILayout.Width(19), GUILayout.Height(14))) { _systemNameSearchTerm = string.Empty; GUI.FocusControl(clearButtonControlName); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); _showInitializeSystems = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(_showInitializeSystems, "Initialize Systems"); if (_showInitializeSystems && ShouldShowSystems(systems, true)) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(; { var systemsDrawn = DrawSystemInfos(systems, true, false); if (systemsDrawn == 0) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Empty); } } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } _showExecuteSystems = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(_showExecuteSystems, "Execute Systems"); if (_showExecuteSystems && ShouldShowSystems(systems, false)) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(; { var systemsDrawn = DrawSystemInfos(systems, false, false); if (systemsDrawn == 0) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Empty); } } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); }
private void SetSort(SortMethod method, bool ascending) { string s = ascending ? "" : "-"; Request?.AddQueryParameter("sort", $"{s}{method}"); }
/// <summary> /// Сортировка /// </summary> /// <param name="method">Метод сортировки</param> private void Sort(SortMethod method) { method(); }
public StationSort(SortMethod method, bool asc) { currentSortMethod = method; sortAscending = asc; }
void drawSystemList(DebugSystems systems) { _showSystemsList = EntitasEditorLayout.DrawSectionHeaderToggle("Systems", _showSystemsList); if (_showSystemsList) { EntitasEditorLayout.BeginSectionContent(); { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { DebugSystems.avgResetInterval = (AvgResetInterval)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Reset average duration Ø", DebugSystems.avgResetInterval); if (GUILayout.Button("Reset Ø now", EditorStyles.miniButton, GUILayout.Width(88))) { systems.ResetDurations(); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); _threshold = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Threshold Ø ms", _threshold, 0f, 33f); _hideEmptySystems = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Hide empty systems", _hideEmptySystems); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { _systemSortMethod = (SortMethod)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(_systemSortMethod, EditorStyles.popup, GUILayout.Width(150)); _systemNameSearchString = EntitasEditorLayout.SearchTextField(_systemNameSearchString); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); _showInitializeSystems = EntitasEditorLayout.DrawSectionHeaderToggle("Initialize Systems", _showInitializeSystems); if (_showInitializeSystems && shouldShowSystems(systems, SystemInterfaceFlags.IInitializeSystem)) { EntitasEditorLayout.BeginSectionContent(); { var systemsDrawn = drawSystemInfos(systems, SystemInterfaceFlags.IInitializeSystem); if (systemsDrawn == 0) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Empty); } } EntitasEditorLayout.EndSectionContent(); } _showExecuteSystems = EntitasEditorLayout.DrawSectionHeaderToggle("Execute Systems", _showExecuteSystems); if (_showExecuteSystems && shouldShowSystems(systems, SystemInterfaceFlags.IExecuteSystem)) { EntitasEditorLayout.BeginSectionContent(); { var systemsDrawn = drawSystemInfos(systems, SystemInterfaceFlags.IExecuteSystem); if (systemsDrawn == 0) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Empty); } } EntitasEditorLayout.EndSectionContent(); } _showCleanupSystems = EntitasEditorLayout.DrawSectionHeaderToggle("Cleanup Systems", _showCleanupSystems); if (_showCleanupSystems && shouldShowSystems(systems, SystemInterfaceFlags.ICleanupSystem)) { EntitasEditorLayout.BeginSectionContent(); { var systemsDrawn = drawSystemInfos(systems, SystemInterfaceFlags.ICleanupSystem); if (systemsDrawn == 0) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Empty); } } EntitasEditorLayout.EndSectionContent(); } _showTearDownSystems = EntitasEditorLayout.DrawSectionHeaderToggle("TearDown Systems", _showTearDownSystems); if (_showTearDownSystems && shouldShowSystems(systems, SystemInterfaceFlags.ITearDownSystem)) { EntitasEditorLayout.BeginSectionContent(); { var systemsDrawn = drawSystemInfos(systems, SystemInterfaceFlags.ITearDownSystem); if (systemsDrawn == 0) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Empty); } } EntitasEditorLayout.EndSectionContent(); } } EntitasEditorLayout.EndSectionContent(); } }
/// <summary> /// 构造函数 /// </summary> public lvwColumnSorter() { ColumnToSort = 0;// 默认按第一列排序 OrderOfSort = SortOrder.None;// 排序方式为不排序 ObjectCompare = new CaseInsensitiveComparer();// 初始化CaseInsensitiveComparer类对象 mCompareMethod = SortMethod.StringCompare; //是否使用Size比较 }
private void drawSystemList(DebugSystems system) { CustomEditorLayout.BeginVerticalBox(); { CustomEditorLayout.BeginHorizontal(); { DebugSystems.avgResetInterval = (AvgResetInterval)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Reset average duration Ø", DebugSystems.avgResetInterval); if (GUILayout.Button("Reset Ø now", GUILayout.Width(88), GUILayout.Height(14))) { system.ResetDuration(); } } CustomEditorLayout.EndHorizontal(); _threshold = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Threshold Ø ms", _threshold, 0f, 33f); _systemSortMethod = (SortMethod)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Sort by ", _systemSortMethod); _hideEmptySystems = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Hide empty systems", _hideEmptySystems); EditorGUILayout.Space(); _systemNameSearchString = CustomEditorLayout.SearchTextField(_systemNameSearchString); EditorGUILayout.Space(); _showStartSystems = CustomEditorLayout.Foldout(_showStartSystems, "OnStart Systems"); if (_showStartSystems && shouldShowSystems(system, start: true)) { CustomEditorLayout.BeginVerticalBox(); { var systemsDrawn = drawSystemInfos(system, false, start: true); if (systemsDrawn == 0) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Empty); } } CustomEditorLayout.EndVertical(); } _showUpdateSystems = CustomEditorLayout.Foldout(_showUpdateSystems, "OnUpdate Systems"); if (_showUpdateSystems && shouldShowSystems(system, update: true)) { CustomEditorLayout.BeginVerticalBox(); { var systemsDrawn = drawSystemInfos(system, false, update: true); if (systemsDrawn == 0) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Empty); } } CustomEditorLayout.EndVertical(); } _showFixedUpdateSystems = CustomEditorLayout.Foldout(_showFixedUpdateSystems, "OnFixedUpdate Systems"); if (_showFixedUpdateSystems && shouldShowSystems(system, fixedUpdate: true)) { CustomEditorLayout.BeginVerticalBox(); { var systemsDrawn = drawSystemInfos(system, false, fixedUpdate: true); if (systemsDrawn == 0) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Empty); } } CustomEditorLayout.EndVertical(); } } CustomEditorLayout.EndVertical(); }
/// <summary> /// Obtains a sorted collection of messages from a mailbox. /// </summary> /// <param name="sort">A value of type SortMethod.</param> /// <param name="order">A value of type SortOrder that specifies ascending or descending.</param> /// <returns>Returns a ImapMailbox object containing the messages.</returns> public ImapMailbox Sort(SortMethod sort, SortOrder order) { if (!(Connection.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Open)) NoOpenConnection(); Connection.Write(string.Format("SORT ({0){1}) US-ASCII ALL\r\n", OrderToString(order), SortToString(sort))); string response = Connection.Read(); if (response.StartsWith("*")) { Connection.Read(); MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(response, @"\d+"); if (matches.Count > 0) { int[] ids = new int[matches.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++) ids[i] = Convert.ToInt16(matches[i].Value); return Fetch(ids); } } return new ImapMailbox(); }
/// <summary> /// Sorts the jodels. /// </summary> /// <param name="jodels">The jodels.</param> /// <param name="method">The method.</param> /// <returns>List<Jodels>.</returns> public List <Jodels> Sort(List <Jodels> jodels, SortMethod method) { return(method == SortMethod.MostCommented ? jodels.OrderByDescending(o => o.CommentsCount).ToList() : jodels.OrderByDescending(o => o.VoteCount).ToList()); }
private async Task <T> GetFilteredAlbumsSongsAsync <T, E>(string methodName, bool ignorearticle, SortMethod sortMethod, SortOrder sortOrder, int start, int end, IEnumerable <E> fields, int?artistId = null, int?albumId = null, int?genreId = null) { string[] properties = fields.Select(p => p.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()).ToArray(); if (!properties.Any()) { properties = Enum.GetNames(typeof(E)); } Filter filter = null; if (artistId != null) { filter = new Filter { ArtistId = artistId } } ; if (albumId != null) { filter = new Filter { AlbumId = albumId } } ; if (genreId != null) { filter = new Filter { GenreId = genreId } } ; var method = new ParameteredMethodMessage <FilteredPropertiesParameters> { Method = methodName, Parameters = new FilteredPropertiesParameters { Filter = filter, Properties = properties, Limits = new ListLimits { Start = start, End = end }, Sort = new ListSort { IgnoreArticle = ignorearticle, Order = sortOrder.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), Method = sortMethod.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() } } }; var result = await _request.SendRequestAsync <BasicResponseMessage <T> >(method); return(result.Result); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an instance of the ImapMailboxMessageComparer class. /// </summary> /// <param name="Sort">The property to sort on.</param> /// <param name="Order">The direction of the sort.</param> public ImapMailboxMessageComparer(SortBy Sort, SortMethod Order) { _sort = Sort; _order = Order; }
void drawSystemList(DebugSystems systems) { EntitasEditorLayout.BeginVerticalBox(); { EntitasEditorLayout.BeginHorizontal(); { DebugSystems.avgResetInterval = (AvgResetInterval)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Reset average duration Ø", DebugSystems.avgResetInterval); if (GUILayout.Button("Reset Ø now", GUILayout.Width(88), GUILayout.Height(14))) { systems.ResetDurations(); } } EntitasEditorLayout.EndHorizontal(); _threshold = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Threshold Ø ms", _threshold, 0f, 33f); _systemSortMethod = (SortMethod)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Sort by ", _systemSortMethod); _hideEmptySystems = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Hide empty systems", _hideEmptySystems); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EntitasEditorLayout.BeginHorizontal(); { _systemNameSearchTerm = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Search", _systemNameSearchTerm); const string clearButtonControlName = "Clear Button"; GUI.SetNextControlName(clearButtonControlName); if (GUILayout.Button("x", GUILayout.Width(19), GUILayout.Height(14))) { _systemNameSearchTerm = string.Empty; GUI.FocusControl(clearButtonControlName); } } EntitasEditorLayout.EndHorizontal(); _showInitializeSystems = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(_showInitializeSystems, "Initialize Systems"); if (_showInitializeSystems && shouldShowSystems(systems, true)) { EntitasEditorLayout.BeginVerticalBox(); { var systemsDrawn = drawSystemInfos(systems, true, false); if (systemsDrawn == 0) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Empty); } } EntitasEditorLayout.EndVertical(); } _showExecuteSystems = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(_showExecuteSystems, "Execute Systems"); if (_showExecuteSystems && shouldShowSystems(systems, false)) { EntitasEditorLayout.BeginVerticalBox(); { var systemsDrawn = drawSystemInfos(systems, false, false); if (systemsDrawn == 0) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Empty); } } EntitasEditorLayout.EndVertical(); } } EntitasEditorLayout.EndVertical(); }
/// <summary> /// Sort items in the inventory according to a specific method. /// </summary> /// <param name="method">The method to sort items by</param> public void Sort(SortMethod method) { Item[] NewItems = new Item[0]; Array.Copy(this.Items, NewItems, this.Items.Length); throw new NotImplementedException("Item sorting not implemented yet"); }
public ActiveExperts SortListBy(SortBy sortBy, SortMethod sortMethod) { if (sortMethod == SortMethod.Ascending) { switch (sortBy) { case SortBy.OrcaUserID: //Experts.Sort((y, x) => x.OrcaUserID.CompareTo(y.OrcaUserID)); Experts = Experts.OrderBy(x => x.OrcaUserID).ToList(); break; case SortBy.OrcaUserName: //Experts.Sort((y, x) => x.OrcaUserName.CompareTo(y.OrcaUserName)); Experts = Experts.OrderBy(x => x.OrcaUserName).ToList(); break; case SortBy.FirstName: //Experts.Sort((y, x) => x.FirstName.CompareTo(y.FirstName)); Experts = Experts.OrderBy(x => x.FirstName).ToList(); break; case SortBy.LastName: //Experts.Sort((y, x) => x.LastName.CompareTo(y.LastName)); Experts = Experts.OrderBy(x => x.LastName).ToList(); break; case SortBy.TitleDegree: //Experts.Sort((y, x) => x.TitleDegree.CompareTo(y.TitleDegree)); Experts = Experts.OrderBy(x => x.TitleDegree).ToList(); break; case SortBy.FieldOfExpertise: //Experts.Sort((y, x) => x.FieldOfExpertise.CompareTo(y.FieldOfExpertise)); Experts = Experts.OrderBy(x => x.FieldOfExpertise).ToList(); break; default: //Experts.Sort((y, x) => x.FieldOfExpertise.CompareTo(y.FieldOfExpertise)); Experts = Experts.OrderBy(x => x.FieldOfExpertise).ToList(); break; } } else { switch (sortBy) { case SortBy.OrcaUserID: //Experts.Sort((y, x) => x.OrcaUserID.CompareTo(y.OrcaUserID)); Experts = Experts.OrderByDescending(x => x.OrcaUserID).ToList(); break; case SortBy.OrcaUserName: //Experts.Sort((y, x) => x.OrcaUserName.CompareTo(y.OrcaUserName)); Experts = Experts.OrderByDescending(x => x.OrcaUserName).ToList(); break; case SortBy.FirstName: //Experts.Sort((y, x) => x.FirstName.CompareTo(y.FirstName)); Experts = Experts.OrderByDescending(x => x.FirstName).ToList(); break; case SortBy.LastName: //Experts.Sort((y, x) => x.LastName.CompareTo(y.LastName)); Experts = Experts.OrderByDescending(x => x.LastName).ToList(); break; case SortBy.TitleDegree: //Experts.Sort((y, x) => x.TitleDegree.CompareTo(y.TitleDegree)); Experts = Experts.OrderByDescending(x => x.TitleDegree).ToList(); break; case SortBy.FieldOfExpertise: //Experts.Sort((y, x) => x.FieldOfExpertise.CompareTo(y.FieldOfExpertise)); Experts = Experts.OrderByDescending(x => x.FieldOfExpertise).ToList(); break; default: //Experts.Sort((y, x) => x.FieldOfExpertise.CompareTo(y.FieldOfExpertise)); Experts = Experts.OrderByDescending(x => x.FieldOfExpertise).ToList(); break; } } return(this); }
public PlayListItemComparer(SortMethod sortBy) { _SortBy = sortBy; }
public MusicSort(SortMethod method, bool ascending) { currentSortMethod = method; sortAscending = ascending; }
public int Compare(GUIListItem item1, GUIListItem item2) { if (item1 == item2) { return(0); } if (item1 == null) { return(-1); } if (item2 == null) { return(-1); } if (item1.IsFolder && item1.Label == "..") { return(-1); } if (item2.IsFolder && item2.Label == "..") { return(1); } if (item1.IsFolder && !item2.IsFolder) { return(-1); } else if (!item1.IsFolder && item2.IsFolder) { return(1); } MusicTag tag1 = (MusicTag)item1.MusicTag; MusicTag tag2 = (MusicTag)item2.MusicTag; string strSize1 = ""; string strSize2 = ""; string strAlbum1 = ""; string strAlbum2 = ""; string strAlbumArtist1 = ""; string strAlbumArtist2 = ""; string strArtist1 = ""; string strArtist2 = ""; int iDisc1 = 0; int iDisc2 = 0; int iTrack1 = 0; int iTrack2 = 0; int iRating1 = 0; int iRating2 = 0; int iDuration1 = 0; int iDuration2 = 0; int iTimesPlayed1 = 0; int iTimesPlayed2 = 0; if (item1.FileInfo != null) { strSize1 = Util.Utils.GetSize(item1.FileInfo.Length); } if (item2.FileInfo != null) { strSize2 = Util.Utils.GetSize(item2.FileInfo.Length); } SortMethod method = currentSortMethod; bool bAscending = sortAscending; switch (method) { case SortMethod.Name: if (bAscending) { return(Util.StringLogicalComparer.Compare(item1.Label, item2.Label)); } else { return(Util.StringLogicalComparer.Compare(item2.Label, item1.Label)); } case SortMethod.Date: if (item1.FileInfo == null || item2.FileInfo == null) { // We didn't get a FileInfo. So it's a DB View and we sort on Date Added from DB DateTime time1 = DateTime.MinValue; DateTime time2 = DateTime.MinValue; if (tag1 != null) { time1 = tag1.DateTimeModified; } if (tag2 != null) { time2 = tag2.DateTimeModified; } if (bAscending) { return(DateTime.Compare(time1, time2)); } else { return(DateTime.Compare(time2, time1)); } } else { // Do sorting on File Date. Needed for Shares View if (bAscending) { return(DateTime.Compare(item1.FileInfo.CreationTime, item2.FileInfo.CreationTime)); } else { return(DateTime.Compare(item2.FileInfo.CreationTime, item1.FileInfo.CreationTime)); } } case SortMethod.Year: // When sorting on Year, we need to take also the Label into account and sort on that as well string compVal1 = item1.Year.ToString() + item1.Label; string compVal2 = item2.Year.ToString() + item2.Label; if (bAscending) { if (item1.Year == item2.Year) { // When the Year is equal just sort on the Label return(Util.StringLogicalComparer.Compare(item1.Label, item2.Label)); } return(Util.StringLogicalComparer.Compare(compVal1, compVal2)); } else { if (item1.Year == item2.Year) { // When the Year is equal, sort on label ASCENDING, altough sorting on year is DESC return(Util.StringLogicalComparer.Compare(item1.Label, item2.Label)); } return(Util.StringLogicalComparer.Compare(compVal2, compVal1)); } case SortMethod.Rating: if (tag1 != null) { iRating1 = tag1.Rating; } if (tag2 != null) { iRating2 = tag2.Rating; } if (bAscending) { return((int)(iRating1 - iRating2)); } else { return((int)(iRating2 - iRating1)); } case SortMethod.Size: if (item1.FileInfo == null) { return(-1); } if (item2.FileInfo == null) { return(-1); } if (bAscending) { long compare = (item1.FileInfo.Length - item2.FileInfo.Length); return(compare == 0 ? 0 : compare < 0 ? -1 : 1); } else { long compare = (item2.FileInfo.Length - item1.FileInfo.Length); return(compare == 0 ? 0 : compare < 0 ? -1 : 1); } case SortMethod.Track: if (tag1 != null) { iTrack1 = tag1.Track; iDisc1 = tag1.DiscID; } if (tag2 != null) { iTrack2 = tag2.Track; iDisc2 = tag2.DiscID; } if (bAscending) { if (iDisc1 != iDisc2) { return(iDisc1.CompareTo(iDisc2)); } else { return(iTrack1.CompareTo(iTrack2)); } } else { if (iDisc1 != iDisc2) { return(iDisc2.CompareTo(iDisc1)); } else { return(iTrack2.CompareTo(iTrack1)); } } case SortMethod.Duration: if (tag1 != null) { iDuration1 = tag1.Duration; } if (tag2 != null) { iDuration2 = tag2.Duration; } if (bAscending) { return((int)(iDuration1 - iDuration2)); } else { return((int)(iDuration2 - iDuration1)); } case SortMethod.Title: string strTitle1 = item1.Label; string strTitle2 = item2.Label; if (tag1 != null) { strTitle1 = tag1.Title; } if (tag2 != null) { strTitle2 = tag2.Title; } if (bAscending) { return(Util.StringLogicalComparer.Compare(strTitle1, strTitle2)); } else { return(Util.StringLogicalComparer.Compare(strTitle2, strTitle1)); } case SortMethod.Artist: if (tag1 != null) { strArtist1 = tag1.Artist; } if (tag2 != null) { strArtist2 = tag2.Artist; } if (bAscending) { return(Util.StringLogicalComparer.Compare(strArtist1, strArtist2)); } else { return(Util.StringLogicalComparer.Compare(strArtist2, strArtist1)); } case SortMethod.AlbumArtist: // sort by AlbumArtist => Album if (tag1 != null) { strAlbumArtist1 = tag1.AlbumArtist + " - " + tag1.Album; } if (tag2 != null) { strAlbumArtist2 = tag2.AlbumArtist + " - " + tag2.Album; } if (bAscending) { return(Util.StringLogicalComparer.Compare(strAlbumArtist1, strAlbumArtist2)); } else { return(Util.StringLogicalComparer.Compare(strAlbumArtist2, strAlbumArtist1)); } case SortMethod.Album: case SortMethod.DiscID: //sort by album => album artist => disc# => track if (tag1 != null) { strAlbum1 = tag1.Album; strAlbumArtist1 = tag1.AlbumArtist; iDisc1 = tag1.DiscID; iTrack1 = tag1.Track; } if (tag2 != null) { strAlbum2 = tag2.Album; strAlbumArtist2 = tag2.AlbumArtist; iDisc2 = tag2.DiscID; iTrack2 = tag2.Track; } if (bAscending) { if (strAlbum1 == strAlbum2) { if (strAlbumArtist1 == strAlbumArtist2) { if (iDisc1 == iDisc2) { return(iTrack1 - iTrack2); } else { return(iDisc1 - iDisc2); } } else { return(Util.StringLogicalComparer.Compare(strAlbumArtist1, strAlbumArtist2)); } } else { return(Util.StringLogicalComparer.Compare(strAlbum1, strAlbum2)); } } else { if (strAlbum1 == strAlbum2) { if (strAlbumArtist1 == strAlbumArtist2) { if (iDisc1 == iDisc2) { return(iTrack2 - iTrack1); } else { return(iDisc2 - iDisc1); } } else { return(Util.StringLogicalComparer.Compare(strAlbumArtist2, strAlbumArtist1)); } } else { return(Util.StringLogicalComparer.Compare(strAlbum2, strAlbum1)); } } case SortMethod.Filename: string strFile1 = Util.Utils.GetFilename(item1.Path); string strFile2 = Util.Utils.GetFilename(item2.Path); if (bAscending) { return(Util.StringLogicalComparer.Compare(strFile1, strFile2)); } else { return(Util.StringLogicalComparer.Compare(strFile2, strFile1)); } case SortMethod.Composer: string strComposer1 = ""; string strComposer2 = ""; if (tag1 != null) { strComposer1 = tag1.Composer; } if (tag2 != null) { strComposer2 = tag2.Composer; } if (bAscending) { return(Util.StringLogicalComparer.Compare(strComposer1, strComposer2)); } else { return(Util.StringLogicalComparer.Compare(strComposer2, strComposer1)); } case SortMethod.TimesPlayed: if (tag1 != null) { iTimesPlayed1 = tag1.TimesPlayed; } if (tag2 != null) { iTimesPlayed2 = tag2.TimesPlayed; } if (bAscending) { return(iTimesPlayed1.CompareTo(iTimesPlayed2)); } else { return(iTimesPlayed2.CompareTo(iTimesPlayed1)); } case SortMethod.FileType: // sort by FileType => Album string strFileType1 = ""; string strFileType2 = ""; if (tag1 != null) { strFileType1 = tag1.FileType + " - " + tag1.Album; } if (tag2 != null) { strFileType2 = tag2.FileType + " - " + tag2.Album; } if (bAscending) { return(Util.StringLogicalComparer.Compare(strFileType1, strFileType2)); } else { return(Util.StringLogicalComparer.Compare(strFileType2, strFileType1)); } } return(0); }
/// <summary> /// Obtains a sorted collection of messages from a mailbox. /// </summary> /// <param name="sort">A value of type SortMethod.</param> /// <param name="order">A value of type SortOrder that specifies ascending or descending.</param> /// <param name="records">An interger value containing the number of messages to return.</param> /// <param name="page">An integer value representing the page to display.</param> /// <returns>Returns a ImapMailbox object containing the messages.</returns> public ImapMailbox Sort(SortMethod sort, SortOrder order, int records, int page) { if (!(Connection.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Open)) NoOpenConnection(); Connection.Write(string.Format("SORT ({0}{1}) US-ASCII ALL\r\n", OrderToString(order), SortToString(sort))); string response = Connection.Read(); if (response.StartsWith("*")) { Connection.Read(); MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(response, @"\d+"); if (matches.Count > 0) { int[] ids; if ((page + 1) * records > matches.Count) { page = matches.Count / records; ids = new int[matches.Count % records]; } else ids = new int[records]; for (int i = page * records; i < matches.Count && i < (page + 1) * records; i++) ids[i - page * records] = Convert.ToInt16(matches[i].Value); return Fetch(ids); } } return new ImapMailbox(); }