private void Play_PlaySong_Execute(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) /* Play the compiled WAV file */ { /* Local Variables */ string wavFileAddress; /* Location of the WAV file */ string outputMessage; /* Message to display to the user after build */ /* / Local Variables */ outputMessage = null; /* Make sure the file is saved */ try { if (currentDirectory != null && savedFilename != null) { wavFileAddress = Path.Combine(currentDirectory, Path.ChangeExtension(savedFilename, WAV_FILE_EXT)); /* Make sure the WAV file exists */ if (File.Exists(wavFileAddress)) { songPlayer = new SongPlayer(currentDirectory, savedFilename); songPlayer.PlayWAVFile(); } else { outputMessage = "Must create a WAV file to play first!"; } } else { outputMessage = "Please save the file before playing the song!"; } } /* Handle any error playing the WAV music */ catch { outputMessage = "Song Play Failed\n\nThere was a problem playing the WAV file. Please check if the WAV file is corrupted"; } /* Show Ouput Message if it exists */ finally { if (outputMessage != null) { MessageBox.Show(outputMessage); } } }