/// <summary> /// 更新分店信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="sonStore"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Tuple <bool, string> UpdateSonStore(SonStoreInfoParam sonStore) { var count = helper.QueryScalar($@"select Count(1) from [User] where Phone='{sonStore.Phone}' and Id not in ({sonStore.Id})"); if (Convert.ToInt32(count) > 0) { return(Tuple.Create(false, "该手机号已经存在")); } var count1 = helper.QueryScalar($@"select Count(1) from [StoreDetailInfo] where StoreName='{sonStore.StoreName}' and UserId not in ({sonStore.Id})"); if (Convert.ToInt32(count1) > 0) { return(Tuple.Create(false, "该分店名称已经存在")); } var temp = helper.QueryScalar($@"select [Password] from [User] where Id={sonStore.Id}"); if (temp == null) { return(Tuple.Create(false, "异常参数")); } string password = temp.ToString(); if (password != sonStore.Password) { password = Util.MD5Encrypt(sonStore.Password); } string sql = $@"update [User] set StaffName='{sonStore.StoreName}',Phone='{sonStore.Phone}',Password='******' where Id={sonStore.Id};update StoreDetailInfo set StoreName='{sonStore.StoreName}' where UserId={sonStore.Id};"; return(Tuple.Create(helper.Execute(sql) > 0 ? true : false, string.Empty)); }
/// <summary> /// 添加分店 /// </summary> /// <param name="token"></param> /// <param name="sonStore"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Tuple <bool, string> AddSonStore(string token, SonStoreInfoParam sonStore) { var temp = helper.QueryScalar($@"select Count(1) from [User] where Phone='{sonStore.Phone}'"); if (Convert.ToInt32(temp) > 0) { return(Tuple.Create(false, "该手机号已经存在,无法添加")); } var count1 = helper.QueryScalar($@"select Count(1) from [StoreDetailInfo] where StoreName='{sonStore.StoreName}' and UserId not in ({sonStore.Id})"); if (Convert.ToInt32(count1) > 0) { return(Tuple.Create(false, "该分店名称已经存在")); } // 先根据token,Id,再获取,获取 StoreCode,然后再添加Staff UserEntity user = helper.Query <UserEntity>($@"select a.* from [User] a left join [UserAccessToken] b on a.Id=b.UserId where b.TokenId='{token}'").FirstOrDefault(); if (user.UserType != 2) { return(Tuple.Create(false, "当前账号不是商家,无法创建分店")); } if (!user.StoreManage) { return(Tuple.Create(false, "当前账号没有管理分店的权限")); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.StoreCode)) { return(Tuple.Create(false, "该账号无法添加员工")); } var statistics = GetSonStoreStatistic(token); if (statistics.Item3 <= statistics.Item4) { return(Tuple.Create(false, "该商家最多允许拥有" + statistics.Item3 + "个分店,已经拥有" + statistics.Item4 + "个,无法继续添加")); } var storeId = helper.QueryScalar($@"select Id from [User] where StoreCode='{user.StoreCode}' and UserType=2 and IsMain=1;"); var p = new DynamicParameters(); p.Add("@Id", dbType: DbType.Int32, direction: ParameterDirection.Output); var result = helper.Execute($@"insert into [User] (StoreCode,StaffName,Phone,Password,Enable,Status,UserType) values ('{user.StoreCode}','{sonStore.StoreName}','{sonStore.Phone}','{Util.MD5Encrypt(sonStore.Password)}', '{true}','{true}',{3}); SELECT @Id=SCOPE_IDENTITY()", p); var id = p.Get <int>("@Id"); string sql = $@"insert into StoreDetailInfo (UserId,StoreName,Enabled,CreateTime) values ({id},'{sonStore.StoreName}',{1},'{DateTime.Now}')"; if (storeId != null) { helper.Execute($@"update StoreDetailInfo set ValidSonStoreNum = ValidSonStoreNum+1 where UserId={storeId}"); } return(Tuple.Create(helper.Execute(sql) > 0 ? true : false, string.Empty)); }
public ResponseResultDto <bool> UpdateSonStore(SonStoreInfoParam sonStore) { if (!Util.ValidateMobilePhone(sonStore.Phone)) { return(new ResponseResultDto <bool> { IsSuccess = false, ErrorMessage = "手机号格式不正确", Result = false }); } var result = storeApiRepository.UpdateSonStore(sonStore); return(new ResponseResultDto <bool> { IsSuccess = result.Item1, ErrorMessage = result.Item2, Result = result.Item1 }); }
public ResponseResultDto <bool> AddSonStore(SonStoreInfoParam sonStore) { if (!Util.ValidateMobilePhone(sonStore.Phone)) { return(new ResponseResultDto <bool> { IsSuccess = false, ErrorMessage = "手机号格式不正确", Result = false }); } HttpRequest request = HttpContext.Current.Request; string token = request.Headers.GetValues("Access-Token").FirstOrDefault(); var result = storeApiRepository.AddSonStore(token, sonStore); return(new ResponseResultDto <bool> { IsSuccess = result.Item1, ErrorMessage = result.Item2, Result = result.Item1 }); }