예제 #1
        public async Task ElTestoAsync()
            var request = new SomeOperationRequest();

            var validateApiKey = GetApiKey().ToValidation(new ValidationFailure("ApiKey", "API Key is missing in headers"));

            var v = from v1 in validateApiKey
                    from v2 in Validate(request)
                    select v1 + v2;

            var appCode = from key in v.ToOption()
                          from code in GetAppCode(key)
                          select code;

            TryAsync <Result <SomeOperationResult> > bloo = from req in TryAsync(request)
                                                            from code in appCode.ToTryAsync()
                                                            select StartPaymentAsync(req, code);

            string message = await bloo.Match(
                Succ : tryRes => tryRes.Match(
                    Succ: payRes => $"Payment succeeded! PaymentID = {payRes.PaymentId}",
                    Fail: ex => ex.Message),
                Fail : ex => ex.Message);

예제 #2
        public void ElTesto()
            var request = new SomeOperationRequest();

            var validateApiKey = GetApiKey().ToValidation(new ValidationFailure("ApiKey", "API Key is missing in headers"));

            /* This will create validation on Option<string>. ApiKey will be valid only when present. */

            Validation <ValidationFailure, string> v = from v1 in validateApiKey
                                                       from v2 in Validate(request)
                                                       select v1 + v2;

            /* Alternativly, we can do this way */
            //var v_alt = (apiKey, Validate(request)).Apply((_, req) => req);

            /* C# evaluates functions one-by-one. If one failes, the rest is omitted as we haven't got all required variables (v1 and v2) to complete the last statement */

            /* All of the above is the great use example of monad being aplicative structure */

            Option <string> appCode = from key in v.ToOption()
                                      from code in GetAppCode(key)
                                      select code;

            /* Here we go again. Monad being applicative.
             * Note we have to transform Validation to Option.
             * We might miss something so.
             * Maybe we should consider side-effects?

            Option <Result <SomeOperationResult> > mPaymentResult = (from code in appCode.ToTryOption()
                                                                     from req in TryOption(request)
                                                                     select StartPayment(req, code)).ToOption();

            string result = match(mPaymentResult,
                                  Some: mResult => mResult.Match(
                                      Succ: res => $"Success! Payment ID = {res.PaymentId}",
                                      Fail: ex => ex.Message),
                                  None: () => "Invalid requqest.");

            /* I guess we could do some more work here to make it more elegant, but I have enough.
             * It kind of makes sense. We can get result only in if the validation passes and we have all required parameters.
             * So we have to match first if we got any result and then if the result is Ok or Exception.
             * We could still do it */
예제 #3
 Result <SomeOperationResult> StartPayment(SomeOperationRequest request, string appCode) => new Result <SomeOperationResult>(new SomeOperationResult());
예제 #4
 Task <Result <SomeOperationResult> > StartPaymentAsync(SomeOperationRequest request, string appCode) => Task.FromResult(new Result <SomeOperationResult>(new SomeOperationResult()
예제 #5
         * Based on:
         * https://github.com/louthy/language-ext/issues/313

        Validation <ValidationFailure, SomeOperationRequest> Validate(SomeOperationRequest request) => Validation <ValidationFailure, SomeOperationRequest> .Success(request);