public void CandidatesStringGenerateAndParse() { // When a board created from the CandidateString of another board is the same as that board we know the parser and generator for the CandidateString is symmetric. // Note that that means we're not testing correctness, just that we can read what we output. foreach (var board in Puzzles.uniqueClassics) // list of 9*9 puzzles { Solver solver = SolverFactory.CreateFromGivens(board.Item1); string candidatesBase = solver.CandidateString; // Since the solver disregards trivial masks we have to create the solver twice to weed out any "missing" candidates. Solver newSolver = SolverFactory.CreateFromCandidates(candidatesBase); Solver newSolver2 = SolverFactory.CreateFromCandidates(newSolver.CandidateString); Assert.AreEqual(solver.HEIGHT, newSolver.HEIGHT); Assert.AreEqual(solver.HEIGHT, newSolver2.HEIGHT); Assert.AreEqual(newSolver.CandidateString, newSolver2.CandidateString); } foreach (var board in Puzzles.uniqueVariantFPuzzles) // Some of these aren't 9*9, atm this covers both <9*9 and >9*9 { Solver solver = SolverFactory.CreateFromFPuzzles(board.Item1); string candidatesBase = solver.CandidateString; // Since the solver disregards trivial masks we have to create the solver twice to weed out any "missing" candidates. Solver newSolver = SolverFactory.CreateFromCandidates(candidatesBase); Solver newSolver2 = SolverFactory.CreateFromCandidates(newSolver.CandidateString); Assert.AreEqual(solver.HEIGHT, newSolver.HEIGHT); Assert.AreEqual(solver.HEIGHT, newSolver2.HEIGHT); Assert.AreEqual(newSolver.CandidateString, newSolver2.CandidateString); } }
public void SolveUniqueClassicFPuzzles() { foreach (var curBoard in Puzzles.uniqueClassicFPuzzles) { Solver solver = SolverFactory.CreateFromFPuzzles(curBoard.Item1); solver.TestUniqueSolution(curBoard.Item2); } }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { // Useful for quickly testing a puzzle without changing commandline parameters #if false args = new string[] { @"-f=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", //"-b=9", //"-c=renban:r1-6c1", //"-c=chess:v1,2,3,4,5,6,7;1,1;2,2;3,3;4,4;5,5;6,6;7,7;8,8", //"-c=ratio:neg2", //"-c=difference:neg1", //"-c=taxi:4", //"-o=candidates.txt", //"-uv", //"-st", "-ps", }; #endif Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); string processName = Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName; bool showHelp = args.Length == 0; string fpuzzlesURL = null; string givens = null; string blankGridSizeString = null; string outputPath = null; List <string> constraints = new(); bool multiThread = false; bool solveBruteForce = false; bool solveRandomBruteForce = false; bool solveLogically = false; bool solutionCount = false; bool sortSolutionCount = false; bool check = false; bool trueCandidates = false; bool fpuzzlesOut = false; bool visitURL = false; bool print = false; string candidates = null; bool listen = false; string portStr = null; ulong maxSolutionCount = 0; var options = new OptionSet { // Non-solve options { "h|help", "Show this message and exit.", h => showHelp = h != null }, // Input board options { "b|blank=", "Use a blank grid of a square size.", b => blankGridSizeString = b }, { "g|givens=", "Provide a digit string to represent the givens for the puzzle.", g => givens = g }, { "a|candidates=", "Provide a candidate string of height^3 numbers.", a => candidates = a }, { "f|fpuzzles=", "Import a full f-puzzles URL (Everything after '?load=').", f => fpuzzlesURL = f }, { "c|constraint=", "Provide a constraint to use.", c => constraints.Add(c) }, // Pre-solve options { "p|print", "Print the input board.", p => print = p != null }, // Solve options { "s|solve", "Provide a single brute force solution.", s => solveBruteForce = s != null }, { "d|random", "Provide a single random brute force solution.", d => solveRandomBruteForce = d != null }, { "l|logical", "Attempt to solve the puzzle logically.", l => solveLogically = l != null }, { "r|truecandidates", "Find the true candidates for the puzzle (union of all solutions).", r => trueCandidates = r != null }, { "k|check", "Check if there are 0, 1, or 2+ solutions.", k => check = k != null }, { "n|solutioncount", "Provide an exact solution count.", n => solutionCount = n != null }, { "x|maxcount=", "Specify an maximum solution count.", x => maxSolutionCount = x != null?ulong.Parse(x) : 0 }, { "t|multithread", "Use multithreading.", t => multiThread = t != null }, // Post-solve options { "o|out=", "Output solution(s) to file.", o => outputPath = o }, { "z|sort", "Sort the solution count (requires reading all solutions into memory).", sort => sortSolutionCount = sort != null }, { "u|url", "Write solution as f-puzzles URL.", u => fpuzzlesOut = u != null }, { "v|visit", "Automatically visit the output URL with default browser (combine with -u).", v => visitURL = v != null }, // Websocket options { "listen", "Listen for websocket connections", l => listen = l != null }, { "port=", "Change the listen port for websocket connections (default 4545)", p => portStr = p }, }; List <string> extra; try { // parse the command line extra = options.Parse(args); } catch (Exception e) { // output some error message Console.WriteLine($"{processName}: {e.Message}"); Console.WriteLine($"Try '{processName} --help' for more information."); return; } if (showHelp) { Console.WriteLine($"SudokuSolver version {SudokuSolverVersion.version} created by David Clamage (\"Rangsk\")."); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Options:"); options.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Constraints:"); List <string> constraintNames = ConstraintManager.ConstraintAttributes.Select(attr => $"{attr.ConsoleName} ({attr.DisplayName})").ToList(); constraintNames.Sort(); foreach (var constraintName in constraintNames) { Console.WriteLine($"\t{constraintName}"); } return; } if (listen) { int port = 4545; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(portStr)) { port = int.Parse(portStr); } using WebsocketListener websocketListener = new(); await websocketListener.Listen("localhost", port); Console.WriteLine("Press CTRL + Q to quit."); while (true) { ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey(true); if (key.Modifiers == ConsoleModifiers.Control && key.Key == ConsoleKey.Q) { return; } } } bool haveFPuzzlesURL = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fpuzzlesURL); bool haveGivens = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(givens); bool haveBlankGridSize = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(blankGridSizeString); bool haveCandidates = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(candidates); if (!haveFPuzzlesURL && !haveGivens && !haveBlankGridSize && !haveCandidates) { Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: Must provide either an f-puzzles URL or a givens string or a blank grid or a candidates string."); Console.WriteLine($"Try '{processName} --help' for more information."); showHelp = true; } int numBoardsSpecified = 0; if (haveFPuzzlesURL) { numBoardsSpecified++; } if (haveGivens) { numBoardsSpecified++; } if (haveBlankGridSize) { numBoardsSpecified++; } if (haveCandidates) { numBoardsSpecified++; } if (numBoardsSpecified != 1) { Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: Cannot provide more than one set of givens (f-puzzles URL, given string, blank grid, candidates)."); Console.WriteLine($"Try '{processName} --help' for more information."); return; } Solver solver; try { if (haveBlankGridSize) { if (int.TryParse(blankGridSizeString, out int blankGridSize) && blankGridSize > 0 && blankGridSize < 32) { solver = SolverFactory.CreateBlank(blankGridSize, constraints); } else { Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: Blank grid size must be between 1 and 31"); Console.WriteLine($"Try '{processName} --help' for more information."); return; } } else if (haveGivens) { solver = SolverFactory.CreateFromGivens(givens, constraints); } else if (haveFPuzzlesURL) { solver = SolverFactory.CreateFromFPuzzles(fpuzzlesURL, constraints); Console.WriteLine($"Imported \"{solver.Title ?? "Untitled"}\" by {solver.Author ?? "Unknown"}"); } else // if (haveCandidates) { solver = SolverFactory.CreateFromCandidates(candidates, constraints); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return; } if (print) { Console.WriteLine("Input puzzle:"); solver.Print(); } if (solveLogically) { Console.WriteLine("Solving logically:"); StringBuilder stepsDescription = new(); var logicResult = solver.ConsolidateBoard(stepsDescription); Console.WriteLine(stepsDescription); if (logicResult == LogicResult.Invalid) { Console.WriteLine($"Board is invalid!"); } solver.Print(); if (outputPath != null) { try { using StreamWriter file = new(outputPath); await file.WriteLineAsync(solver.OutputString); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to write to file: {e.Message}"); } } if (fpuzzlesOut) { OpenFPuzzles(solver, visitURL); } } if (solveBruteForce) { Console.WriteLine("Finding a solution with brute force:"); if (!solver.FindSolution(multiThread: multiThread)) { Console.WriteLine($"No solutions found!"); } else { solver.Print(); if (outputPath != null) { try { using StreamWriter file = new(outputPath); await file.WriteLineAsync(solver.OutputString); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to write to file: {e.Message}"); } } if (fpuzzlesOut) { OpenFPuzzles(solver, visitURL); } } } if (solveRandomBruteForce) { Console.WriteLine("Finding a random solution with brute force:"); if (!solver.FindSolution(multiThread: multiThread, isRandom: true)) { Console.WriteLine($"No solutions found!"); } else { solver.Print(); if (outputPath != null) { try { using StreamWriter file = new(outputPath); await file.WriteLineAsync(solver.OutputString); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to write to file: {e.Message}"); } } if (fpuzzlesOut) { OpenFPuzzles(solver, visitURL); } } } if (trueCandidates) { Console.WriteLine("Finding true candidates:"); int currentLineCursor = Console.CursorTop; object consoleLock = new(); if (!solver.FillRealCandidates(multiThread: multiThread, progressEvent: (uint[] board) => { uint[,] board2d = new uint[solver.HEIGHT, solver.WIDTH]; for (int i = 0; i < solver.HEIGHT; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < solver.WIDTH; j++) { int cellIndex = i * solver.WIDTH + j; board2d[i, j] = board[cellIndex]; } } lock (consoleLock) { ConsoleUtility.PrintBoard(board2d, solver.Regions, Console.Out); Console.SetCursorPosition(0, currentLineCursor); } })) { Console.WriteLine($"No solutions found!"); } else { solver.Print(); if (outputPath != null) { try { using StreamWriter file = new(outputPath); await file.WriteLineAsync(solver.OutputString); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to write to file: {e.Message}"); } } if (fpuzzlesOut) { OpenFPuzzles(solver, visitURL); } } } if (solutionCount) { Console.WriteLine("Finding solution count..."); try { Action <Solver> solutionEvent = null; using StreamWriter file = (outputPath != null) ? new(outputPath) : null; if (file != null) { solutionEvent = (Solver solver) => { try { file.WriteLine(solver.GivenString); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to write to file: {e.Message}"); } }; } ulong numSolutions = solver.CountSolutions(maxSolutions: maxSolutionCount, multiThread: multiThread, progressEvent: (ulong count) => { ReplaceLine($"(In progress) Found {count} solutions in {watch.Elapsed}."); }, solutionEvent: solutionEvent); if (maxSolutionCount > 0) { numSolutions = Math.Min(numSolutions, maxSolutionCount); } if (maxSolutionCount == 0 || numSolutions < maxSolutionCount) { ReplaceLine($"\rThere are exactly {numSolutions} solutions."); } else { ReplaceLine($"\rThere are at least {numSolutions} solutions."); } Console.WriteLine(); if (file != null && sortSolutionCount) { Console.WriteLine("Sorting..."); file.Close(); string[] lines = await File.ReadAllLinesAsync(outputPath); Array.Sort(lines); await File.WriteAllLinesAsync(outputPath, lines); Console.WriteLine("Done."); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: {e.Message}"); } } if (check) { Console.WriteLine("Checking..."); ulong numSolutions = solver.CountSolutions(2, multiThread); Console.WriteLine($"There are {(numSolutions <= 1 ? numSolutions.ToString() : "multiple")} solutions."); } watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Took {watch.Elapsed}"); }