public override void WriteNamespace(SolutionFile File, string Namespace, Action Body) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@namespace).WriteLine(Namespace); File.WriteLine(); File.Indent(this, Body); }
public override void WriteNamespace(SolutionFile File, string Namespace, Action Body) { var RootlessNamespace = Namespace.SkipUntilOrEmpty("."); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(RootlessNamespace)) { Body(); return; } File.Write(Keywords.Namespace); File.WriteSpace(); File.Write(Namespace); File.WriteLine(); File.Indent(this, Body); File.Write(Keywords.End); File.WriteSpace(); File.Write(Keywords.Namespace); }
public override void WriteMethod(SolutionFile File, SolutionProjectLanguageMethod Method, SolutionBuilder Context) { #region WriteMethodBody Action WriteMethodBody = delegate { this.WriteMethodBody(File, Method.Code, Context); if (!Method.IsConstructor) { File.WriteIndent(); // empty? var IsStatic = Method.IsStatic; if (Method.DeclaringType != null) { if (Method.DeclaringType.IsStatic) { IsStatic = true; } } if (IsStatic) { File.Write("0"); } else { if (Method.ReturnType == null) { File.Write("()"); } } File.WriteLine(); } }; #endregion if (Method.IsLambda) { var Parameters = Method.Parameters.ToQueue(); var rec = default(Action <bool>); rec = WriteIndent => { if (WriteIndent) { File.WriteIndent(); } File.WriteSpace(; if (Parameters.Count == 0) { File.Write("(").Write(")").WriteSpace(); } else { InternalWriteParameters(File, Method, Parameters.Dequeue()); } File.WriteSpaces("->").WriteLine(); File.Indent(this, delegate { if (Parameters.Count == 0) { WriteMethodBody(); } else { rec(true); } } ); }; rec(false); } else { this.WriteSummary(File, Method.Summary, Method.Parameters.ToArray()); File.WriteIndent(); if (Method.Name == "Main") { File.Write("[<Microsoft.FSharp.Core.EntryPoint>]"); File.WriteLine(); File.WriteIndent(); } if (Method.DeclaringType.IsStatic) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.let); } else { if (Method.IsOverride) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@override); } else { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.member); } File.Write("this").Write("."); } File.Write(Method.Name); File.Write("("); InternalWriteParameters(File, Method, Method.Parameters.ToArray()); File.Write(")"); File.WriteSpace().WriteLine("="); File.Indent(this, WriteMethodBody); } }
public override void WriteType(SolutionFile File, SolutionProjectLanguageType Type, SolutionBuilder Context) { // File.Write(this, Context, Type.Comments); File.Region( delegate { WriteNamespace(File, Type.Namespace, delegate { File.WriteUsingNamespaceList(this, Type); File.WriteLine(); this.WriteSummary( File, Type.Summary ); File.Region( delegate { File.WriteIndent(); var Constructor = Type.Methods.SingleOrDefault(k => k.IsConstructor); if (Type.IsStatic) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@module); WriteTypeName(File, Type); File.WriteSpace(); File.Write("="); File.WriteLine(); } else { File.Write("[<Sealed>]"); File.WriteLine(); File.WriteIndent(); File.WriteSpace(Keywords.type); if (Type.IsInternal) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@internal); } WriteTypeName(File, Type); File.Write("("); if (Constructor != null) { this.InternalWriteParameters(File, Constructor, Constructor.Parameters.ToArray()); } File.WriteSpace(")"); File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@as); File.WriteSpace("me"); File.WriteSpace("="); File.WriteLine(); File.Indent(this, delegate { if (Type.BaseType != null) { File.WriteIndent(); File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@inherit); WriteTypeName(File, Type.BaseType); File.Write("("); File.WriteSpace(")"); File.WriteLine(); } // only need this if there are any members beyond ctor? File.WriteIndent(); File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@let); File.Write("this"); File.WriteSpaces("="); File.Write("me"); File.WriteLine(); File.WriteLine(); File.WriteIndent(); File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@do); File.Write("()"); File.WriteLine(); File.WriteLine(); } ); } // .ctor ! File.Indent(this, delegate { if (!Type.IsStatic) { #region Fields with FieldConstructor Type.Fields.WithEach( Field => { // if (Field.FieldConstructor != null) { File.WriteIndent().WriteSpace(Keywords.let).Write(Field.Name).WriteSpaces("="); this.WritePseudoCallExpression(File, Field.FieldConstructor, Context); } else { // first asignment shall do a let if (Field.IsReadOnly) { return; } File.WriteIndent().WriteSpace(Keywords.let).WriteSpace(Keywords.mutable); File.Write(Field.Name).WriteSpaces(":"); WriteTypeName(File, Field.FieldType); File.WriteSpaces("=").Write(Keywords.@null); } File.WriteLine(); } ); #endregion if (Constructor != null) { this.WriteMethodBody( File, Constructor.Code, Context ); } File.WriteLine(); File.WriteLine(); } foreach (var item in (from m in Type.Methods where !m.IsConstructor select m).ToArray()) { if (item.DeclaringType == null) { item.DeclaringType = Type; } this.WriteMethod( File, item, Context ); File.WriteLine(); } } ); } ); } ); } ); }
public override void WriteType(SolutionFile File, SolutionProjectLanguageType Type, SolutionBuilder Context) { File.Write(this, Context, Type.Comments); // should the namespaces be clickable? File.WriteUsingNamespaceList(this, Type); File.WriteLine(); File.Region( delegate { WriteNamespace(File, Type.Namespace, delegate { this.WriteSummary( File, Type.Summary ); File.Region( delegate { File.WriteIndent(); if (Type.IsPartial) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.Partial); } File.WriteSpace(Keywords.Public); if (Type.IsSealed) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.NotInheritable); } if (!Type.IsStatic) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.Class); } else { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.Module); } File.Write(Type); File.WriteLine(); File.Indent(this, delegate { Type.BaseType.With( BaseType => { File.WriteIndent().WriteSpace(Keywords.Inherits); WriteTypeName(File, BaseType); File.WriteLine(); } ); #region Fields Type.Fields.WithEach( Field => { this.WriteSummary(File, Field.Summary); File.WriteIndent(); if (Field.IsPrivate) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.Private); } else { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.Public); } if (Field.IsReadOnly) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.ReadOnly); } File.WriteSpace(Field.Name); File.WriteSpace(Keywords.As); if (Field.FieldConstructor == null) { WriteTypeName(File, Field.FieldType); } else { WritePseudoCallExpression(File, Field.FieldConstructor, Context); } File.WriteLine(); File.WriteLine(); } ); #endregion #region Methods foreach (var item in Type.Methods.ToArray()) { if (item.DeclaringType == null) { item.DeclaringType = Type; } this.WriteMethod( File, item, Context ); File.WriteLine(); } #endregion File.WriteLine(); } ); File.WriteIndent(); File.Write(Keywords.End); File.WriteSpace(); if (!Type.IsStatic) { File.Write(Keywords.Class); } else { File.Write(Keywords.Module); } } ); File.WriteLine(); } ); } ); File.WriteLine(); }
public override void WriteType(SolutionFile File, SolutionProjectLanguageType Type, SolutionBuilder Context) { File.Write(this, Context, Type.Comments); File.WriteUsingNamespaceList(this, Type); File.WriteLine(); File.Region( delegate { WriteNamespace(File, Type.Namespace, delegate { if (Type.Summary != null) { this.WriteSummary( File, Type.Summary ); } File.Region( delegate { File.WriteIndent(); if (Type.IsInternal) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@internal); } else { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@public); } if (Type.IsStatic) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@static); } if (Type.IsSealed) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@sealed); } if (Type.IsPartial) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@partial); } if (Type.IsInterface) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@interface); } else { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@class); } File.Write(Type); if (Type.BaseType != null) { File.WriteSpaces(":"); WriteTypeName(File, Type.BaseType); } File.WriteLine(); File.WriteIndent(); File.WriteLine("{"); File.Indent(this, delegate { #region Fields Type.Fields.WithEach( Field => { this.WriteSummary(File, Field.Summary); File.WriteIndent(); if (Field.IsPrivate) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@private); } else { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@public); } if (Field.IsReadOnly) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@readonly); } WriteTypeName(File, Field.FieldType); File.WriteSpace().Write(Field.Name); if (Field.FieldConstructor != null) { File.WriteSpaces("="); this.WritePseudoCallExpression(File, Field.FieldConstructor, Context); } File.WriteLine(";"); File.WriteLine(); } ); #endregion #region Properties foreach (var m in Type.Properties.ToArray()) { File.WriteIndent(); if (Type.IsInterface) { } else { File.Write(Keywords.@public); File.WriteSpace(); if (m.IsStatic) { File.Write(Keywords.@static); File.WriteSpace(); } } WriteTypeName(File, m.PropertyType); File.WriteSpace(); File.Write(m.Name); if (m.IsAutoProperty) { File.WriteSpace(); File.Write("{"); } else { File.WriteLine(); File.WriteIndent(); File.WriteLine("{"); } Action <SolutionProjectLanguageMethod, Keyword> Property = (mm, kk) => { if (mm != null) { if (m.IsAutoProperty) { File.WriteSpace(); } else { File.WriteIndent(); } File.Write(kk); if (mm.Code == null) { File.Write(";"); if (m.IsAutoProperty) { } else { File.WriteLine(); } } else { File.WriteLine(); this.WriteMethodBody(File, mm.Code, Context); } } }; Action PropertyBody = delegate { Property(m.GetMethod, Keywords.get); Property(m.SetMethod, Keywords.set); }; Action <Action> PropertyIndent = Body => File.Indent(this, Body); if (m.IsAutoProperty) { PropertyBody(); File.WriteSpace(); } else { File.Indent(this, PropertyBody); File.WriteIndent(); } File.WriteLine("}"); } #endregion if (Type.Properties.Any()) { File.WriteLine(); } foreach (var item in Type.Methods.ToArray()) { if (item.DeclaringType == null) { item.DeclaringType = Type; } this.WriteMethod( File, item, Context ); File.WriteLine(); } } ); File.WriteIndent().WriteLine("}"); } ); } ); } ); }
public override void WritePseudoExpression(SolutionFile File, object Parameter, SolutionBuilder Context) { var Code = Parameter as string; if (Code != null) { File.Write(Code); return; } var Argument = Parameter as SolutionProjectLanguageArgument; if (Argument != null) { File.Write(Argument.Name); return; } { var Constant = Parameter as PseudoStringConstantExpression; if (Constant != null) { var Value = (string)Constant.Value; File.Write(SolutionFileTextFragment.String, // jsc escape string "@\"" + Value.Replace("\"", "\"\"") + "\"" ); return; } } { var Constant = Parameter as PseudoInt32ConstantExpression; if (Constant != null) { File.Write("" + Constant.Value); return; } } { var Constant = Parameter as PseudoDoubleConstantExpression; if (Constant != null) { var Value = "" + Constant.Value; if (!Value.Contains(".")) Value += ".0"; File.Write(Value); return; } } var Call = Parameter as PseudoCallExpression; if (Call != null) { WritePseudoCallExpression(File, Call, Context); return; } var This = Parameter as PseudoThisExpression; if (This != null) { File.Write(Keywords.@this); return; } var Base = Parameter as PseudoBaseExpression; if (Base != null) { File.Write(Keywords.@base); return; } var Type = Parameter as SolutionProjectLanguageType; if (Type != null) { File.Write(Keywords.@typeof); File.Write("("); WriteTypeName(File, Type); File.Write(")"); return; } var XElement = Parameter as XElement; if (XElement != null) { WritePseudoCallExpression(File, XElement.ToPseudoCallExpression(), Context); return; } var Method = Parameter as SolutionProjectLanguageMethod; if (Method != null) { WriteMethod(File, Method, Context); return; } // F# match would be awesome here? :) var Field = Parameter as SolutionProjectLanguageField; if (Field != null) { // DeclaringType Object? File.Write(Field.Name); } #region PseudoArrayExpression var Array = Parameter as PseudoArrayExpression; if (Array != null) { File.Indent(this, delegate { File.WriteLine(); File.WriteIndent(); File.Write(Keywords.@new); File.WriteSpace(); WriteTypeName(File, Array.ElementType); File.Write("[]"); File.WriteSpace(); File.Write("{"); File.Indent(this, delegate { File.WriteLine(); File.WriteIndent(); Func<object, Action> AtWritePseudoExpression = k => () => WritePseudoExpression(File, k, Context); Action WriteSeparator = delegate { File.Write(","); File.WriteLine(); File.WriteIndent(); }; Array.Items.ToArray().Select(AtWritePseudoExpression).SelectWithSeparator(WriteSeparator).Invoke(); } ); File.WriteLine(); File.WriteIndent(); File.Write("}"); } ); File.WriteLine(); File.WriteIndent(); return; } #endregion }
public override void WriteNamespace(SolutionFile File, string Namespace, Action Body) { File.Write(Keywords.@namespace); File.WriteSpace(); File.Write(Namespace); File.WriteLine(); File.WriteLine("{"); File.Indent(this, Body); File.WriteLine("}"); }
private void InternalWriteParameterList(SolutionFile File, PseudoCallExpression Lambda, SolutionBuilder Context) { File.Write("("); #region HasComplexParameter var HasComplexParameter = Lambda.ParameterExpressions.Any( k => { if (k is XElement) return true; // anonymous method! if (k is SolutionProjectLanguageMethod) return true; var Call = k as PseudoCallExpression; if (Call != null) { // what? :) if (Call.XLinq != null) return true; } return false; } ); #endregion Action Body = delegate { var Parameters = Lambda.ParameterExpressions.ToArray(); var FirstParameter = 0; if (IsExtensionMethod(Lambda)) FirstParameter = 1; for (int i = FirstParameter; i < Parameters.Length; i++) { if (i > FirstParameter) { if (HasComplexParameter) { File.WriteLine(","); File.WriteIndent(); } else { File.WriteSpace(","); } } var Parameter = Parameters[i]; WritePseudoExpression(File, Parameter, Context); } }; if (HasComplexParameter) { File.WriteLine(); File.Indent(this, delegate { if (Lambda.ParameterExpressions.FirstOrDefault() is XElement) { // xlinq has no indent... } else { File.WriteIndent(); } Body(); //File.WriteLine(); } ); File.WriteIndent(); } else { Body(); } File.Write(")"); }
public override void WriteMethodBody(SolutionFile File, SolutionProjectLanguageCode Code, SolutionBuilder Context) { // should this be an extension method to all languages? Action WriteCodeStatements = delegate { var History = Code.History.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < History.Length; i++) { var IsReturnStatement = false; Code.OwnerMethod.With( m => { if (m.ReturnType == null) return; if (m.IsConstructor) return; IsReturnStatement = i == History.Length - 1; } ); var item = History[i]; { var Comment = item as string; if (Comment != null) { File.WriteIndent(); this.WriteCommentLine(File, Comment); } } { var Comment = item as SolutionFileComment; if (Comment != null) { Comment.WriteTo(File, this, Context); return; } } var If = item as PseudoIfExpression; if (If != null) { if (If.IsConditionalCompilationDirective) { this.WriteConditionalCompilation(File, If, Context); } else { File.WriteIndent().WriteSpace(Keywords.@if); File.Write("("); WritePseudoExpression(File, If.Expression, Context); File.Write(")"); File.WriteLine(); WriteMethodBody(File, If.TrueCase, Context); File.WriteLine(); if (If.FalseCase != null) { File.WriteIndent().WriteLine(Keywords.@else); WriteMethodBody(File, If.FalseCase, Context); } } return; } var Lambda = item as PseudoCallExpression; if (Lambda != null) { if (Code.IsLambdaExpression) { WritePseudoCallExpression(File, Lambda, Context); } else { if (Lambda.Comment != null) Lambda.Comment.WriteTo(File, this, Context); if (Lambda.Method != null) { File.WriteIndent(); if (IsReturnStatement) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@return); } WritePseudoCallExpression(File, Lambda, Context); File.WriteLine(";"); } } } } }; Action WriteCodeStatementsAsBlock = delegate { File.WriteIndent().WriteLine("{"); File.Indent(this, WriteCodeStatements); File.WriteIndent().Write("}"); }; Code.OwnerIfExpression.With(n => n.IsConditionalCompilationDirective, n => WriteCodeStatementsAsBlock = WriteCodeStatements); if (Code.IsLambdaExpression) WriteCodeStatementsAsBlock = WriteCodeStatements; WriteCodeStatementsAsBlock(); }
public override void WriteMethod(SolutionFile File, SolutionProjectLanguageMethod Method, SolutionBuilder Context) { #region WriteMethodBody Action WriteMethodBody = delegate { this.WriteMethodBody(File, Method.Code, Context); if (!Method.IsConstructor) { File.WriteIndent(); // empty? var IsStatic = Method.IsStatic; if (Method.DeclaringType != null) if (Method.DeclaringType.IsStatic) IsStatic = true; if (IsStatic) { File.Write("0"); } else { if (Method.ReturnType == null) File.Write("()"); } File.WriteLine(); } }; #endregion if (Method.IsLambda) { var Parameters = Method.Parameters.ToQueue(); var rec = default(Action<bool>); rec = WriteIndent => { if (WriteIndent) File.WriteIndent(); File.WriteSpace(; if (Parameters.Count == 0) { File.Write("(").Write(")").WriteSpace(); } else { InternalWriteParameters(File, Method, Parameters.Dequeue()); } File.WriteSpaces("->").WriteLine(); File.Indent(this, delegate { if (Parameters.Count == 0) WriteMethodBody(); else rec(true); } ); }; rec(false); } else { this.WriteSummary(File, Method.Summary, Method.Parameters.ToArray()); File.WriteIndent(); if (Method.Name == "Main") { File.Write("[<Microsoft.FSharp.Core.EntryPoint>]"); File.WriteLine(); File.WriteIndent(); } if (Method.DeclaringType.IsStatic) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.let); } else { if (Method.IsOverride) File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@override); else File.WriteSpace(Keywords.member); File.Write("this").Write("."); } File.Write(Method.Name); File.Write("("); InternalWriteParameters(File, Method, Method.Parameters.ToArray()); File.Write(")"); File.WriteSpace().WriteLine("="); File.Indent(this, WriteMethodBody); } }
public override void WriteType(SolutionFile File, SolutionProjectLanguageType Type, SolutionBuilder Context) { // File.Write(this, Context, Type.Comments); File.Region( delegate { WriteNamespace(File, Type.Namespace, delegate { File.WriteUsingNamespaceList(this, Type); File.WriteLine(); this.WriteSummary( File, Type.Summary ); File.Region( delegate { File.WriteIndent(); var Constructor = Type.Methods.SingleOrDefault(k => k.IsConstructor); if (Type.IsStatic) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@module); WriteTypeName(File, Type); File.WriteSpace(); File.Write("="); File.WriteLine(); } else { File.Write("[<Sealed>]"); File.WriteLine(); File.WriteIndent(); File.WriteSpace(Keywords.type); if (Type.IsInternal) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@internal); } WriteTypeName(File, Type); File.Write("("); if (Constructor != null) this.InternalWriteParameters(File, Constructor, Constructor.Parameters.ToArray()); File.WriteSpace(")"); File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@as); File.WriteSpace("me"); File.WriteSpace("="); File.WriteLine(); File.Indent(this, delegate { if (Type.BaseType != null) { File.WriteIndent(); File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@inherit); WriteTypeName(File, Type.BaseType); File.Write("("); File.WriteSpace(")"); File.WriteLine(); } // only need this if there are any members beyond ctor? File.WriteIndent(); File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@let); File.Write("this"); File.WriteSpaces("="); File.Write("me"); File.WriteLine(); File.WriteLine(); File.WriteIndent(); File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@do); File.Write("()"); File.WriteLine(); File.WriteLine(); } ); } // .ctor ! File.Indent(this, delegate { if (!Type.IsStatic) { #region Fields with FieldConstructor Type.Fields.WithEach( Field => { // if (Field.FieldConstructor != null) { File.WriteIndent().WriteSpace(Keywords.let).Write(Field.Name).WriteSpaces("="); this.WritePseudoCallExpression(File, Field.FieldConstructor, Context); } else { // first asignment shall do a let if (Field.IsReadOnly) return; File.WriteIndent().WriteSpace(Keywords.let).WriteSpace(Keywords.mutable); File.Write(Field.Name).WriteSpaces(":"); WriteTypeName(File, Field.FieldType); File.WriteSpaces("=").Write(Keywords.@null); } File.WriteLine(); } ); #endregion if (Constructor != null) { this.WriteMethodBody( File, Constructor.Code, Context ); } File.WriteLine(); File.WriteLine(); } foreach (var item in (from m in Type.Methods where !m.IsConstructor select m).ToArray()) { if (item.DeclaringType == null) item.DeclaringType = Type; this.WriteMethod( File, item, Context ); File.WriteLine(); } } ); } ); } ); } ); }
public override void WriteType(SolutionFile File, SolutionProjectLanguageType Type, SolutionBuilder Context) { File.Write(this, Context, Type.Comments); // should the namespaces be clickable? File.WriteUsingNamespaceList(this, Type); File.WriteLine(); File.Region( delegate { WriteNamespace(File, Type.Namespace, delegate { this.WriteSummary( File, Type.Summary ); File.Region( delegate { File.WriteIndent(); if (Type.IsPartial) File.WriteSpace(Keywords.Partial); File.WriteSpace(Keywords.Public); if (Type.IsSealed) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.NotInheritable); } if (!Type.IsStatic) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.Class); } else { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.Module); } File.Write(Type); File.WriteLine(); File.Indent(this, delegate { Type.BaseType.With( BaseType => { File.WriteIndent().WriteSpace(Keywords.Inherits); WriteTypeName(File, BaseType); File.WriteLine(); } ); #region Fields Type.Fields.WithEach( Field => { this.WriteSummary(File, Field.Summary); File.WriteIndent(); if (Field.IsPrivate) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.Private); } else { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.Public); } if (Field.IsReadOnly) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.ReadOnly); } File.WriteSpace(Field.Name); File.WriteSpace(Keywords.As); if (Field.FieldConstructor == null) { WriteTypeName(File, Field.FieldType); } else { WritePseudoCallExpression(File, Field.FieldConstructor, Context); } File.WriteLine(); File.WriteLine(); } ); #endregion #region Methods foreach (var item in Type.Methods.ToArray()) { if (item.DeclaringType == null) item.DeclaringType = Type; this.WriteMethod( File, item, Context ); File.WriteLine(); } #endregion File.WriteLine(); } ); File.WriteIndent(); File.Write(Keywords.End); File.WriteSpace(); if (!Type.IsStatic) { File.Write(Keywords.Class); } else { File.Write(Keywords.Module); } } ); File.WriteLine(); } ); } ); File.WriteLine(); }
public override void WriteMethodBody(SolutionFile File, SolutionProjectLanguageCode Code, SolutionBuilder Context) { // should this be an extension method to all languages? Action WriteCodeStatements = delegate { var History = Code.History.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < History.Length; i++) { var IsReturnStatement = false; Code.OwnerMethod.With( m => { if (m.ReturnType == null) { return; } if (m.IsConstructor) { return; } IsReturnStatement = i == History.Length - 1; } ); var item = History[i]; { var Comment = item as string; if (Comment != null) { File.WriteIndent(); this.WriteCommentLine(File, Comment); } } { var Comment = item as SolutionFileComment; if (Comment != null) { Comment.WriteTo(File, this, Context); return; } } var If = item as PseudoIfExpression; if (If != null) { if (If.IsConditionalCompilationDirective) { this.WriteConditionalCompilation(File, If, Context); } else { File.WriteIndent().WriteSpace(Keywords.@if); File.Write("("); WritePseudoExpression(File, If.Expression, Context); File.Write(")"); File.WriteLine(); WriteMethodBody(File, If.TrueCase, Context); File.WriteLine(); if (If.FalseCase != null) { File.WriteIndent().WriteLine(Keywords.@else); WriteMethodBody(File, If.FalseCase, Context); } } return; } var Lambda = item as PseudoCallExpression; if (Lambda != null) { if (Code.IsLambdaExpression) { WritePseudoCallExpression(File, Lambda, Context); } else { if (Lambda.Comment != null) { Lambda.Comment.WriteTo(File, this, Context); } if (Lambda.Method != null) { File.WriteIndent(); if (IsReturnStatement) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@return); } WritePseudoCallExpression(File, Lambda, Context); File.WriteLine(";"); } } } } }; Action WriteCodeStatementsAsBlock = delegate { File.WriteIndent().WriteLine("{"); File.Indent(this, WriteCodeStatements); File.WriteIndent().Write("}"); }; Code.OwnerIfExpression.With(n => n.IsConditionalCompilationDirective, n => WriteCodeStatementsAsBlock = WriteCodeStatements); if (Code.IsLambdaExpression) { WriteCodeStatementsAsBlock = WriteCodeStatements; } WriteCodeStatementsAsBlock(); }
public override void WriteType(SolutionFile File, SolutionProjectLanguageType Type, SolutionBuilder Context) { File.Write(this, Context, Type.Comments); File.WriteUsingNamespaceList(this, Type); File.WriteLine(); File.Region( delegate { WriteNamespace(File, Type.Namespace, delegate { if (Type.Summary != null) this.WriteSummary( File, Type.Summary ); File.Region( delegate { File.WriteIndent(); if (Type.IsInternal) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@internal); } else { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@public); } if (Type.IsStatic) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@static); } if (Type.IsSealed) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@sealed); } if (Type.IsPartial) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@partial); } if (Type.IsInterface) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@interface); } else { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@class); } File.Write(Type); if (Type.BaseType != null) { File.WriteSpaces(":"); WriteTypeName(File, Type.BaseType); } File.WriteLine(); File.WriteIndent(); File.WriteLine("{"); File.Indent(this, delegate { #region Fields Type.Fields.WithEach( Field => { this.WriteSummary(File, Field.Summary); File.WriteIndent(); if (Field.IsPrivate) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@private); } else { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@public); } if (Field.IsReadOnly) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@readonly); } WriteTypeName(File, Field.FieldType); File.WriteSpace().Write(Field.Name); if (Field.FieldConstructor != null) { File.WriteSpaces("="); this.WritePseudoCallExpression(File, Field.FieldConstructor, Context); } File.WriteLine(";"); File.WriteLine(); } ); #endregion #region Properties foreach (var m in Type.Properties.ToArray()) { File.WriteIndent(); if (Type.IsInterface) { } else { File.Write(Keywords.@public); File.WriteSpace(); if (m.IsStatic) { File.Write(Keywords.@static); File.WriteSpace(); } } WriteTypeName(File, m.PropertyType); File.WriteSpace(); File.Write(m.Name); if (m.IsAutoProperty) { File.WriteSpace(); File.Write("{"); } else { File.WriteLine(); File.WriteIndent(); File.WriteLine("{"); } Action<SolutionProjectLanguageMethod, Keyword> Property = (mm, kk) => { if (mm != null) { if (m.IsAutoProperty) { File.WriteSpace(); } else { File.WriteIndent(); } File.Write(kk); if (mm.Code == null) { File.Write(";"); if (m.IsAutoProperty) { } else { File.WriteLine(); } } else { File.WriteLine(); this.WriteMethodBody(File, mm.Code, Context); } } }; Action PropertyBody = delegate { Property(m.GetMethod, Keywords.get); Property(m.SetMethod, Keywords.set); }; Action<Action> PropertyIndent = Body => File.Indent(this, Body); if (m.IsAutoProperty) { PropertyBody(); File.WriteSpace(); } else { File.Indent(this, PropertyBody); File.WriteIndent(); } File.WriteLine("}"); } #endregion if (Type.Properties.Any()) File.WriteLine(); foreach (var item in Type.Methods.ToArray()) { if (item.DeclaringType == null) item.DeclaringType = Type; this.WriteMethod( File, item, Context ); File.WriteLine(); } } ); File.WriteIndent().WriteLine("}"); } ); } ); } ); }
public override void WritePseudoExpression(SolutionFile File, object Parameter, SolutionBuilder Context) { var Code = Parameter as string; if (Code != null) { File.Write(Code); return; } var Argument = Parameter as SolutionProjectLanguageArgument; if (Argument != null) { File.Write(Argument.Name); return; } { var Constant = Parameter as PseudoStringConstantExpression; if (Constant != null) { var Value = (string)Constant.Value; File.Write(SolutionFileTextFragment.String, // jsc escape string "@\"" + Value.Replace("\"", "\"\"") + "\"" ); return; } } { var Constant = Parameter as PseudoInt32ConstantExpression; if (Constant != null) { File.Write("" + Constant.Value); return; } } { var Constant = Parameter as PseudoDoubleConstantExpression; if (Constant != null) { var Value = "" + Constant.Value; if (!Value.Contains(".")) { Value += ".0"; } File.Write(Value); return; } } var Call = Parameter as PseudoCallExpression; if (Call != null) { WritePseudoCallExpression(File, Call, Context); return; } var This = Parameter as PseudoThisExpression; if (This != null) { File.Write(Keywords.@this); return; } var Base = Parameter as PseudoBaseExpression; if (Base != null) { File.Write(Keywords.@base); return; } var Type = Parameter as SolutionProjectLanguageType; if (Type != null) { File.Write(Keywords.@typeof); File.Write("("); WriteTypeName(File, Type); File.Write(")"); return; } var XElement = Parameter as XElement; if (XElement != null) { WritePseudoCallExpression(File, XElement.ToPseudoCallExpression(), Context); return; } var Method = Parameter as SolutionProjectLanguageMethod; if (Method != null) { WriteMethod(File, Method, Context); return; } // F# match would be awesome here? :) var Field = Parameter as SolutionProjectLanguageField; if (Field != null) { // DeclaringType Object? File.Write(Field.Name); } #region PseudoArrayExpression var Array = Parameter as PseudoArrayExpression; if (Array != null) { File.Indent(this, delegate { File.WriteLine(); File.WriteIndent(); File.Write(Keywords.@new); File.WriteSpace(); WriteTypeName(File, Array.ElementType); File.Write("[]"); File.WriteSpace(); File.Write("{"); File.Indent(this, delegate { File.WriteLine(); File.WriteIndent(); Func <object, Action> AtWritePseudoExpression = k => () => WritePseudoExpression(File, k, Context); Action WriteSeparator = delegate { File.Write(","); File.WriteLine(); File.WriteIndent(); }; Array.Items.ToArray().Select(AtWritePseudoExpression).SelectWithSeparator(WriteSeparator).Invoke(); } ); File.WriteLine(); File.WriteIndent(); File.Write("}"); } ); File.WriteLine(); File.WriteIndent(); return; } #endregion }
public override void WriteMethodBody(SolutionFile File, SolutionProjectLanguageCode Code, SolutionBuilder Context) { // should this be an extension method to all languages? Action WriteCodeStatements = delegate { var History = Code.History.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < History.Length; i++) { var IsReturnStatement = false; Code.OwnerMethod.With( m => { if (m.ReturnType == null) { return; } if (m.IsConstructor) { return; } IsReturnStatement = i == History.Length - 1; } ); var item = History[i]; #region Comment { var Comment = item as string; if (Comment != null) { File.WriteIndent(); this.WriteCommentLine(File, Comment); } } { var Comment = item as SolutionFileComment; if (Comment != null) { Comment.WriteTo(File, this, Context); return; } } #endregion #region If var If = item as PseudoIfExpression; if (If != null) { Func <SolutionFile> WriteDirectiveOrIndent = File.WriteIndent; if (If.IsConditionalCompilationDirective) { WriteDirectiveOrIndent = File.WriteDirective; } WriteDirectiveOrIndent().WriteSpace(Keywords.If); WritePseudoExpression(File, If.Expression, Context); File.WriteSpace(); File.WriteLine(Keywords.Then); WriteMethodBody(File, If.TrueCase, Context); if (If.FalseCase != null) { WriteDirectiveOrIndent().WriteLine(Keywords.Else); WriteMethodBody(File, If.FalseCase, Context); } WriteDirectiveOrIndent().WriteSpace(Keywords.End).WriteLine(Keywords.@If); return; } #endregion #region Lambda var Lambda = item as PseudoCallExpression; if (Lambda != null) { if (Code.IsLambdaExpression) { WritePseudoCallExpression(File, Lambda, Context); } else { if (Lambda.Comment != null) { Lambda.Comment.WriteTo(File, this, Context); } if (Lambda.Method != null) { File.WriteIndent(); if (IsReturnStatement) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@Return); } WritePseudoCallExpression(File, Lambda, Context); File.WriteLine(); } } } #endregion } }; if (Code.IsConditionalCompilationDirectiveCode) { WriteCodeStatements(); } else { File.Indent(this, WriteCodeStatements); } }
private void InternalWriteParameterList(SolutionFile File, PseudoCallExpression Lambda, SolutionBuilder Context) { File.Write("("); #region HasComplexParameter var HasComplexParameter = Lambda.ParameterExpressions.Any( k => { if (k is XElement) { return(true); } // anonymous method! if (k is SolutionProjectLanguageMethod) { return(true); } var Call = k as PseudoCallExpression; if (Call != null) { // what? :) if (Call.XLinq != null) { return(true); } } return(false); } ); #endregion Action Body = delegate { var Parameters = Lambda.ParameterExpressions.ToArray(); var FirstParameter = 0; if (IsExtensionMethod(Lambda)) { FirstParameter = 1; } for (int i = FirstParameter; i < Parameters.Length; i++) { if (i > FirstParameter) { if (HasComplexParameter) { File.WriteLine(","); File.WriteIndent(); } else { File.WriteSpace(","); } } var Parameter = Parameters[i]; WritePseudoExpression(File, Parameter, Context); } }; if (HasComplexParameter) { File.WriteLine(); File.Indent(this, delegate { if (Lambda.ParameterExpressions.FirstOrDefault() is XElement) { // xlinq has no indent... } else { File.WriteIndent(); } Body(); //File.WriteLine(); } ); File.WriteIndent(); } else { Body(); } File.Write(")"); }
public override void WriteMethodBody(SolutionFile File, SolutionProjectLanguageCode Code, SolutionBuilder Context) { // should this be an extension method to all languages? Action WriteCodeStatements = delegate { var History = Code.History.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < History.Length; i++) { var IsReturnStatement = false; Code.OwnerMethod.With( m => { if (m.ReturnType == null) return; if (m.IsConstructor) return; IsReturnStatement = i == History.Length - 1; } ); var item = History[i]; #region Comment { var Comment = item as string; if (Comment != null) { File.WriteIndent(); this.WriteCommentLine(File, Comment); } } { var Comment = item as SolutionFileComment; if (Comment != null) { Comment.WriteTo(File, this, Context); return; } } #endregion #region If var If = item as PseudoIfExpression; if (If != null) { Func<SolutionFile> WriteDirectiveOrIndent = File.WriteIndent; if (If.IsConditionalCompilationDirective) { WriteDirectiveOrIndent = File.WriteDirective; } WriteDirectiveOrIndent().WriteSpace(Keywords.If); WritePseudoExpression(File, If.Expression, Context); File.WriteSpace(); File.WriteLine(Keywords.Then); WriteMethodBody(File, If.TrueCase, Context); if (If.FalseCase != null) { WriteDirectiveOrIndent().WriteLine(Keywords.Else); WriteMethodBody(File, If.FalseCase, Context); } WriteDirectiveOrIndent().WriteSpace(Keywords.End).WriteLine(Keywords.@If); return; } #endregion #region Lambda var Lambda = item as PseudoCallExpression; if (Lambda != null) { if (Code.IsLambdaExpression) { WritePseudoCallExpression(File, Lambda, Context); } else { if (Lambda.Comment != null) Lambda.Comment.WriteTo(File, this, Context); if (Lambda.Method != null) { File.WriteIndent(); if (IsReturnStatement) { File.WriteSpace(Keywords.@Return); } WritePseudoCallExpression(File, Lambda, Context); File.WriteLine(); } } } #endregion } }; if (Code.IsConditionalCompilationDirectiveCode) WriteCodeStatements(); else File.Indent(this, WriteCodeStatements); }