public static bool IsTile(Vector2 tile) { Level celesteLevel = Celeste.Celeste.Scene as Level; SolidTiles tiles = celesteLevel.SolidTiles; MTexture[,] tileArray = tiles.Tiles.Tiles.ToArray(); return(tileArray[(int)tile.X, (int)tile.Y] != null); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { locX = (int)transform.position.x; locY = (int)(transform.position.y - 1); startX = locX; startY = locY; currentDir = startDir; eventHandler = GetComponent <EventHandler>(); animationHandler = GetComponent <AnimationHandler>(); tiles = grid.GetComponent <SolidTiles>(); barriers = grid.GetComponent <Barriers>(); entities = grid.GetComponent <Entities>(); UpdateEntities(); }
public static void PutEntitiesToFile() { Level celesteLevel = Celeste.Celeste.Scene as Level; SolidTiles tiles = celesteLevel.SolidTiles; string readableTextures = "Center of all tiles (?): " + tiles.Center + "\n"; try { readableTextures += "Tile(s?) are at Position: " + tiles.Tiles.Position + " with tile (w, h): (" + tiles.Tiles.TileWidth + ", " + tiles.Tiles.TileHeight + ")\n"; System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator <Component> enummer = tiles.GetEnumerator(); enummer.Reset(); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { enummer.MoveNext(); readableTextures += "Texture (?) at Position: " + enummer.Current.Entity.Position + " and Center: " + enummer.Current.Entity.Center + " has tag: " + enummer.Current.Entity.Tag + "\n"; } } catch (Exception) { readableTextures += "Enummer has completed!"; } /* * MTexture[,] textures = tiles.Tiles.Tiles.ToArray(); * string readableTextures = ""; * for (int i = 0; i < textures.Length; i++) * { * for (int j = 0; j < textures.Length; j++) * { * try * { * readableTextures += "Texture at: " + textures[i, j].Center + " looks like (as a string): " + textures[i, j].ToString() + "\n"; * } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e) * { * readableTextures += "Texture at index: (" + i + ", " + j + ") is out of bounds!\n"; * } * } * * } */ string text = tiles.Tiles.ToString() + "\n"; text += tiles.Tiles.Tiles.GetSegment(1, 1).ToString() + "\n"; text += tiles.Tiles.Tiles.ToArray().ToString() + "\n"; MTexture[,] tileArray = tiles.Tiles.Tiles.ToArray(); System.Collections.IEnumerator enummer2 = tiles.Tiles.Tiles.ToArray().GetEnumerator(); enummer2.Reset(); string arrayText = ""; //System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Celeste\tiles.txt", text); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Celeste\readableTextures.txt", readableTextures); //System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Celeste\textures.txt", arrayText); EntityList entities = Celeste.Celeste.Scene.Entities;/*Tracker.GetEntities<Entity>();*/ Vector2 tileLocationUnderPlayer = GetTileUnderPlayer(); Vector2 tileLocationInFront = GetTileInFrontOfPlayer(); Player player = Celeste.Celeste.Scene.Tracker.GetEntity <Player>(); Vector2 playerPos = player.Position; string toWrite = "Tile under player does not exist! err: " + tileLocationUnderPlayer + " with player pos: " + playerPos; if (IsTile(tileLocationUnderPlayer)) { // This should be the tile X,Y under the player. Save to file. toWrite = "Tile under player has Center: " + GetXYCenterFromTile(tileLocationUnderPlayer) + " and Tile Loc: " + tileLocationUnderPlayer; toWrite += "\nWith Player pos: " + playerPos; } if (IsTile(tileLocationInFront)) { toWrite += "\nTile in front of player has Center: " + GetXYCenterFromTile(tileLocationInFront) + " and Tile Loc: " + tileLocationInFront; toWrite += "\nWith Player facing: " + (player.Facing == (Facings)1 ? "Right" : "Left"); } else { toWrite += "\nTile in front of player does not exist! err: " + tileLocationInFront + " with player pos: " + playerPos + " facing: " + (player.Facing == (Facings)1 ? "Right" : "Left"); } System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Celeste\info.txt", toWrite); string text2 = ""; string readableText = ""; for (int i = 0; i < entities.Count; i++) { text += entities[i].ToString() + "\n"; readableText += "Entity at Position: " + entities[i].Position + " and Center: " + entities[i].Center + " has tag: " + entities[i].Tag + "\n"; } System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Celeste\entities.txt", text2); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Celeste\readableEntities.txt", readableText); }
private static void LevelLoader_LoadingThread(On.Celeste.LevelLoader.orig_LoadingThread orig, LevelLoader self) { orig(self); MapData mapData = self.Level.Session.MapData; var controllers = from level in mapData.Levels from entity in level.Entities where entity.Name == "FancyTileEntities/TileSeedController" select new { entity, level }; Rectangle mapTileBounds = mapData.TileBounds; SolidTiles fgTiles = self.Level.SolidTiles; BackgroundTiles bgTiles = self.Level.BgTiles; Regex regex = new Regex("\\r\\n|\\n\\r|\\n|\\r"); Autotiler.Behaviour behaviour = new Autotiler.Behaviour { EdgesExtend = true, EdgesIgnoreOutOfLevel = false, PaddingIgnoreOutOfLevel = true }; foreach (var controller in controllers) { EntityData data = controller.entity; LevelData level = controller.level; int randomSeed = data.Int("randomSeed", 42); Rectangle bounds = level.TileBounds; Rectangle tileBounds = self.Level.Session.MapData.TileBounds; if (data.Bool("fg", true)) { VirtualMap <char> map = new VirtualMap <char>(bounds.Width, bounds.Height, '0'); string[] array = regex.Split(level.Solids); for (int y = 0; y < array.Length; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < array[y].Length; x++) { map[x, y] = array[y][x]; } } Calc.PushRandom(randomSeed); Autotiler.Generated gen = Extensions.GenerateOverlay(GFX.FGAutotiler, map, bounds.X - tileBounds.Left, bounds.Y - tileBounds.Top, self.Level.SolidsData, behaviour); Calc.PopRandom(); int left = bounds.Left; int top = bounds.Top; for (int y = top; y < top + array.Length; y++) { for (int x = left; x < left + array[y - top].Length; x++) { fgTiles.Tiles.Tiles[x - mapTileBounds.Left, y - mapTileBounds.Top] = gen.TileGrid.Tiles[x - left, y - top]; } } } if (data.Bool("bg", true)) { VirtualMap <char> map = new VirtualMap <char>(bounds.Width, bounds.Height, '0'); string[] array = regex.Split(level.Bg); for (int y = 0; y < array.Length; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < array[y].Length; x++) { map[x, y] = array[y][x]; } } Calc.PushRandom(randomSeed); Autotiler.Generated gen = Extensions.GenerateOverlay(GFX.BGAutotiler, map, bounds.X - tileBounds.Left, bounds.Y - tileBounds.Top, self.Level.BgData, behaviour); Calc.PopRandom(); int left = bounds.Left; int top = bounds.Top; for (int y = top; y < top + array.Length; y++) { for (int x = left; x < left + array[y - top].Length; x++) { bgTiles.Tiles.Tiles[x - mapTileBounds.Left, y - mapTileBounds.Top] = gen.TileGrid.Tiles[x - left, y - top]; } } } } }
//加载关卡数据 private void LoadingThread() { //MapData表示整个地图的数据 MapData mapData = this.session.MapData; AreaData areaData = AreaData.Get(this.session.Area.ID); //if (this.session.Area.ID == 0) // SaveData.Instance.Assists.DashMode = Assists.DashModes.Normal; //this.Level.Add((Monocle.Renderer)(this.Level.Background = new BackdropRenderer())); //this.Level.Add((Entity)new DustEdges()); //this.Level.Add((Entity)new WaterSurface()); //this.Level.Add((Entity)new MirrorSurfaces()); //this.Level.Add((Entity)new GlassBlockBg()); //this.Level.Add((Entity)new LightningRenderer()); //this.Level.Add((Entity)new SeekerBarrierRenderer()); this.Level.Background = new BackdropRenderer(); this.Level.BackgroundColor = mapData.BackgroundColor; this.Level.Background.Backdrops = mapData.CreateBackdrops(mapData.Background); foreach (Backdrop backdrop in this.Level.Background.Backdrops) { backdrop.Renderer = this.Level.Background; } //加载前景地图 //this.Level.Foreground.Backdrops = mapData.CreateBackdrops(mapData.Foreground); //foreach (Backdrop backdrop in this.Level.Foreground.Backdrops) //{ // backdrop.Renderer = this.Level.Foreground; //} Rectangle tileBounds1 = mapData.TileBounds; Gfx.FGAutotiler.LevelBounds.Clear(); VirtualMap <char> data1 = new VirtualMap <char>(tileBounds1.Width, tileBounds1.Height, '0'); VirtualMap <char> data2 = new VirtualMap <char>(tileBounds1.Width, tileBounds1.Height, '0'); VirtualMap <bool> virtualMap = new VirtualMap <bool>(tileBounds1.Width, tileBounds1.Height, false); Regex regex = new Regex("\\r\\n|\\n\\r|\\n|\\r"); foreach (LevelData level in mapData.Levels) { Rectangle tileBounds2 = level.TileBounds; int left1 = tileBounds2.Left; tileBounds2 = level.TileBounds; int top1 = tileBounds2.Top; string[] strArray1 = regex.Split(level.Bg); for (int index1 = top1; index1 < top1 + strArray1.Length; ++index1) { for (int index2 = left1; index2 < left1 + strArray1[index1 - top1].Length; ++index2) { data1[index2 - tileBounds1.X, index1 - tileBounds1.Y] = strArray1[index1 - top1][index2 - left1]; } } string[] strArray2 = regex.Split(level.Solids); for (int index1 = top1; index1 < top1 + strArray2.Length; ++index1) { for (int index2 = left1; index2 < left1 + strArray2[index1 - top1].Length; ++index2) { data2[index2 - tileBounds1.X, index1 - tileBounds1.Y] = strArray2[index1 - top1][index2 - left1]; } } tileBounds2 = level.TileBounds; int left2 = tileBounds2.Left; while (true) { int num1 = left2; tileBounds2 = level.TileBounds; int right = tileBounds2.Right; if (num1 < right) { tileBounds2 = level.TileBounds; int top2 = tileBounds2.Top; while (true) { int num2 = top2; tileBounds2 = level.TileBounds; int bottom = tileBounds2.Bottom; if (num2 < bottom) { virtualMap[left2 - tileBounds1.Left, top2 - tileBounds1.Top] = true; ++top2; } else { break; } } ++left2; } else { break; } } Gfx.FGAutotiler.LevelBounds.Add(new Rectangle(level.TileBounds.X - tileBounds1.X, level.TileBounds.Y - tileBounds1.Y, level.TileBounds.Width, level.TileBounds.Height)); } foreach (Rectangle rectangle in mapData.Filler) { for (int left = rectangle.Left; left < rectangle.Right; ++left) { for (int top = rectangle.Top; top < rectangle.Bottom; ++top) { char ch1 = '0'; if (rectangle.Top - tileBounds1.Y > 0) { char ch2 = data2[left - tileBounds1.X, rectangle.Top - tileBounds1.Y - 1]; if (ch2 != '0') { ch1 = ch2; } } if (ch1 == '0' && rectangle.Left - tileBounds1.X > 0) { char ch2 = data2[rectangle.Left - tileBounds1.X - 1, top - tileBounds1.Y]; if (ch2 != '0') { ch1 = ch2; } } if (ch1 == '0' && rectangle.Right - tileBounds1.X < tileBounds1.Width - 1) { char ch2 = data2[rectangle.Right - tileBounds1.X, top - tileBounds1.Y]; if (ch2 != '0') { ch1 = ch2; } } if (ch1 == '0' && rectangle.Bottom - tileBounds1.Y < tileBounds1.Height - 1) { char ch2 = data2[left - tileBounds1.X, rectangle.Bottom - tileBounds1.Y]; if (ch2 != '0') { ch1 = ch2; } } if (ch1 == '0') { ch1 = '1'; } data2[left - tileBounds1.X, top - tileBounds1.Y] = ch1; virtualMap[left - tileBounds1.X, top - tileBounds1.Y] = true; } } } using (List <LevelData> .Enumerator enumerator = mapData.Levels.GetEnumerator()) { label_85: while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { LevelData current = enumerator.Current; Rectangle tileBounds2 = current.TileBounds; int left1 = tileBounds2.Left; while (true) { int num1 = left1; tileBounds2 = current.TileBounds; int right = tileBounds2.Right; if (num1 < right) { tileBounds2 = current.TileBounds; int top = tileBounds2.Top; char ch1 = data1[left1 - tileBounds1.X, top - tileBounds1.Y]; for (int index = 1; index < 4 && !virtualMap[left1 - tileBounds1.X, top - tileBounds1.Y - index]; ++index) { data1[left1 - tileBounds1.X, top - tileBounds1.Y - index] = ch1; } tileBounds2 = current.TileBounds; int num2 = tileBounds2.Bottom - 1; char ch2 = data1[left1 - tileBounds1.X, num2 - tileBounds1.Y]; for (int index = 1; index < 4 && !virtualMap[left1 - tileBounds1.X, num2 - tileBounds1.Y + index]; ++index) { data1[left1 - tileBounds1.X, num2 - tileBounds1.Y + index] = ch2; } ++left1; } else { break; } } tileBounds2 = current.TileBounds; int num3 = tileBounds2.Top - 4; while (true) { int num1 = num3; tileBounds2 = current.TileBounds; int num2 = tileBounds2.Bottom + 4; if (num1 < num2) { tileBounds2 = current.TileBounds; int left2 = tileBounds2.Left; char ch1 = data1[left2 - tileBounds1.X, num3 - tileBounds1.Y]; for (int index = 1; index < 4 && !virtualMap[left2 - tileBounds1.X - index, num3 - tileBounds1.Y]; ++index) { data1[left2 - tileBounds1.X - index, num3 - tileBounds1.Y] = ch1; } tileBounds2 = current.TileBounds; int num4 = tileBounds2.Right - 1; char ch2 = data1[num4 - tileBounds1.X, num3 - tileBounds1.Y]; for (int index = 1; index < 4 && !virtualMap[num4 - tileBounds1.X + index, num3 - tileBounds1.Y]; ++index) { data1[num4 - tileBounds1.X + index, num3 - tileBounds1.Y] = ch2; } ++num3; } else { goto label_85; } } } } using (List <LevelData> .Enumerator enumerator = mapData.Levels.GetEnumerator()) { label_100: while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { LevelData current = enumerator.Current; Rectangle tileBounds2 = current.TileBounds; int left = tileBounds2.Left; while (true) { int num1 = left; tileBounds2 = current.TileBounds; int right = tileBounds2.Right; if (num1 < right) { tileBounds2 = current.TileBounds; int top = tileBounds2.Top; if (data2[left - tileBounds1.X, top - tileBounds1.Y] == '0') { for (int index = 1; index < 8; ++index) { virtualMap[left - tileBounds1.X, top - tileBounds1.Y - index] = true; } } tileBounds2 = current.TileBounds; int num2 = tileBounds2.Bottom - 1; if (data2[left - tileBounds1.X, num2 - tileBounds1.Y] == '0') { for (int index = 1; index < 8; ++index) { virtualMap[left - tileBounds1.X, num2 - tileBounds1.Y + index] = true; } } ++left; } else { goto label_100; } } } } using (List <LevelData> .Enumerator enumerator = mapData.Levels.GetEnumerator()) { label_122: while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { LevelData current = enumerator.Current; Rectangle tileBounds2 = current.TileBounds; int left1 = tileBounds2.Left; while (true) { int num1 = left1; tileBounds2 = current.TileBounds; int right = tileBounds2.Right; if (num1 < right) { tileBounds2 = current.TileBounds; int top = tileBounds2.Top; char ch1 = data2[left1 - tileBounds1.X, top - tileBounds1.Y]; for (int index = 1; index < 4 && !virtualMap[left1 - tileBounds1.X, top - tileBounds1.Y - index]; ++index) { data2[left1 - tileBounds1.X, top - tileBounds1.Y - index] = ch1; } tileBounds2 = current.TileBounds; int num2 = tileBounds2.Bottom - 1; char ch2 = data2[left1 - tileBounds1.X, num2 - tileBounds1.Y]; for (int index = 1; index < 4 && !virtualMap[left1 - tileBounds1.X, num2 - tileBounds1.Y + index]; ++index) { data2[left1 - tileBounds1.X, num2 - tileBounds1.Y + index] = ch2; } ++left1; } else { break; } } tileBounds2 = current.TileBounds; int num3 = tileBounds2.Top - 4; while (true) { int num1 = num3; tileBounds2 = current.TileBounds; int num2 = tileBounds2.Bottom + 4; if (num1 < num2) { tileBounds2 = current.TileBounds; int left2 = tileBounds2.Left; char ch1 = data2[left2 - tileBounds1.X, num3 - tileBounds1.Y]; for (int index = 1; index < 4 && !virtualMap[left2 - tileBounds1.X - index, num3 - tileBounds1.Y]; ++index) { data2[left2 - tileBounds1.X - index, num3 - tileBounds1.Y] = ch1; } tileBounds2 = current.TileBounds; int num4 = tileBounds2.Right - 1; char ch2 = data2[num4 - tileBounds1.X, num3 - tileBounds1.Y]; for (int index = 1; index < 4 && !virtualMap[num4 - tileBounds1.X + index, num3 - tileBounds1.Y]; ++index) { data2[num4 - tileBounds1.X + index, num3 - tileBounds1.Y] = ch2; } ++num3; } else { goto label_122; } } } } Vector2 position = new Vector2((float)tileBounds1.X, (float)tileBounds1.Y) * 8f; RandomUtil.PushRandom(mapData.LoadSeed); Level level1 = this.Level; Level level2 = this.Level; BackgroundTiles backgroundTiles1; BackgroundTiles backgroundTiles2 = backgroundTiles1 = new BackgroundTiles(position, data1); //BackgroundTiles backgroundTiles3 = backgroundTiles1; level2.BgTiles = backgroundTiles1; //BackgroundTiles backgroundTiles4 = backgroundTiles3; //level2.BgTiles = backgroundTiles4; //level1.Add((Entity)backgroundTiles4); //Level level3 = this.Level; //Level level4 = this.Level; solidTiles = new SolidTiles(position, data2); //level3.Add((Entity)solidTiles4); //this.Level.BgData = data1; //this.Level.SolidsData = data2; RandomUtil.PopRandom(); //this.Level.FgTilesLightMask = new TileGrid(8, 8, tileBounds1.Width, tileBounds1.Height); //this.Level.FgTilesLightMask.Color =; //foreach (LevelData level5 in mapData.Levels) //{ // int left = level5.TileBounds.Left; // int top = level5.TileBounds.Top; // int width = level5.TileBounds.Width; // int height = level5.TileBounds.Height; // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(level5.BgTiles)) // { // int[,] tiles = Util.ReadCSVIntGrid(level5.BgTiles, width, height); // backgroundTiles2.Tiles.Overlay(Gfx.SceneryTiles, tiles, left - tileBounds1.X, top - tileBounds1.Y); // } // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(level5.FgTiles)) // { // int[,] tiles = Util.ReadCSVIntGrid(level5.FgTiles, width, height); // solidTiles.Tiles.Overlay(Gfx.SceneryTiles, tiles, left - tileBounds1.X, top - tileBounds1.Y); // this.Level.FgTilesLightMask.Overlay(Gfx.SceneryTiles, tiles, left - tileBounds1.X, top - tileBounds1.Y); // } //} //if (areaData.OnLevelBegin != null) // areaData.OnLevelBegin(this.Level); //this.Level.StartPosition = this.startPosition; //this.Level.Pathfinder = new Pathfinder(this.Level); //this.Loaded = true; }