public NaiveCountermeasureSelectionOptimizerWithUncertainty(KAOSModel model, double threshold) { _model = model; stats = new OptimizationStatistics(); integrator = new SoftResolutionIntegrator(model); this.threshold = threshold; }
private double GetScore(IEnumerable <Goal> goals, IPropagator propagator, HashSet <string> selection, out IEnumerable <string> rootsSatisfied) { var r = _model.Resolutions().Where(x => selection.Contains(x.ResolvingGoalIdentifier)); var rootGoalsSatisfied = new HashSet <string> (); integrator = new SoftResolutionIntegrator(_model); Console.WriteLine("---- Computing score for " + string.Join(",", selection) + "."); // Integrate the selection foreach (var resolution in r) { Console.WriteLine("Integrate " + resolution.ResolvingGoalIdentifier); integrator.Integrate(resolution); } var p2 = new BDDBasedPropagator(_model); //var all_goals_satisfied = true; var avg_sat_rate = 0.0; foreach (var goal in goals) { var satRate = ((DoubleSatisfactionRate)p2.GetESR(goal)); avg_sat_rate += satRate.SatisfactionRate; if (satRate.SatisfactionRate >= goal.RDS) { rootGoalsSatisfied.Add(goal.Identifier); } Console.WriteLine("Cost " + selection.Count); Console.WriteLine("Selected cm: " + string.Join(",", selection)); Console.WriteLine($"{goal.Identifier} : {satRate.SatisfactionRate} >= {goal.RDS}."); } //var all_goals_satisfied = (satRate.SatisfactionRate > goal.RDS); var cost = selection.Count(); foreach (var resolution in r) { integrator.Remove(resolution); } //if (!all_goals_satisfied) //{ // Console.WriteLine("---- not all goal satisfied, returning score = 0"); // return 0; //} rootsSatisfied = rootGoalsSatisfied; //if (satRate > goal.RDS) { Console.WriteLine("---- returning score = " + (avg_sat_rate / goals.Count())); return(avg_sat_rate / goals.Count()); //} else { // return 0; //} }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("*** This is ModelChecker from KAOSTools. ***"); Console.WriteLine("*** For more information on KAOSTools see <> ***"); Console.WriteLine("*** Please report bugs to <> ***"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("*** Copyright (c) 2017, Université catholique de Louvain ***"); Console.WriteLine(""); Init(args); Console.WriteLine("Goals: " + model.Goals().Count()); Console.WriteLine("Root goals: " + model.RootGoals().Count()); Console.WriteLine("Leaf goals: " + model.LeafGoals().Count()); Console.WriteLine("Goal refinements: " + model.GoalRefinements().Count()); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Obstacles: " + model.Obstacles().Count()); Console.WriteLine("Root obstacles: " + model.RootObstacles().Count()); Console.WriteLine("Leaf obstacles: " + model.LeafObstacles().Count()); Console.WriteLine("Obstacle refinements: " + model.ObstacleRefinements().Count()); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Resolutions: " + model.Resolutions().Count()); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Contexts: " + model.Contexts().Count()); var integrator = new SoftResolutionIntegrator(model); foreach (var resolution in model.Resolutions()) { integrator.Integrate(resolution); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Generated goal exceptions: " + model.Exceptions().Count()); Console.WriteLine(" (distributed over " + model.Exceptions().Select(x => x.AnchorGoalIdentifier).Distinct().Count() + " goals)"); Console.WriteLine("Generated provided assumption: " + model.ObstacleAssumptions().Count()); Console.WriteLine(" (distributed over " + model.ObstacleAssumptions().Select(x => x.AnchorGoalIdentifier).Distinct().Count() + " goals)"); }
public CECountermeasureSelectionOptimizer(KAOSModel model) { _model = model; stats = new OptimizationStatistics(); integrator = new SoftResolutionIntegrator(model); }
public static void Main(string [] args) { Console.WriteLine("*** This is CMIntegrator from KAOSTools. ***"); Console.WriteLine("*** For more information on KAOSTools see <> ***"); Console.WriteLine("*** Please report bugs to <> ***"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("*** Copyright (c) 2017, Université catholique de Louvain ***"); Console.WriteLine(""); Init(args); bool stop = false; while (!stop) { try { Console.Write("> "); var input = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); if (input.Equals("quit") | input.Equals("exit")) { stop = true; continue; } bool success = false; Regex regex = new Regex(@"resolve ([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)"); Match match = regex.Match(input); if (match.Success) { success = true; var o_identifier = match.Groups [1].Value; if (o_identifier.Equals("all")) { var integrator = new SoftResolutionIntegrator(model); foreach (var resolution in model.Resolutions()) { integrator.Integrate(resolution); } continue; } Obstacle o; if ((o = model.Obstacle(o_identifier)) != null) { var resolutions = o.Resolutions().ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < resolutions.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"[{i}] " + resolutions [i].ResolvingGoal().FriendlyName); } Console.Write("Select the countermeasure goal to integrate: "); int index = -1; do { var input_index = Console.ReadLine(); if (int.TryParse(input_index, out index)) { if (index < resolutions.Length) { var integrator = new SoftResolutionIntegrator(model); integrator.Integrate(resolutions [index]); } else { index = -1; } } } while (index < 0); continue; } else { Console.WriteLine($"Obstacle '{o_identifier}' not found"); } } regex = new Regex(@"export ([a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]+)"); match = regex.Match(input); if (match.Success) { success = true; if (File.Exists(match.Groups [1].Value)) { Console.Write($"Do you want to overwrite '{match.Groups [1].Value}' (yes/no)? "); var input_resp = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); if (input_resp.Equals("yes")) { File.Delete(match.Groups [1].Value); } else { continue; } } var e = new KAOSFileExporter(model); File.WriteAllText(match.Groups [1].Value, e.Export()); Console.WriteLine("Model exported to " + match.Groups [1].Value); continue; } regex = new Regex(@"export_diagram ([a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]+)"); match = regex.Match(input); if (match.Success) { success = true; if (File.Exists(match.Groups [1].Value)) { Console.Write($"Do you want to overwrite '{match.Groups [1].Value}' (yes/no)? "); var input_resp = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); if (input_resp.Equals("yes")) { File.Delete(match.Groups [1].Value); } else { continue; } } Document document = OmnigraffleMainClass.ExportModel(model); OmniGraffleGenerator.Export(document, match.Groups [1].Value); Console.WriteLine("Model exported to " + match.Groups [1].Value); continue; } if (!success) { Console.WriteLine("Command not recognized."); } } catch (Exception e) { PrintError(e.Message); Console.Write("Print more? (yes/no)"); var input_resp = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); if (!input_resp.Equals("yes")) { continue; } else { PrintError("An error occured during the computation. (" + e.Message + ").\n" + "Please report this error to <>.\n" + "----------------------------\n" + e.StackTrace + "\n----------------------------\n"); } } } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("*** This is Monitor from KAOSTools. ***"); Console.WriteLine("*** For more information on KAOSTools see <> ***"); Console.WriteLine("*** Please report bugs to <> ***"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("*** Copyright (c) 2017, Université catholique de Louvain ***"); Console.WriteLine(""); string rootname = "root"; options.Add("roots=", "Specify the roots goal for which to compute the satisfaction rate. (Default: root)", v => rootname = v); string outfile = null; options.Add("outfile=", "Specify the output file for the satisfaction rates", v => outfile = v); Init(args); optimization_model = BuildModel(); roots = rootname.Split(',').Select(x => model.Goal(x)).ToHashSet(); if (roots.Count() == 0 || roots.Any(x => x == null)) { PrintError("A root goal among '" + rootname + "' was not found"); } try { modelMonitor = new ModelMonitor(model, roots); modelMonitor.SetOutputFile(outfile); _active_resolutions = new HashSet <Resolution>(); _integrator_model = new SoftResolutionIntegrator(model); //optimizer = new MOCECountermeasureSelectionOptimizer(optimization_model); //optimization_model.satisfactionRateRepository = modelMonitor._model_running.satisfactionRateRepository; var commands = new List <ICommand>(); commands.Add(new GetSatisfactionRateCommand(model, roots, modelMonitor)); commands.Add(new ExportModelCommand(model)); commands.Add(new PrintDebugCommand(model, roots, modelMonitor)); stop = false; Listen(); Optimize(); while (!stop) { Console.Write("> "); var input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input.Equals("quit") | input.Equals("exit")) { stop = true; continue; } foreach (var command in commands) { command.Execute(input); } } Console.WriteLine("Exiting..."); modelMonitor.Stop(); } catch (Exception e) { PrintError("An error occured during the computation. (" + e.Message + ").\n" + "Please report this error to <>.\n" + "----------------------------\n" + e.StackTrace + "\n----------------------------\n"); } }