private void threadStartFun(Socket soc, string req) { try { Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Service Poll Req Thread Started"); Server.Message.MessageParser serverPollPar = new Server.Message.MessageParser(); Server.MessageClasses.MsgPoll msgpollServer = serverPollPar.pollParseMsg(req); CloudBlobClient blobClient = new Server.ConnectionManager.BlobConn().BlobConnect(); Blob blob = new Blob(blobClient, msgpollServer.userName); GenerateSAS sas = new GenerateSAS(); string link = ""; if (msgpollServer.password == "requestVC") { link = sas.GetContainerSasUri(blob.container, "RWLD"); } else { link = sas.GetContainerSasUri(blob.container, "RWLD"); } // Server send response to Client Server.Message.CreateMsg pollResp = new Server.Message.CreateMsg(); msgpollServer.fileContainerUri = link; msgpollServer.fileBlobUri = "none"; string respMsg = pollResp.pollRespMsg("OK", msgpollServer); //socket SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter rw = new SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter(); // write to socket rw.writetoSocket(soc, respMsg); Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Wrote Response to socket"); } catch (Exception e) { Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Exception: [Poll Req]"+ e.Message); //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); } finally { Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Exiting"); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); } }
private void threadStartFun() { try { Console.WriteLine("in Vc thread"); // Client create poll msg LocalDB readLocalDB = new LocalDB(); readLocalDB = readLocalDB.readfromfile(); Client.MessageClasses.MsgPoll msgpoll = new Client.MessageClasses.MsgPoll(); Client.Message.CreateMsg pollM = new Client.Message.CreateMsg(); msgpoll.userName = readLocalDB.getUsername(); msgpoll.password = "******"; string msg = pollM.pollMsg(msgpoll); //send the msg using socket ConnectionManager.Connection conn = new ConnectionManager.Connection(); Socket soc = conn.connect(conf.serverAddr, conf.port); SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter rw = new SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter(); rw.writetoSocket(soc, msg); //receive the msg string resp = rw.readfromSocket(soc); //parse msg and poll Client.Message.MessageParser parseResp = new Client.Message.MessageParser(); msgpoll = parseResp.pollParseMsg(resp); if (msgpoll.indicator == "OK") { Configuration.userInfo.containerURI = msgpoll.fileContainerUri; // write container somewhere (msgpoll.fileContainerUri); } } catch (Exception e) { Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole(e.ToString()); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); //System.IO.File.WriteAllText("errors.txt", e.ToString()); } finally { Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); } }
public void poll() { Configuration.flag.polling = true; Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Poll initiated"); //MessageBox.Show("Polling started", "Client"); try { // Client create poll msg LocalDB readLocalDB = new LocalDB(); readLocalDB = readLocalDB.readfromfile(); Client.MessageClasses.MsgPoll msgpoll = new Client.MessageClasses.MsgPoll(); Client.Message.CreateMsg pollM = new Client.Message.CreateMsg(); msgpoll.userName = readLocalDB.getUsername(); msgpoll.password = readLocalDB.getPassword(); string msg = pollM.pollMsg(msgpoll); //send the msg using socket ConnectionManager.Connection conn = new ConnectionManager.Connection(); Socket soc = conn.connect(conf.serverAddr, conf.port); SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter rw = new SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter(); rw.writetoSocket(soc, msg); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Writing Socket"); //receive the msg string resp = rw.readfromSocket(soc); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Reading Socket"); //parse msg and poll Client.Message.MessageParser parseResp = new Client.Message.MessageParser(); msgpoll = parseResp.pollParseMsg(resp); if (msgpoll.indicator == "OK") { new Client.PollFunction.Poll(msgpoll.fileContainerUri); Configuration.userInfo.containerURI = msgpoll.fileContainerUri; } Configuration.flag.polling = false; } catch(Exception ex) { Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Poll thread Exception:" + ex.Message); //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
private void threadStartFun(Socket soc, string req) { Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Sign In thread Started"); Message.MessageParser parser = new Message.MessageParser(); MessageClasses.MsgSignIn.req reqobj = new MessageClasses.MsgSignIn.req(); reqobj = parser.signInParseReq(req); ConnectionManager.DataBaseConn con = new ConnectionManager.DataBaseConn(1); SqlConnection conn = con.DBConnect(); //check if user already exits UserAuth.SignInFunctions userauth = new UserAuth.SignInFunctions(); if(userauth.userAuthentication(reqobj.userName,reqobj.psw)==true) { Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("User Exists"); MessageClasses.MsgSignIn.resp resp = new MessageClasses.MsgSignIn.resp(); resp.ack = "OK"; resp.addiMsg = "EXISTING"; Message.CreateMsg msg = new Message.CreateMsg(); string res = msg.signInResp(resp); SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter rw = new SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter(); rw.writetoSocket(soc, res); Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Wrote Respose to scoket"); } else { Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("User Does Not Exist"); MessageClasses.MsgSignIn.resp resp = new MessageClasses.MsgSignIn.resp(); resp.ack = "ERRORS"; resp.addiMsg = "NON-EXISTING"; Message.CreateMsg msg = new Message.CreateMsg(); string res = msg.signInResp(resp); SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter rw = new SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter(); rw.writetoSocket(soc, res); Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Wrote Response to socket. Exiting"); } Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); }
private static void threadStartFun(string fullpathOfChnagedFile, string eventType, string addiInfo, DateTime timestamp) { try { Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Upload thread Started"); //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Started Uploader for " + fullpathOfChnagedFile, "Client"); //TBD //send msg to server //get the information from the localDatabase LocalDB readLocalDB = new LocalDB(); readLocalDB = readLocalDB.readfromfile(); string clientSyncFolderPath = readLocalDB.getPath(); string[] pathName = clientSyncFolderPath.Split('\\'); string[] pathName2 = fullpathOfChnagedFile.Split('\\'); int i = pathName2.Count(); string pathInSyncFolderPath = ""; for (int j = pathName.Count(); j < i; j++) { pathInSyncFolderPath += pathName2[j]; if ((j + 1) < i) { pathInSyncFolderPath += "\\"; } } string userName = readLocalDB.getUsername(); string password = readLocalDB.getPassword(); Client.Message.CreateMsg uploadM = new Client.Message.CreateMsg(); string additionalInfo = ""; if (eventType == "create" || eventType == "change" || eventType == "signUpStart") { if (eventType == "create") { additionalInfo = "create"; // add to the file list Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileListMaintain addToFileList = new Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileListMaintain(); addToFileList.addSingleFileToFileList(fullpathOfChnagedFile); } if (eventType == "change") { additionalInfo = "change"; } if (eventType == "signUpStart") { additionalInfo = "signUpStart"; } Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Event handling:" + eventType); // get the initial attribute before making this "change" Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileInfo tmp = new Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileInfo(); Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileList.fileInfoDic.TryGetValue(fullpathOfChnagedFile, out tmp); DateTime timeBefore = tmp.time; string md5rBefore = tmp.md5r; // belong to these events because for delete event it won't get the attributes anymore Client.LocalFileSysAccess.getFileAttributes att = new Client.LocalFileSysAccess.getFileAttributes(fullpathOfChnagedFile); DateTime time = att.lastModified.ToUniversalTime(); string msg; string md5r = att.md5Value; // create the msg msg = uploadM.uploadMsg(userName, password, pathInSyncFolderPath, time, md5r, additionalInfo); //send the msg using socket ConnectionManager.Connection conn = new ConnectionManager.Connection(); Socket soc = conn.connect(conf.serverAddr, conf.port); SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter rw = new SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter(); rw.writetoSocket(soc, msg); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Wrote to socket"); //receive the msg string resp = rw.readfromSocket(soc); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Read from socket"); //8 Client parse msg Client.Message.MessageParser par2 = new Client.Message.MessageParser(); if (resp != null) { Client.MessageClasses.MsgRespUpload reup = par2.uploadParseMsg(resp); //9 Client upload if (reup.indicator == "OK") { // event type when there's no file conflict string tempEType = reup.addiInfo; string[] str = null; // get current file info on server string[] separators = { "|||" }; // when event type is change // otherwise directly upload, don't need to check conflict if (reup.addiInfo.Contains("|||")) { str = reup.addiInfo.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string currHashValueOnServer = str[0]; string tempTimestampOnServer = str[1]; // reassign event type tempEType = str[2]; //CultureInfo provider = new CultureInfo("en-US"); //CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; //tempTimestampOnServer = tempTimestampOnServer.Replace("-", "/"); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole(tempTimestampOnServer); DateTime currTimestampOnServer = DateTime.Parse(tempTimestampOnServer); //DateTime currTimestampOnServer = DateTime.ParseExact(tempTimestampOnServer, "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss", null); // file has been changed during open time and save time // aka there's a newer version of this file uploaded by another user during this time if (DateTime.Compare(timeBefore, currTimestampOnServer) < 0 && String.Compare(md5rBefore, currHashValueOnServer) != 0) { string tMsg = "simultaneous editing confilct"; string cMsg = "\nA newer version has been detected on the server.\nDo you want to save current version?\n\nYes to Save current file in another name\nNo to Download the newest version file from server"; DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0}" + cMsg, fullpathOfChnagedFile), tMsg, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { string sourcePath = fullpathOfChnagedFile; string targetPath = ""; // add time to new name string dateString = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); //string dateString = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); string[] fileNameArr = sourcePath.Split('.'); string newFileName = fileNameArr[0] + " ( " + Environment.UserName + "'s conflict copy " + dateString + ")." + fileNameArr[1]; targetPath = newFileName; //// To copy a folder's contents to a new location: //// Create a new target folder, if necessary. //if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(targetPath)) //{ // System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(targetPath); //} // To copy a file to another location and // overwrite the destination file if it already exists. System.IO.File.Copy(sourcePath, targetPath, true); } else if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No) { // try delete while it still exists while (System.IO.File.Exists(fullpathOfChnagedFile)) { // delete current file // won't delete blob file on the server // b/c it's older than that version System.IO.File.Delete(fullpathOfChnagedFile); } // if file is in dic if (Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileList.fileInfoDic.ContainsKey(fullpathOfChnagedFile)) { // after it has been deleted // del from the file list Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileListMaintain delFromFileList = new Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileListMaintain(); delFromFileList.removeSingleFileFromFileList(fullpathOfChnagedFile, time, md5r); // TODO // download newer version from server } } } } new Client.UploadFunctions.UploadFile().UploadFileWithContainerUri(reup.fileContainerUri, fullpathOfChnagedFile, reup.filePathInSynFolder, md5r, time, eventType); //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Uploaded! \n event type: {0} \n Path: {1}", tempEType, fullpathOfChnagedFile), "DBLike Client"); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole(string.Format("Uploaded! \n event type: {0} \n Path: {1}", tempEType, fullpathOfChnagedFile)); // update file list Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileListMaintain updateFileList = new Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileListMaintain(); updateFileList.updateSingleFileToFileList(fullpathOfChnagedFile, time, md5r); } //// handle simultaneous editing confilct //// currently client will handle this //if (reup.indicator == "simultaneousEditConfilct") //{ //} } else { Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Error : <<Response from server is null>>"); } } else if (eventType == "delete") { Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Event handling:" + eventType); additionalInfo = "delete"; string msg = " "; //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Deletion detected!\n Path: {0}", pathInSyncFolderPath), "DBLike Client"); // file list maintainence_1 // delete the file from the file list // grab it first by key, then delete Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileListMaintain reFileList = new Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileListMaintain(); // get value by key Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileInfo tmpFInfo = new Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileInfo(); Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileList.fileInfoDic.TryGetValue(fullpathOfChnagedFile, out tmpFInfo); // create the msg // use " " instead of null to avoid parsing issue // use DateTime.MinValue to avoid parsing issue //msg = uploadM.uploadMsg(userName, password, pathInSyncFolderPath, DateTime.MinValue, " ", additionalInfo); msg = uploadM.uploadMsg(userName, password, pathInSyncFolderPath, tmpFInfo.time, " ", additionalInfo); //send the msg using socket ConnectionManager.Connection conn = new ConnectionManager.Connection(); Socket soc = conn.connect(conf.serverAddr, conf.port); SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter rw = new SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter(); rw.writetoSocket(soc, msg); // file list maintainence_2 // remove file from file list reFileList.removeSingleFileFromFileList(fullpathOfChnagedFile, tmpFInfo.time, tmpFInfo.md5r); Program.ClientForm.ballon("Deleted:"+ fullpathOfChnagedFile); } else if (eventType == "rename") { Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Event handling:" + eventType); string[] separators = { "<", ">:<", ">" }; string[] reNameInfo = addiInfo.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //List<string> temp = reNameInfo.ToList(); //temp.Insert(0, "rename"); //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Rename detected!\n + Old Path: {0} \n + New Path: {1}", reNameInfo[0], reNameInfo[1]), "DBLike Client"); // get new path in server string[] pathName3 = reNameInfo[1].Split('\\'); int m = pathName3.Count(); string newPathInSyncFolderPath = ""; for (int n = pathName.Count(); n < m; n++) { newPathInSyncFolderPath += pathName3[n]; if ((n + 1) < m) { newPathInSyncFolderPath += "\\"; } } // send event type and new path to server additionalInfo = "rename" + "|||" + newPathInSyncFolderPath; // only change last modified time to current time // Windows 8 won't change last modified time when only renaming Client.LocalFileSysAccess.getFileAttributes att = new Client.LocalFileSysAccess.getFileAttributes(reNameInfo[1]); DateTime renameTime = DateTime.UtcNow; string msg; string md5r = att.md5Value; // update the renamed file to the file list Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileListMaintain renameFileList = new Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileListMaintain(); // get value by key Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileInfo tmpFI = new Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileInfo(); Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileList.fileInfoDic.TryGetValue(fullpathOfChnagedFile, out tmpFI); // remove older file from file list renameFileList.removeSingleFileFromFileList(fullpathOfChnagedFile, tmpFI.time, tmpFI.md5r); // add new name file to file list renameFileList.addSingleFileToFileList(reNameInfo[1]); // create the msg // pathInSyncFolderPath is the older path in server // renameTime is the newest time msg = uploadM.uploadMsg(userName, password, pathInSyncFolderPath, renameTime, md5r, additionalInfo); //send the msg using socket ConnectionManager.Connection conn = new ConnectionManager.Connection(); Socket soc = conn.connect(conf.serverAddr, conf.port); SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter rw = new SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter(); rw.writetoSocket(soc, msg); //receive the msg //string resp = rw.readfromSocket(soc); Program.ClientForm.ballon("Rename:" + fullpathOfChnagedFile); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (eventType != "delete") { fileBeingUsed.eventDetails e = new fileBeingUsed.eventDetails(); e.eventType = eventType; e.datetime = timestamp; e.filepath = fullpathOfChnagedFile; Client.Program.filesInUse.removefromList(e); } Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Exception Occured:" + ex.ToString()); //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Client"); //System.IO.File.WriteAllText("errors.txt", e.ToString()); } finally { if (eventType != "delete") { fileBeingUsed.eventDetails e = new fileBeingUsed.eventDetails(); e.eventType = eventType; e.datetime = timestamp; e.filepath = fullpathOfChnagedFile; Client.Program.filesInUse.removefromList(e); } Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Exiting"); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); } }
private void threadStartFun(Socket soc, string req) { try { Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Service Upload thread Started"); //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("uploader started:" + req, "Server"); //get the msg parse it Server.Message.MessageParser parse = new Server.Message.MessageParser(); MessageClasses.MsgUpload upload = parse.uploadParseMsg(req); //5 Server check the file info in the blob storage, if file has not existed, let the client to create the file // If file existed, check timestamp, hashvalue to see if client can upload // If allow upload, change hashvalue and timestamp in the blob storage CloudBlobClient blobClient = new Server.ConnectionManager.BlobConn().BlobConnect(); string currentFileInfo = ""; if (upload.addInfo == "create" || upload.addInfo == "change" || upload.addInfo == "signUpStart") { Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Event to trigger the request:" + upload.addInfo); Blob blob = new Blob(blobClient, upload.userName, upload.filePathInSynFolder, upload.fileHashValue, upload.fileTimeStamps); //6 Server Generate sas container/blob for the client. For basic upload, this case just generate container sas //Server.ConnectionManager.BlobConn conn = new Server.ConnectionManager.BlobConn(1); CloudBlobContainer container = blob.container; string containerSAS = new Server.ConnectionManager.GenerateSAS().GetContainerSasUri(container, "RWLD"); Console.WriteLine("container sas uri: {0}", containerSAS); Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("SAS uri created"); //7 send upload msg back to client Server.Message.CreateMsg resp = new Server.Message.CreateMsg(); currentFileInfo = upload.addInfo; // when event type is change // get current file info of the blob CloudBlockBlob currBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(upload.filePathInSynFolder); // when event type is change // otherwise do nothing if (currBlob.Exists()) { currBlob.FetchAttributes(); string currHashValue = currBlob.Metadata["hashValue"]; //DateTime currTimestamp = DateTime.ParseExact(currBlob.Metadata["timestamp"], "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss", // null); ; //currTimestamp.ToString(); string currTimestamp = currBlob.Metadata["timestamp"]; currentFileInfo = currHashValue + "|||" + currTimestamp + "|||" + "change"; //blob.indicator = "OK"; } //string respMsg = resp.uploadRespMsg(upload.filePathInSynFolder, containerSAS, null, upload.addInfo); string respMsg = resp.uploadRespMsg(blob.indicator, upload.filePathInSynFolder, containerSAS, " ", currentFileInfo); SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter rw = new SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter(); // write to socket rw.writetoSocket(soc, respMsg); //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("uploader write:" + respMsg, "Server"); Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Wrote response to scoket"); } if (upload.addInfo == "delete") { // get container CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(upload.userName); CloudBlockBlob delBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(upload.filePathInSynFolder); // change value of delete in metadata to true //container.Metadata["Deleted"] = "true"; if (delBlob.Exists()) { // get to be deleted blob's info delBlob.FetchAttributes(); string delHashValue = delBlob.Metadata["hashValue"]; //delHashValue =delHashValue.Replace("-", "/"); //DateTime delTimestamp = DateTime.ParseExact(delBlob.Metadata["timestamp"], "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss", null); DateTime delTimestamp = DateTime.Parse(delBlob.Metadata["timestamp"]); // only delete it when client's version is newer // otherwise client's file is stale, don't delete server's blob // b/c when simultaneous editing, client chooses to delete local copy // it'll delete the server copy too! if (DateTime.Compare(upload.fileTimeStamps, delTimestamp) >= 0) { //*** <<disabling deletion>> UploadFunctions.DeleteFile del = new UploadFunctions.DeleteFile(); del.deleteAll(container, upload.filePathInSynFolder); Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Deleted"); //***/ } } } if (upload.addInfo.IndexOf("rename") == 0) { // get container CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(upload.userName); // get new path in the server string[] separators = { "|||" }; string[] str = upload.addInfo.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string newPath = str[1]; //grab the blob CloudBlockBlob existBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(upload.filePathInSynFolder); // create a new blob CloudBlockBlob newBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(newPath); //copy from the old blob newBlob.StartCopyFromBlob(existBlob); Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Created new blob"); newBlob.Metadata["hashValue"] = upload.fileHashValue; newBlob.Metadata["timestamp"] = upload.fileTimeStamps.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); newBlob.Metadata["filePath"] = newPath; newBlob.SetMetadata(); newBlob.CreateSnapshot(); //delete the old blob existBlob.Delete(DeleteSnapshotsOption.IncludeSnapshots); Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Deleted old blob"); } } catch (Exception e) { Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Exception [UploadReq]:"+ e.Message); //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); //System.IO.File.WriteAllText("bug.txt", e.ToString()); } finally { Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Exiting"); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); } }
private static void threadStartFun(string serverIP, int port, String username, String password,Form frm) { //TBD Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Starting signin thread"); //TBD if(username == "" || password == "") { Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Error : <<Username: \"" +username + "\" and Password: \"" +password + "\" >>" ); //Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Password:"******"Username and Password field cannot be empty", "DBLike Client Sign In"); if (!Program.ClientForm.IsHandleCreated) { Program.ClientForm.CreateHandle(); } //enable service controller Program.ClientForm.signinfail(); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Exiting"); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); } MessageClasses.MsgSignIn msgobj = new MessageClasses.MsgSignIn(); msgobj.setUsername(username); msgobj.setPassword(password); // Fill out the content in msgobj //call CreateMsg.createSignUpMsg(msgobj) get it in bytes form Message.CreateMsg msg = new Message.CreateMsg(); String message = msg.createSignInMsg(msgobj); //create a socket connection. you may need to create in Conection Manager sender = conn.connect(serverIP, port); if (sender == null) { //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Could not connect to server.Please check if Server is Running.", "DBLike Client"); if (!Program.ClientForm.IsHandleCreated) { Program.ClientForm.CreateHandle(); } //enable service controller Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Error : <<Unable to connect to server>> "); Program.ClientForm.signinfail(); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Exiting"); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); } //call SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter.write(byte[] msg) to write msg on socket SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter rw = new SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter(); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Writing to socket"); rw.writetoSocket(sender, message); //call to read response from server String response = rw.readfromSocket(sender); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Reading from socket"); //call parser and process it..... Message.MessageParser mp = new Message.MessageParser(); msgobj = mp.signInParseMessage(response); if(!msgobj.getAck().Equals("")) { if(msgobj.getAck()=="ERRORS") { Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Error : <<" + msgobj.getAddiMsg() + ">>"); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("AUTHENTICATION FAILED", "User name or Password incorrect"); if (!Program.ClientForm.IsHandleCreated) { Program.ClientForm.CreateHandle(); } //enable service controller Program.ClientForm.signinfail(); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Exiting"); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); } else { //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(msgobj.getAck(),msgobj.getAddiMsg());\ //Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Username:"******"Hello, "+ username +"! You have successfully signed in"); LocalDbAccess.LocalDB file = new LocalDbAccess.LocalDB(); file = file.readfromfile(); if (file != null) { if (username != file.getUsername() || password != file.getPassword()) { if (DialogResult.Yes == System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("This System is already configured for a dblike user." + "Do you really want to reconfigure it for another user?", "DBLike Client", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) { string path = null; System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Please select a path to download your folder from the server"); var t = new Thread((ThreadStart)(() => { FolderBrowserDialog folder = new FolderBrowserDialog(); if (folder.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { path = folder.SelectedPath; } })); t.IsBackground = true; t.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); t.Start(); t.Join(); //write to file file = new LocalDbAccess.LocalDB(); file.writetofile(username, password, path); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Wrote to Config file"); } else { Program.ClientForm.signinfail(); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Exiting"); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); } } } else { //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Localdb doesnot exist."); string path = null; System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Please select a path to download your folder from the server"); var t = new Thread((ThreadStart)(() => { FolderBrowserDialog folder = new FolderBrowserDialog(); if (folder.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { path = folder.SelectedPath; } })); t.IsBackground = true; t.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); t.Start(); t.Join(); //write to file file = new LocalDbAccess.LocalDB(); file.writetofile(username, password, path); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Wrote to Confgi file"); } //poll = new PollFiles(); if (!Program.ClientForm.IsHandleCreated) { Program.ClientForm.CreateHandle(); } //enable service controller Program.ClientForm.signinpass(); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Successefully Signed in"); //poll.start(); //MessageBox.Show("Signing in done","Client"); Client.Program.poll.pull = true; Client.Program.poll.start(); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Polling started"); //Thread.Sleep(10000); // initialize the file list for sign in scenario Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileListMaintain fileMaintain = new Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileListMaintain(); fileMaintain.scanAllFilesAttributes(); //FileSysWatchDog.Run(); Program.folderWatcher.start(); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("File-watcher Installed"); //Program.ClientForm.ballon("File watcher installed"); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); } } }
public static void listen() { //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Servermainthread started", "Server"); Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Starting Server..."); //**************setting to connect to local server ********************** IPHostEntry ipHostInfo = Dns.Resolve(Dns.GetHostName()); IPAddress ipAddress = ipHostInfo.AddressList[0]; IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, 11000); //***************************************************************************/ /*************** Setting to run on VM******************************* // Iterate through IP list and find IPV4 bool found = false; int i = 0; IPAddress ipAddress = null; String strHostName = Dns.GetHostName(); IPHostEntry iphostentry = Dns.GetHostEntry(strHostName); while (!found) { if (!iphostentry.AddressList[i].IsIPv6LinkLocal) { ipAddress = iphostentry.AddressList[i]; found = true; } i++; if (i == 10) { found = true; } } IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, 11000); *********************************************************************/ // Create a TCP/IP socket. Socket listener = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); // Bind the socket to the local endpoint and // listen for incoming connections. try { listener.Bind(localEndPoint); listener.Listen(10); Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Server started"); while(true) { Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Listening..."); handler = listener.Accept(); Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Received Conn from "+ ((IPEndPoint)handler.RemoteEndPoint).Address.ToString()); if (varstop) { Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Shutting down..."); //if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to shut down server? ", "Allow", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) //{ handler.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); handler.Close(); //Application.Exit(); break; //} //varstop = false; } //TBD /* byte[] str = new byte[1024]; handler.Receive(str); Console.WriteLine(str.ToString()); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(str)); */ SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter rw = new SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter(); string req = rw.readfromSocket(handler); Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole(req); string reqtype = findReqType(req); switch(reqtype) { case "SIGNUP": { //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Switch signUp", "Server"); Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Request Type:" + reqtype); Threads.ServiceSignUpReq obj = new ServiceSignUpReq(); obj.start(handler, req); break; } case "SIGNIN": { Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Request Type:" + reqtype); ServiceSignInReq obj = new ServiceSignInReq(); obj.start(handler, req); break; } case "POLL": { Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Request Type:" + reqtype); ServicePollReq obj = new ServicePollReq(); obj.start(handler, req); break; } case "UPLOAD": { Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Request Type:" + reqtype); //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Switch Upload", "Server"); ServiceUploadReq obj = new ServiceUploadReq(); obj.start(handler, req); //obj.stop(); break; } case "DOWNLOAD": { Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Request Type:" + reqtype); ServiceDownloadReq obj = new ServiceDownloadReq(); obj.start(handler, req); break; } case "NOTIFICATION": { Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Request Type:" + reqtype); Service_Notification obj = new Service_Notification(); obj.start(handler, req); break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole(ex.ToString()); } }
private void threadStartFun(Socket soc, string req) { Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Service SignUpReq Thread Started"); //parse msg received //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Signup service started:"+ req, "Server"); Message.MessageParser parser = new Message.MessageParser(); MessageClasses.MsgSignUp.req reqobj = new MessageClasses.MsgSignUp.req(); reqobj = parser.signUpParseReq(req); //create connection with sql ConnectionManager.DataBaseConn con = new ConnectionManager.DataBaseConn(1); SqlConnection conn = con.DBConnect(); //check if user already exits DatabaseAccess.Query q = new DatabaseAccess.Query(); if (true == q.checkIfUserExists(reqobj.userName, conn)) { con.DBClose(); //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Signup service if user exists", "Server"); MessageClasses.MsgSignUp.resp resp = new MessageClasses.MsgSignUp.resp(); resp.ack = "ERRORS"; resp.addiMsg = "AlreadyExist"; Message.CreateMsg msg = new Message.CreateMsg(); string res= msg.signUpResp(resp); SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter rw = new SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter(); rw.writetoSocket(soc, res); Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Writing response to Socket"); Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Exiting"); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); } else { ConnectionManager.DataBaseConn con1 = new ConnectionManager.DataBaseConn(1); SqlConnection conn1 = con.DBConnect(); if (true == q.insertNewUser(reqobj.userName, reqobj.psw, conn1)) { Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("New User Added"); conn1.Close(); //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Signup service insert user", "Server"); MessageClasses.MsgSignUp.resp resp = new MessageClasses.MsgSignUp.resp(); resp.ack = "OK"; resp.addiMsg = "Added"; Message.CreateMsg msg = new Message.CreateMsg(); string res = msg.signUpResp(resp); SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter rw = new SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter(); rw.writetoSocket(soc, res); Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Wrote response to Socket"); //conn.Close(); } else { conn1.Close(); Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Sign Up Error while inserting to Database"); //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Signup service could insert", "Server"); MessageClasses.MsgSignUp.resp resp = new MessageClasses.MsgSignUp.resp(); resp.ack = "ERRORS"; resp.addiMsg = "ERRORWHILEINSERTING"; Message.CreateMsg msg = new Message.CreateMsg(); string res = msg.signUpResp(resp); SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter rw = new SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter(); rw.writetoSocket(soc, res); Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Wrote Respose to Socket"); //conn.Close(); } //conn.Close(); Program.ServerForm.addtoConsole("Exiting"); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); } //TBD }
private static void threadStartFun(string serverIP, int port,String username, String password,string sysncpath ) { Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Sign Up initiated"); //TBD //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("start", "SignUp Thread started"); MessageClasses.MsgSignUp msgobj = new MessageClasses.MsgSignUp(); msgobj.userName = username; msgobj.psw = password; // Fill out the content in msgobj //call CreateMsg.createSignUpMsg(msgobj) get it in bytes form Message.CreateMsg msg=new Message.CreateMsg(); String message = msg.createSignUpMsg(msgobj); //create a socket connection. you may need to create in Conection Manager sender = conn.connect(serverIP, port); if(sender == null) { Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Error : <<Could not connect to server. May be Server is not Running>>"); //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Could not connect to server.Please check if Server is Running.", "DBLike Client"); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Exiting"); Program.ClientForm.signupfail(); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); } //call SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter.write(byte[] msg) to write msg on socket SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter rw = new SocketCommunication.ReaderWriter(); //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("going to write socket:"+message, "SignUp Thread started"); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Writing to socket: " + message); rw.writetoSocket(sender, message); //call to read response from server //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("going to read socket: " , "SignUp Thread started"); String response=rw.readfromSocket(sender); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Read from socket :" + response); //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("read:"+ response, "SignUp Thread started"); //call parser and process it..... Message.MessageParser mp = new Message.MessageParser(); //msgobj = mp.signInParseMessage(response); msgobj = mp.signUpParseMessage(response); // This functionality should be added here //call parser and process it..... if (!msgobj.ack.Equals("")) { Message.MessageParser msgparser = new Message.MessageParser(); if (msgobj.ack.Equals("ERRORS")) { Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Error :" +"<<"+ msgobj.addiMsg +">>"); //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Some error occured!Please try again.", "Error Occured"); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Exiting"); Program.ClientForm.signupfail(); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); } else { Program.ClientForm.ballon("Congratulations " + username + "! Your account is successfully created"); if (File.Exists(@"C:\dblikeConfig\dblike.txt")) { if (DialogResult.No == System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("This System is already configured for a dblike user." + "Do you want to reconfigure it for yourself?", "DBLike Client", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) { Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Exiting"); Program.ClientForm.signupfail(); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); } } /* if (!Program.ClientForm.IsHandleCreated) { Program.ClientForm.CreateHandle(); } Program.ClientForm.Appendconsole("Successefully Signed in"); */ LocalDbAccess.LocalDB file = new LocalDbAccess.LocalDB(); if (false == file.writetofile(username, password, sysncpath)) { Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Error : <<Unable to access config file. Please try Sign In>>"); //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Unable to access dblike file. Please try Sign In.", "Error Occured"); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Exiting"); Program.ClientForm.signupfail(); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); } else { //Upload all the content bool result = file.writetofile(username, password, sysncpath); if (result == false) { Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Error : <<Unable to access config file. Please try Sign In>>"); //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Unable to write on the file. Please try Sign In.", "Unable to write on file"); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Exiting"); Program.ClientForm.signupfail(); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); //return; } Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Initiating content upload"); uploadeverything(sysncpath); //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Uploaded!!!", "Client"); //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Started!!!", "Client"); // initialize the file list for sign up scenario Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileListMaintain fileMaintain = new Client.LocalFileSysAccess.FileListMaintain(); fileMaintain.scanAllFilesAttributes(); Program.folderWatcher.start(); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("File watcher Installed"); Client.Program.poll.start(); Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Poll thread started"); if (!Program.ClientForm.IsHandleCreated) { Program.ClientForm.CreateHandle(); } //enable service controller Program.ClientForm.signUppassed(); /* Threads.FileSysWatchDog watchdog = new FileSysWatchDog(); if (watchdog.start() == false) { //disable stop service button //enable start service button } */ } Program.ClientForm.addtoConsole("Exiting Sign Up thread"); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); } } }