예제 #1
			public void SendTo ()
				int total = 0;
				try {
					total = result.Sock.SendTo_nochecks (result.Buffer,

					UpdateSendValues (total);
					if (result.Size > 0) {
						SocketAsyncCall sac = new SocketAsyncCall (this.SendTo);
						sac.BeginInvoke (null, result);
						return; // Have to finish writing everything. See bug #74475.
					result.Total = send_so_far;
				} catch (Exception e) {
					result.Complete (e);

				result.Complete ();
예제 #2
		public IAsyncResult BeginSendTo(byte[] buffer, int offset,
						int size,
						SocketFlags socket_flags,
						EndPoint remote_end,
						AsyncCallback callback,
						object state) {
			if (disposed && closed)
				throw new ObjectDisposedException (GetType ().ToString ());

			if (buffer == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("buffer");

			if (offset < 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset", "offset must be >= 0");

			if (size < 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("size", "size must be >= 0");

			if (offset + size > buffer.Length)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset, size", "offset + size exceeds the buffer length");

			SocketAsyncResult req;
			lock (writeQ) {
				req = new SocketAsyncResult (this, state, callback, SocketOperation.SendTo);
				req.Buffer = buffer;
				req.Offset = offset;
				req.Size = size;
				req.SockFlags = socket_flags;
				req.EndPoint = remote_end;
				writeQ.Enqueue (req);
				if (writeQ.Count == 1) {
					Worker worker = new Worker (req);
					SocketAsyncCall sac = new SocketAsyncCall (worker.SendTo);
					sac.BeginInvoke (null, req);
			return req;
예제 #3
			public void Send ()
				// Actual send() done in the runtime
				if (result.error == 0) {
					UpdateSendValues (result.Total);
					if (result.Sock.disposed) {
						result.Complete ();

					if (result.Size > 0) {
						SocketAsyncCall sac = new SocketAsyncCall (this.Send);
						sac.BeginInvoke (null, result);
						return; // Have to finish writing everything. See bug #74475.
					result.Total = send_so_far;
				result.Complete ();
예제 #4
		public IAsyncResult BeginSend (byte[] buffer, int offset, int size, SocketFlags socket_flags,
					       AsyncCallback callback, object state)
			if (disposed && closed)
				throw new ObjectDisposedException (GetType ().ToString ());

			if (buffer == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("buffer");

			if (offset < 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset", "offset must be >= 0");

			if (size < 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("size", "size must be >= 0");

			if (offset + size > buffer.Length)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset, size", "offset + size exceeds the buffer length");

#if NET_2_0
			/* TODO: Check this exception in the 1.1 profile */
			if (!connected)
				throw new SocketException ((int)SocketError.NotConnected);

			SocketAsyncResult req;
			lock (writeQ) {
				req = new SocketAsyncResult (this, state, callback, SocketOperation.Send);
				req.Buffer = buffer;
				req.Offset = offset;
				req.Size = size;
				req.SockFlags = socket_flags;
				writeQ.Enqueue (req);
				if (writeQ.Count == 1) {
					Worker worker = new Worker (req);
					SocketAsyncCall sac = new SocketAsyncCall (worker.Send);
					sac.BeginInvoke (null, req);
			return req;
예제 #5
		public IAsyncResult BeginSend (IList<ArraySegment<byte>> buffers,
					       SocketFlags socketFlags,
					       AsyncCallback callback,
					       object state)
			if (disposed && closed)
				throw new ObjectDisposedException (GetType ().ToString ());

			if (buffers == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("buffers");

			if (!connected)
				throw new SocketException ((int)SocketError.NotConnected);

			SocketAsyncResult req;
			lock (writeQ) {
				req = new SocketAsyncResult (this, state, callback, SocketOperation.SendGeneric);
				req.Buffers = buffers;
				req.SockFlags = socketFlags;
				writeQ.Enqueue (req);
				if (writeQ.Count == 1) {
					Worker worker = new Worker (req);
					SocketAsyncCall sac = new SocketAsyncCall (worker.SendGeneric);
					sac.BeginInvoke (null, req);
예제 #6
		public IAsyncResult BeginDisconnect (bool reuseSocket,
						     AsyncCallback callback,
						     object state)
			if (disposed && closed)
				throw new ObjectDisposedException (GetType ().ToString ());

			SocketAsyncResult req = new SocketAsyncResult (this, state, callback, SocketOperation.Disconnect);
			req.ReuseSocket = reuseSocket;
			Worker worker = new Worker (req);
			SocketAsyncCall sac = new SocketAsyncCall (worker.Disconnect);
			sac.BeginInvoke (null, req);
예제 #7
		public IAsyncResult BeginReceive(byte[] buffer, int offset,
						 int size,
						 SocketFlags socket_flags,
						 AsyncCallback callback,
						 object state) {

			if (disposed && closed)
				throw new ObjectDisposedException (GetType ().ToString ());

			if (buffer == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("buffer");

			if (offset < 0 || offset > buffer.Length)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset");

			if (size < 0 || offset + size > buffer.Length)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("size");

			SocketAsyncResult req;
			lock (readQ) {
				req = new SocketAsyncResult (this, state, callback, SocketOperation.Receive);
				req.Buffer = buffer;
				req.Offset = offset;
				req.Size = size;
				req.SockFlags = socket_flags;
				readQ.Enqueue (req);
				if (readQ.Count == 1) {
					Worker worker = new Worker (req);
					SocketAsyncCall sac = new SocketAsyncCall (worker.Receive);
					sac.BeginInvoke (null, req);

			return req;
예제 #8
		public IAsyncResult BeginConnect (IPAddress[] addresses,
						  int port,
						  AsyncCallback callback,
						  object state)
			if (disposed && closed)
				throw new ObjectDisposedException (GetType ().ToString ());

			if (addresses == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("addresses");

			if (this.AddressFamily != AddressFamily.InterNetwork &&
				this.AddressFamily != AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
				throw new NotSupportedException ("This method is only valid for addresses in the InterNetwork or InterNetworkV6 families");

			if (islistening)
				throw new InvalidOperationException ();

			SocketAsyncResult req = new SocketAsyncResult (this, state, callback, SocketOperation.Connect);
			req.Addresses = addresses;
			req.Port = port;
			connected = false;
			Worker worker = new Worker (req);
			SocketAsyncCall sac = new SocketAsyncCall (worker.Connect);
			sac.BeginInvoke (null, req);
예제 #9
		public IAsyncResult BeginConnect(EndPoint end_point,
						 AsyncCallback callback,
						 object state) {

			if (disposed && closed)
				throw new ObjectDisposedException (GetType ().ToString ());

			if (end_point == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("end_point");

			SocketAsyncResult req = new SocketAsyncResult (this, state, callback, SocketOperation.Connect);
			req.EndPoint = end_point;

			// Bug #75154: Connect() should not succeed for .Any addresses.
			if (end_point is IPEndPoint) {
				IPEndPoint ep = (IPEndPoint) end_point;
				if (ep.Address.Equals (IPAddress.Any) || ep.Address.Equals (IPAddress.IPv6Any)) {
					req.Complete (new SocketException ((int) SocketError.AddressNotAvailable), true);
					return req;

			int error = 0;
			if (!blocking) {
				SocketAddress serial = end_point.Serialize ();
				Connect_internal (socket, serial, out error);
				if (error == 0) {
					// succeeded synch
					connected = true;
					req.Complete (true);
				} else if (error != (int) SocketError.InProgress && error != (int) SocketError.WouldBlock) {
					// error synch
					connected = false;
					req.Complete (new SocketException (error), true);

			if (blocking || error == (int) SocketError.InProgress || error == (int) SocketError.WouldBlock) {
				// continue asynch
				connected = false;
				Worker worker = new Worker (req);
				SocketAsyncCall sac = new SocketAsyncCall (worker.Connect);
				sac.BeginInvoke (null, req);

예제 #10
		public IAsyncResult BeginAccept (Socket acceptSocket,
						 int receiveSize,
						 AsyncCallback callback,
						 object state)
			if (disposed && closed)
				throw new ObjectDisposedException (GetType ().ToString ());

			if (receiveSize < 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("receiveSize", "receiveSize is less than zero");

			if (acceptSocket != null) {
				if (acceptSocket.disposed && acceptSocket.closed)
					throw new ObjectDisposedException (acceptSocket.GetType ().ToString ());

				if (acceptSocket.IsBound)
					throw new InvalidOperationException ();

				/* For some reason the MS runtime
				 * barfs if the new socket is not TCP,
				 * even though it's just about to blow
				 * away all those parameters
				if (acceptSocket.ProtocolType != ProtocolType.Tcp)
					throw new SocketException ((int)SocketError.InvalidArgument);
			SocketAsyncResult req = new SocketAsyncResult (this, state, callback, SocketOperation.AcceptReceive);
			Worker worker = new Worker (req);
			SocketAsyncCall sac = new SocketAsyncCall (worker.AcceptReceive);
			req.Buffer = new byte[receiveSize];
			req.Offset = 0;
			req.Size = receiveSize;
			req.SockFlags = SocketFlags.None;
			req.AcceptSocket = acceptSocket;

			sac.BeginInvoke (null, req);
예제 #11
		public IAsyncResult BeginAccept (int receiveSize,
						 AsyncCallback callback,
						 object state)
			if (disposed && closed)
				throw new ObjectDisposedException (GetType ().ToString ());

			if (receiveSize < 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("receiveSize", "receiveSize is less than zero");

			SocketAsyncResult req = new SocketAsyncResult (this, state, callback, SocketOperation.AcceptReceive);
			Worker worker = new Worker (req);
			SocketAsyncCall sac = new SocketAsyncCall (worker.AcceptReceive);
			req.Buffer = new byte[receiveSize];
			req.Offset = 0;
			req.Size = receiveSize;
			req.SockFlags = SocketFlags.None;

			sac.BeginInvoke (null, req);
예제 #12
		public IAsyncResult BeginAccept(AsyncCallback callback,
						object state)
			if (disposed && closed)
				throw new ObjectDisposedException (GetType ().ToString ());

#if NET_2_0
			/* FIXME: check the 1.1 docs for this too */
			if (!isbound || !islistening)
				throw new InvalidOperationException ();

			SocketAsyncResult req = new SocketAsyncResult (this, state, callback, SocketOperation.Accept);
			Worker worker = new Worker (req);
			SocketAsyncCall sac = new SocketAsyncCall (worker.Accept);
			sac.BeginInvoke (null, req);