예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AlpacaBrokerage"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orderProvider">The order provider.</param>
        /// <param name="securityProvider">The holdings provider.</param>
        /// <param name="accountKeyId">The Alpaca api key id</param>
        /// <param name="secretKey">The api secret key</param>
        /// <param name="tradingMode">The Alpaca trading mode. paper/live</param>
        public AlpacaBrokerage(IOrderProvider orderProvider, ISecurityProvider securityProvider, string accountKeyId, string secretKey, string tradingMode)
            : base("Alpaca Brokerage")
            var baseUrl = "api.alpaca.markets";

            if (tradingMode.Equals("paper"))
                baseUrl = "paper-" + baseUrl;
            baseUrl = "https://" + baseUrl;

            _orderProvider    = orderProvider;
            _securityProvider = securityProvider;

            _marketHours = MarketHoursDatabase.FromDataFolder();

            // api client for alpaca
            _restClient = new RestClient(accountKeyId, secretKey, baseUrl);

            // websocket client for alpaca
            _sockClient = new SockClient(accountKeyId, secretKey, baseUrl);
            _sockClient.OnTradeUpdate += OnTradeUpdate;
            _sockClient.OnError       += OnSockClientError;

            // polygon client for alpaca
            _natsClient = new NatsClient(accountKeyId, baseUrl.Contains("staging"));
            _natsClient.QuoteReceived += OnQuoteReceived;
            _natsClient.TradeReceived += OnTradeReceived;
            _natsClient.OnError       += OnNatsClientError;
예제 #2
 public SmppInternalConnection(SmppSettings Settings)
     TcpConnection                  = new SockClient();
     PendingResponse                = new ListDictionary();
     PendingQueue                   = new ArrayList(15);
     PendingBind                    = new ArrayList(10);
     ReleasedDateTime               = DateTime.Now;
     LastReceptionTime              = DateTime.Now;
     ClientGuid                     = Guid.NewGuid();
     this.Settings                  = Settings;
     TcpConnection.DataReceived    += TcpConnection_DataReceived;
     TcpConnection.CloseConnection += TcpConnection_CloseConnection;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AlpacaBrokerage"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orderProvider">The order provider.</param>
        /// <param name="securityProvider">The holdings provider.</param>
        /// <param name="accountKeyId">The Alpaca api key id</param>
        /// <param name="secretKey">The api secret key</param>
        /// <param name="tradingMode">The Alpaca trading mode. paper/live</param>
        /// <param name="handlesMarketData">true if market data subscriptions will be handled by Alpaca</param>
        /// <param name="aggregator">consolidate ticks</param>
        public AlpacaBrokerage(IOrderProvider orderProvider, ISecurityProvider securityProvider, string accountKeyId, string secretKey, string tradingMode, bool handlesMarketData, IDataAggregator aggregator)
            : base("Alpaca Brokerage")
            _handlesMarketData = handlesMarketData;
            _aggregator        = aggregator;

            var httpScheme    = "https://";
            var alpacaBaseUrl = "api.alpaca.markets";

            if (tradingMode.Equals("paper"))
                alpacaBaseUrl = "paper-" + alpacaBaseUrl;

            var httpAlpacaBaseUrl = httpScheme + alpacaBaseUrl;

            _orderProvider    = orderProvider;
            _securityProvider = securityProvider;

            _marketHours = MarketHoursDatabase.FromDataFolder();

            // Alpaca trading client
            _alpacaTradingClient = new AlpacaTradingClient(new AlpacaTradingClientConfiguration
                ApiEndpoint = tradingMode.Equals("paper") ? Environments.Paper.AlpacaTradingApi : Environments.Live.AlpacaTradingApi,
                SecurityId  = new SecretKey(accountKeyId, secretKey)
            // api client for alpaca data
            _polygonDataClient = new PolygonDataClient(new PolygonDataClientConfiguration
                ApiEndpoint = Environments.Live.PolygonDataApi,
                KeyId       = accountKeyId

            // websocket client for alpaca
            _sockClient = new SockClient(accountKeyId, secretKey, httpAlpacaBaseUrl);
            _sockClient.OnTradeUpdate += OnTradeUpdate;
            _sockClient.OnError       += OnSockClientError;

            // Polygon Streaming client for Alpaca (streams trade and quote data)
            _polygonStreamingClient = new PolygonStreamingClient(new PolygonStreamingClientConfiguration
                ApiEndpoint      = Environments.Live.PolygonStreamingApi,
                KeyId            = accountKeyId,
                WebSocketFactory = new WebSocketClientFactory()
            _polygonStreamingClient.QuoteReceived += OnQuoteReceived;
            _polygonStreamingClient.TradeReceived += OnTradeReceived;
            _polygonStreamingClient.OnError       += OnPolygonStreamingClientError;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AlpacaBrokerage"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orderProvider">The order provider.</param>
        /// <param name="securityProvider">The holdings provider.</param>
        /// <param name="mapFileProvider">representing all the map files</param>
        /// <param name="accountKeyId">The Alpaca api key id</param>
        /// <param name="secretKey">The api secret key</param>
        /// <param name="tradingMode">The Alpaca trading mode. paper/live</param>
        public AlpacaBrokerage(IOrderProvider orderProvider, ISecurityProvider securityProvider, IMapFileProvider mapFileProvider, string accountKeyId, string secretKey, string tradingMode)
            : base("Alpaca Brokerage")
            var httpScheme    = "https://";
            var alpacaBaseUrl = "api.alpaca.markets";

            if (tradingMode.Equals("paper"))
                alpacaBaseUrl = "paper-" + alpacaBaseUrl;

            var httpAlpacaBaseUrl = httpScheme + alpacaBaseUrl;

            _orderProvider    = orderProvider;
            _securityProvider = securityProvider;
            _symbolMapper     = new AlpacaSymbolMapper(mapFileProvider);
            _marketHours      = MarketHoursDatabase.FromDataFolder();

            // Alpaca trading client
            _alpacaTradingClient = new AlpacaTradingClient(new AlpacaTradingClientConfiguration
                ApiEndpoint = tradingMode.Equals("paper") ? Environments.Paper.AlpacaTradingApi : Environments.Live.AlpacaTradingApi,
                SecurityId  = new SecretKey(accountKeyId, secretKey)

            // api client for alpaca data
            _polygonDataClient = new PolygonDataClient(new PolygonDataClientConfiguration
                ApiEndpoint = Environments.Live.PolygonDataApi,
                KeyId       = accountKeyId

            // websocket client for alpaca
            _sockClient = new SockClient(accountKeyId, secretKey, httpAlpacaBaseUrl);
            _sockClient.OnTradeUpdate += OnTradeUpdate;
            _sockClient.OnError       += OnSockClientError;
예제 #5
        public async Task Run()
            restClient = new RestClient(API_KEY, API_SECRET, API_URL, apiVersion: 2);

            // Connect to Alpaca's websocket and listen for updates on our orders.
            sockClient = new SockClient(API_KEY, API_SECRET, API_URL);

            sockClient.OnTradeUpdate += HandleTradeUpdate;

            // First, cancel any existing orders so they don't impact our buying power.
            var orders = await restClient.ListOrdersAsync();

            foreach (var order in orders)
                await restClient.DeleteOrderAsync(order.OrderId);

            // Figure out when the market will close so we can prepare to sell beforehand.
            var calendars    = (await restClient.ListCalendarAsync(DateTime.Today)).ToList();
            var calendarDate = calendars.First().TradingDate;
            var closingTime  = calendars.First().TradingCloseTime;

            closingTime = new DateTime(calendarDate.Year, calendarDate.Month, calendarDate.Day, closingTime.Hour, closingTime.Minute, closingTime.Second);

            var today = DateTime.Today;
            // Get the first group of bars from today if the market has already been open.
            var bars = await restClient.ListMinuteAggregatesAsync(symbol, 1, today, today.AddDays(1));

            var lastBars = bars.Items.Skip(Math.Max(0, bars.Items.Count() - 20));

            foreach (var bar in lastBars)
                if (bar.Time.Date == today)

            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for market open...");
            await AwaitMarketOpen();

            Console.WriteLine("Market opened.");

            // Connect to Polygon's websocket and listen for price updates.
            polygonSockClient = new PolygonSockClient(API_KEY);
            Console.WriteLine("Polygon client opened.");
            polygonSockClient.MinuteAggReceived += async(agg) =>
                // If the market's close to closing, exit position and stop trading.
                TimeSpan minutesUntilClose = closingTime - DateTime.UtcNow;
                if (minutesUntilClose.TotalMinutes < 15)
                    Console.WriteLine("Reached the end of trading window.");
                    await ClosePositionAtMarket();

                    await polygonSockClient.DisconnectAsync();
                    // Decide whether to buy or sell and submit orders.
                    await HandleMinuteAgg(agg);
        public async void Run()
            restClient = new RestClient(API_KEY, API_SECRET, API_URL, apiVersion: 2);

            // First, cancel any existing orders so they don't impact our buying power.
            var orders = restClient.ListOrdersAsync().Result;

            foreach (var order in orders)

            // Figure out when the market will close so we can prepare to sell beforehand.
            var calendars    = restClient.ListCalendarAsync(DateTime.Today).Result;
            var calendarDate = calendars.First().TradingDate;
            var closingTime  = calendars.First().TradingCloseTime;

            closingTime = new DateTime(calendarDate.Year, calendarDate.Month, calendarDate.Day, closingTime.Hour, closingTime.Minute, closingTime.Second);

            // Get the first group of bars from today if the market has already been open.
            var bars = restClient.ListMinuteAggregatesAsync(symbol: symbol, limit: 20).Result.Items;

            foreach (var bar in bars)
                if (bar.Time.Date == DateTime.Now.Date)

            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for market open...");
            Console.WriteLine("Market opened.");

            // Connect to Polygon and listen for price updates.
            var natsClient = new NatsClient(API_KEY, false);

            Console.WriteLine("Polygon client opened.");
            natsClient.AggReceived += (agg) =>
                // If the market's close to closing, exit position and stop trading.
                TimeSpan minutesUntilClose = closingTime - DateTime.UtcNow;
                if (minutesUntilClose.TotalMinutes < 15)
                    Console.WriteLine("Reached the end of trading window.");
                    // Decide whether to buy or sell and submit orders.

            // Connect to Alpaca and listen for updates on our orders.
            var sockClient = new SockClient(API_KEY, API_SECRET, API_URL);
            await sockClient.ConnectAsync();

            Console.WriteLine("Socket client opened.");
            sockClient.OnTradeUpdate += (trade) =>
예제 #7
        public void RemoveClient(SockClient client)
//			( client as DBClientHandler ).Logout();