static void Main(string[] args) { SnmpIfPluginOptions Options = new SnmpIfPluginOptions(); Options.label = "Interface"; Options.units = "%"; Options.ProcessArgs(args); SnmpPlugin plugin = new SnmpPlugin(Options); String checkInterface = Options.checkInterface.ToString(); // *** get interface description *** Options.oid = Options.oidIfName + "." + checkInterface; Options.label += " '" + plugin.Get() + "'"; // *** get interface speeds (0 = in, 1 = out) *** Int32[] ifSpeed = new Int32[2]; Int32 tryParse; for (Int32 i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { String optionIfSpeed = plugin.GetNthOption(Options.ifSpeed, i); if (optionIfSpeed == "auto" || !Int32.TryParse(optionIfSpeed, out tryParse)) { Options.oid = Options.oidIfSpeed + "." + checkInterface; ifSpeed[i] = Convert.ToInt32(plugin.Get()); if (ifSpeed[i] < 1) { plugin.FatalError(Plugin<NagiosPluginsNT.SnmpPluginOptions>.StatusCode.Critical, "", "Unable to determine interface speed"); } } else { ifSpeed[i] = Convert.ToInt32(optionIfSpeed); } } // *** poll counters *** Options.oid = Options.oidIfInOctets + "." + checkInterface; Int64 startTimeIn = DateTime.Now.Ticks; Decimal ifInOctets1 = Convert.ToDecimal(plugin.Get()); Options.oid = Options.oidIfOutOctets + "." + checkInterface; Int64 startTimeOut = DateTime.Now.Ticks; Decimal ifOutOctets1 = Convert.ToDecimal(plugin.Get()); Thread.Sleep(Options.interval * 1000); // *** poll counters *** Options.oid = Options.oidIfInOctets + "." + checkInterface; Decimal ifInOctets2 = Convert.ToDecimal(plugin.Get()); Decimal realIntervalIn = (((Decimal)DateTime.Now.Ticks - (Decimal)startTimeIn) / (Decimal)TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond); Options.oid = Options.oidIfOutOctets + "." + checkInterface; Decimal ifOutOctets2 = Convert.ToDecimal(plugin.Get()); Decimal realIntervalOut = (((Decimal)DateTime.Now.Ticks - (Decimal)startTimeOut) / (Decimal)TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond); // *** get traffic statistics *** plugin.AppendValue("Traffic In", Math.Round((Math.Abs(ifInOctets2 - ifInOctets1) * 8 * 100) / (realIntervalIn * ifSpeed[0]))); plugin.AppendValue("Traffic Out", Math.Round((Math.Abs(ifOutOctets2 - ifOutOctets1) * 8 * 100) / (realIntervalOut * ifSpeed[1]))); plugin.Finish(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { SnmpPluginOptions Options = new SnmpPluginOptions(); Options.oid = ""; Options.ProcessArgs(args); SnmpPlugin plugin = new SnmpPlugin(Options); String value = plugin.Get(); Decimal tryParse; if (decimal.TryParse(value, out tryParse)) { plugin.AppendValue(tryParse); } else { plugin.AppendValue(value); } plugin.Finish(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { SnmpIfPluginOptions Options = new SnmpIfPluginOptions(); Options.label = "Interface"; Options.units = "%"; Options.ProcessArgs(args); SnmpPlugin plugin = new SnmpPlugin(Options); String checkInterface = Options.checkInterface.ToString(); // *** get interface description *** Options.oid = Options.oidIfName + "." + checkInterface; Options.label += " '" + plugin.Get() + "'"; // *** get interface speeds (0 = in, 1 = out) *** Int32[] ifSpeed = new Int32[2]; Int32 tryParse; for (Int32 i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { String optionIfSpeed = plugin.GetNthOption(Options.ifSpeed, i); if (optionIfSpeed == "auto" || !Int32.TryParse(optionIfSpeed, out tryParse)) { Options.oid = Options.oidIfSpeed + "." + checkInterface; ifSpeed[i] = Convert.ToInt32(plugin.Get()); if (ifSpeed[i] < 1) { plugin.FatalError(Plugin <NagiosPluginsNT.SnmpPluginOptions> .StatusCode.Critical, "", "Unable to determine interface speed"); } } else { ifSpeed[i] = Convert.ToInt32(optionIfSpeed); } } // *** poll counters *** Options.oid = Options.oidIfInOctets + "." + checkInterface; Int64 startTimeIn = DateTime.Now.Ticks; Decimal ifInOctets1 = Convert.ToDecimal(plugin.Get()); Options.oid = Options.oidIfOutOctets + "." + checkInterface; Int64 startTimeOut = DateTime.Now.Ticks; Decimal ifOutOctets1 = Convert.ToDecimal(plugin.Get()); Thread.Sleep(Options.interval * 1000); // *** poll counters *** Options.oid = Options.oidIfInOctets + "." + checkInterface; Decimal ifInOctets2 = Convert.ToDecimal(plugin.Get()); Decimal realIntervalIn = (((Decimal)DateTime.Now.Ticks - (Decimal)startTimeIn) / (Decimal)TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond); Options.oid = Options.oidIfOutOctets + "." + checkInterface; Decimal ifOutOctets2 = Convert.ToDecimal(plugin.Get()); Decimal realIntervalOut = (((Decimal)DateTime.Now.Ticks - (Decimal)startTimeOut) / (Decimal)TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond); // *** get traffic statistics *** plugin.AppendValue("Traffic In", Math.Round((Math.Abs(ifInOctets2 - ifInOctets1) * 8 * 100) / (realIntervalIn * ifSpeed[0]))); plugin.AppendValue("Traffic Out", Math.Round((Math.Abs(ifOutOctets2 - ifOutOctets1) * 8 * 100) / (realIntervalOut * ifSpeed[1]))); plugin.Finish(); }