/// <summary>Snippet for MethodResourceSignature</summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only.
 /// It may require modifications to work in your environment.
 /// </remarks>
 public void MethodResourceSignatureRequestObject()
     // Create client
     SnippetsClient snippetsClient = SnippetsClient.Create();
     // Initialize request argument(s)
     ResourceSignatureRequest request = new ResourceSignatureRequest
         FirstNameAsSimpleResourceName  = SimpleResourceName.FromItem("[ITEM_ID]"),
         SecondNameAsSimpleResourceName = SimpleResourceName.FromItem("[ITEM_ID]"),
         ThirdNameAsSimpleResourceName  = SimpleResourceName.FromItem("[ITEM_ID]"),
     // Make the request
     Response response = snippetsClient.MethodResourceSignature(request);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>Snippet for OneOfMethodAsync</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only.
        /// It may require modifications to work in your environment.
        /// </remarks>
        public async Task OneOfMethodRequestObjectAsync()
            // Create client
            SnippetsClient snippetsClient = await SnippetsClient.CreateAsync();

            // Initialize request argument(s)
            OneOfRequest request = new OneOfRequest
                NonOneOfString = "",
                AString        = "",
            // Make the request
            Response response = await snippetsClient.OneOfMethodAsync(request);
        /// <summary>Snippet for MethodBidiStreaming</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only.
        /// It may require modifications to work in your environment.
        /// </remarks>
        public async Task MethodBidiStreaming()
            // Create client
            SnippetsClient snippetsClient = SnippetsClient.Create();

            // Initialize streaming call, retrieving the stream object
            SnippetsClient.MethodBidiStreamingStream response = snippetsClient.MethodBidiStreaming();

            // Sending requests and retrieving responses can be arbitrarily interleaved
            // Exact sequence will depend on client/server behavior

            // Create task to do something with responses from server
            Task responseHandlerTask = Task.Run(async() =>
                // Note that C# 8 code can use await foreach
                AsyncResponseStream <Response> responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
                while (await responseStream.MoveNextAsync())
                    Response responseItem = responseStream.Current;
                    // Do something with streamed response
                // The response stream has completed

            // Send requests to the server
            bool done = false;

            while (!done)
                // Initialize a request
                SignatureRequest request = new SignatureRequest
                    AString      = "",
                    AnInt        = 0,
                    ABool        = false,
                    MapIntString = { { 0, "" }, },
                // Stream a request to the server
                await response.WriteAsync(request);

                // Set "done" to true when sending requests is complete

            // Complete writing requests to the stream
            await response.WriteCompleteAsync();

            // Await the response handler
            // This will complete once all server responses have been processed
            await responseHandlerTask;
 /// <summary>Snippet for MethodThreeSignatures</summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only.
 /// It may require modifications to work in your environment.
 /// </remarks>
 public void MethodThreeSignaturesRequestObject()
     // Create client
     SnippetsClient snippetsClient = SnippetsClient.Create();
     // Initialize request argument(s)
     SignatureRequest request = new SignatureRequest
         AString      = "",
         AnInt        = 0,
         ABool        = false,
         MapIntString = { { 0, "" }, },
     // Make the request
     Response response = snippetsClient.MethodThreeSignatures(request);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>Snippet for MethodMapSignatureAsync</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only.
        /// It may require modifications to work in your environment.
        /// </remarks>
        public async Task MethodMapSignatureRequestObjectAsync()
            // Create client
            SnippetsClient snippetsClient = await SnippetsClient.CreateAsync();

            // Initialize request argument(s)
            SignatureRequest request = new SignatureRequest
                AString      = "",
                AnInt        = 0,
                ABool        = false,
                MapIntString = { { 0, "" }, },
            // Make the request
            Response response = await snippetsClient.MethodMapSignatureAsync(request);
        /// <summary>Snippet for MethodRepeatedResourceSignatureAsync</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only.
        /// It may require modifications to work in your environment.
        /// </remarks>
        public async Task MethodRepeatedResourceSignatureRequestObjectAsync()
            // Create client
            SnippetsClient snippetsClient = await SnippetsClient.CreateAsync();

            // Initialize request argument(s)
            RepeatedResourceSignatureRequest request = new RepeatedResourceSignatureRequest
                SimpleResourceNames =
            // Make the request
            Response response = await snippetsClient.MethodRepeatedResourceSignatureAsync(request);
 /// <summary>Snippet for MethodDefaultValues</summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only.
 /// It may require modifications to work in your environment.
 /// </remarks>
 public void MethodDefaultValuesResourceNames()
     // Create client
     SnippetsClient snippetsClient = SnippetsClient.Create();
     // Initialize request argument(s)
     IEnumerable <double> repeatedDouble = new double[] { 0, };
     IEnumerable <DefaultValuesRequest.Types.NestedMessage> repeatedNestedMessage = new DefaultValuesRequest.Types.NestedMessage[]
         new DefaultValuesRequest.Types.NestedMessage(),
     IEnumerable <AResourceName> repeatedResourceName = new AResourceName[]
         AResourceName.FromItemPart("[ITEM_ID]", "[PART_ID]"),
     // Make the request
     Response response = snippetsClient.MethodDefaultValues(repeatedDouble, repeatedNestedMessage, repeatedResourceName);
 /// <summary>Snippet for MethodDefaultValues</summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only.
 /// It may require modifications to work in your environment.
 /// </remarks>
 public void MethodDefaultValues()
     // Create client
     SnippetsClient snippetsClient = SnippetsClient.Create();
     // Initialize request argument(s)
     IEnumerable <double> repeatedDouble = new double[] { 0, };
     IEnumerable <DefaultValuesRequest.Types.NestedMessage> repeatedNestedMessage = new DefaultValuesRequest.Types.NestedMessage[]
         new DefaultValuesRequest.Types.NestedMessage(),
     IEnumerable <string> repeatedResourceName = new string[]
     // Make the request
     Response response = snippetsClient.MethodDefaultValues(repeatedDouble, repeatedNestedMessage, repeatedResourceName);
예제 #9
        /// <summary>Snippet for MethodServerStreaming</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only.
        /// It may require modifications to work in your environment.
        /// </remarks>
        public async Task MethodServerStreaming2()
            // Create client
            SnippetsClient snippetsClient = SnippetsClient.Create();

            // Make the request, returning a streaming response
            SnippetsClient.MethodServerStreamingStream response = snippetsClient.MethodServerStreaming();

            // Read streaming responses from server until complete
            // Note that C# 8 code can use await foreach
            AsyncResponseStream <Response> responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();

            while (await responseStream.MoveNextAsync())
                Response responseItem = responseStream.Current;
                // Do something with streamed response
            // The response stream has completed
        /// <summary>Snippet for MethodServerStreamingResources</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only.
        /// It may require modifications to work in your environment.
        /// </remarks>
        public async Task MethodServerStreamingResources()
            // Create client
            SnippetsClient snippetsClient = SnippetsClient.Create();
            // Initialize request argument(s)
            string firstName  = "items/[ITEM_ID]";
            string secondName = "items/[ITEM_ID]";
            string thirdName  = "items/[ITEM_ID]";

            // Make the request, returning a streaming response
            SnippetsClient.MethodServerStreamingResourcesStream response = snippetsClient.MethodServerStreamingResources(firstName, secondName, thirdName);

            // Read streaming responses from server until complete
            // Note that C# 8 code can use await foreach
            AsyncResponseStream <Response> responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();

            while (await responseStream.MoveNextAsync())
                Response responseItem = responseStream.Current;
                // Do something with streamed response
            // The response stream has completed
예제 #11
        /// <summary>Snippet for MethodDefaultValuesAsync</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only.
        /// It may require modifications to work in your environment.
        /// </remarks>
        public async Task MethodDefaultValuesRequestObjectAsync()
            // Create client
            SnippetsClient snippetsClient = await SnippetsClient.CreateAsync();

            // Initialize request argument(s)
            DefaultValuesRequest request = new DefaultValuesRequest
                SingleDouble        = 0,
                SingleFloat         = 0F,
                SingleInt32         = 0,
                SingleInt64         = 0L,
                SingleUint32        = 0U,
                SingleUint64        = 0UL,
                SingleSint32        = 0,
                SingleSint64        = 0L,
                SingleFixed32       = 0U,
                SingleFixed64       = 0UL,
                SingleSfixed32      = 0,
                SingleSfixed64      = 0L,
                SingleBool          = false,
                SingleString        = "",
                SingleBytes         = ByteString.Empty,
                SingleMessage       = new AnotherMessage(),
                SingleNestedMessage = new DefaultValuesRequest.Types.NestedMessage(),
                SingleEnum          = Enum.Default,
                SingleNestedEnum    = DefaultValuesRequest.Types.NestedEnum.DefaultValue,
                RepeatedDouble      = { 0, },
                RepeatedFloat       = { 0F, },
                RepeatedInt32       = { 0, },
                RepeatedInt64       = { 0L, },
                RepeatedUint32      = { 0U, },
                RepeatedUint64      = { 0UL, },
                RepeatedSint32      = { 0, },
                RepeatedSint64      = { 0L, },
                RepeatedFixed32     = { 0U, },
                RepeatedFixed64     = { 0UL, },
                RepeatedSfixed32    = { 0, },
                RepeatedSfixed64    = { 0L, },
                RepeatedBool        = { false, },
                RepeatedString      = { "", },
                RepeatedBytes       = { ByteString.Empty, },
                RepeatedMessage     =
                    new AnotherMessage(),
                RepeatedNestedMessage =
                    new DefaultValuesRequest.Types.NestedMessage(),
                RepeatedEnum       = { Enum.Default, },
                RepeatedNestedEnum =
                SingleResourceNameAsAResourceName    = AResourceName.FromItemPart("[ITEM_ID]", "[PART_ID]"),
                RepeatedResourceNameAsAResourceNames =
                    AResourceName.FromItemPart("[ITEM_ID]", "[PART_ID]"),
                SingleWildcardResourceAsResourceName    = new UnparsedResourceName("a/wildcard/resource"),
                RepeatedWildcardResourceAsResourceNames =
                    new UnparsedResourceName("a/wildcard/resource"),
                MultiPatternResourceNameAsMultiPatternResourceName          = MultiPatternResourceName.FromRootAItem("[ROOT_A_ID]", "[ITEM_ID]"),
                RepeatedMultiPatternResourceNameAsMultiPatternResourceNames =
                    MultiPatternResourceName.FromRootAItem("[ROOT_A_ID]", "[ITEM_ID]"),
                MapIntString          = { { 0, "" }, },
                SingleWrappedDouble   = 0,
                SingleWrappedFloat    = 0F,
                SingleWrappedInt64    = 0L,
                SingleWrappedUint64   = 0UL,
                SingleWrappedInt32    = 0,
                SingleWrappedUint32   = 0U,
                SingleWrappedBool     = false,
                SingleWrappedString   = "",
                SingleWrappedBytes    = ByteString.Empty,
                RepeatedWrappedDouble = { 0, },
                RepeatedWrappedFloat  = { 0F, },
                RepeatedWrappedInt64  = { 0L, },
                RepeatedWrappedUint64 = { 0UL, },
                RepeatedWrappedInt32  = { 0, },
                RepeatedWrappedUint32 = { 0U, },
                RepeatedWrappedBool   = { false, },
                RepeatedWrappedString = { "", },
                RepeatedWrappedBytes  = { ByteString.Empty, },
            // Make the request
            Response response = await snippetsClient.MethodDefaultValuesAsync(request);