void FixedUpdate() { scale = Smoothing.SpringSmooth(scale, scaleTarget, ref scaleSpeed, 0.1f, Time.deltaTime); if (scaleTargetTransform != null) { ///wtf unity if (baseScale == Vector3.zero) { baseScale = scaleTargetTransform.localScale; targetScale = baseScale * hoverScale; } scaleTargetTransform.localScale = scale * targetScale + (1 - scale) * baseScale; } if (backPlate != null) { Color c = backPlate.material.color; c.a = scale * backplateAlpha * plateAlpha; backPlate.material.color = c; if (backplateScale == Vector3.zero) { backplateScale = backPlate.transform.localScale; targetScale = baseScale * hoverScale; } backPlate.transform.localScale = (1 - scale) * backplateScale + scale * (hoverScale * backplateScale); } if (text != null) { //Color c = text.color; //c.a = scale; //text.color = c; } }
private void Update() { float f = Mathf.InverseLerp(0f, 2000f, force.magnitude); f = Mathf.Sqrt(f); float num = Vector3.Dot(boom.transform.right, force.normalized); num = Mathf.Clamp(num * 100f, -1f, 1f); float num2 = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(rhs: (wind - boom.GetPointVelocity(forcePoint.position)).normalized, lhs: boom.transform.right)); float num3 = Mathf.Sqrt(1f - num2 * num2); float time = ReplayRecorder.time; float num4 = lastFrameTime - time; lastFrameTime = time; phaseOpen += num4 * f * f * 100f; phaseFill += num4 * f * 5f; float value = num2 * num * f; float value2 = num3 * num * f; value = Smoothing.SmoothValue(smoothFill, value); value2 = Smoothing.SmoothValue(smoothOpen, value2); SetSignedShape(0, 150f * value + Mathf.Sin(phaseFill) * Mathf.Lerp(5f, 0f, f * 10f)); SetSignedShape(2, 150f * value2 + Mathf.Sin(phaseOpen) * Mathf.Lerp(10f, 5f, f)); if (sailSound != null) { sailSound.SetPitch(Mathf.Lerp(0.4f, 1.2f, f)); sailSound.SetVolume(Mathf.Lerp(0.2f, 1f, f)); } }
private void Awake() { dist = new() { Lerp = (float x, float y) => Mathf.Lerp(x, y, Common.Damping()), }; dist.Init(defaultDist); center = new() { Lerp = (Vector3 x, Vector3 y) => Vector3.Lerp(x, y, Common.Damping()), GetDest = () => { if (manager.player == null) { return(center.current); } return(manager.player.transform.position); }, }; rotation = new() { Lerp = (Quaternion x, Quaternion y) => Quaternion.Slerp(x, y, Common.Damping()), GetCurrent = () => transform.rotation, SetCurrent = (Quaternion x) => transform.rotation = x, }; persp = new() { Lerp = (float x, float y) => Mathf.Lerp(x, y, Common.Damping()), GetDest = () => { if (manager.map is null) { return(persp.current); } return(manager.map.view is Views.Orthogonal ? 0f : 1f); }, }; }
public void EndSession() { song = null; smoothing = null; playing = false; foreach (Transform child in transform) { if (child.name.ToLower().Contains("pool")) { Destroy(child.gameObject); } } frameIndex = 0; //noteInstancePool = null; Destroy(guitarSource.clip); Destroy(rhythmSource.clip); Destroy(songSource.clip); Destroy(guitarSource); Destroy(rhythmSource); Destroy(songSource); guitarSource = rhythmSource = songSource = null; time = previousTime = 0; tick = 0; smoothTick = 0; starPowerDuration = 0; bpm = smoothBpm = 0; syncIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < players.Length; ++i) { players[i].Dispose(); } System.GC.Collect(); }
public SmoothingProFunctionChart(ChartView BaseChart) { line1 = new Line(); line2 = new Line(); smoothing = new Smoothing(); var = new Variables.Variables(); BaseChart.Chart.Title.Text = "Smoothing"; BaseChart.Chart.Axes.Left.Automatic = true; BaseChart.Chart.Axes.Left.Ticks.Transparency = 100; BaseChart.Chart.Axes.Bottom.Automatic = true; BaseChart.Chart.Axes.Left.Increment = 1; line1.FillSampleValues(6); line1.Title = "Line"; line1.LinePen.Width = 3; line1.Color = var.GetPaletteBasic[0]; line1.Pointer.Visible = true; line1.Marks.Transparency = 100; line2.DataSource = line1; line2.Function = smoothing; line2.LinePen.Width = 3; line2.Color = var.GetPaletteBasic[1]; line2.Title = "Line Smoothed"; line2.Marks.DrawEvery = 12; smoothing.Factor = 50; BaseChart.Chart.Series.Add(line1); BaseChart.Chart.Series.Add(line2); }
public void SetSmoothing(Smoothing s) { smoothing = s; switch (s) { case Smoothing.Noisiest: winWidth = 1024; break; case Smoothing.Noisier: winWidth = 1024 * 2; break; case Smoothing.Normal: winWidth = 1024 * 4; break; case Smoothing.Smoother: winWidth = 1024 * 8; break; case Smoothing.Smoothest: winWidth = 1024 * 16; break; } samples = new float[winWidth]; }
void UpdateReticle() { //if( target!= null && reticle != null){ //reticle.SetTarget(target.Position); reticle.UpdateReticlePosition(); if (target == null || target.Invisible) { reticlePointAlpha = 1; reticleRingAlpha = 0; reticleTransitionTarget = 0; } else { reticlePointAlpha = 0; reticleRingAlpha = 1; reticleTransitionTarget = 1; } reticleRotationPercent = 1; reticleTransition = Smoothing.SpringSmooth(reticleTransition, reticleTransitionTarget, ref reticleTransitionSpeed, 0.1f, Time.deltaTime); Shader.SetGlobalVector("_Reticle", new Vector4(Mathf.Clamp01(1 - 3f * reticleTransition), reticleTransition, reticleRotationPercent, (1.0f - reticleTransition) * 0.7f)); //} }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap { var hashCode = 41; if (Color != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Color.GetHashCode(); } if (Width != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Width.GetHashCode(); } if (Shape != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Shape.GetHashCode(); } if (Smoothing != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Smoothing.GetHashCode(); } if (Dash != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Dash.GetHashCode(); } if (Simplify != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Simplify.GetHashCode(); } return(hashCode); } }
float linearTime; //= 1f - smoothInTime - smoothOutTime; void Update() { if (moving) { //velocity = Mathf.Clamp(velocity + 2f*Time.deltaTime, 0, maxVelocity); if (blend < 1) { blend = Mathf.Clamp01(blend + currentTarget.MovementSpeed * Time.deltaTime / distance); } //float smoothedBlend = blend;//Smoothing.CubicEaseInOut(blend); if (blend < smoothInTime) { //if(!SceneManager.Instance.PendingTransition){ // Blackout.Instance.TargetBlackoutValue = 1; // Blackout.Instance.SetFogFade(true); //} //v = 3x^2 //smoothedBlend = 0; smoothedBlend = smoothInTime * Smoothing.CubicEaseIn(blend / smoothInTime); } else if (blend > (1f - smoothOutTime)) { smoothedBlend = smoothInTime + (linearTime) * 3f + smoothOutTime * Smoothing.CubicEaseOut((blend - (1 - smoothOutTime)) / smoothOutTime); //smoothedBlend = 0.9f + 0.1f*Smoothing.CubicEaseOut(10f*(blend-0.9f)); } else { smoothedBlend = smoothInTime + (blend - smoothInTime) * 3f; } if (blend > 1.5f * smoothInTime || blend > 0.5) { //if(!SceneManager.Instance.PendingTransition){ // Blackout.Instance.TargetBlackoutValue = 0; // Blackout.Instance.SetFogFade(true); //} } smoothedBlend = smoothedBlend / (smoothInTime + smoothOutTime + 3f * linearTime); if (smoothedBlend < 0.001f) { smoothedBlend = 0; } else if (smoothedBlend > 0.999f) { smoothedBlend = 1; } transform.position = (1 - smoothedBlend) * previousPosition + smoothedBlend * targetPosition; if (blend >= 1) { moving = false; previousPosition = targetPosition; //velocity = 0; } } }
private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { Smoothing smoothing = new Smoothing(); //map = smoothing.SmoothintMap(map); map = smoothing.MakeGrayscale(map); DisplacementMap.Image = map; }
/// <summary> /// Method to perform preparatory work for symbilizing. /// </summary> /// <param name="g">The graphics object to symbolize upon</param> /// <param name="map">The map</param> /// <param name="aproximateNumberOfGeometries">An approximate number of geometries to symbolize</param> public virtual void Begin(IGraphics g, Map map, int aproximateNumberOfGeometries) { _oldSmootingMode = g.SmoothingMode; _oldPixelOffsetMode = g.PixelOffsetMode; g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode; g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode; }
void UpdateScroll(bool forceLayout = false) { if (!wasScrolling) { scrollTarget += momentum * Time.deltaTime; momentum *= Mathf.Clamp01(1 - 10 * Time.deltaTime); if (scrollTarget < 0) { scrollTarget = Smoothing.SpringSmooth(scrollTarget, 0, ref scrollClampVelocity, 0.2f, Time.deltaTime); if (Mathf.Abs(scrollTarget) < 0.1f) { scrollTarget = 0; scrollClampVelocity = 0; } } else if (scrollTarget > TotalHeight) { scrollTarget = Smoothing.SpringSmooth(scrollTarget, TotalHeight, ref scrollClampVelocity, 0.2f, Time.deltaTime); if (Mathf.Abs(TotalHeight - scrollTarget) < 0.1f) { scrollTarget = TotalHeight; scrollClampVelocity = 0; } } } else { momentum = scrollVelocity; } if (scroll != scrollTarget || forceLayout) { scroll = Smoothing.SpringSmooth(scroll, scrollTarget, ref scrollVelocity, 0.025f, Time.deltaTime); if (Mathf.Abs(scroll - scrollTarget) < 0.1f) { scroll = scrollTarget; scrollVelocity = 0; } int newOffset = (int)(scroll / elementHeight); float scrollOffset = -scroll % elementHeight; if (indexOffset != newOffset) { indexOffset = newOffset; UpdateOffset(); } for (int i = 0; i < elementPool.Length; i++) { elementPool[i].root.Position = new Vector2(0, elementHeight * i + scrollOffset); //elementPool[i].UpdateTexture(); } } }
public static void ApplySmoothingGroup(PBMesh pbMesh, MeshSelection selection, float angleThreshold) { selection = selection.ToFaces(false); ProBuilderMesh mesh = pbMesh.ProBuilderMesh; IList <Face> faces = new List <Face>(); mesh.GetFaces(selection.GetFaces(pbMesh).ToArray(), faces); Smoothing.ApplySmoothingGroups(mesh, faces, angleThreshold); }
protected override void DoUpdate() { base.DoUpdate(); if (current != target) { current = Smoothing.SpringSmooth(current, target, ref speed, 0.1f, Time.deltaTime); material.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, current); frame.localScale = (1f + 0.2f * current) * initialScale; } }
void Update() { if (currentColor != targetColor) { currentColor.r = Smoothing.SpringSmooth(currentColor.r, targetColor.r, ref colorSpeed.x, 0.1f, Time.deltaTime); currentColor.g = Smoothing.SpringSmooth(currentColor.g, targetColor.g, ref colorSpeed.y, 0.1f, Time.deltaTime); currentColor.b = Smoothing.SpringSmooth(currentColor.b, targetColor.b, ref colorSpeed.z, 0.1f, Time.deltaTime); currentColor.a = Smoothing.SpringSmooth(currentColor.a, targetColor.a, ref colorSpeed.w, 0.1f, Time.deltaTime); meshRenderer.material.color = currentColor; } }
public void SmoothMethod1() { var value = Smoothing.Smooth(5, inputValue3); decimal accuracy = 0.001m; for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++) { if (Abs(value[i] - output1[i]) > accuracy) { Assert.Fail(Abs(value[i] - output1[i]).ToString()); } } }
public double[,] GetPressureTrace(double startTime, double endTime, Smoothing smoothing = Smoothing.None, int smoothingPoints = 3) { // @@ TODO: // Set Controller to 2 to get A/D card. That's where pressure trace is stored _rawConnection.SetCurrentController(2, 1); object chro = null; object flags = null; int size = 0; _rawConnection.GetChroData(0, 0, 0, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, 0.0, startTime, endTime, (int)smoothing, smoothingPoints, ref chro, ref flags, ref size); _rawConnection.SetCurrentController(0, 1); return((double[, ])chro); }
void Update() { // scale enlarging scale = Smoothing.SpringSmooth(scale, scaleTarget, ref scaleSpeed, 0.1f, Time.deltaTime); if (scaleTargetTransform != null) { ///wtf unity if (baseScale == Vector3.zero) { baseScale = scaleTargetTransform.localScale; targetScale = baseScale * hoverScale; } scaleTargetTransform.localScale = scale * targetScale + (1 - scale) * baseScale; } }
void Update() { transform.localPosition = initialPosition + (1 + startup) * new Vector3(0.05f * Mathf.Sin(0.837f * Time.time + startup), 0.1f * Mathf.Sin(Time.time + startup), 0.023f * Mathf.Sin(0.776f * Time.time + startup)); if (popping) { float time = 0.5f * (Time.time - popTime); float expTime = Smoothing.ExponentialEaseOut(time); meshRenderer.material.SetFloat("_Explosion", expTime); collider.enabled = false; if (time > 1) { gameObject.SetActive(false); } } }
void LateUpdate() { float cameraDistance = bird.NormalizedVelocityMagnitude * (maxDistance - minDistance) + minDistance; Vector3 currentPosition = transform.position; Vector3 targetPosition = target.position + cameraDistance * cameraTransform.forward; //prev -10 distance currentPosition.x = Smoothing.SpringSmooth(currentPosition.x, targetPosition.x, ref speed.x, 0.5f, Time.deltaTime); currentPosition.y = Smoothing.SpringSmooth(currentPosition.y, targetPosition.y, ref speed.y, 0.5f, Time.deltaTime); currentPosition.z = Smoothing.SpringSmooth(currentPosition.z, targetPosition.z, ref speed.z, 0.5f, Time.deltaTime); transform.position = currentPosition; Quaternion targetRotation = target.rotation * Quaternion.AngleAxis(20f, Vector3.right); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, targetRotation, Mathf.Clamp01(Time.deltaTime * 5f)); }
void Update() { // if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)){ // Toast(); // } time += Time.deltaTime; arrowTransform.localPosition = initialArrowPosition + new Vector3(0, amplitude * Mathf.Sin(frequency * Time.time), 0); if (time < toastTime) { val = Smoothing.SpringSmooth(val, 1, ref valSpeed, 0.25f, Time.deltaTime); Color c = textMesh.color; c.a = val; textMesh.color = c; c = backplate.material.color; c.a = val; backplate.material.color = c; c = arrow.material.color; c.a = val; arrow.material.color = c; currentPitch = (1 - val) * startPitch + val * endPitch; menu.Pitch = currentPitch; } else { if (val != 0) { val = Smoothing.SpringSmooth(val, 0, ref valSpeed, 0.1f, Time.deltaTime); if (Mathf.Abs(val) < 0.01f) { val = 0; } Color c = textMesh.color; c.a = val; textMesh.color = c; c = backplate.material.color; c.a = val; backplate.material.color = c; c = arrow.material.color; c.a = val; arrow.material.color = c; } } }
public void UpdateReticlePosition() { float springSpeed = 0.05f; if (targetFocalDepth < currentFocalDepth) { springSpeed = 0.05f; } else { springSpeed = .5f; } currentFocalDepth = Smoothing.SpringSmooth(currentFocalDepth, targetFocalDepth, ref focalDepthSpeed, springSpeed, Time.deltaTime); //currentFocalDepth = targetFocalDepth; transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, currentFocalDepth); }
public void CreateBoundary() { var boundaryPoints = Config.BoundaryGeoData.GetPathInStreamingAssets().GetBoundaryPoints().AddTileIntersectionPoints(); // Create vertices var wallVertices = new List <Vector3>(); for (int p = 0; p < boundaryPoints.Length - 1; p++) { var point0 = boundaryPoints[p]; var point1 = boundaryPoints[p + 1]; wallVertices.Add(point0); wallVertices.Add(point1); wallVertices.Add(new Vector3(point0.x, point0.y + Config.BoundaryHeight, point0.z)); wallVertices.Add(new Vector3(point1.x, point1.y + Config.BoundaryHeight, point1.z)); } // Create faces var faces = new List <Face>(); for (int f = 0; f < wallVertices.Count - 3; f += 4) { var faceVertices = new int[] { f, f + 1, f + 2, f + 1, f + 3, f + 2 }; faces.Add(new Face(faceVertices)); } var wall = ProBuilderMesh.Create(wallVertices, faces); Normals.CalculateNormals(wall); Normals.CalculateTangents(wall); Smoothing.ApplySmoothingGroups(wall, faces, 30); wall.ToMesh(); wall.Refresh(); EditorMeshUtility.Optimize(wall); var meshRenderer = wall.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); meshRenderer.material = Config.BoundaryMaterial; meshRenderer.shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off; meshRenderer.lightProbeUsage = UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage.Off; wall.gameObject.name = wall.name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Config.BoundaryGeoData).Replace('_', ' '); wall.transform.SetParent(null, true); }
void Update() { //We don't want to be setting the material values every frame. if (currentBlackoutValue != targetBlackoutValue) { currentBlackoutValue = Smoothing.SpringSmooth(currentBlackoutValue, targetBlackoutValue, ref blackoutSpeed, smoothPower, Time.deltaTime); if (Mathf.Abs(currentBlackoutValue - targetBlackoutValue) < epsilon) { currentBlackoutValue = targetBlackoutValue; blackoutSpeed = 0; } SetMeshRendererVisibility(); blackoutMaterial.color = new Color(color.r, color.g, color.b, currentBlackoutValue); } }
void Update() { if (animating) { time = Mathf.Clamp01(2f * Time.deltaTime + time); float val = Smoothing.QuinticEaseOut(time); val = val * xTarget + (1 - val) * xStart; uiTransform.RelativePosition = new Vector2(val, 0); if (time == 1) { animating = false; if (!activating) { gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } }
IEnumerator Close() { float elapsedTime = 0; float startHeight = 0; float endHeight = panelTransform.sizeDelta.y - barHeight; while (elapsedTime < openingTime) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; float percentage = Smoothing.SmoothStep(elapsedTime / openingTime, 2); MovePanel(Mathf.Lerp(startHeight, endHeight, percentage)); reverseTopBar.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(1, 0, percentage); yield return(null); } MovePanel(endHeight); state = States.closed; reverseTopBar.interactable = false; }
/// <inheritdoc /> public bool Equals([AllowNull] Line other) { if (other == null) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } return (( Color == other.Color || Color != null && Color.Equals(other.Color) ) && ( Width == other.Width || Width != null && Width.Equals(other.Width) ) && ( Shape == other.Shape || Shape != null && Shape.Equals(other.Shape) ) && ( Smoothing == other.Smoothing || Smoothing != null && Smoothing.Equals(other.Smoothing) ) && ( Dash == other.Dash || Dash != null && Dash.Equals(other.Dash) ) && ( Simplify == other.Simplify || Simplify != null && Simplify.Equals(other.Simplify) )); }
IEnumerator SlideMenu() { sliding = true; while (true) { slidePosition = Smoothing.SpringSmooth(slidePosition, slideTo, ref slideSpeed, 0.16f, Time.deltaTime); slideRect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(slidePosition, slideRect.anchoredPosition.y); if (Mathf.Abs(slidePosition - slideTo) < 0.01f) { break; } yield return(null); } // snap to final position slideRect.SetAnchoredHorizontalPosition(slideTo); sliding = false; }
public static void DrawHandle(Canvas canvas, XGraphics graphics, Palette palette, Rect bounds, DrawingContext context, bool alwaysAlpha, bool round) { if (bounds.Width <= 0 || bounds.Height <= 0) { return; } using (var quality = new Smoothing(graphics, XSmoothingMode.Default)) { XBrush brush; Pen pen; var alpha = 180; if (context.Selected) { if (!alwaysAlpha) { alpha = 255; } brush = palette.Gradient(bounds, Color.FromArgb(alpha, Color.LemonChiffon), Color.FromArgb(alpha, Color.DarkOrange)); pen = palette.Pen(Color.FromArgb(alpha, Color.Chocolate), 0); } else { brush = palette.Gradient(bounds, Color.FromArgb(alpha, Color.LightCyan), Color.FromArgb(alpha, Color.SteelBlue)); pen = palette.Pen(Color.FromArgb(alpha, Color.Navy), 0); } if (round) { graphics.DrawEllipse(brush, bounds.ToRectangleF()); // graphics.DrawRectangle(new XPen(Color.Red), bounds.ToRectangleF() ); graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, bounds.ToRectangleF()); } else { graphics.DrawRectangle(brush, bounds.ToRectangleF()); graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, bounds.ToRectangleF()); } } }
static public void RunPeTM(PorSForJointje PorS, Smoothing SmoothingBE, BnOrNot bnOrNot) { double[] accuracyOfPersonalityForEachGroup = new double[GroupVariable.AnnotatorGroups.Length]; for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < GroupVariable.AnnotatorGroups.Length; ++groupIndex) { IDictionary <Annotator, IDictionary <Character, IDictionary <Will, double> > > okcx = PersonalityFunction.CalculateOkcx(groupIndex);//模拟人对角色个性的标注,计算一次就不变了 Mce mce = InitializeMce(groupIndex); Sije sije = null; if (bnOrNot == BnOrNot.Yes) { sije = InitializeSijeWithBN(mce, groupIndex); } else { sije = InitializeSije(mce, groupIndex); //old new } Pje pje = null; //p(t|e) Pdata pdata = null; IList <double> Pdatas = new List <double>(); for (int convergeTime = 1; convergeTime <= Variable.ConvergeTimeThreshold; ++convergeTime) { mce = CalculateMce(sije, groupIndex); PAkjl pakjl = CoreFunction.CalculatePAkjl(Variable.LabelArray, sije.ToSij, convergeTime, groupIndex); BEkef bekef = PersonalityFunction.CalculateBExy(mce, okcx, SmoothingBE, convergeTime, groupIndex); if (PorS == PorSForJointje.P) { pje = CalculatePje(sije, convergeTime); } if (CalculatePdataAndSije(ref sije, pakjl, bekef, pje, mce, okcx, ref pdata, Pdatas, groupIndex))//old/new { break; } } IDictionary <Sentence, IDictionary <Will, double> > sic = ObtainBinaryResult(sije, mce, groupIndex); WriteBinaryResultFile(sic, mce, groupIndex); PersonalityFunction.WriteMVResultFile(mce, groupIndex); accuracyOfPersonalityForEachGroup[groupIndex] = PersonalityPaperFunction.AccuracyOfPersonalityForEachGroup(PersonalityVariable.TruePersonality, mce.EstimatedPersonality); } Function.ConsoleWriteLine("Accuracy Of PeTM: " + PersonalityPaperFunction.AccuracyOfPersonality(accuracyOfPersonalityForEachGroup)); }
public void SetSmoothing(Smoothing s) { smoothing = s; switch(s){ case Smoothing.Noisiest: winWidth = 1024; break; case Smoothing.Noisier: winWidth = 1024*2; break; case Smoothing.Normal: winWidth = 1024*4; break; case Smoothing.Smoother: winWidth = 1024*8; break; case Smoothing.Smoothest: winWidth = 1024*16; break; } samples = new float[winWidth]; }
public double[,] GetChro(string scanFilter, MzRange range, double startTime, double endTime, Smoothing smoothing = Smoothing.None, int smoothingPoints = 3) { object chro = null; object flags =null; int size = 0; string mzrange = range.Minimum.ToString("F4") + "-" + range.Maximum.ToString("F4"); _rawConnection.GetChroData(0, 0, 0, scanFilter, mzrange, string.Empty, 0.0, startTime, endTime, (int)smoothing, smoothingPoints, ref chro, ref flags, ref size); return (double[,])chro; }