예제 #1
        public void VideoCase(int results)
            int myInput;

            myInput = results;
            switch (myInput)
            case 0:
                SloganDisplay zeroSlogan = new SloganDisplay();

            case 1:     //Rent
                SloganDisplay rentSlogan = new SloganDisplay();
                Rent newRent = new Rent();

            case 2:     //Buy
                SloganDisplay buySlogan = new SloganDisplay();
                VideoBuyClass newBuy = new VideoBuyClass();

            case 3:    //goes back on screen

예제 #2
        public void MainCase(int results)
            int myInput; //will be the variable tthat has the userinput in it

            myInput = results;
            switch (myInput)                                     //based on userinput a case is chossen if applicable
            case 1:                                              //video menu
                SloganDisplay videoSlogan = new SloganDisplay(); //slogan
                videoSlogan.Display();                           //slogan displayed
                VideoMainClass Video = new VideoMainClass();     //Video Main class called Video
                Video.Video();                                   //.Video called

            case 2:                                             //Books menu
                SloganDisplay bookSlogan = new SloganDisplay(); //slogan
                bookSlogan.Display();                           //slogan displayed
                BooksMainClass Books = new BooksMainClass();    //Book Main class called Books
                Books.Books();                                  //.Books called

            case 3:                                                         //Video Game menu
                SloganDisplay gamesSlogan = new SloganDisplay();            //slogan
                gamesSlogan.Display();                                      //slogan displayed
                VideoGamesMainClass VideoGames = new VideoGamesMainClass(); //Video Games Main called VideoGames
                VideoGames.VideoGameMain();                                 //.VideoGamesMain called
        public void BooksCase(int results)
            int myInput;

            myInput = results;
            switch (myInput)
            case 0:
                SloganDisplay zeroSlogan = new SloganDisplay();     //slogan

            case 1:                                             //Rent
                SloganDisplay rentSlogan = new SloganDisplay(); //slogan
                RentBooks rent = new RentBooks();
                rent.RentInput();     //run rentinput

            case 2:                                            //Buy
                SloganDisplay buySlogan = new SloganDisplay(); //slogan
                BooksBuyClass buy = new BooksBuyClass();
                buy.BuyInput();     //run buy input

            case 3:    //goes back one screen

예제 #4
        public void EndDisplay(string productName, string therentdate, double totalrentcost) //display the return date, productName and cost of the item
            SloganDisplay dis              = new SloganDisplay();
            string        finalRentdate    = therentdate;
            string        finalProductName = productName;
            double        finalRentcost    = totalrentcost;

            Console.WriteLine("Thank you for renting " + finalProductName + "\n" + "It will need to be return on " + finalRentdate + "\n" + "Total rental cost is " + finalRentcost.ToString("C") + "\n" + "Please press enter to return to the Blocks Videos Menu");
예제 #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Process p = Process.GetCurrentProcess();

            ShowWindow(p.MainWindowHandle, 3);     //SW_MAXIMIZE = 3 Makes the console fullscreen

            var arr = new[]
                @" __    __    ___  _        __   ___   ___ ___    ___      ______   ___       ____   _       ___     __  __  _  ____   __ __  _____ ______    ___  ____  ",
                @"|  |__|  |  /  _]| |      /  ] /   \ |   |   |  /  _]    |      | /   \     |    \ | |     /   \   /  ]|  |/ ]|    \ |  |  |/ ___/|      |  /  _]|    \ ",
                @"|  |  |  | /  [_ | |     /  / |     || _   _ | /  [_     |      ||     |    |  o  )| |    |     | /  / |  ' / |  o  )|  |  (   \_ |      | /  [_ |  D  )",
                @"|  |  |  ||    _]| |___ /  /  |  O  ||  \_/  ||    _]    |_|  |_||  O  |    |     || |___ |  O  |/  /  |    \ |     ||  |  |\__  ||_|  |_||    _]|    / ",
                @"|  `  '  ||   [_ |     /   \_ |     ||   |   ||   [_       |  |  |     |    |  O  ||     ||     /   \_ |     \|  O  ||  :  |/  \ |  |  |  |   [_ |    \ ",
                @" \      / |     ||     \     ||     ||   |   ||     |      |  |  |     |    |     ||     ||     \     ||  .  ||     ||     |\    |  |  |  |     ||  .  \",
                @"  \_/\_/  |_____||_____|\____| \___/ |___|___||_____|      |__|   \___/     |_____||_____| \___/ \____||__|\_||_____| \__,_| \___|  |__|  |_____||__|\_|",
                @"              __ __  ____  ___      ___   ___   _____          ____   ____  ___ ___    ___  _____         ____    ___    ___   __  _  _____                  ",
                @"             |  |  ||    ||   \    /  _] /   \ / ___/         /    | /    ||   |   |  /  _]/ ___/        |    \  /   \  /   \ |  |/ ]/ ___/                  ",
                @"             |  |  | |  | |    \  /  [_ |     (   \_         |   __||  o  || _   _ | /  [_(   \_         |  o  )|     ||     ||  ' /(   \_                   ",
                @"             |  |  | |  | |  D  ||    _]|  O  |\__  |        |  |  ||     ||  \_/  ||    _]\__  |        |     ||  O  ||  O  ||    \ \__  |                  ",
                @"             |  :  | |  | |     ||   [_ |     |/  \ | __     |  |_ ||  _  ||   |   ||   [_ /  \ | __     |  O  ||     ||     ||     \/  \ |                  ",
                @"              \   /  |  | |     ||     ||     |\    ||  |    |     ||  |  ||   |   ||     |\    ||  |    |     ||     ||     ||  .  |\    |",
                @"               \_/  |____||_____||_____| \___/  \___||_ |    |___,_||__|__||___|___||_____| \___||_ |    |_____| \___/  \___/ |__|\_| \___| ",
                @"                                                       \|                                          \|                                        ",

            var maxLength = arr.Aggregate(0, (max, line) => Math.Max(max, line.Length));
            var x         = Console.BufferWidth / 2 - maxLength / 2;

            for (int y = -arr.Length; y < Console.WindowHeight + arr.Length; y++)
                Art drawArt = new Art();
                drawArt.ConsoleDraw(arr, x, y);
            //Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to Continue");

            int userInput = 0;                                        //beginning value of 0 for userinput

            while (userInput != 4)                                    //do this while userinput doesnt equal 4, on 4 we exit
                SloganDisplay displayBlock = new SloganDisplay();     //slogan created and called displayBlock
                displayBlock.Display();                               //slogan used
                MainMenuClass mainMenuInstance = new MainMenuClass(); //main menu created and called mainMenuInstance
                userInput = mainMenuInstance.MainMenu();              //userinput is collected from the .MainMenu
                MainCaseClass mainCaseInstance = new MainCaseClass(); //main case created and called mainCaseInstance
                mainCaseInstance.MainCase(userInput);                 //take userinput send it to .MainCase
예제 #6
        public void Video()
            int userInput = 0;

            while (userInput != 3)
                SloganDisplay errorSlogan = new SloganDisplay();
                VideoMainMenuClass NewVideoMenu = new VideoMainMenuClass();
                userInput = NewVideoMenu.VideoMenu();
                VideoCaseClass VideoCase = new VideoCaseClass();
        public void Books()
            int userInput = 0;

            while (userInput != 3)
                SloganDisplay errorSlogan = new SloganDisplay();                //create errorSlogan
                errorSlogan.Display();                                          //run errorSlogan, this is here for when errors occur
                BooksMainMenuClass BookMenuInstance = new BooksMainMenuClass(); //create NewBookMenu
                userInput = BookMenuInstance.BooksMainMenu();                   //run BooksMainMenuClass, this is the main menu
                BooksCaseClass BookCaseInstance = new BooksCaseClass();         // create bookscase class
                BookCaseInstance.BooksCase(userInput);                          //run bookscase class with userinput as a variable input
예제 #8
        public void RentInput()
            SloganDisplay display = new SloganDisplay();  //slogan

                VideoOptionsClass rentOptions = new VideoOptionsClass(); //video options, rent options
                Console.WriteLine("Enter Product Name:                          (Exclude date when entering product name)");
                string productName = Console.ReadLine(); //get user input and call it productName

                string[] names = new string[8] {
                    "The Shawshank Redemption", "The Godfather", "The Godfather: Part II", "The Dark Knight", "Schindler's List", "12 Angry Men", "Pulp Fiction", "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
                if (names.Any(productName.Equals)) //make sure productName = names, if not go to else
                    Console.WriteLine("How many days would you like to rent this?");
                    int        rentdays      = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine());
                    ReturnDate returndate    = new ReturnDate();
                    string     thereturndate = returndate.ReturnDateCal(rentdays);
                    double     totalrentcost = returndate.RentCost(rentdays);
                    Display    newDisplay    = new Display();
                    newDisplay.EndDisplay(productName, thereturndate, totalrentcost);
                    SloganDisplay displayError = new SloganDisplay(); //displays slogan
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter an avalible title\n Press Enter to continue");
                    RentInput(); //return to rentinput, have user try again
            catch (Exception myerror)
        public void RentInput()
            SloganDisplay display = new SloganDisplay();

                VideoGamesOptionsClass rentOptions = new VideoGamesOptionsClass();
                Console.WriteLine("Enter Product Name: ");
                string productName = Console.ReadLine();

                string[] names = new string[8] {
                    "Super Mario Bros.", "The Legend of Zelda", "Minecraft", "Ms. Pac-Man", "Doom", "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time", "Super Mario 64", "Tetris"
                if (names.Any(productName.Equals))
                    Console.WriteLine("How many days would you like to rent this?");
                    int        rentdays      = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine());
                    ReturnDate returndate    = new ReturnDate();
                    string     thereturndate = returndate.ReturnDateCal(rentdays);
                    double     totalrentcost = returndate.RentCost(rentdays);
                    Display    newDisplay    = new Display();
                    newDisplay.EndDisplay(productName, thereturndate, totalrentcost);
                    SloganDisplay displayError = new SloganDisplay();
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter an avalible title\n Press Enter to continue");
            catch (Exception myerror)
예제 #10
        public void RentInput()
            SloganDisplay display = new SloganDisplay(); //slogan

                BooksOptionsClass rentOptions = new BooksOptionsClass(); //books options, rent options
                Console.WriteLine("Enter Product Name:                          (Exclude author when entering product name)");
                string productName = Console.ReadLine(); //get user input and call it productName

                string[] names = new string[8] {
                    "Anna Karenina", "Madame Bovary", "War and Peace", "The Great Gatsby", "Lolita", "Middlemarch", "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", "The Hobbit"
                if (names.Any(productName.Equals)) //make sure productName = names, if not go to else
                    Console.WriteLine("How many days would you like to rent this?");
                    int        rentdays      = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine());
                    ReturnDate returndate    = new ReturnDate();
                    string     thereturndate = returndate.ReturnDateCal(rentdays);
                    double     totalrentcost = returndate.RentCost(rentdays);
                    Display    newDisplay    = new Display();
                    newDisplay.EndDisplay(productName, thereturndate, totalrentcost);
                    SloganDisplay displayError = new SloganDisplay(); //displays slogan
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter an avalible title\n Press enter to continue");
                    RentInput(); //return to rentinput, have user try again
            catch (Exception myerror)
예제 #11
        public void BuyInput()
            SloganDisplay buySlogan = new SloganDisplay(); //slogan

            buySlogan.Display();                           //display slogan
                VideoOptionsClass buyOptions = new VideoOptionsClass();                                                                //video options class called
                buyOptions.BuyOptions();                                                                                               //use the buy options class inside video options
                Console.WriteLine("Enter Product Name:                                    (Exclude date when entering product name)"); //printed to screen asking for userinput(string)
                string productName = Console.ReadLine();                                                                               // userinput(string) called productName
                // !Not used! double[] prices = new double[8] { 5.00, 15.00,10.00, 20.00, 5.00, 3.50, 25.00, 5.00};
                string[] names = new string[8] {
                    "The Shawshank Redemption", "The Godfather", "The Godfather: Part II", "The Dark Knight", "Schindler's List", "12 Angry Men", "Pulp Fiction", "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
                //above is an array that holds all titles we offer(8)
                if (names.Any(productName.Equals)) //check that productName equals a value in the array(any value)
                    //if productName equals a value in the array, we then check to see what productName was entered to find the cost of the item.
                    if (productName.Equals("The Shawshank Redemption"))
                        double          videocost   = 5.00;                           //cost of the item
                        VideoCostCal    myvideocost = new VideoCostCal();             //call the videocostcal class
                        double          totalcost   = myvideocost.CostCal(videocost); //send videocost into the videocostcal class then but the value into totalcost
                        VideoBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new VideoBuyDisplay();          //call the videobuydisplay
                        newDisplay.VideoDisplay(productName, totalcost);              //send the productName and totalcost to the display class
                    if (productName.Equals("The Godfather"))
                        double          videocost   = 15.00;
                        VideoCostCal    myvideocost = new VideoCostCal();
                        double          totalcost   = myvideocost.CostCal(videocost);
                        VideoBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new VideoBuyDisplay();
                        newDisplay.VideoDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("The Godfather: Part II"))
                        double          videocost   = 10.00;
                        VideoCostCal    myvideocost = new VideoCostCal();
                        double          totalcost   = myvideocost.CostCal(videocost);
                        VideoBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new VideoBuyDisplay();
                        newDisplay.VideoDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("The Dark Knight"))
                        double          videocost   = 20.00;
                        VideoCostCal    myvideocost = new VideoCostCal();
                        double          totalcost   = myvideocost.CostCal(videocost);
                        VideoBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new VideoBuyDisplay();
                        newDisplay.VideoDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("Schindler's List"))
                        double          videocost   = 5.00;
                        VideoCostCal    myvideocost = new VideoCostCal();
                        double          totalcost   = myvideocost.CostCal(videocost);
                        VideoBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new VideoBuyDisplay();
                        newDisplay.VideoDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("12 Angry Men"))
                        double          videocost   = 3.50;
                        VideoCostCal    myvideocost = new VideoCostCal();
                        double          totalcost   = myvideocost.CostCal(videocost);
                        VideoBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new VideoBuyDisplay();
                        newDisplay.VideoDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("Pulp Fiction"))
                        double          videocost   = 25.00;
                        VideoCostCal    myvideocost = new VideoCostCal();
                        double          totalcost   = myvideocost.CostCal(videocost);
                        VideoBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new VideoBuyDisplay();
                        newDisplay.VideoDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"))
                        double          videocost   = 5.00;
                        VideoCostCal    myvideocost = new VideoCostCal();
                        double          totalcost   = myvideocost.CostCal(videocost);
                        VideoBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new VideoBuyDisplay();
                        newDisplay.VideoDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                else //runs if the productName entered isnt in the array but doesnt throw and error
                    SloganDisplay displayError = new SloganDisplay();  //solgan
                    displayError.Display();                                                        //display the slogan
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter an avalible title\n Press Enter to continue"); //write and wait for user key strike
                    BuyInput();                                                                    //run the method again
            catch (Exception myerror) //error catch
        public void BuyInput()
            SloganDisplay buySlogan = new SloganDisplay();

                VideoGamesOptionsClass buyOptions = new VideoGamesOptionsClass();
                Console.WriteLine("Enter Product Name: ");
                string productName = Console.ReadLine();
                //double[] prices = new double[8] { 10.00, 20.00, 21.30, 5.00, 60.00, 30.00, 12.00, 2.50 };
                string[] names = new string[8] {
                    "Super Mario Bros", "The Legend of Zelda", "Minecraft", "Ms. Pac-Man", "Doom", "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time", "Super Mario 64", "Tetris"
                if (names.Any(productName.Equals))
                    if (productName.Equals("Super Mario Bros"))
                        double            videogamecost   = 10.00;
                        VideoGamesCostCal myvideogamecost = new VideoGamesCostCal();
                        double            totalcost       = myvideogamecost.CostCal(videogamecost);
                        VideoGamesDisplay newDisplay      = new VideoGamesDisplay();
                        newDisplay.VideoGameDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("The Legend of Zelda"))
                        double            videogamecost   = 20.00;
                        VideoGamesCostCal myvideogamecost = new VideoGamesCostCal();
                        double            totalcost       = myvideogamecost.CostCal(videogamecost);
                        VideoGamesDisplay newDisplay      = new VideoGamesDisplay();
                        newDisplay.VideoGameDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("Minecraft"))
                        double            videogamecost   = 21.30;
                        VideoGamesCostCal myvideogamecost = new VideoGamesCostCal();
                        double            totalcost       = myvideogamecost.CostCal(videogamecost);
                        VideoGamesDisplay newDisplay      = new VideoGamesDisplay();
                        newDisplay.VideoGameDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("Ms. Pac-Man"))
                        double            videogamecost   = 5.00;
                        VideoGamesCostCal myvideogamecost = new VideoGamesCostCal();
                        double            totalcost       = myvideogamecost.CostCal(videogamecost);
                        VideoGamesDisplay newDisplay      = new VideoGamesDisplay();
                        newDisplay.VideoGameDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("Doom"))
                        double            videogamecost   = 60.00;
                        VideoGamesCostCal myvideogamecost = new VideoGamesCostCal();
                        double            totalcost       = myvideogamecost.CostCal(videogamecost);
                        VideoGamesDisplay newDisplay      = new VideoGamesDisplay();
                        newDisplay.VideoGameDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time"))
                        double            videogamecost   = 30.00;
                        VideoGamesCostCal myvideogamecost = new VideoGamesCostCal();
                        double            totalcost       = myvideogamecost.CostCal(videogamecost);
                        VideoGamesDisplay newDisplay      = new VideoGamesDisplay();
                        newDisplay.VideoGameDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("Super Mario 64"))
                        double            videogamecost   = 12.00;
                        VideoGamesCostCal myvideogamecost = new VideoGamesCostCal();
                        double            totalcost       = myvideogamecost.CostCal(videogamecost);
                        VideoGamesDisplay newDisplay      = new VideoGamesDisplay();
                        newDisplay.VideoGameDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("Tetris"))
                        double            videogamecost   = 2.50;
                        VideoGamesCostCal myvideogamecost = new VideoGamesCostCal();
                        double            totalcost       = myvideogamecost.CostCal(videogamecost);
                        VideoGamesDisplay newDisplay      = new VideoGamesDisplay();
                        newDisplay.VideoGameDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    SloganDisplay displayError = new SloganDisplay();
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter an avalible title\n Press Enter to continue");
            catch (Exception myerror)
예제 #13
        public void BuyInput()
            SloganDisplay buySlogan = new SloganDisplay(); //slogan

            buySlogan.Display();                           //display slogan
                BooksOptionsClass buyOptions = new BooksOptionsClass();                                                      //book options class called
                buyOptions.BuyOptions();                                                                                     //use the buy options class inside book options
                Console.WriteLine("Enter Product Name:                        (Exclude author when entering product name)"); //printed to screen asking for userinput(string)
                string productName = Console.ReadLine();                                                                     // userinput(string) called productName
                // !Never used! double[] prices = new double[8] { 5.00, 15.00, 10.00, 20.00, 5.00, 3.50, 25.00, 5.00 };
                string[] names = new string[8] {
                    "Anna Karenina", "Madame Bovary", "War and Peace", "The Great Gatsby", "Lolita", "Middlemarch", "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", "The Hobbit"
                //above is an array that holds all titles we offer(8)
                if (names.Any(productName.Equals))//check that productName equals a value in the array(any value)
                    //if productName equals a value in the array, we then check to see what productName was entered to find the cost of the item.
                    if (productName.Equals("Anna Karenina"))
                        double          bookscost   = 5.00;                           //cost of the item
                        BooksCostCal    mybookscost = new BooksCostCal();             //call the bookcostcal class
                        double          totalcost   = mybookscost.CostCal(bookscost); //send bookcost into the bookcostcal class then but the value into totalcost
                        BooksBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new BooksBuyDisplay();          //call the bookbuydisplay
                        newDisplay.BooksDisplay(productName, totalcost);              //send the productName and totalcost to the display class
                    if (productName.Equals("Madame Bovary"))
                        double          bookscost   = 15.00;
                        BooksCostCal    mybookscost = new BooksCostCal();
                        double          totalcost   = mybookscost.CostCal(bookscost);
                        BooksBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new BooksBuyDisplay();
                        newDisplay.BooksDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("War and Peace"))
                        double          bookscost   = 10.00;
                        BooksCostCal    mybookscost = new BooksCostCal();
                        double          totalcost   = mybookscost.CostCal(bookscost);
                        BooksBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new BooksBuyDisplay();
                        newDisplay.BooksDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("The Great Gatsby"))
                        double          bookscost   = 20.00;
                        BooksCostCal    mybookscost = new BooksCostCal();
                        double          totalcost   = mybookscost.CostCal(bookscost);
                        BooksBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new BooksBuyDisplay();
                        newDisplay.BooksDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("Lolita"))
                        double          bookscost   = 5.00;
                        BooksCostCal    mybookscost = new BooksCostCal();
                        double          totalcost   = mybookscost.CostCal(bookscost);
                        BooksBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new BooksBuyDisplay();
                        newDisplay.BooksDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("Middlemarch"))
                        double          bookscost   = 3.50;
                        BooksCostCal    mybookscost = new BooksCostCal();
                        double          totalcost   = mybookscost.CostCal(bookscost);
                        BooksBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new BooksBuyDisplay();
                        newDisplay.BooksDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"))
                        double          bookscost   = 25.00;
                        BooksCostCal    mybookscost = new BooksCostCal();
                        double          totalcost   = mybookscost.CostCal(bookscost);
                        BooksBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new BooksBuyDisplay();
                        newDisplay.BooksDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                    if (productName.Equals("The Hobbit"))
                        double          bookscost   = 5.00;
                        BooksCostCal    mybookscost = new BooksCostCal();
                        double          totalcost   = mybookscost.CostCal(bookscost);
                        BooksBuyDisplay newDisplay  = new BooksBuyDisplay();
                        newDisplay.BooksDisplay(productName, totalcost);
                else //runs if the productName entered isnt in the array but doesnt throw and error
                    SloganDisplay displayError = new SloganDisplay(); //solgan
                    displayError.Display();                                                        //display the slogan
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter an avalible title\n Press Enter to continue"); //write and wait for user key strike
                    BuyInput();                                                                    //run the method again
            catch (Exception myerror) //error catch