/// <summary> /// If the client is dead, send back to the home point. /// If the type is 1, send back to a save point at the Cattleya's co=ords. /// Remove some durability from the items as a dying penalty. /// </summary> public void OnSendHomePoint(SagaMap.Packets.Client.SendHomePoint p) { if (this.state != SESSION_STATE.MAP_LOADED) { return; } if (this.Char.stance != Global.STANCE.DIE || this.Char.HP != 0) { return; } Pc.OnHomePoint(); if (p.GetType() == 1 && this.map.CattleyaMapID != 0) { float z; if (this.map.HasHeightMap()) { z = this.map.GetHeight(this.map.CattleyaX, this.map.CattleyaY); } else { z = this.map.CattleyaZ; } this.map.SendActorToMap(this.Char, (byte)this.map.CattleyaMapID, this.map.CattleyaX, this.map.CattleyaY, z); SkillHandler.EquiptLoseDurabilityOnDeath(this.Char); } else { this.map.SendActorToMap(this.Char, this.Char.save_map, this.Char.save_x, this.Char.save_y, this.Char.save_z); } }