public virtual void Release() { if (buffIdentifyId != SkillDefine.NONE) { GetOwner().RemoveBuffParam(buffIdentifyId); } this.mOwner = null; this.mTarget = null; = null; this.buffIdentifyId = SkillDefine.NONE; }
/// <summary> /// 尝试启动循环定时器 /// </summary> private bool TryAddLoopTimer(int buffId) { if (!IsBuffActionType(buffId, EBuffActionType.LoopTimer, out int actionId)) { return(false); } SkillBuffData data = SkillUtil.GetSkillBuffData(buffId); if (data == null) { return(false); } SkillUtil.LogWarning($"[BUFFMANAGER] LoopTimer is Start [BUffId]->[{buffId}] ActionID->[{actionId}])"); CreateLoopTimer(buffId, actionId, data); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 尝试启动循环定时器 /// </summary> private bool TryAddLoopTimer(int buffId) { if (IsBuffActionType(buffId, BuffActionType.LoopTimer, out int actionId)) { SkillBuffData data = SkillUtil.GetSkillBuffData(buffId); if (data != null) { SkillUtil.LogWarning(string.Format( "[BUFFMANAGER] LoopTimer is Start [BUffId]->[{0}] ActionID->[{1}])" , buffId, actionId)); CreateLoopTimer(buffId, actionId, data); return(true); } } return(false); }
private void AddActorState(IBuff buff, SkillBuffData buffData) { if (buffData.State != (int)ActorSkillState.None) { var stateData = SkillUtil.GetSkillStateData(buffData.State); int key = stateData.StateType; if (this.stateMap.ContainsKey(key)) { var number = this.stateMap[key]; this.stateMap[key] = number + 1; } else { this.stateMap.Add(key, 1); buff.GetTarget()?.AddState((ActorSkillState)key); } } }
public void ClientDelBuff(int id) { if (clientBuffs.ContainsKey(id)) { clientBuffs.Remove(id); } SkillBuffData sdb = SkillBuffData.dataMap[id]; if (sdb.appendState != null) { ulong st = m_theOwner.stateFlag; foreach (var p in sdb.appendState) { st = Mogo.Util.Utils.BitReset(st, p); } m_theOwner.stateFlag = st; } }
public void ClientAddBuff(int buffId) { if (!SkillBuffData.dataMap.ContainsKey(buffId)) { return; } SkillBuffData sbd = SkillBuffData.dataMap[buffId]; if (clientBuffs.ContainsKey(buffId)) {//累加时间 clientBuffs[buffId].totalTime += sbd.totalTime; return; } if (sbd.excludeBuff != null) { for (int i = 0; i < sbd.excludeBuff.Count; i++) { if (clientBuffs.ContainsKey(sbd.excludeBuff[i])) { return; } } } if (sbd.replaceBuff != null) { for (int j = 0; j < sbd.replaceBuff.Count; j++) { ClientDelBuff(sbd.replaceBuff[j]); } } if (sbd.activeSkill != null && sbd.activeSkill.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in sbd.activeSkill) { TimerHeap.AddTimer <int>((uint)item.Key, 0, (id) => { m_theOwner.skillManager.BuffUseSkill(id); }, item.Value); } } ClientBuff b = new ClientBuff(sbd); clientBuffs.Add(buffId, b); UpdateState(); }
private void RemoveActorState(IBuff buff, SkillBuffData buffData) { if (buffData.State != (int)ActorSkillState.None) { var stateData = SkillUtil.GetSkillStateData(buffData.State); int key = stateData.StateType; if (this.stateMap.ContainsKey(key)) { var number = this.stateMap[key]; var newValue = number - 1; if (newValue <= 0) { this.stateMap.Remove(key); buff.GetTarget()?.RemoveState((ActorSkillState)key); } else { this.stateMap[key] = newValue; } } } }
private void UpdateState() { ulong state = m_theOwner.stateFlag; foreach (var item in clientBuffs) { SkillBuffData buffData = null; if (!SkillBuffData.dataMap.TryGetValue(, out buffData)) { continue; } if (buffData.appendState == null) { continue; } foreach (var st in buffData.appendState) { state = Mogo.Util.Utils.BitSet(state, st); } } m_theOwner.stateFlag = state; }
/// <summary> /// 获取需要显示的VIPBuff的ID /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private int GetShowVIPBuffId() { int buffId = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_skillBuffDataList.Count; i++) { SkillBuffData buff = SkillBuffData.dataMap[m_skillBuffDataList[i].buffId]; if (buff.notifyEvent == 1) { if (buffId == 0) { buffId =; } else if (buff.vipLevel > SkillBuffData.dataMap[buffId].vipLevel) { buffId =; } } } return(buffId); }
public virtual void Create(ISkill skill, ISkillActor target, int buffId) { this.mOwner = skill; this.mTarget = target; = SkillUtil.GetSkillBuffData(buffId); }
public ClientBuff(SkillBuffData cfg) { id =; totalTime = cfg.totalTime; startTime = (int)(Time.realtimeSinceStartup * 1000); }
private void CreateLoopTimer(int buffId, int actionId, SkillBuffData data) { object[] @params = { buffId, actionId, buffId }; BaseCreateTimer(buffId, LoopTimerEndCallBack, data.ThinkInterval, buffMap[buffId].GetDuringTime(), @params); }
public void HandleBuff(ushort buffId, byte isAdd, uint time) { Mogo.Util.LoggerHelper.Debug("buffID:" + buffId); if (!SkillBuffData.dataMap.ContainsKey(buffId)) { Mogo.Util.LoggerHelper.Debug("can find the buffId:" + buffId); LoggerHelper.Error("can find the buffId:" + buffId); return; } SkillBuffData buff = SkillBuffData.dataMap[buffId]; if (isAdd == 1) // 添加Buff { Mogo.Util.LoggerHelper.Debug("add buff fx:" + buff.sfx + ",time:" + time); // VIPBuff if (buff.notifyEvent == 1) { // 玩家 if (m_theOwner == MogoWorld.thePlayer) { AddSkillBuff(, time); int showBuffId = GetShowVIPBuffId(); if (showBuffId > 0) { NormalMainUIViewManager.Instance.ShowVIPBuffBtn(true, showBuffId, GetBuffLastTime(buffId)); } } } else { if (m_theOwner.sfxHandler) { m_theOwner.sfxHandler.HandleFx(buff.sfx); TimerHeap.AddTimer(time, 0, (owner) => { if (owner != null && owner.sfxHandler != null) { owner.sfxHandler.RemoveFXs(buff.sfx); } }, m_theOwner); } if (m_theOwner == MogoWorld.thePlayer && != 0) { MogoMsgBox.Instance.ShowFloatingTextQueue(LanguageData.GetContent(; } } } else // 删除Buff { // VIPBuff if (buff.notifyEvent == 1) { // 玩家 if (m_theOwner == MogoWorld.thePlayer) { LoggerHelper.Debug("Remove Buff : id =" +; RemoveSkillBuff(; int showBuffId = GetShowVIPBuffId(); if (showBuffId > 0) { NormalMainUIViewManager.Instance.ShowVIPBuffBtn(true, showBuffId, GetBuffLastTime(showBuffId)); } else { NormalMainUIViewManager.Instance.ShowVIPBuffBtn(false); } } } else { Mogo.Util.LoggerHelper.Debug("delete buff fx:" + buff.sfx); if (m_theOwner.sfxHandler) { m_theOwner.sfxHandler.RemoveFXs(buff.sfx); } } } //UpdateState(); }