private void dumpBinaryToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int n; if (stm != null) { n = stm.index; } else if (skm != null) { n = skm.MyIndex; } else { return; } if (Pcc.Exports[n].ClassName == "StaticMesh") { SaveFileDialog d = new SaveFileDialog(); d.Filter = "*.bin|*.bin"; d.FileName = Pcc.Exports[n].ObjectName + ".bin"; if (d.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(d.FileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); byte[] buff = Pcc.Exports[n].Data; int start = stm.props[stm.props.Count - 1].offend; for (int i = start; i < buff.Length; i++) { fs.WriteByte(buff[i]); } fs.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Done.", "Meshplorer", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly); } } if (Pcc.Exports[n].ClassName == "SkeletalMesh") { SaveFileDialog d = new SaveFileDialog(); d.Filter = "*.bin|*.bin"; d.FileName = Pcc.Exports[n].ObjectName + ".bin"; if (d.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(d.FileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); byte[] buff = Pcc.Exports[n].Data; int start = skm.GetPropertyEnd(); for (int i = start; i < buff.Length; i++) { fs.WriteByte(buff[i]); } fs.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Done.", "Meshplorer", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly); } } }
private void dumpBinaryToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int n = listBox1.SelectedIndex; if (n == -1 | pcc == null) { return; } if (pcc.Exports[Objects[n].index].ClassName == "StaticMesh") { SaveFileDialog d = new SaveFileDialog(); d.Filter = "*.bin|*.bin"; d.FileName = pcc.Exports[Objects[n].index].ObjectName + ".bin"; if (d.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(d.FileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); byte[] buff = pcc.Exports[Objects[n].index].Data; int start = stm.props[stm.props.Count - 1].offend; for (int i = start; i < buff.Length; i++) { fs.WriteByte(buff[i]); } fs.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Done."); } } if (pcc.Exports[Objects[n].index].ClassName == "SkeletalMesh") { SaveFileDialog d = new SaveFileDialog(); d.Filter = "*.bin|*.bin"; d.FileName = pcc.Exports[Objects[n].index].ObjectName + ".bin"; if (d.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(d.FileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); byte[] buff = pcc.Exports[Objects[n].index].Data; int start = skm.GetPropertyEnd(); for (int i = start; i < buff.Length; i++) { fs.WriteByte(buff[i]); } fs.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Done."); } } }
private void importLODToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int n = MeshListBox.SelectedIndex; if (n == -1) { return; } int m = LODListBox.SelectedIndex; if (m == -1) { return; } SkeletalMesh skm = new SkeletalMesh(pcc, SelectedObject); SkeletalMesh.LODModelStruct lodpcc = skm.LODModels[SelectedLOD]; UDKExplorer.UDK.Classes.SkeletalMesh skmudk = new UDKExplorer.UDK.Classes.SkeletalMesh(udk, Objects[n]); if (skm.Bones.Count != skmudk.Bones.Count) { if (MessageBox.Show("Your imported mesh has a different count of Bones! This would crash your game, proceed?", "UDK Skeleton Import", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { return; } } UDKExplorer.UDK.Classes.SkeletalMesh.LODModelStruct lodudk = skmudk.LODModels[m]; lodpcc.Sections = new List <SkeletalMesh.SectionStruct>(); foreach (UDKExplorer.UDK.Classes.SkeletalMesh.SectionStruct secudk in lodudk.Sections) { SkeletalMesh.SectionStruct secpcc = new SkeletalMesh.SectionStruct(); secpcc.BaseIndex = secudk.BaseIndex; secpcc.ChunkIndex = secudk.ChunkIndex; secpcc.MaterialIndex = secudk.MaterialIndex; secpcc.NumTriangles = secudk.NumTriangles; lodpcc.Sections.Add(secpcc); } lodpcc.IndexBuffer = new SkeletalMesh.MultiSizeIndexContainerStruct(); lodpcc.IndexBuffer.IndexCount = lodudk.IndexBuffer.IndexCount; lodpcc.IndexBuffer.IndexSize = lodudk.IndexBuffer.IndexSize; lodpcc.IndexBuffer.Indexes = new List <ushort>(); foreach (ushort Idx in lodudk.IndexBuffer.Indexes) { lodpcc.IndexBuffer.Indexes.Add(Idx); } List <int> BoneMap = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < skmudk.Bones.Count; i++) { string udkb = udk.GetName(skmudk.Bones[i].Name); bool found = false; for (int j = 0; j < skm.Bones.Count; j++) { string pccb = pcc.getNameEntry(skm.Bones[j].Name); if (pccb == udkb) { found = true; BoneMap.Add(j); if (MPOpt.SKM_importbones) { SkeletalMesh.BoneStruct bpcc = skm.Bones[j]; UDKExplorer.UDK.Classes.SkeletalMesh.BoneStruct budk = skmudk.Bones[i]; bpcc.Orientation = budk.Orientation; bpcc.Position = budk.Position; skm.Bones[j] = bpcc; } } } if (!found) { DebugOutput.PrintLn("ERROR: Cant Match Bone \"" + udkb + "\""); BoneMap.Add(0); } } lodpcc.ActiveBones = new List <ushort>(); foreach (ushort Idx in lodudk.ActiveBones) { lodpcc.ActiveBones.Add((ushort)BoneMap[Idx]); } lodpcc.Chunks = new List <SkeletalMesh.SkelMeshChunkStruct>(); foreach (UDKExplorer.UDK.Classes.SkeletalMesh.SkelMeshChunkStruct chunkudk in lodudk.Chunks) { SkeletalMesh.SkelMeshChunkStruct chunkpcc = new SkeletalMesh.SkelMeshChunkStruct(); chunkpcc.BaseVertexIndex = chunkudk.BaseVertexIndex; chunkpcc.MaxBoneInfluences = chunkudk.MaxBoneInfluences; chunkpcc.NumRigidVertices = chunkudk.NumRigidVertices; chunkpcc.NumSoftVertices = chunkudk.NumSoftVertices; chunkpcc.BoneMap = new List <ushort>(); chunkpcc.RiginSkinVertices = new List <SkeletalMesh.RigidSkinVertexStruct>(); chunkpcc.SoftSkinVertices = new List <SkeletalMesh.SoftSkinVertexStruct>(); foreach (ushort Idx in chunkudk.BoneMap) { chunkpcc.BoneMap.Add((ushort)BoneMap[Idx]); } lodpcc.Chunks.Add(chunkpcc); } lodpcc.Size = lodudk.Size; lodpcc.NumVertices = lodudk.NumVertices; lodpcc.RequiredBones = new List <byte>(); foreach (byte b in lodudk.RequiredBones) { lodpcc.RequiredBones.Add(b); } lodpcc.VertexBufferGPUSkin = new SkeletalMesh.VertexBufferGPUSkinStruct(); lodpcc.VertexBufferGPUSkin.NumTexCoords = lodudk.VertexBufferGPUSkin.NumTexCoords; lodpcc.VertexBufferGPUSkin.Extension = lodudk.VertexBufferGPUSkin.Extension; lodpcc.VertexBufferGPUSkin.Origin = lodudk.VertexBufferGPUSkin.Origin; lodpcc.VertexBufferGPUSkin.VertexSize = lodudk.VertexBufferGPUSkin.VertexSize; lodpcc.VertexBufferGPUSkin.Vertices = new List <SkeletalMesh.GPUSkinVertexStruct>(); foreach (UDKExplorer.UDK.Classes.SkeletalMesh.GPUSkinVertexStruct vudk in lodudk.VertexBufferGPUSkin.Vertices) { SkeletalMesh.GPUSkinVertexStruct vpcc = new SkeletalMesh.GPUSkinVertexStruct(); vpcc.TangentX = vudk.TangentX; vpcc.TangentZ = vudk.TangentZ; vpcc.Position = vudk.Position; vpcc.InfluenceBones = vudk.InfluenceBones; vpcc.InfluenceWeights = vudk.InfluenceWeights; vpcc.U = vudk.U; vpcc.V = vudk.V; lodpcc.VertexBufferGPUSkin.Vertices.Add(vpcc); } skm.LODModels[SelectedLOD] = lodpcc; SerializingContainer con = new SerializingContainer(); con.Memory = new MemoryStream(); con.isLoading = false; skm.Serialize(con); int end = skm.GetPropertyEnd(); MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(); mem.Write(pcc.Exports[SelectedObject].Data, 0, end); mem.Write(con.Memory.ToArray(), 0, (int)con.Memory.Length); pcc.Exports[SelectedObject].Data = mem.ToArray(); MessageBox.Show("Done"); Close(); }
private void ImportMeshToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (MeshListBox.SelectedIndex == -1) { return; } SkeletalMesh newMesh = new SkeletalMesh(); SkeletalMesh oldMesh = new SkeletalMesh(pcc, SelectedObject); UDKExplorer.UDK.Classes.SkeletalMesh sourceMesh = new UDKExplorer.UDK.Classes.SkeletalMesh(udk, Objects[MeshListBox.SelectedIndex]); // Fill out data in newMesh newMesh.MyIndex = SelectedObject; newMesh.Owner = pcc; newMesh.Flags = (int)(pcc.Exports[SelectedObject].ObjectFlags >> 32); // Keep the flags from the overwritten mesh // Bounding newMesh.Bounding = new SkeletalMesh.BoundingStruct(sourceMesh.Bounding); // Materials newMesh.Materials = new List <int>(); foreach (int materialObjectIndex in sourceMesh.Materials) { newMesh.Materials.Add(0); // Don't bother copying IDs that will be invalid anyways. } // The materials are all entered as zero, nothing we can do now. /*for (int i = 0; i < newMesh.Materials.Count; i++) * { * newMesh.MatInsts.Add(new MaterialInstanceConstant(pcc, newMesh.Materials[i] - 1)); * }*/ // OrgRot newMesh.Origin = sourceMesh.Origin; newMesh.Rotation = sourceMesh.Rotation; // Bones newMesh.Bones = new List <SkeletalMesh.BoneStruct>(); foreach (UDKExplorer.UDK.Classes.SkeletalMesh.BoneStruct bone in sourceMesh.Bones) { newMesh.Bones.Add(SkeletalMesh.BoneStruct.ImportFromUDK(bone, udk, pcc)); } newMesh.SkeletonDepth = sourceMesh.SkeletonDepth; // LODs newMesh.LODModels = new List <SkeletalMesh.LODModelStruct>(); foreach (UDKExplorer.UDK.Classes.SkeletalMesh.LODModelStruct lod in sourceMesh.LODModels) { SkeletalMesh.LODModelStruct newLOD = new SkeletalMesh.LODModelStruct(); newLOD.Sections = new List <SkeletalMesh.SectionStruct>(); foreach (UDKExplorer.UDK.Classes.SkeletalMesh.SectionStruct secudk in lod.Sections) { SkeletalMesh.SectionStruct secpcc = new SkeletalMesh.SectionStruct(); secpcc.BaseIndex = secudk.BaseIndex; secpcc.ChunkIndex = secudk.ChunkIndex; secpcc.MaterialIndex = secudk.MaterialIndex; secpcc.NumTriangles = secudk.NumTriangles; newLOD.Sections.Add(secpcc); } newLOD.IndexBuffer = new SkeletalMesh.MultiSizeIndexContainerStruct(); newLOD.IndexBuffer.IndexCount = lod.IndexBuffer.IndexCount; newLOD.IndexBuffer.IndexSize = lod.IndexBuffer.IndexSize; newLOD.IndexBuffer.Indexes = new List <ushort>(); foreach (ushort Idx in lod.IndexBuffer.Indexes) { newLOD.IndexBuffer.Indexes.Add(Idx); } // TODO: Unk1 newLOD.Unk1 = 0; /* We don't need to change bone indexes, because the skeleton is coming along for the ride. * * List<int> BoneMap = new List<int>(); // Maps source bone i to existing bone index BoneMap[i] * for (int i = 0; i < sourceMesh.Bones.Count; i++) * { * string sourceName = udk.GetName(sourceMesh.Bones[i].Name); * bool found = false; * for (int j = 0; j < skm.Bones.Count; j++) * { * string pccb = pcc.getNameEntry(skm.Bones[j].Name); * if (pccb == sourceName) * { * found = true; * BoneMap.Add(j); * if (MPOpt.SKM_importbones) * { * SkeletalMesh.BoneStruct bpcc = skm.Bones[j]; * UDKExplorer.UDK.Classes.SkeletalMesh.BoneStruct budk = sourceMesh.Bones[i]; * bpcc.Orientation = budk.Orientation; * bpcc.Position = budk.Position; * skm.Bones[j] = bpcc; * } * } * } * if (!found) * { * DebugOutput.PrintLn("ERROR: Cant Match Bone \"" + sourceName + "\""); * BoneMap.Add(0); * } * }*/ newLOD.ActiveBones = new List <ushort>(); foreach (ushort Idx in lod.ActiveBones) { newLOD.ActiveBones.Add(/*(ushort)BoneMap[Idx]*/ Idx); } // TODO: Unk2 newLOD.Unk2 = 0; newLOD.Chunks = new List <SkeletalMesh.SkelMeshChunkStruct>(); foreach (UDKExplorer.UDK.Classes.SkeletalMesh.SkelMeshChunkStruct chunkudk in lod.Chunks) { SkeletalMesh.SkelMeshChunkStruct chunkpcc = new SkeletalMesh.SkelMeshChunkStruct(); chunkpcc.BaseVertexIndex = chunkudk.BaseVertexIndex; chunkpcc.MaxBoneInfluences = chunkudk.MaxBoneInfluences; chunkpcc.NumRigidVertices = chunkudk.NumRigidVertices; chunkpcc.NumSoftVertices = chunkudk.NumSoftVertices; chunkpcc.BoneMap = new List <ushort>(); chunkpcc.RiginSkinVertices = new List <SkeletalMesh.RigidSkinVertexStruct>(); chunkpcc.SoftSkinVertices = new List <SkeletalMesh.SoftSkinVertexStruct>(); foreach (ushort Idx in chunkudk.BoneMap) { chunkpcc.BoneMap.Add(/*(ushort)BoneMap[Idx]*/ Idx); } newLOD.Chunks.Add(chunkpcc); } newLOD.Size = lod.Size; newLOD.NumVertices = lod.NumVertices; // TODO: Unk3 newLOD.Unk3 = 0; newLOD.RequiredBones = new List <byte>(); foreach (byte b in lod.RequiredBones) { newLOD.RequiredBones.Add(b); } newLOD.RawPointIndicesFlag = lod.RawPointIndicesFlag; newLOD.RawPointIndicesCount = lod.RawPointIndicesCount; newLOD.RawPointIndicesSize = lod.RawPointIndicesSize; newLOD.RawPointIndicesOffset = lod.RawPointIndicesOffset; newLOD.RawPointIndices = new List <int>(); foreach (int i in lod.RawPointIndices) { newLOD.RawPointIndices.Add(i); } newLOD.NumTexCoords = lod.NumTexCoords; newLOD.VertexBufferGPUSkin = new SkeletalMesh.VertexBufferGPUSkinStruct(); newLOD.VertexBufferGPUSkin.NumTexCoords = lod.VertexBufferGPUSkin.NumTexCoords; newLOD.VertexBufferGPUSkin.Extension = lod.VertexBufferGPUSkin.Extension; newLOD.VertexBufferGPUSkin.Origin = lod.VertexBufferGPUSkin.Origin; newLOD.VertexBufferGPUSkin.VertexSize = lod.VertexBufferGPUSkin.VertexSize; newLOD.VertexBufferGPUSkin.Vertices = new List <SkeletalMesh.GPUSkinVertexStruct>(); foreach (UDKExplorer.UDK.Classes.SkeletalMesh.GPUSkinVertexStruct vudk in lod.VertexBufferGPUSkin.Vertices) { SkeletalMesh.GPUSkinVertexStruct vpcc = new SkeletalMesh.GPUSkinVertexStruct(); vpcc.TangentX = vudk.TangentX; vpcc.TangentZ = vudk.TangentZ; vpcc.Position = vudk.Position; vpcc.InfluenceBones = vudk.InfluenceBones; vpcc.InfluenceWeights = vudk.InfluenceWeights; vpcc.U = vudk.U; vpcc.V = vudk.V; newLOD.VertexBufferGPUSkin.Vertices.Add(vpcc); } // TODO: Unk4 newLOD.Unk4 = 0; //skm.LODModels[SelectedLOD] = newLOD; newMesh.LODModels.Add(newLOD); } // Tail newMesh.TailNames = new List <SkeletalMesh.TailNamesStruct>(); for (int i = 0; i < newMesh.Bones.Count; i++) { newMesh.TailNames.Add(new SkeletalMesh.TailNamesStruct(newMesh.Bones[i].Name, i)); } newMesh.Unk1 = oldMesh.Unk1; newMesh.Unk2 = oldMesh.Unk2; newMesh.Unk3 = new List <int>(); foreach (int i in oldMesh.Unk3) { newMesh.Unk3.Add(i); } // Write mesh data to temporary buffer SerializingContainer serializer = new SerializingContainer(); serializer.Memory = new MemoryStream(); serializer.isLoading = false; newMesh.Serialize(serializer); // Copy in the properties from the old mesh int propertyEnd = newMesh.GetPropertyEnd(); MemoryStream finalData = new MemoryStream(); finalData.Write(pcc.Exports[SelectedObject].Data, 0, propertyEnd); // Copy in the data from the new mesh finalData.Write(serializer.Memory.ToArray(), 0, (int)serializer.Memory.Length); // Upload final data pcc.Exports[SelectedObject].Data = finalData.ToArray(); MessageBox.Show("Mesh replaced."); Close(); }