// Update is called once per frame void Update() { fsm.Update(); if (this.combo > 1) { comboKillTimer -= Time.deltaTime; //this.comboMeter.fillAmount = MathUtil.Map(this.comboKillTimer, this.comboKillTime, 0, 0, 1); if (comboKillTimer <= 0) { //this.DecrementCombo(); comboKillTimer = comboKillTime; } } if (GameManager.instance.paused) { Time.timeScale = 0; } else { Time.timeScale = 1; } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("Pause")) { GameManager.instance.pausedForPauseScreen = !GameManager.instance.pausedForPauseScreen; GameManager.instance.paused = !GameManager.instance.paused; } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("Restart")) { SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(0); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { //get player input for motion Vector3 motionInput = Sinput.GetVector("Horizontal", "", "Vertical", playerSlot); //we want to move like, three times as much as this motionInput *= 3f; //gravity yMotion -= Time.deltaTime * 10f; motionInput.y = yMotion; //move our character controller now characterController.Move(motionInput * Time.deltaTime); if (characterController.isGrounded) { yMotion = -0.05f; if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("Jump", playerSlot)) { yMotion = 5f; } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Sinput.GetButtonDownRepeating("Up")) { //highlight item above currentMenuItem.highlighted = false; currentMenuItem = currentMenuItem.itemAbove; currentMenuItem.highlighted = true; } if (Sinput.GetButtonDownRepeating("Down")) { //highlight item below currentMenuItem.highlighted = false; currentMenuItem = currentMenuItem.itemBelow; currentMenuItem.highlighted = true; } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("Submit")) { //select this item currentMenuItem.Select(); Sinput.ResetInputs(); } cam.position = Vector3.Lerp(cam.position, currentMenuItem.camTargetPos.position, Time.deltaTime * 4f); cam.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(cam.rotation, currentMenuItem.camTargetPos.rotation, Time.deltaTime * 4f); cursor.position = currentMenuItem.cursorTarget.position; }
public bool ButtonCheck(ButtonAction bAction, InputDeviceSlot slot) { if (bAction == ButtonAction.DOWN && Sinput.GetButtonDown(positiveControl, slot)) { return(true); } if (bAction == ButtonAction.DOWN && Sinput.GetButtonDown(negativeControl, slot)) { return(true); } if (bAction == ButtonAction.HELD && Sinput.GetButton(positiveControl, slot)) { return(true); } if (bAction == ButtonAction.HELD && Sinput.GetButton(negativeControl, slot)) { return(true); } if (bAction == ButtonAction.UP && Sinput.GetButtonUp(positiveControl, slot)) { return(true); } if (bAction == ButtonAction.UP && Sinput.GetButtonUp(negativeControl, slot)) { return(true); } return(false); }
void Move(float lh, float lv) { if (inMenu == false) { movement.Set(lh, 0f, lv); movement = Camera.main.transform.TransformDirection(movement); movement.y = 0f; if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("Jump") && isGrounded) { Jump(); } myRB.AddForce(movement * speed); if (lh != 0f || lv != 0f) { Rotating(lh, lv); } if (myRB.velocity.magnitude > maxSpeed) { myRB.velocity = myRB.velocity.normalized * maxSpeed; } } }
private bool ButtonCheck(string controlname, ButtonAction bAction) { Sinput.SinputUpdate(); for (int i = 0; i < joystickIndeces.Count; i++) { if (bAction == ButtonAction.DOWN && Sinput.GetButtonDown(controlname, (InputDeviceSlot)joystickIndeces[i])) { return(true); } if (bAction == ButtonAction.HELD && Sinput.GetButton(controlname, (InputDeviceSlot)joystickIndeces[i])) { return(true); } if (bAction == ButtonAction.UP && Sinput.GetButtonUp(controlname, (InputDeviceSlot)joystickIndeces[i])) { return(true); } if (bAction == ButtonAction.REPEATING && Sinput.GetButtonDownRepeating(controlname, (InputDeviceSlot)joystickIndeces[i])) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public static bool IsValidKey() { return(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) || Sinput.GetButtonDown(GetInputName(InputButton.A)) || Sinput.GetButtonDown(GetInputName(InputButton.B)) || Sinput.GetButtonDown(GetInputName(InputButton.X)) || Sinput.GetButtonDown(GetInputName(InputButton.Y)) || Sinput.GetButtonDown(GetInputName(InputButton.DPadLeft)) || Sinput.GetButtonDown(GetInputName(InputButton.DPadRight)) || Sinput.GetButtonDown(GetInputName(InputButton.DPadDown)) || Sinput.GetButtonDown(GetInputName(InputButton.DPadUp)) || Sinput.GetButtonDown("LB") || Sinput.GetButtonDown("RB")); }
public void Ground_Update() { PlayerAnim currentAnim = PlayerAnim.Idle; if (hInput != 0) { currentAnim = this.objectBeingCarried ? PlayerAnim.Carry_Walk : PlayerAnim.Walk; } else { currentAnim = this.objectBeingCarried ? PlayerAnim.Carry_Idle : PlayerAnim.Idle; } if (!animator.IsPlaying(animations[currentAnim])) { PlayAnim(currentAnim); } //END ANIMATION STUFF if (objectBeingCarried) { HandleObjectThrow(); } else { CheckGrabs(); } this.currentSpeed = this.speed; if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("Jump")) { SfxManager.instance.PlaySound(SoundType.JUMP); Squash(0.05f).Then(() => { Stretch(); velocity.y = jumpSpeed; }); } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("Down")) { if (groundCollider.CompareTag("OneWay")) { transform.position += Vector3.down * 0.5f; } } this.currentGravityModifier = this.gravityModifier; //STATE CHANGES if (!grounded) { fsm.ChangeState(PlayerState.Air); } HandleLeftRightMovement(); }
public void Update() { foreach (var inputNameToCheckFor in INPUT_NAMES_TO_CHECK_FOR) { if (Sinput.GetButtonDown(inputNameToCheckFor, _playerData.InputDeviceSlot)) { InvokeInputPressed(inputNameToCheckFor); } } }
public void Air_Update() { if (this.velocity.y > 0) { PlayAnim(this.objectBeingCarried ? PlayerAnim.Carry_Jump : PlayerAnim.Jump); } else { PlayAnim(this.objectBeingCarried ? PlayerAnim.Carry_Fall : PlayerAnim.Fall); } if (Sinput.GetButtonUp("Jump")) { velocity.y *= 0.5f; } if (velocity.y > 0) { this.currentGravityModifier = this.gravityModifier; } else { this.currentGravityModifier = this.fallGravityModifier; } if (grounded) { fsm.ChangeState(PlayerState.Ground); } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("Jump") && !doubleJumped) { doubleJumped = true; SfxManager.instance.PlaySound(SoundType.JUMP); Stretch(); velocity.y = jumpSpeed; } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("Down") && objectBeingCarried && objectBeingCarried.GetComponent <Slime>()) { objectBeingCarried.transform.parent = null; objectBeingCarried.transform.position += Vector3.down * (spriteRenderer.bounds.size.y); objectBeingCarried.Throw(0); objectBeingCarried = null; objectToGrab = null; } HandleLeftRightMovement(); HandleObjectThrow(); if (!objectBeingCarried) { CheckGrabs(); } }
public void HandleObjectThrow() { if (!objectBeingCarried) { return; } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("Grab")) { fsm.ChangeState(PlayerState.Throwing); } }
private void Update() { if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("Menu")) { // then toggle pause! isPaused = !isPaused; if (isPaused) { PauseGame(); } else { ResumeGame(); } } }
private IEnumerator CheckPress() { while (Sinput.GetButton(_button)) { if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("RB")) { _audioSource.pitch += 0.1f; } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("LB")) { _audioSource.pitch -= 0.1f; } yield return(null); } Destroy(gameObject); }
private void Update() { if (Sinput.GetButtonDown(InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.DPadLeft))) { CoroutineThing(InputManager.InputButton.DPadLeft, ref _dpadleftCoroutine); } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown(InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.DPadRight))) { CoroutineThing(InputManager.InputButton.DPadRight, ref _dpadrightCoroutine); } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown(InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.DPadDown))) { CoroutineThing(InputManager.InputButton.DPadDown, ref _dpaddownCoroutine); } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown(InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.DPadUp))) { CoroutineThing(InputManager.InputButton.DPadUp, ref _dpadupCoroutine); } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown(InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.A))) { CoroutineThing(InputManager.InputButton.A, ref _aCoroutine); } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown(InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.B))) { CoroutineThing(InputManager.InputButton.B, ref _bCoroutine); } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown(InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.X))) { CoroutineThing(InputManager.InputButton.X, ref _xCoroutine); } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown(InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.Y))) { CoroutineThing(InputManager.InputButton.Y, ref _yCoroutine); } }
public void CheckGrabs() { if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("Grab")) { var results = new Collider2D[10]; var filter = new ContactFilter2D(); filter.useTriggers = true; Physics2D.OverlapCollider(collider, filter, results); for (int i = 0; i < results.Length; i++) { if (results[i] && (results[i].GetComponent <Pickup>() || (results[i].transform.parent && results[i].transform.parent.GetComponent <Pickup>()))) { objectToGrab = results[i].transform.parent ? results[i].transform.parent.GetComponent <Pickup>() : results[i].GetComponent <Pickup>(); fsm.ChangeState(PlayerState.Pickup); break; } } } }
void attacks() { if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("BasicAttack", slot)) { warrior.startBasicAttack(); } if (Sinput.GetButton("SpecialAttack", slot)) { warrior.startSpecialAttack(); } if (Sinput.GetButtonUp("SpecialAttack", slot)) { warrior.endSpecialAttack(); } }
private new bool SendSubmitEventToSelectedObject() { if (eventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject == null) { return(false); } var data = GetBaseEventData(); if (Sinput.GetButtonDown(m_SinputSubmitButton)) { ExecuteEvents.Execute(eventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject, data, ExecuteEvents.submitHandler); } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown(m_SinputCancelButton)) { ExecuteEvents.Execute(eventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject, data, ExecuteEvents.cancelHandler); } return(data.used); }
public override bool ShouldActivateModule() { //Debug.Log("happens"); if (!base.ShouldActivateModule()) { return(false); } var shouldActivate = Sinput.GetButtonDown(m_SinputSubmitButton); shouldActivate |= Sinput.GetButtonDown(m_SinputCancelButton); shouldActivate |= Sinput.GetButtonDownRepeating(m_SinputUpButton); shouldActivate |= Sinput.GetButtonDownRepeating(m_SinputDownButton); shouldActivate |= Sinput.GetButtonDownRepeating(m_SinputLeftButton); shouldActivate |= Sinput.GetButtonDownRepeating(m_SinputRightButton); shouldActivate |= (m_MousePos - m_LastMousePos).sqrMagnitude > 0.0f; shouldActivate |= Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0); return(shouldActivate); }
private void Update() { if (Sinput.GetButtonDown(InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.DPadLeft))) { CreateNoteSound(noteThing.frequencyList[0].frequency, InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.DPadLeft)); } else if (Sinput.GetButtonDown(InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.DPadUp))) { CreateNoteSound(noteThing.frequencyList[1].frequency, InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.DPadUp)); } else if (Sinput.GetButtonDown(InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.DPadRight))) { CreateNoteSound(noteThing.frequencyList[2].frequency, InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.DPadRight)); } else if (Sinput.GetButtonDown(InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.DPadDown))) { CreateNoteSound(noteThing.frequencyList[3].frequency, InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.DPadDown)); } else if (Sinput.GetButtonDown(InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.X))) { CreateNoteSound(noteThing.frequencyList[4].frequency, InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.X)); } else if (Sinput.GetButtonDown(InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.Y))) { CreateNoteSound(noteThing.frequencyList[5].frequency, InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.Y)); } else if (Sinput.GetButtonDown(InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.B))) { CreateNoteSound(noteThing.frequencyList[6].frequency, InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.B)); } else if (Sinput.GetButtonDown(InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.A))) { CreateNoteSound(noteThing.frequencyList[7].frequency, InputManager.GetInputName(InputManager.InputButton.A)); } //no grips 4 u =( //FindObjectOfType<NoiseBgController>().state = FindObjectsOfType<ProceduralAudio>().Length > 0 ? 0 : 1; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { //get player input for motion Vector3 motionInput = Sinput.GetVector("Horizontal", "", "Vertical", playerSlot); //we want to move like, three times as much as this motionInput *= 3f; //gravity yMotion -= Time.deltaTime * 10f; motionInput.y = yMotion; //move our character controller now characterController.Move(motionInput * Time.deltaTime); //landing/jumping if (characterController.isGrounded) { yMotion = -0.05f; if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("Jump", playerSlot)) { //we pressed jump while on the ground, so we jump! yMotion = 5f; } } //aiming Vector3 aimDir = Vector3.zero; aimDir.x = Sinput.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal", playerSlot); aimDir.z = Sinput.GetAxisRaw("Vertical", playerSlot); if (aimDir.magnitude > 0.4f) { //inputs are strong enough, lets look in the aim direction lookDirection = aimDir.normalized; Quaternion fromRotation = transform.rotation; transform.LookAt(transform.position + lookDirection); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(fromRotation, transform.rotation, Time.deltaTime * 10f); } //make sure our display text always faces the same way playerSlotDisplay.transform.eulerAngles = Vector3.zero; //shooting bulletCooldown -= Time.deltaTime; if (Sinput.GetButton("Fire1", playerSlot) && bulletCooldown <= 0f) { bulletCooldown = 0.2f; GameObject newBullet = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(bulletPrefab); newBullet.transform.position = gunTransform.position; newBullet.transform.rotation = gunTransform.rotation; newBullet.GetComponent <BulletScript>().moveDir = gunTransform.forward; } if (Sinput.GetButton("Fire2", playerSlot) && bulletCooldown <= 0f) { bulletCooldown = 0.05f; GameObject newBullet = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(bulletPrefab); newBullet.transform.position = gunTransform.position; newBullet.transform.rotation = gunTransform.rotation; newBullet.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * 0.3f; newBullet.GetComponent <BulletScript>().moveDir = gunTransform.forward; newBullet.GetComponent <BulletScript>().moveSpeed = 30f; newBullet.GetComponent <BulletScript>().life = 0.33f; } }
void CheckInput() { for (int n = 0; n < buttons.Length; n++) { if (Sinput.GetButtonDown(buttons[n].name)) { buttons[n].SetState(true); buttons[n].events.Pressed?.Invoke(); } if (Sinput.GetButtonUp(buttons[n].name)) { buttons[n].SetState(false); buttons[n].events.Released?.Invoke(); } } for (int n = 0; n < axes.Length; n++) { bool state = false; for (int i = 0; i < axes[n].names.Length; i++) { float value = Sinput.GetAxis(axes[n].names[i]); state = Mathf.Abs(value) > 0f; if (axes[n].sendWhenZeroToo || state) { axes[n].AxisValue?.Invoke(value); break; } } bool prevState = axes[n].isPressed; axes[n].SetState(state); if (state) { if (!prevState) { axes[n].events.Pressed?.Invoke(); } } else if (prevState) { axes[n].events.Released?.Invoke(); } } for (int n = 0; n < joysticks.Length; n++) { bool state = false; for (int i = 0; i < joysticks[n].names.Length; i++) { Vector2 value = Sinput.GetVector(joysticks[n].names[i].x, joysticks[n].names[i].y, joysticks[n].normalizationMode != NormalizationMode.NotNormalize); state = value.sqrMagnitude > 0f; if (state && (joysticks[n].normalizationMode == NormalizationMode.NormalizeWithoutPithagoras)) { if (Mathf.Abs(value.x) > Mathf.Abs(value.y)) { value.x = Mathf.Sign(value.x); } else if (Mathf.Abs(value.x) < Mathf.Abs(value.y)) { value.y = Mathf.Sign(value.y); } else { value.x = Mathf.Sign(value.x); value.y = Mathf.Sign(value.y); } } if (joysticks[n].sendWhenZeroToo || state) { joysticks[n].JoystickValue?.Invoke(value); joysticks[n].JoystickMagnitude?.Invoke(value.magnitude); break; } } bool prevState = joysticks[n].isPressed; joysticks[n].SetState(state); if (state) { if (!prevState) { joysticks[n].events.Pressed?.Invoke(); } } else if (prevState) { joysticks[n].events.Released?.Invoke(); } } for (int n = 0; n < buttonStates.Length; n++) { bool state = true; foreach (SButtonState button in buttonStates[n].buttonsState) { if (Sinput.GetButton(button.name) != button.state) { state = false; break; } } bool prevState = buttonStates[n].isPressed; buttonStates[n].SetState(state); if (state) { if (!prevState) { buttonStates[n].events.Pressed?.Invoke(); } } else if (prevState) { buttonStates[n].events.Released?.Invoke(); } } }
public void Update() { if (noInput) { return; } if (SUSPEND_GAMEPLAY) { return; } int mix = 0; int miy = 0; if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("UL")) { mix = -1; miy = 1; } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("U")) { miy = 1; } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("UR")) { mix = 1; miy = 1; } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("L")) { mix = -1; } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("R")) { mix = 1; } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("DL")) { mix = -1; miy = -1; } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("D")) { miy = -1; } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("DR")) { mix = 1; miy = -1; } if (mix != 0 || miy != 0) { if (tileSelectionMode) { tileSelectionSprite.transform.position += GameMap.instance.GetMapOffset(mix, miy); } else { ((GambitModel)GambitModel.instance).TryMovePlayerRelative(mix, miy); } } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("PICKUP")) { ((GambitModel)GambitModel.instance).PickUpItemHere(); showingPickScreen = true; } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("INVENTORY")) { ((GambitModel)GambitModel.instance).ShowInventory(); showingInventory = true; } for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("" + i)) { if (showingPickScreen) { if (((GambitModel)GambitModel.instance).SelectPickup(i)) { showingPickScreen = false; } } if (showingInventory) { ((GambitModel)GambitModel.instance).SelectInventoryItem(i); } } } if (Sinput.GetButtonDown("Cancel")) { if (showingPickScreen) { showingPickScreen = false; } if (showingInventory) { showingInventory = false; } ItemListWindow.instance.CloseWindow(); } if (showingInventory && Sinput.GetButtonDown("EQUIP")) { ((GambitModel)GambitModel.instance).EquipSelected(); } else if (showingInventory && Sinput.GetButtonDown("UNEQUIP")) { ((GambitModel)GambitModel.instance).UnequipSelected(); } else if (showingInventory && Sinput.GetButtonDown("DRINK")) { ((GambitModel)GambitModel.instance).DrinkSelected(); } else if (showingInventory && Sinput.GetButtonDown("THROW")) { ((GambitModel)GambitModel.instance).ThrowSelected(); } if (Sinput.GetButtonDownRepeating("Up") || Sinput.GetButtonDownRepeating("Down") || Sinput.GetButtonDownRepeating("Right") || Sinput.GetButtonDownRepeating("Left")) { if (editMode) { editMode = false; } } }
private void FixedUpdate() { RaycastHit[] hits; Ray ray = mainCamera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); bool tagDetected = false; hits = Physics.RaycastAll(ray, 100); if (hits.Length > 0) { int currentPriority = int.MaxValue; foreach (RaycastHit hit in hits) { int priority = System.Array.IndexOf(interactionTagsInPriorityOrder, hit.transform.tag); if (priority >= 0 && priority < currentPriority) { currentPriority = priority; tagDetected = true; } } if (tagDetected) { string tagPrioritary = null; for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++) { if (hits[i].transform.tag == interactionTagsInPriorityOrder[currentPriority]) { Transform objectHit = hits[i].transform; if (!justChangeCursor) { crosshairInstance.transform.position = hits[i].point; } tagPrioritary = hits[i].transform.tag; if (Sinput.GetButtonDown(leftMouseInput)) { crowdSystem.AssignTargetToRandomElement(objectHit); onElementClicked?.Invoke(); } break; } } //Debug.Log(tagPrioritary); if (!hovering && tagPrioritary != "RaycastMinion") { onElementHover?.Invoke(); hovering = true; //Debug.Log("HOVER"); if (!justChangeCursor) { crosshairInstance.SetActive(true); } else { Cursor.SetCursor(aimCursor, new Vector2(aimCursor.width / 2, aimCursor.height / 2), CursorMode.Auto); } } } else { if (hovering) { onElementUnhover.Invoke(); //Debug.Log("UNHOVER"); hovering = false; if (!justChangeCursor) { crosshairInstance.SetActive(false); } else { Cursor.SetCursor(defaultCursor, Vector2.zero, CursorMode.Auto); } } } } }